Institutional Government
Tecnológico de Monterrey is an institution of the society and for the society.
A fundamental pillar for the fulfillment of its vision is to have a solid and transparent institutional governance structure.
The supreme governing body of Tec de Monterrey is the Assembly of Associates which is made up of leaders from different communities in Mexico, teachers and collaborators of the institution; Its responsibility is to safeguard the vision and values of Tecnológico de Monterrey and assist in the establishment and fulfillment of its strategy, as well as in the management of its resources and talent.
A Board of Directors is appointed from the members of the Assembly of Associates, in charge of ensuring the good operation and functioning of Tecnológico de Monterrey. This work is supported by a series of Councils and Committees.
Additionally, the Board of Directors of Tec de Monterrey has the support of Advocating Councils and Committees, Subcommittees, Advisory Councils, and Campus Councils. All the governing bodies of Tecnológico de Monterrey have a Secretary, who are collaborators of the institution.
The Board of Trustees is in charge of the Tecnológico de Monterrey’s operations.
The Board is chaired by Ricardo Saldívar Escajadillo and consists of 19 members who are business and civil society leaders

Ricardo Saldívar Escajadillo, President of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey.
He has been a member of the Board of Directors of our Institution since 2016. He has been a member of various governing bodies since 2012. Since 2021 he has been a member of the Institutional Governance Committee of Tecnológico de Monterrey and in February 2023 he began his role as President.
Until June 2017, he was President and General Director of The Home Depot in Mexico, a position he held since 2001. Prior to The Home Depot, he worked for more than 21 years at Grupo ALFA. Ricardo Saldívar Escajadillo holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Management from Tecnológico de Monterrey and a Master's degree in Systems Engineering from Georgia Tech. He also holds a diploma in Business Management from IPADE.

Alfonso Garza Garza, General Director of Strategic Businesses of FEMSA.
Member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2006. He joined the Institutional Governance Committee in 2016 and has presided over the Talent Committee of our Institution since 2023.
Alfonso Garza, is also a member of the Boards of Coca-Cola FEMSA, FEMSA Foundation, COPARMEX National, CCE, CESNE and the Eugenio Garza Sada Award. He holds a degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey and an MBA from IPADE.

Alejandra Clariond Rangel, general director and shareholder of Phiten México SA de CV.
Director and shareholder of Grupo Cleber, S.A. of C.V. and currently chairs the Council of the Alejandra Rangel Foundation of Clariond and the Mexican Diabetes Association, in Nuevo León.
Member of the board of directors of TecHealth (TecSalud). In February 2025 he also joined the board of directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Industrial and Systems Engineer with a Master of Science with a specialty in Industrial Engineering, both from Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Arturo Zapata Guizar, Member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2019.
He is a member of the Board of the Mexico City Region of Tecnológico de Monterrey, and President of the Board of Universidad Tecmilenio. He is a member of the Executive Committee of COPARMEX National, President of Consejo Ariza de México, Inc, Kromtek Inc. and V4B, Co-Founder and President of Más Ciudadanía A.C. and President of the Board of Fundación Corporación Zapata A.C.
He holds a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from Stanford University and a Master's degree in Business Administration from Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Blanca Avelina Treviño de Vega, President and CEO of Softek, a global company and the largest distributor of IT services in Latin America, with a large portfolio of products and business-transforming solutions.
Member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2012.
She is a member of the Board of Universidad Tecmilenio. She is also a member of the Boards of Directors of Walmart Mexico, Goldcorp, the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (CANACINTRA), and COPARMEX. She graduated from Tecnológico de Monterrey with a degree in Administrative Computer Systems.

César A. Montemayor Zambrano, Founder and Honorary President of InverCap Afore. Prior to InverCap, he spent 14 years managing global investment funds in New York and Paris at JP Morgan, Greenwich Capital, and his own company.
He has been a member of the Board of Trustees of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2018. He serves as the President of the Audit and Risk Management Committee and is a member of the Financial Heritage Subcommittee of Tecnológico de Monterrey. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of Tecmilenio University, Grupo Financiero Santander (México), Coparmex Nacional, and various civic and cultural institutions.
He holds a degree in Chemical and Systems Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey and a Master's degree in Science from Columbia University in New York.

