José Miguel Muñiz Apresa - Faculty

José Miguel Muñiz Apresa
Program Director
School of Humanities and Education
Campus Monterrey.
Digital humanities
Latin American journalism
Cultural and scientific journalism
PhD Philosophy specialized in Language and Literature, graduated from the doctoral program of the Department of Hispanic Studies of Texas A&M University with the thesis “Historicity and writing in the journalistic essay in Mexico: The case of Salvador Elizondo”; Degree in Spanish Letters from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
He studies digital humanities, essays and the relationship between literature and journalism, topics with which he has participated in international academic conferences and publications. He collaborated in the Cervantes Project of the Department of Hispanic Studies, in an interdisciplinary group, contributing in bibliography and digital iconography, as well as in a variorum edition of Don Quixote.
He has practiced cultural and scientific journalism and has been a publisher of books and newspapers in Mexico. He is an associate member of the Mexican Network of Science Journalists and the World Federation of Science Journalists.
Teaching Activities
- Narrative structures
- Cinema, literature and culture
Education and Training
- Doctor of Philosophy, Texas A&M University
- Bachelor of Spanish Letters, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
- Muñiz Apresa, José Miguel: “The Open Source as a Technological Solution for the Development of Digital Libraries: The Cervantes Project CIBO Constructed With Bibus Bibliographic Database”. ICERI2012 Proceedings. Madrid, España. IATED, 2012. 1724-30. 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation.
- Urbina, Eduardo, Víctor Agosto, Miguel Muñiz, Elena K. Tillman, Fernando González Moreno, Richard Furuta, Jie Deng, Steven E. Smith y Stephanie Elmquist. “Visual Readings: Textual Iconography and Digital Archive of the Quixote at the Cervantes Project”. Studies in Spanish Literature in Honor of Daniel Eisenberg. Newark, Del.: Juan de la Cuesta, 2009. 363-85. Print. Series Homenajes 31.
- Alhoori, Hamed, Omar Álvarez, Richard Furuta, Miguel Muñiz, y Eduardo Urbina. “Supporting the Creation of Scholarly Bibliographies by Communities through Online Reputation Based Social Collaboration”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2009, 180-91. Print. Book Series. Volume 5714.
- Curry, Rick, Miguel Zárate, y José Miguel Muñiz-Apresa. “New Mexican Cinema, A Marketing Idea: An Interview With Mexican Filmmaker Carlos Bolado”. Cine y…: Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinarios Sobre Cine en Español 1(1). (2008): 91-119. Print.
- Urbina, Eduardo, Fernando González Moreno, Richard Furuta, Jie Deng, Steven E. Smith, Víctor Agosto, Miguel Muñiz y Stephanie Elquist. “Don Quixote Illustrated: An International Digital Humanities Project.” ICERI2008 Proceedings. Madrid, España: IATED, November 2008. 1st International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation.