
At Tec de Monterrey we are putting Science into Action to enable Human Flourishing. Our purpose is to create knowledge based on interdisciplinary research that generates actionable solutions to conquer humanities’ major and critical problems.

Through research, innovation and entrepreneurship, we have the potential to solve problems affecting society today. This is why we created three high-impact interdisciplinary institutes to help us generate better ideas and solutions to do our bit for a better society.
Research Groups are integrated by professors and researchers from our Schools who carry out research activities with the purpose of obtaining high impact scientific products, knowledge generation and transfer and/or innovation and entrepreneurship.
The Groups have established lines of research, clear objectives of scientific, social and economic impact. They also have strategic academic relationships and links with external organizations. ventures.

• Bioingeniería molecular y de sistemas
• Tecnologías alimentarias emergentes y nutracéuticos
• Manufactura Avanzada
• Nanodispositivos
• Fotónica y sistemas cuánticos
• Inteligencia artificial avanzada
• Cadena de suministro y logística inteligente
• Innovación en tecnologías e infraestructuras digitales inteligentes
• Sistemas ciberfísicos
• Ciencia y tecnología del agua
• Conversión, almacenamiento y gestión de energía
• Economía circular, descarbonización y cambio climático

• Diagnostic and therapeutic innovation in chronic degeneration diseases
• Advanced therapies in visual sciences
• Global health and emerging diseases
• Research in breast cancer
• Developmental biology and comprehensive well-being in childhood
• Neurological sciences and neurorestoration

Our researchers have access to state-of-the-art specialized facilities with infrastructure and equipment, full-time staff, and operating protocols that provide services to Research Institutes and Groups.
Core Labs are also the go-to place for businesses and industry leaders looking to conduct research. With access to the latest equipment and expert assistance, all clients can utilize the high-level services they need to achieve their objectives.
Contact us today for a site tour or free consultation
• Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Rice University
• Mechatronics University Of California,
• Irvine
• UMD Maryland
• NUS university of Singapore
• University of the Andes
• Cornell University
• Texas A&M University
• St. Jude Children ́s Research Hospital
• UMD Maryland
• University of the Andes
• Cornell University
• Texas A&M University
• St. Jude Children ́s Research Hospital
• UMD Maryland
• University of the Andes
• Arizona State University
• University of Calgary
• University of California, Berkeley
• UMD Maryland
• Princeton University
• Northeastern University
• UMD Maryland
• Babson College
• University of California, Berkeley
• UMD Maryland
• Johns Hopkings University
• Houston Medicine Leading Medicine
• UMD Maryland
• University of California, Berkeley
• UMD Maryland

• Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Rice University
• Mechatronics University Of California,
• Irvine
• UMD Maryland
• NUS university of Singapore
• University of the Andes

• Cornell University
• Texas A&M University
• St. Jude Children ́s Research Hospital
• UMD Maryland
• University of the Andes

• Cornell University
• Texas A&M University
• St. Jude Children ́s Research Hospital
• UMD Maryland
• University of the Andes

• Arizona State University
• University of Calgary
• University of California, Berkeley
• UMD Maryland

• Princeton University
• Northeastern University
• UMD Maryland

• Babson College
• University of California, Berkeley
• UMD Maryland

• Johns Hopkings University
• Houston Medicine Leading Medicine
• UMD Maryland

• University of California, Berkeley
• UMD Maryland
As an anchor for interdisciplinary research and a bridge between academic fields and the wider public, Tecnológico de Monterrey is guided by a mission to drive economic development and empower society at large by generating and disseminating new technologies.
Our industrial partnerships allow us to address challenging research questions with real-world applications. Companies also benefit by improving their business performance through developing new techniques or technologies.

In pursuit of high-level science
Learn more about the measurement of rankings in our institution, click HERE

Centro de Biotecnología FEMSA
It is currently one of the most prestigious high-impact research centers in the country with the highest scientific production of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, working in three lines of action: Academia, Basic and applied research, and the provision of analysis, consulting and technological development services to industry. Research is carried out around four thematic axes: Bioprocesses, Food Technology, Synthetic Biology and MultiOMICS. However, the work in this center is not only focused on the generation of knowledge and the preparation of highly trained human resources, but also on the generation of patents, cutting-edge technological solutions for industry, technology transfer and incubation of biotechnology-based companies based on start-ups and spin-offs. Translated with (free version)
Director: Dr. Cuauhtémoc Licona Cassani

Centro de Innovación en Tecnologías Digitales
The center focuses on training researchers and specialized consultants involved in identifying and answering questions arising out of product design and engineering globalization, intelligent and reconfigurable manufacturing processes, and logistics systems. The center uses its intellectual capital, infrastructure, and strategic alliances with key technology providers and prestigious universities around the globe to obtain the best possible results.
Director: Prof. Sergio Uribe

Centro del Agua
It has positioned itself as a unique ecosystem at Tecnológico de Monterrey dedicated to applied research, technological development, development of innovation projects, research and detailed engineering, training of human capital, and the design of comprehensive solutions on issues of management and sustainable use of water in the face of a challenging scenario of climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Director: Dr. Aldo Iván Ramírez Orozco

Centro de Innovación y Transferencia en Salud
The center specializes in health research, innovation, and transfer. Its main lines of research include cardiology, cell therapy, hematology and cancer, ophthalmology, nutrition, and health system administration.
Director: Dr. Marco Antonio Rito Palomares