David Garza Salazar, President
David Garza Salazar has a career of almost 40 years at Tecnológico de Monterrey where he has held various academic and managerial positions, such as Director of Research and Postgraduate Studies; Dean of Information Technologies and Electronics, and of the School of Engineering at the Monterrey Campus. He was also San Luis Potosí Campus´ General Director, Monterrey´s Metropolitan Zone Provost, Vice Rector of Professional and Tecnológico de Monterrey´s Provost, promoting the development of Tec21 Educational Model.
Has been a member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2020. In his role as Executive President he also supervises Universidad Tecmilenio and TecSalud.
He is a Computer Systems Engineer from Tecnológico de Monterrey with a Doctorate in Computer Science from Colorado State University.
Chairman of the global network of universities Universitas 21 (U21), member of the Board of Trustees of the American accreditor SACSCOC, of the Steering Committee of the Association of Asia Pacific Universities (APRU), of the Presidents Council of the University of the People and member from The Edison Alliance leadership group of the World Economic Forum. He has been invited as a speaker and panelist at international events in more than 20 countries.

Eduardo Garza, President of the Board of Directors of Frisa Industrias.
Has been a member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2023, and a member of the Board of the School of Engineering since 2018. He is an Industrial Engineer and Economist graduated from Carnegie Mellon University. He earned his MBA from Harvard University.
Has worked in various positions within the company Frisa Industrias since 1996, highlighting the General Management of Frisa Aerospace from 2005 to 2011 and the General Management of Frisa Industrias from 2011 to 2020.

Eduardo Osuna Osuna, Vice President and General Director of BBVA Mexico.
Known for being a banking executive with a broad vision of the businesses, objectives and audiences of the financial sector given his extensive experience in the BBVA financial group.
He is President of the Mexico City Campus Council and member of the Direct Council of Tecnológico de Monterrey since February 2025.
Mechanical and Electrical Engineer from La Salle University, with a Master's Degree in Senior Management from IPADE.

Enrique Zambrano Benitez, General Director of Grupo Proeza, Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Proeza, a Mexican company which through its divisions, Metalsa, Citrofrut and Zanitas, is engaged in the manufacture of components for the automotive sector, the cultivation of citrus products and medical and hospital services, with operations in 16 countries.
Member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 1990.
He is a member of the Institutional Governance Committee and the Board of the EGADE Business School of Tecnológico de Monterrey. He is President of the Mexico-Japan Business Committee of COMCE. He is currently a member of the Board of different companies and financial institutions. He received his professional degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an MBA from Stanford University.

Eugenio Garza Herrera, XIGNUX´s Board of Directors Chairman, leaders in energy and food industries, employing over 30,000 people.
Member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 1994.
He is President of the Development Committee and member of the Institutional Governance Committee of Tecnológico de Monterrey. In addition, he is a member of the Boards of Directors of the Regional Boards of Banco de México, Corporación EG, Aeroméxico, Banco Nacional de México, S.A. (Banamex) and Mitsui de México. Garza Herrera graduated from Tecnológico de Monterrey and completed an MBA at Tulane University.

Eva Garza Lagüera Gonda, FEMSA. Member of Tecnológico de Monterrey’s board of trustees since 1997.
She is president of Tecnológico de Monterrey’s distritotec Committee. She is the founder of Alternativas Pacíficas, A.C. and member of the board of directors for FEMSA and Coca-Cola FEMSA. She is also a member of the board of trustees for the Eugenio Garza Sada prize. She received a bachelor’s degree in communication sciences from Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Javier Gerardo Astaburuaga Sanjines, Independent Consultant.
He has extensive experience as an Executive at FEMSA where he worked throughout his professional career, holding various managerial positions both in the Beer Business (Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc Moctezuma), where he served as Co-General Director, as well as in the Corporate field where for more than a decade he was Director of Finance, Planning and Development (CFO) of the Group.
He is currently a board member of Coca Cola FEMSA and Grupo Acosta Verde, as well as an alternate board member at FEMSA.
He has been a Board Member of other companies, notably Heineken where he was a board member for 12 years. He has been a member of the Finance and Investment Committee of ITESM since 2016, and, since February 2025, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey.
He holds a bachelor's degree in Public Accounting from Tecnológico de Monterrey.

José Antonio Fernández Carbajal, Executive President of the Board of Directors of FEMSA.
Served as President of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey from 2012 to 2023. He has been a member of the Board of Directors since 1990 and a member of the Institutional Governance Committee of our Institution.
He is President of the Board of Coca-Cola FEMSA. He is also Vice President of the Board of Heineken NV, where he also presides the Sustainability and Responsibility Committee. He is a member of the Board of Industrias Peñoles, a member of the Global Advisory Board of the Council for Foreign Relations and a member of the Board of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has been a professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey for more than 30 years.

José Coppel Luken, Member of the Board of Directors and President of the Family Council of Grupo Coppel, a Mexican department store chain.
Member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2019.
He is a member of the Board of TecSalud and the Board of Campus Sonora Norte of Tecnológico de Monterrey. He is also President of "Desarrolladora Misión Venituno" and founding President of A Mas (Escuela de Educación Avanzada) and Colegio San José, is a shareholder and board member of Hospital Cima de Hermosillo. He is a graduate of Tecnológico de Monterrey with a degree in Business Administration.

Lorenzo Barrera Segovia, General Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grupo Financiero BASE.
Member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2019.
He is President of the Finance and Investment Committee and member of the Financial Equity Subcommittee of Tecnológico de Monterrey. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the American Chamber of Commerce Mexico, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Mexico Monterrey Chapter, Gohner de Mexico and other organizations. He is a graduate in Accounting and Auditing and holds a Master's degree in Administration and Finance from Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Marcus Baur Neuburger, President of the Advisory Board of Grupo Bocar, a Mexican company that offers plastic and aluminum products to the international automotive industry.
Member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2021.
He is also a member of the Board of the Business School and the Mexico City and Chihuahua Campuses of Tecnológico de Monterrey. Former CEO and President of Grupo Bocar; currently he is a member of the Board of BBVA, Citibanamex and Grupo Zapata.
He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Esslingen University of Technology in Germany and an MBA from Harvard University.

Mariana Garza Lagüera Gonda, FEMSA.
Member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2007.
She is a member of the Academic and Research Council of Tecnológico de Monterrey. She is an Industrial and Systems Engineer from Tecnológico de Monterrey and graduated with a Master's degree in International Business from the Thunderbird School of Global Management.
She is a private investor. She is also a board member of FEMSA, Coca-Cola FEMSA, Museo de Historia Mexicana in Monterrey, and Let's Do It Right, a citizen's movement to build an improved city through a culture of legality.

Rafael Reif
Born in Venezuela. Obtained his degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Carabobo, and his doctorate in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. Served as the 17th president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for the term 2012-2022.
In terms of education, his central focus has been the development of online learning. He´s been a member of the MIT faculty since 1980 and the inventor and co-inventor of 13 patents. Dr. Reif has served as director of the MIT Microsystems Technology Laboratories, as head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), and as provost. He has been part of the Board of Directors of our Institution since 2023.

