Manuel Álvarez Fuentes - Faculty

Manuel Álvarez Fuentes
Campus Mexico City, School of Architecture, Art and Design, Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Design and Visual Communication
Industrial design
Manuel Álvarez Fuentes Studied Industrial Design at the Universidad Iberoamericana 1967-1971. He obtained a Master's Degree in Design at the Royal College of Art in 1975. He has 47 years of experience in teaching and as a consultant in design: products, furniture, interiors, packaging, signage and visual communication.
Founder of CODIGRAM. Member of the Board of Directors of ICSID. He actively participated in diCorp Diseño Corporativo SA de CV in Querétaro for 20 years. Leader of Innovation in ALFHER Porcewol and currently develops consultancies in product design and signage. Jury since 2008 of the Red Dot Product Design Award in Essen, Germany.
Professor of Industrial Design at Tecnológico de Monterrey Querétaro Campus 1991-1993 in Architecture, 2008-2017 at LDI, Mexico City Campus at LDI 2018-2019. Professor of the Chair in the Industrial Design Degree at the Universidad Iberomericana 2018-2019, He was Full Time Professor at the Universidad Iberoamericana from 1975-1976, 1978-1986. Director of the Department of Industrial Design and Graphic from 1978 to 1982. Full Time Professor at the UAM-Xochimilco from 1976 - 1978, Founder of the Degree in Industrial Design (Study Plans). Professor for Opposition in the Graduate of Industrial Design in the Graduate Unit - Faculty of Architecture UNAM 1982- 1987.
Vice-president of CANCINTRA Deleg. Querétaro, 2006-2010. Expert in Signage and Innovation. He has been an Advisor to ALFHER Porcewol SA de CV for more than 35 years.
Teaching Activities
Experience Design
Innovation in Business Models and Family Business Management
Professional Insertion Project
Education and Training
Bachelor of Industrial Design, Universidad Iberoamericana
Master in Design, Royal College of Art
Awards and Honors
Jury, conferred by Red Dot Award Concept Design, 2018