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Institutional Government

Institutional Government

Exatec Alumni
Tecnológico de Monterrey is an institution of and for society.

Tecnológico de Monterrey is an institution of the society and for the society.

A fundamental pillar for the fulfillment of its vision is to have a solid and transparent institutional governance structure.

The supreme governing body of Tec de Monterrey is the Assembly of Associates which is made up of leaders from different communities in Mexico, teachers and collaborators of the institution; Its responsibility is to safeguard the vision and values of Tecnológico de Monterrey and assist in the establishment and fulfillment of its strategy, as well as in the management of its resources and talent.

A Board of Directors is appointed from the members of the Assembly of Associates, in charge of ensuring the good operation and functioning of Tecnológico de Monterrey. This work is supported by a series of Councils and Committees.

Additionally, the Board of Directors of Tec de Monterrey has the support of Advocating Councils and Committees, Subcommittees, Advisory Councils, and Campus Councils. All the governing bodies of Tecnológico de Monterrey have a Secretary, who are collaborators of the institution.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is in charge of the Tecnológico de Monterrey’s operations.

The Board is chaired by Ricardo Saldívar Escajadillo and consists of 19 members who are business and civil society leaders

Contributing Boards and Committees

The work of the Board of Directors is supported by the following Advocacy Councils and Committees.

Institutional Governance Committee

Institutional Governance Committee

  • Ricardo Saldívar Escajadillo (President)
  • Alfonso Garza Garza
  • Enrique de Jesús Zambrano Benítez (under license period)
  • Eugenio Garza Herrera
  • José Antonio Fernández
  • Mariana Garza Lagüera Gonda
  • Hugo Armando Garza Medina (Secretary, not a member)
Audit and Risk Management

Audit and Risk Management

  • César Montemayor Zambrano (President)
  • Eduardo Mellado Flores
  • Francisco Zambrano Rodríguez
  • Jorge Elizundia Balcázar
  • José González Ornelas
  • Oscar Eduardo Rocha Dabrowsky
  • Víctor Manuel Romo Muñoz
  • Jessica González de Cosio Contreras (Secretary, not a member)
Development Committee

Development Committee

  • Eugenio Garza Herrera (President)
  • Alberto Santos Boesch
  • David Garza Salazar
  • Ismael Rodríguez Durán
  • Lorena Fabiola Guillé-Laris
  • Susana Coppel García
  • Alejandro Alfonso Poiré Romero (Secretary, not a member)
Academics and Research Board

Academics and Research Board

  • Rogelio Zambrano Lozano (President)
  • Armando Garza Sada (Under license)
  • Carlos Salazar Lomelín
  • Carmen Junco de la Vega González
  • David Garza Salazar
  • Gabriel Sod Hoffs
  • Gilberto L. Rodriguez Martinez
  • Javier Fernández Carbajal
  • Leopoldo Cedillo Villarreal
  • Mariana Garza Lagüera Gonda
  • Tomás Milmo Santos
  • Juan Pablo Murra  (Secretary, not a member)
Board of Trustees of Tecmilenio University

Board of Trustees of Tecmilenio University

  • José Arturo Zapata Guizar (President)
  • Blanca Treviño de Vega
  • César Montemayor Zambrano
  • David Garza Salazar
  • Eduardo Padilla Silva
  • Fernando González Olivieri
  • José Antonio Fernández Garza Lagüera
  • Roland Loehner Niebuhr
  • Salvador Alva Gómez
  • Simón Cohen Shamosh
  • Bruno Zepeda Blouin (Secretary, not a member)
Board of Trustees of TecSalud

Board of Trustees of TecSalud

  • Tomás Milmo Santos (President)
  • Alejandra Clariond Rangel
  • Alejandro Alfonso Díaz
  • Bernardo Garza de la Fuente
  • David Alejandro Garza Salazar
  • Eva Fernández Garza Lagüera
  • Ian Armstrong Zambrano
  • José Germán Coppel Luken
  • Guillermo Torre Amione (Secretary, not a member)
Finances and Investment Comittee

Finances and Investment Committee

  • Lorenzo Barrera Segovia (President)
  • Antonio Elosúa González (on license)
  • David Garza Salazar
  • Francisco Xavier Toussaint Elosúa
  • Javier Gerardo Astaburuaga Sanjines
  • José Carlos Pons de la Garza
  • Mariuz Calvet Roquero
  • Valeria Strappa
  • Miguel Valle Herrera (Secretary, not a member)
Talent Committee

Talent Committee

  • Alfonso Garza Garza (President)
  • Adela Giral López
  • Alejandro Kipper Lezama
  • David Garza Salazar
  • Eduardo B. de la Garza Zamarrón
  • Kelly Kroger
  • Hernán García González (Secretary, not a member)
distritotec Committee

distritotec Committee

  • Eva Garza Lagüera Gonda (President)
  • Arnulfo Treviño Garza
  • David Garza Salazar
  • Patricio Garza Garza
  • Xavier Toussaint Elosúa
  • Mario Adrián Flores Castro (Secretary, not a member)
Local Boards of Trustees

The Board of Trustees has the support of the Campus Councils, for the fulfillment of the purpose, values and vision of Tecnológico de Monterrey and its institutions. In addition, they support the campuses in identifying strategic issues and projects for the development of their regions.