Rogelio Zambrano Lozano, President of the Board of Directors of CEMEX.
Member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2007.
He is President of the Academic and Research Council and former President of the Enlace E+E Council of Tecnológico de Monterrey. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Grupo Garza, the Advisory Board of Citibanamex, the Regional Board of Banco de México and the Mexican Business Council. He is also a professor in the area of business entrepreneurship and a member of the Executive Committee of the Business Incubator of Tecnológico de Monterrey. He holds a degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey and an MBA from the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Tomás Milmo Santos, Co-President of the Board of Directors of AXTEL.
Member of the Board of Directors of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2005.
He is President of the Board of TecSalud. He is also founder, President and CEO of Grupo Perseus Energy, and interim CEO of Sirius Energía. He founded AXTEL in 1994, served in AXTEL as CEO until 2016, and President of the Board from 2004 to 2016. He is a member of the Board of Directors of CEMEX and Promotora Ambiental, S.A.B. de C.V. He earned his degree in Economics from Stanford University.
The work of the Board of Directors is supported by the following Advocacy Councils and Committees.
- Ricardo Saldívar Escajadillo (President)
- Alfonso Garza Garza
- Enrique de Jesús Zambrano Benítez (under license period)
- Eugenio Garza Herrera
- José Antonio Fernández
- Mariana Garza Lagüera Gonda
- Hugo Armando Garza Medina (Secretary, not a member)
- César Montemayor Zambrano (President)
- Eduardo Mellado Flores
- Francisco Zambrano Rodríguez
- Jorge Elizundia Balcázar
- José González Ornelas
- Oscar Eduardo Rocha Dabrowsky
- Víctor Manuel Romo Muñoz
- Jessica González de Cosio Contreras (Secretary, not a member)
- Eugenio Garza Herrera (President)
- Alberto Santos Boesch
- David Garza Salazar
- Ismael Rodríguez Durán
- Lorena Fabiola Guillé-Laris
- Susana Coppel García
- Alejandro Alfonso Poiré Romero (Secretary, not a member)
- Rogelio Zambrano Lozano (President)
- Armando Garza Sada (Under license)
- Carlos Salazar Lomelín
- Carmen Junco de la Vega González
- David Garza Salazar
- Gabriel Sod Hoffs
- Gilberto L. Rodriguez Martinez
- Javier Fernández Carbajal
- Leopoldo Cedillo Villarreal
- Mariana Garza Lagüera Gonda
- Tomás Milmo Santos
- Juan Pablo Murra (Secretary, not a member)
- José Arturo Zapata Guizar (President)
- Blanca Treviño de Vega
- César Montemayor Zambrano
- David Garza Salazar
- Eduardo Padilla Silva
- Fernando González Olivieri
- José Antonio Fernández Garza Lagüera
- Roland Loehner Niebuhr
- Salvador Alva Gómez
- Simón Cohen Shamosh
- Bruno Zepeda Blouin (Secretary, not a member)
- Tomás Milmo Santos (President)
- Alejandra Clariond Rangel
- Alejandro Alfonso Díaz
- Bernardo Garza de la Fuente
- David Alejandro Garza Salazar
- Eva Fernández Garza Lagüera
- Ian Armstrong Zambrano
- José Germán Coppel Luken
- Guillermo Torre Amione (Secretary, not a member)
- Lorenzo Barrera Segovia (President)
- Antonio Elosúa González (on license)
- David Garza Salazar
- Francisco Xavier Toussaint Elosúa
- Javier Gerardo Astaburuaga Sanjines
- José Carlos Pons de la Garza
- Mariuz Calvet Roquero
- Valeria Strappa
- Miguel Valle Herrera (Secretary, not a member)
- Alfonso Garza Garza (President)
- Adela Giral López
- Alejandro Kipper Lezama
- David Garza Salazar
- Eduardo B. de la Garza Zamarrón
- Kelly Kroger
- Hernán García González (Secretary, not a member)
- Eva Garza Lagüera Gonda (President)
- Arnulfo Treviño Garza
- David Garza Salazar
- Patricio Garza Garza
- Xavier Toussaint Elosúa
- Mario Adrián Flores Castro (Secretary, not a member)
The Board of Trustees has the support of the Campus Councils, for the fulfillment of the purpose, values and vision of Tecnológico de Monterrey and its institutions. In addition, they support the campuses in identifying strategic issues and projects for the development of their regions.

