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Thomas Kurfess

Thomas Kurfess Our Faculty

Thomas Kurfess

Distinguished Visiting Professor in Advanced Manufacturing

School of Engineering and Sciences


Large Scale Cybersecure Digital Manufacturing Operations
Advanced Manufacturing Systems
Policy Issues related to Advanced Manufacturing

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Dr. Thomas Kurfess is Chief Manufacturing Officer at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GT), Executive Director of the Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute (GTMI), and HUSCO Ramirez Distinguished Chair in Fluid Power and Motion Control at GT. He is also Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology and  Professor and BMW Chair of Manufacturing Emeritus at Clemson University. Previously, he was Assistant Director for the Advanced Manufacturing Office of Science and Technology Policy for the Executive Office of the President of the United States of America (2012-2013), and the Chief Manufacturing Officer of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2019-2021). During the early stage of his career, he was an Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. 

He has taught courses in subjects such as advanced manufacturing systems; quality control and quality assurance; vehicle testing; automotive electronics; real-time signal processing and control; precision systems and manufacturing; robotics and advanced dynamics.

Dr. Kurfess' research focuses on manufacturing, automation, and mechatronics; precision manufacturing, metrology, and technology policy. Also, on the design and development of advanced manufacturing systems by integrating new technologies into production operations and on national and international manufacturing policy issues.

He is an elected member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering; currently Chair of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering (NAE) study on “Options for a National Plan for Smart Manufacturing”; member of the U.S. National Materials and Manufacturing Board; and a member of the Board of Governors of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), to name a few.

Since the early ’90s and up to this day, he’s been Principal and Co-Principal Investigator in over 120 projects with grants and/or contracts like the “Fog-based Data Analytics and Embedded Sensors for Predictive Maintenance and Process Control - Phase 2” project for Ford Motor Company (Jan. 2020 - Dec. 2021); the “Systems Monitoring Platform for Manufacturing Operations” project for Georgia Pacific (Feb. 2020 - Jan. 2021); the “Data Sensing and Total Preventative Maintenance – Phase 3” project for Delta Airlines Technical Operations (2020), among many others. 

Dr. Kurfess has collaborated with multiple top-range scientific journals. He is currently an Honorary Editor for the Computer Aided Engineering and Applications journal and he also worked as an Associate Editor in publications such as Research in Engineering Design and Computer Aided Engineering and Applications.

Professor Kurfess led the “Autonomous Materials Discovery and Optimization: A DMMI Workshop” as Vice Chair in Washington, D.C. (Nov. 2022) and has also participated remotely as keynote speaker in conferences such as the 2020 International Symposium on Flexible Automation by ASME, with a presentation on “Integrating Hybrid Manufacturing Processes via the Digital Thread” (2020), to name a few.

In addition to his current positions as chair and/or member of the most prestigious engineering/manufacturing boards in the U.S., Professor Kurfess has also been awarded several important recognitions such as the Albert M. Sargent Progress Award (2021) by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), in the United States; the IAAM Scientist Medal (2021) by the International Association of Advanced Materials; the Thatcher Brothers Prize by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (England) - Manufacturing Industries Division Board (2016), and several more.

Thomas Kurfess joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Advanced Manufacturing for the School of Engineering and Sciences.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • S.M., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT
  • S.M., Mechanical Engineering, MIT
  • S.B., Mechanical Engineering, MIT
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  • Lu, L. Kurfess, T.R., Saldana, C.J., “Effects of Extrinsic Noise Factors on Machine Learning Based Chatter Detection in Machining,” International Journal of Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing, 2021, accepted.

  • Miers, J.C, Tucker, T.M., Kurfess, T.R., Saldana, C.J., “Voxel-Based Modeling of Transient Material Removal in Machining,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021, accepted.

  • Parto Dezfouli, M., Urbina Coronado, Saldana, C.J., Kurfess, T.R., “Cyber-Physical System Implementation for Manufacturing with Analytics in the Cloud Layer,” ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2021.

  • Feldhausen, T., Saleeby, K., Love, L., Kurfess, T.R., “Spinning the Digital Thread with Hybrid Manufacturing,” ASME Smart and Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 29, pp. 15-18,, 2021.

  • Castro‐Martin, A.P., Ahuett‐Garza, H., Guamán‐Lozada, D., Márquez‐Alderete, M.F., Urbina Coronado, P.D. 1, Orta Castañon, P.A., Kurfess, T.R., González de Castilla, E., “Connectivity as a Design Feature for Industry 4.0 Production Equipment: Application for the Development of an In‐Line Metrology System,” Applied Science, Vol. 11,, 2021

More publications

Thomas Kurfess

Thomas Kurfess

Thomas Kurfess

Profesor Visitante Distinguido

en Manufactura Avanzada

Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias


Operaciones gran escala de manufactura digital cibersegura
Sistemas de manufactura avanzada
Normatividad relacionada a la manufactura avanzada

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Dr. Thomas Kurfess is Chief Manufacturing Officer at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GT), Executive Director of the Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute (GTMI), and HUSCO Ramirez Distinguished Chair in Fluid Power and Motion Control at GT. He is also Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology and  Professor and BMW Chair of Manufacturing Emeritus at Clemson University. Previously, he was Assistant Director for the Advanced Manufacturing Office of Science and Technology Policy for the Executive Office of the President of the United States of America (2012-2013), and the Chief Manufacturing Officer of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2019-2021). During the early stage of his career, he was an Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. 

He has taught courses in subjects such as advanced manufacturing systems; quality control and quality assurance; vehicle testing; automotive electronics; real-time signal processing and control; precision systems and manufacturing; robotics and advanced dynamics.

Dr. Kurfess' research focuses on manufacturing, automation, and mechatronics; precision manufacturing, metrology, and technology policy. Also, on the design and development of advanced manufacturing systems by integrating new technologies into production operations and on national and international manufacturing policy issues.

He is an elected member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering; currently Chair of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering (NAE) study on “Options for a National Plan for Smart Manufacturing”; member of the U.S. National Materials and Manufacturing Board; and a member of the Board of Governors of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), to name a few.

Since the early ’90s and up to this day, he’s been Principal and Co-Principal Investigator in over 120 projects with grants and/or contracts like the “Fog-based Data Analytics and Embedded Sensors for Predictive Maintenance and Process Control - Phase 2” project for Ford Motor Company (Jan. 2020 - Dec. 2021); the “Systems Monitoring Platform for Manufacturing Operations” project for Georgia Pacific (Feb. 2020 - Jan. 2021); the “Data Sensing and Total Preventative Maintenance – Phase 3” project for Delta Airlines Technical Operations (2020), among many others. 

Dr. Kurfess has collaborated with multiple top-range scientific journals. He is currently an Honorary Editor for the Computer Aided Engineering and Applications journal and he also worked as an Associate Editor in publications such as Research in Engineering Design and Computer Aided Engineering and Applications.

Professor Kurfess led the “Autonomous Materials Discovery and Optimization: A DMMI Workshop” as Vice Chair in Washington, D.C. (Nov. 2022) and has also participated remotely as keynote speaker in conferences such as the 2020 International Symposium on Flexible Automation by ASME, with a presentation on “Integrating Hybrid Manufacturing Processes via the Digital Thread” (2020), to name a few.

In addition to his current positions as chair and/or member of the most prestigious engineering/manufacturing boards in the U.S., Professor Kurfess has also been awarded several important recognitions such as the Albert M. Sargent Progress Award (2021) by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), in the United States; the IAAM Scientist Medal (2021) by the International Association of Advanced Materials; the Thatcher Brothers Prize by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (England) - Manufacturing Industries Division Board (2016), and several more.

Thomas Kurfess joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Advanced Manufacturing for the School of Engineering and Sciences.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • S.M., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT
  • S.M., Mechanical Engineering, MIT
  • S.B., Mechanical Engineering, MIT
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  • Lu, L. Kurfess, T.R., Saldana, C.J., “Effects of Extrinsic Noise Factors on Machine Learning Based Chatter Detection in Machining,” International Journal of Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing, 2021, accepted.

  • Miers, J.C, Tucker, T.M., Kurfess, T.R., Saldana, C.J., “Voxel-Based Modeling of Transient Material Removal in Machining,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021, accepted.

  • Parto Dezfouli, M., Urbina Coronado, Saldana, C.J., Kurfess, T.R., “Cyber-Physical System Implementation for Manufacturing with Analytics in the Cloud Layer,” ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2021.

  • Feldhausen, T., Saleeby, K., Love, L., Kurfess, T.R., “Spinning the Digital Thread with Hybrid Manufacturing,” ASME Smart and Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 29, pp. 15-18,, 2021.

  • Castro‐Martin, A.P., Ahuett‐Garza, H., Guamán‐Lozada, D., Márquez‐Alderete, M.F., Urbina Coronado, P.D. 1, Orta Castañon, P.A., Kurfess, T.R., González de Castilla, E., “Connectivity as a Design Feature for Industry 4.0 Production Equipment: Application for the Development of an In‐Line Metrology System,” Applied Science, Vol. 11,, 2021

More publications


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  • A refund may only be requested for a tuition advance or a credit balance indicated on the account statement, as long as there are no future payments (tuition, educational credit, etc.).
  • For credit balances resulting from a payment made with a bank card, the refund can be requested 60 days after the payment date.
  • Admitted students who decide not to enroll at the Tecnológico de Monterrey can request a refund of their tuition deposit before the official semester registration closure for which they applied for admission.
  • When the refund is requested by the father and/or mother of the family and they are not responsible for paying tuition, authorization must be requested from the person responsible for paying tuition.
Devoluciones, Tec de Monterrey
Refund at a National Bank
  • Have a credit balance (negative sign) in your account statement.
  • Official identification of the beneficiary (INE or passport for foreigners).
  • Header of the checking account statement (showing CLABE, address, RFC, and no account movements).
  • Authorization document signed by the tuition payment responsible party (only for high school and undergraduate students).
Refund at an International Bank
  • Have a credit balance (negative sign) in your account statement.
  • Header of the checking account statement (provide ABBA, SWIFT, or IBAN, and the name of the intermediary bank if required).
  • Authorization document signed by the responsible party for tuition payment (only for high school and undergraduate students).


Políticas y requisitos para tramitar reembolsos
  • Solo se podrá solicitar el reembolso por un anticipo de colegiatura o un saldo a favor indicado en el estado de cuenta, siempre y cuando no existan pagos futuros (colegiatura, crédito educativo, etc.).
  • Para saldos a favor que resulten de un pago realizado con tarjeta bancaria, el reembolso podrá solicitarse 60 días después de la fecha en que se realizó el pago.
  • Los alumnos admitidos que decidan no ingresar al Tecnológico de Monterrey podrán solicitar el reembolso de su anticipo de colegiatura antes del cierre oficial de inscripciones del semestre, al que solicitó su admisión.
  • Cuando el reembolso sea solicitado por el padre y/o madre de familia y no sea el responsable del pago de colegiatura, se deberá solicitar la autorización del responsable del pago de colegiatura.
Devoluciones, Tec de Monterrey
Refund at a National Bank
  • Have a credit balance (negative sign) in your account statement.
  • Official identification of the beneficiary (INE or passport for foreigners).
  • Header of the checking account statement (showing CLABE, address, RFC, and no account movements).
  • Authorization document signed by the tuition payment responsible party (only for high school and undergraduate students).
Refund at an International Bank
  • Have a credit balance (negative sign) in your account statement.
  • Header of the checking account statement (provide ABBA, SWIFT, or IBAN, and the name of the intermediary bank if required).
  • Authorization document signed by the responsible party for tuition payment (only for high school and undergraduate students).


Políticas y requisitos para tramitar reembolsos
  • Solo se podrá solicitar el reembolso por un anticipo de colegiatura o un saldo a favor indicado en el estado de cuenta, siempre y cuando no existan pagos futuros (colegiatura, crédito educativo, etc.).
  • Para saldos a favor que resulten de un pago realizado con tarjeta bancaria, el reembolso podrá solicitarse 60 días después de la fecha en que se realizó el pago.
  • Los alumnos admitidos que decidan no ingresar al Tecnológico de Monterrey podrán solicitar el reembolso de su anticipo de colegiatura antes del cierre oficial de inscripciones del semestre, al que solicitó su admisión.
  • Cuando el reembolso sea solicitado por el padre y/o madre de familia y no sea el responsable del pago de colegiatura, se deberá solicitar la autorización del responsable del pago de colegiatura.
Devoluciones, Tec de Monterrey
Reembolso en Banco Nacional
  • Contar con saldo a favor (signo negativo) en tu estado de cuenta.
  • Identificación Oficial del beneficiario (INE o pasaporte en caso de ser extranjero).
  • Cabecera del estado de cuenta de cheques (donde se muestre la CLABE, domicilio, RFC y sin movimientos de la cuenta).
  • Documento de autorización firmado por el responsable del pago de colegiatura (unicamente alumnos de preparatoria y profesional).
Reembolso en banco internacional
  • Contar con saldo a favor (signo negativo) en tu estado de cuenta.
  • Cabecera del estado de cuenta de cheques (proporcionar ABBA, SWIFT, o IBAN, y nombre del banco intermediario en caso de requerirse).
  • Documento de autorización firmado por el responsable del pago de colegiatura (únicamente alumnos de preparatoria y profesional).
Licenciado en Urbanismo

B.A. in Urbanism

Living cities, in motion

An urban planner is someone who is capable of understanding the systemic reality of the city and its territory, visualizing it and communicating its characteristics through state-of-the-art tools to influence decision making focused on solving and guiding urban issues. As a Bachelor in Urbanism, you will acquire knowledge to comprehend the complex, multidimensional nature of urban problems in the diverse scales and circumstances in which they occur.

chavos en computadora

Career field

Thanks to the integral preparation you will receive in this B.A in Urbanism, on graduating you will be able to you participate in diverse business areas, such as:

  • Property development
  • Urban, financial and social project management
  • Government institutions
  • Urban consulting
  • Research
  • Mobility and transport
  • Regeneration of cities and historical sites
  • Geostatistical analysis


Is this right for you?

If you are interested in creating optimal spaces for human development, the B.A in Urbanism is the right fit for you.

The three stages of the model

Choose your path


  1. You will open your competency file and add to it throughout your degree program.
  2. You will learn the foundations of the area of Built Environment.
  3. You will participate in fundamental and exploration challenges from the area of Built Environment, interacting with peers from different degree programs.
  4. You will study general education courses, selecting them from a collection.
  5. You will participate in a challenge that integrates all the competencies to be developed in this phase.



  1. You will acquire the core competencies of your degree, in other words, those that distinguish it.
  2. You will participate in more focused challenges to reinforce what you have learned and broaden your basic knowledge.
  3. You will have the elements to decide whether to deepen your knowledge or diversify and, subsequently, build your specialization plan.
  4. The Tec Weeks, challenges and overall university experiences will enrich your file.



  1. You have decided between diversifying or focusing deeply in your major, which you will achieve by choosing a concentration or a stay, to name a few of your options. The TEC Semester is a flexible time to start.

  2. You will develop the competencies related to your specialization, increasingly connected to your passions, interests and plans.
  3. By passing a concentration, you will develop your competencies, and, on graduating, will be a candidate for obtaining a Diploma in that concentration, after meeting the established requirements.


How can you specialize?


Concentraciones  Concentrations

Specialize in one of the different concentrations available at the campus of your choice, according to the profile you would like to develop.

Estancias  Internships

Internships allow you to participate in the development of specific projects with companies, organizations, or research groups, in a context of total immersion related to a specialty field. They can be carried out locally, nationally or internationally.

Experiencias  International experiences

Experience life outside Mexico to broaden your horizons and delve into the topics of your interest.

Materias  Courses or blocks

Choose the education units that best adapt to your objectives, enabling you to specialize in your specific interests.



Delve into your field of study

  • Arts and Tech Incubator
  • City Development
  • Digital Journalism
  • Efficiency and Digitalization in Construction
  • Entrepreneurship in the Creative and Cultural Industries
  • Open Innovation and Technology Transfer
  • Real State Intelligence
  • Regenerative Design
  • Technology-Based Design and Futures


Delve into other fields of study

  • Conscious Business
  • Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Tools
  • Design, Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial Families, Sustainability and Transcendence
  • Entrepreneurship in Action
  • Financial Vision for Decision-Making
  • Government and Public Transformation
  • Mexican Culture
  • Quality of Life and Well-Being
  • Social Innovation
  • Jewelry Design, Manufacturing and Marketing


*These concentraciones are not the definitive offer and their availability varies by campus.

B.A. in Urbanism Syllabus
Syllabus Built Environment

 General education course

 Area exploration courses

 Introductory block (CHALLENGE)

 Area exploration block (CHALLENGE)

 Exploration topic (CHALLENGE)

 Disciplinary course

 Disciplinary block (CHALLENGE)

 Integrating disciplinary block (CHALLENGE)

 TEC Semester

 Multidisciplinary professional elective (CHALLENGE)

 Final integrating block (CHALLENGE)

 Track integrating block (CHALLENGE)

