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Branko Pérez Restovic - Faculty

Cynthia Villareal - Faculty

Branko Pérez Restovic

Batchelor's Degree Communications Program Director

School of Humanities and Education

Campus Ciudad de México.


Communication Sciences
Film Studies and Production
Digital media



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Master of Science in Communication with a Specialty in Documentary Audiovisual Production from the Tecnológico de Monterrey. Graduated in Communication Sciences from the Tecnológico de Monterrey with studies in Native American Cinema and Social Theory and Cultural Analysis from the University of California at Berkeley.

He is a member of the Academic Aspects Team of the Bachelor of Communication and National Design Leader of the Training Units: AV1001B Audiovisual Narrative, AV2001B Audio, video and digital design production and AV2003B Documentary Narrative.

He has been Coordinator of the Concentration in Film Studies, the Concentration in Film Production and Direction and the Concentration in Digital Media Production at the Mexico City Campus. He teaches courses in Audiovisual Narrative, Documentary Narrative and History and Theory of Documentary Cinema.

For 4 years he was Account Director in Latin America for MOFILM, leading the production of advertising campaigns for brands such as Coca Cola, Chevrolet, Nescafé and Kleenex.

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Teaching Activities

  • Audiovisual Narrative
  • Documentary Narrative
  • History and Theory of Documentary Cinema
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Education and Training

  • Master of Science in Communication, Tecnológico de Monterrey.
  • Bachelor of Communication Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey with studies in Native American Cinema and Social Theory and Cultural Analysis from the University of California at Berkeley.