Oscar Humberto Lomelín Ibarra, President of the Aguascalientes Campus Board of Trustees.
Businessman. Member of the board of directors of several companies in the Lomelin Group, a member of the board of BBVA Bancomer Group, a founding member of the UAA Foundation and president of the José Manuel Lomelín Guerra Foundation.
Campus Aguascalientes´s Trustees

Carlos Gutiérrez Cerdio, President of the Chiapas Campus Board of Trustees.
President of the Southeast´s Higher Education Council, C.S.O., sponsor of Chiapas Campus. General Director of Hoteles Ciudad Real, in Palenque and in San Cristóbal de las Casas cities, in Chiapas.
Member of the Board of Directors of Economic Development of Chiapas, C.S.O.. Graduated from Tecnológico de Monterrey with a degree in Computer Systems Engineering.

Alberto Terrazas Seyffert President of the Chihuahua Campus Board of Trustees.
He is Executive President of Grupo Punto Alto. Formed by the following corporations of variable capital: Copachisa, EMYCSA, ESJ, Demek, Premet, DALTA, Spec, Altaser, KAT and Inmobiliaria ABADAN. He is a member of the board of directors of GCC, Grupo Ruba, Grupo Cofiasa and president of the board of Grupo Hidroponía el Silencio. He also participates in the following organizations: President of Desarrollo Económico, A.C., and current coordinator of CODECH, former president of Canacintra Chihuahua, president of Pro empleo. Graduated from ITESM, Campus Monterrey with a degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering, and has a diploma in Management from Harvard Business School.

Eduardo Osuna Osuna, President of the Board of Trustees for the Campuses in the Mexico City Area.
Vice President and CEO of BBVA Mexico. Known for being an upright banking executive with a broad vision of all businesses and segments that a bank serves, given his extensive career in the BBVA financial group.
He is a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer from La Salle University, with a Master's Degree in Senior Management from IPADE.
Campus Ciudad de México´s Trustees

Julio Chiu Olivares, President of the Ciudad Juárez Campus Board of Trustees.
Founder and CEO of SEISA MEDICAL, a global provider of medical device services. He´s a visionary business leader bringing leading edge advancements and innovation to the medical manufacturing industry.
Director of the US Federal Reserve Bank, in Dallas, Texas and President of the Council for El Paso, Tx.
He also chairs the Board of Directors of Borderplex Alliance in El Paso, Tx. He has a role as Director of the Juárez Regional Economic Development Council.
Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas with an MBA from the University of Rochester, N.Y.
In 2025 he assumed the Presidency of the Ciudad Juárez Campus Council of the Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Campus Ciudad Juárez´s Trustees

Gerardo Robinson Bours Castelo President of the Ciudad Obregón Campus Board of Trustees.
Gerardo Robinson is Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Tepeyac. He is President of the Administrative Council of Educación Superior del Noroeste A.C. of Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad Obregón since 2007. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Bachoco, Megacable, Ocean Garden and Fundación Mexicana para el Desarrollo Rural A.C., as well as, regionally, of Grupo Financiero Banamex, Grupo Financiero Banorte and Cruz Roja Mexicana. He graduated with a degree in Systems Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Jens Hagedorns Hermann, President of the Cuernavaca Campus board of trustees.
Member of the Tecnológico de Monterrey board of trustees since 2014. Jens is founding partner of the Performance Talent Consulting firm, dedicated to high level human resources in Latin America.
He is an Industrial and Systems Engineer of Tecnológico de Monterrey, with Master´s Degree in Organizational Psychology.

Marisa Lazo Corvera President of the Guadalajara Campus Board of Trustees.
Founder and director of Pastelerías Marisa, since 1992; she has more than 100 branches, including Dolce Natura and Pastelería Tía Lola. She is a graduate of the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac (UNIVA), with a degree in Psychology; she has a master's degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Asociación Psicoanalítica Jalisciense.
She is president of the Board of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara, and is also a member of the board of COPARMEX, DIF Jalisco, Chamber of Commerce, Jalisco Como Vamos and the Regional Board of Banco IXE – Banorte. She is the author of the book "Ambition is also sweet"; she also has her own podcast "Sharing with Marisa" which is listened to in more than 5 countries; she has also participated in two seasons of the series Shark Tank Mexico as a shark.