Additional Boards and Committees

The principles on which the vision, the educational philosophy, the identity and unity of all the campus and academic institutions of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey are founded, henceforth, Tecnológico de Monterrey, are based on the ideals of our founders and an ethical reference for the set of rules and regulations that directly determine behavior and institutional and academic decisions.

Instituto de Emprendimiento Eugenio Garza Lagüera
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Consejo de Escuela de Negocios
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Consejo de Escuela Humanidades y Educación

Rogelio de los Santos Calderón (President)
Alberto Fernández Martínez
Bárbara Braniff Garza Lagüera
David Alejandro Garza Salazar
Enrique Bustamante Martínez
Enrique Gómez-Junco Blancq-Cazaux
Fernando Fabre
Gustavo Felipe Tomé Velázquez
Javier Arroyo Navarro
José Antonio Fernández Garza Lagüera
Mauricio Schwarz Zybert
Roberto Charvel Rivera
Rogelio Zambrano Garza
Sebastián Garza T. Junco
Vicente Eduardo Graniello Pérez
Ulrick Oliver Noel (Secretary)

Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias
Escuela de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno

Eduardo Garza T. Junco
Eugenio Clariond Rangel
Jesús Martínez Sotomayor Herrera
Leopoldo Cedillo Villarreal
Feniosky Avelhermi Pena-Mora (Secretary)

Counseling labor of Tecnológico de Monterrey is supported by 43 Active Associates, 12 Honorable Associates and 7 Benefactor Associates.
Active Associates
  1. Ricardo Saldívar Escajadillo
  2. Alberto Santos Boesch
  3. Alberto Terrazas Seyffert
  4. Alejandra Clariond Rangel
  5. Alfonso Garza Garza
  6. Antonio Elosúa González
  7. Armando Garza Sada
  8. Arturo Zapata Guizar
  9. Bárbara Garza Lagüera Gonda
  10. Bernardo Elosúa Robles
  11. Bernardo Garza de la Fuente
  12. Bertha Paula Michel González
  13. Blanca Avelina Treviño de Vega
  14. César Montemayor Zambrano
  1. David Garza Salazar
  2. Diego Eugenio Calderón Rojas
  3. Eduardo Garza T. Junco
  4. Eduardo Osuna Osuna
  5. Eduardo Padilla Silva
  6. Enrique de Jesús Zambrano Benítez
  7. Ernesto Torres Cantú
  8. Eugenio Garza Herrera
  9. Eva Garza Lagüera Gonda
  10. Fernando Javier Amarante Zertuche
  11. Gabriel Chapa Muñoz
  12. Gerardo Bours Castelo
  13. Javier Gerardo Astaburuaga Sanjines
  14. Javier Fernández Carbajal
  1. Jorge Horacio Mazón Rubio
  2. José Antonio Fernández Carbajal
  3. José Coppel Luken
  4. José Medina Mora Icaza (En licencia)
  5. Juan Carlos López Villarreal
  6. Lorenzo Barrera Segovia
  7. Marcus Baur Neuburger
  8. Mariana Garza Lagüera Gonda
  9. Mario Orozco Arena
  10. Miriam Guadalupe de la Vega Arizpe
  11. Ricardo Martín Bringas
  12. Rogelio de los Santos Calderón
  13. Rogelio Zambrano Lozano
  14. Tomás Milmo Santos
  15. Xavier Toussaint Elosúa
Honorable Associates
  1. Alfonso González Migoya
  2. Carlos Salazar Lomelín
  3. Eduardo Garza T. Fernández
  4. Eugenio Clariond Reyes-Retana
  5. Fernando Elizondo Barragán
  6. Javier Arroyo Chávez
  1. Juan Gerardo Garza Treviño
  2. Luis Lauro Cantú Salinas
  3. Miguel Schwarz Marx
  4. Rafael Rangel Sostmann
  5. Ricardo Guajardo Touché
  6. Salvador Alva
Benefactors Associates
  1. Adrián Marenco Olavarrieta
  2. Consuelo Garza Lagüera de Garza Valdés
  3. David Garza Lagüera
  4. Jorge Samuel Ritz Habberman
  5. Manuel Fernando Sescosse Varela
  6. Susana Canales Clariond
  7. Tomás González Sada
Former presidents of the board of trustees

Eugenio Garza Sada

President from 1943 to 1973

"The greatest projects must always begin in the simplest way."
(Eugenio Garza Sada)

Eugenio Garza Lagüera

President from 1993 to 1997

"People are known for their actions, by the congruency of and perseverance in their efforts, and for transcending their own existence."

Lorenzo Zambrano Treviño

President from 1997 to 2012

"The foundation of success is a commitment to excellence, in seeing change as an opportunity rather than a threat, and in taking risks without being afraid of making mistakes."

José Antonio Fernández

President from 2012 to 2023

"Transforming lives transforms us. Each young person that we manage to graduate, is a new actor that multiplies progress and generates great benefits in their community."