Romualdo Telleria Beltrán President of the Hidalgo Campus Board of Trustees.
He is currently President of the Board of Directors of Grupo Industrial Telleria, Chief Executive Officer of Silos y Camiones, S.A. de C.V. and Director of the Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico "Romualdo Tellería Armendáriz", A.C. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of Campus Hidalgo since 1985. He is a graduate in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Querétaro Campus.
Former president and current board member of Coparmex Hidalgo, Treasurer of Hospital Español de Pachuca, President of the board of BBVA Hidalgo, member of the board of NAFIN Hidalgo. Senior management of IPADE, first generation of Family Businesses of ITESM.

Salvador Cayón Ceballos President of the Irapuato Campus Board of Trustees.
Entrepreneur focused on the real estate sector, he was born on June 27, 1970, his father, Don Melchor Alfonso Cayón Villanueva was the founder of the Irapuato Campus.
Public Accountant graduated from ITESM. Married with 3 children. CEO of Fibra Shop. Founder and shareholder of Credicor Mexicano Unión de Crédito, S.A. de C.V. Member and founder of Empresarios Unidos Pro Irapuato A.C.

Alberto Francisco Allegre del Cueto President of the Laguna Campus Board of Trustees.
He graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering from Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, in 1977 and obtained a Master of Science degree from Stanford University, from which he graduated in 1979. He is currently a managing partner of Alfa Constructores S.A. de C.V.
He worked as resident engineer in several works for the company Nor-Ingenieros, S.A. de C.V.. Member of the board of directors of TV Azteca Laguna. Participated in the mixed commission Conagua in the National Chamber of Construction Comarca Lagunera, Coahuila and Durango. He is an active member of the Mexican Association of Civil Engineers. He was president of the Club of Sembradores de Amistad Laguna and member of the board of Coparmex Laguna. He was president of FOMEC Laguna. Since 1991, he has been an advisor of Education and Technology of the Laguna Tec de Monterrey Campus Laguna.

Mario Orozco Arena President of the León Campus Board of Trustees.
He holds a degree in Chemical and Systems Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey. He holds a master's degree in Textile Sciences from Clemson University in South Carolina. He is assistant general manager of Grupo Polímeros y Derivados. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Imagina Foundation, president of Grupo Moda and founding member of the RETO Program of collaborative networks.
He has been a member of the board of directors of: León Convention and Exhibition Center, Hormas el Árbol, Grupo Alcón, SAPICA, Explora and Centros del Saber. He actively participated in the study of Guanajuato Siglo XXI as well as in the positions of the Leather - Footwear sector of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Eduardo Ramírez Díaz, President of the Morelia Campus Board of Trustees.
He received a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business from Tecnológico de Monterrey and an MBA from IE Business School in Madrid, and completed the International Businessman Leaders Program promoted by Tecnológico de Monterrey in Asia.
He is currently the general director at Citelis. He is a board member and advisor of the two divisions of the Ramírez Organization (Cinépolis and Citelis). He serves on the board of trustees of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Morelia Campus, and the board of directors of BBVA Bancomer, Banamex and Banorte.
He is the cofounder of Attendo Financiera.
Citelis, Desarrolladora de Organización Ramírez, was established in the 1970s as the result of the vision of its founder, Enrique Ramírez Miguel. Along with his sons, Enrique, Marco Antonio, Eduardo Florentino and Jaime, he entered into the real estate market to supplement and diversify the cinematography business that is known today as Cinépolis.

Luis Contreras Olavarrieta, President of the Puebla Campus Board of Trustees.
General Director of Agro Industrial Dairy Enterprise, Active Counselor and Member of the Strategy and Planning Committee of Grupo Estrella Roja and Puebla´s Autonomous Popular University.
Also, he is a Chemical Engineer with a Master Degree in Science, accentuation in Metallurgy by Georgia Institute of Technology.

Helmut Fernando Huber Herrera, President of the Querétaro Campus Board of Trustees.
He is the Founding President and General Manager of Remetec S. de R.L. de C.V. (precision machine components) and Director of HEI Global Consulting S.C. (management and industrial consulting).
He has more than 30 years of experience in companies in the automotive industry, in which he has developed a solid career in Sales Management and Administration. He is a member of the Core team of the MIT REAP program, a regional entrepreneurship acceleration program. Also, he is the President of Enlace + Querétaro chapter since 2016, a program for the professionalization of companies in the post-acceleration stage.
He has a degree in Administrative Computer Systems and a Public Accountant from Tecnológico de Monterrey. Also, he studied Mechanical Apprentice at Index Werke in Esslingen, Germany.

Luis Arizpe Jiménez, President of the Saltillo Campus Board of Trustees.
EXATEC (IMA’ 84, MA’94), President of Tec de Monterrey´s Saltillo Campus Council. Upon receiving the EXATEC Merit Award in 2015, he stated: “Always seek to fulfill your dreams and seize the opportunities offered to you by studying at Tecnológico de Monterrey.”

Miguel Hidalgo Olvera, President of the San Luis Potosí Campus Board of Trustees.
Member of the Board of Directors and Director of Palsgaard A/S Companies, CEO of Palsgaard Mexico and Chairman of Palsgaard Brazil.
Awarded by His Royal Highness Prince Henrik of Denmark, the Danish Exporters Association Diploma and a Medal of Honor from His Royal Highness “Prince Henrik” for outstanding services in commercial relations between Denmark and México. Named citizen of the year by the State of San Luis Potosí 2019.
He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Biochemical Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey and a Diploma in Senior Management from Tecnológico de Monterrey and IPADE.
Campus San Luis Potosí´s Trustees

Juan Carlos Mazón Salazar, President of the Sonora Norte Campus Board of Trustees.
Member of the Mazón Salazar Hermanos´ Council. Founding Partner of Mountar, AP Drilling, GPR Distributor and MAZFE Marketer.
President of Hermosillo (Sonora)´s Cruz Roja Council, Councilor of the CRIT Hermosillo and Councilor of the Board of Trustees of the Juan Pablo II Nursing Home.
He is an Industrial and Systems Engineer from Tecnológico de Monterrey with a Master's Degree in Business Administration from Thunderbird, USA.
In 2025 he assumed the presidency of Tec de Monterey´s Sonora North Campus Council.
Campus North Sonora´s Trustees

Rafael González Acuña, President of the Tampico Campus Board of Trustees.
Graduated with a Degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey, and holds an Master of Science Degree from Stanford University and an Master of Business Administration from Wharton Business School. Founding partner and general director of Grupo Sigma División Golfo, a company dedicated to the Information Technology Industry.
President of the Board of Tecnológico de Monterrey, Tampico Campus. Member of the Board of Tecnológico de Monterrey since 1983. President of the Board of the Spanish Charity of Tampico since 2013 to the present. Former First Trustee of the Tampico City Council from 2002 to 2004.

José Francisco Monroy Carrillo, President of the Toluca Campus Board of Trustees.
General Director of La Moderna´s Sales and Distribution, a leading company of pasta, cookies and wheat flour, among others, in Mexico.
Graduated from Anáhuac University as a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer with a Master's Degree in Administration from the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Pablo Yaco Reimers Campos, President of the Zacatecas Campus Board of Trustees.
General Director and owner of Cesantoni S.A. de C.V. Chairman of Everest College Committee, Secretary of CANACINTRA, member of the Banamex Consultive Council, Technical Council of the Migrants Program “Invierte en Zacatecas”, Citizen Council of the Municipality of Zacatecas, Council for Economic Development of the State of Zacatecas, Council of NAFIN Zacatecas and Founding President of the Water Fund in Zacatecas.
He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Monterrey and a Diploma in Business Management from EGADE Business School and Madrid Business School.
The principles on which the vision, the educational philosophy, the identity and unity of all the campus and academic institutions of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey are founded, henceforth, Tecnológico de Monterrey, are based on the ideals of our founders and an ethical reference for the set of rules and regulations that directly determine behavior and institutional and academic decisions.

Rogelio de los Santos Calderón (President)
Alberto Fernández Martínez
Bárbara Braniff Garza Lagüera
David Alejandro Garza Salazar
Enrique Bustamante Martínez
Enrique Gómez-Junco Blancq-Cazaux
Fernando Fabre
Gustavo Felipe Tomé Velázquez
Javier Arroyo Navarro
José Antonio Fernández Garza Lagüera
Mauricio Schwarz Zybert
Roberto Charvel Rivera
Rogelio Zambrano Garza
Sebastián Garza T. Junco
Vicente Eduardo Graniello Pérez
Ulrick Oliver Noel (Secretary)

Eduardo Garza T. Junco
Eugenio Clariond Rangel
Jesús Martínez Sotomayor Herrera
Leopoldo Cedillo Villarreal
Feniosky Avelhermi Pena-Mora (Secretary)
Active Associates
- Ricardo Saldívar Escajadillo
- Alberto Santos Boesch
- Alberto Terrazas Seyffert
- Alejandra Clariond Rangel
- Alfonso Garza Garza
- Antonio Elosúa González
- Armando Garza Sada
- Arturo Zapata Guizar
- Bárbara Garza Lagüera Gonda
- Bernardo Elosúa Robles
- Bernardo Garza de la Fuente
- Bertha Paula Michel González
- Blanca Avelina Treviño de Vega
- César Montemayor Zambrano
- David Garza Salazar
- Diego Eugenio Calderón Rojas
- Eduardo Garza T. Junco
- Eduardo Osuna Osuna
- Eduardo Padilla Silva
- Enrique de Jesús Zambrano Benítez
- Ernesto Torres Cantú
- Eugenio Garza Herrera
- Eva Garza Lagüera Gonda
- Fernando Javier Amarante Zertuche
- Gabriel Chapa Muñoz
- Gerardo Bours Castelo
- Javier Gerardo Astaburuaga Sanjines
- Javier Fernández Carbajal
- Jorge Horacio Mazón Rubio
- José Antonio Fernández Carbajal
- José Coppel Luken
- José Medina Mora Icaza (En licencia)
- Juan Carlos López Villarreal
- Lorenzo Barrera Segovia
- Marcus Baur Neuburger
- Mariana Garza Lagüera Gonda
- Mario Orozco Arena
- Miriam Guadalupe de la Vega Arizpe
- Ricardo Martín Bringas
- Rogelio de los Santos Calderón
- Rogelio Zambrano Lozano
- Tomás Milmo Santos
- Xavier Toussaint Elosúa
Honorable Associates
- Alfonso González Migoya
- Carlos Salazar Lomelín
- Eduardo Garza T. Fernández
- Eugenio Clariond Reyes-Retana
- Fernando Elizondo Barragán
- Javier Arroyo Chávez
- Juan Gerardo Garza Treviño
- Luis Lauro Cantú Salinas
- Miguel Schwarz Marx
- Rafael Rangel Sostmann
- Ricardo Guajardo Touché
- Salvador Alva
Benefactors Associates
- Adrián Marenco Olavarrieta
- Consuelo Garza Lagüera de Garza Valdés
- David Garza Lagüera
- Jorge Samuel Ritz Habberman
- Manuel Fernando Sescosse Varela
- Susana Canales Clariond
- Tomás González Sada

Eugenio Garza Sada
President from 1943 to 1973
"The greatest projects must always begin in the simplest way."
(Eugenio Garza Sada)

Eugenio Garza Lagüera
President from 1993 to 1997
"People are known for their actions, by the congruency of and perseverance in their efforts, and for transcending their own existence."

Lorenzo Zambrano Treviño
President from 1997 to 2012
"The foundation of success is a commitment to excellence, in seeing change as an opportunity rather than a threat, and in taking risks without being afraid of making mistakes."

José Antonio Fernández
President from 2012 to 2023
"Transforming lives transforms us. Each young person that we manage to graduate, is a new actor that multiplies progress and generates great benefits in their community."