Download the area infographic
LUB Infographic
Primer Semestral
Exploration in the Habitat: From the Scale of the Element to the Territory
Modeling of Physics in the Built Environment
Mathematics Based Reasoning
Resolution of Problems with Computational Logic
Chemical Analysis of the Environment and Construction Materials
Elective Course Mathematics and Science
Segundo Semestral
Modeling and Graphic Representation of a Building
Modeling and Graphic Representation of your Campus with Topography
Modeling and Graphic Representation of your Environment with Geomatics
Fundamentals of Geology Applied to the Built Environment
Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of Territorial Projects
Application of Numerical Methods to the Built Environment
Analysis of Natural and Social Phenomena with Probability and Statistics
Elective Course Humanities and Fine Arts
Tercer Semestral
Territorial Diagnosis
Urban Law
Urban Ecology
Urban Infrastructure
Elective Course Social and Behavioral Sciences
Exploration Topic
Cuarto Semestral
Competitive Cities: Innovation
Competitive Cities: Modality
Competitive Cities: Quality of Life
Cities of the Future
Elective Course Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Quinto Semestral
Sustainable Metropolis: Mitigation
Sustainable Metropolis: Resilience
Sustainable Metropolis: Adaptation
Urban Economy
Elective Course Ethics and Citizenship
Sexto Semestral
Elective I
Elective II
Elective III
Elective IV
Elective V
Elective VI
Séptimo Semestral
Management and Administration of Territorial Investment Projects
Octavo Semestral
Emerging Cities
Complexity and Debate
Elective Multidisciplinary Professional

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Campus Ciudad de México

Campus Estado de México
Campus Guadalajara

Campus Sonora Norte
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Licenciatura en Urbanismo

Licenciatura en Urbanismo

Ciudades vivas, en movimiento

Un urbanista es alguien capaz de entender la realidad sistémica de la ciudad y su territorio, visualizarla y comunicar sus características a través de herramientas de vanguardia para influir en la toma de decisiones enfocadas a resolver y orientar las problemáticas urbanas. Como Licenciado en Urbanismo, adquirirás conocimientos para entender la naturaleza compleja y multidimensional de los problemas urbanos en las diferentes escalas y condiciones en las que se presentan.

estudiantes Licenciatura en Urbanismo

Campo laboral

Gracias a la formación integral que recibirás dentro de la Licenciatura en Urbanismo, al egresar podrás ser parte de distintas áreas de negocio, como: 

  • Desarrollo inmobiliario
  • Gestión de proyectos urbanos, económicos y sociales
  • Instituciones gubernamentales
  • Consultoría urbana
  • Investigación
  • Movilidad y transporte
  • Regeneración urbana y de centros históricos
  • Análisis geoestadístico

Is this right for you?

If you are interested in creating optimal spaces for human development, the B.A in Urbanism is the right fit for you.

Las Tres Etapas del Modelo

Elige tu camino


  1. Iniciarás tu expediente de competencias, mismo que irás alimentando a lo largo de tu carrera.
  2. Te formarás en los fundamentos específicos de tu área de ingreso.
  3. Participarás en un reto fundamental y en retos de exploración de tu área en los que interactuarás con compañeros de distintas carreras.
  4. Cursarás materias de educación general, de un acervo a elegir.
  5. Participarás en un reto integrador de todas las competencias previstas para desarrollarse en esta fase.


  1. Te formarás en las competencias core, de tu carrera es decir, aquellas que la distinguen.
  2. Participarás en retos más enfocados, para reforzar lo aprendido y ampliar fundamentos.
  3. Contarás con los elementos para decidir entre profundizar o diversificar y armar tu plan de especialización en consecuencia.
  4. Las semanas Tec, los retos y vivencias universitarias enriquecerán tu expediente


  1. Has decidido entre diversificarte o profundizar aún más en tu carrera y lo harás al elegir una concentración o una estancia, por mencionar algunas de tus opciones. El semestre Tec es el espacio de tiempo flexible para iniciar.
  2. Desarrollarás competencias propias de tu especialización, cada vez más conectadas a tus pasiones, intereses y planes.
  3. Al aprobar una concentración desarrollarás sus competencias y al graduarte serás candidata o candidato a obtener el Diploma de dicha concentración al cumplir con los requisitos establecidos.

¿Cómo podrás especializarte?


Concentraciones  Concentraciones

Especialízate con las diferentes concentraciones disponibles en el campus de tu elección, de acuerdo al perfil que quieres desarrollar.

Estancias  Estancias

En las estancias participas en el desarrollo de proyectos específicos con empresas, organizaciones o grupos de investigación, en un contexto de inmersión total relacionadas con un área de especialidad. Se pueden realizar de manera local, nacional o internacional.

Experiencias  Experiencias internacionales

Vive una experiencia fuera de México, que te permita ampliar tus horizontes y profundizar en los temas de tu interés.

Materias  Materias o bloques

Elige unidades de formación que mejor se adapten a lo que buscas, las cuales te permitirán especializarte en lo que a ti te interesa.



Profundiza en tu área de estudio

  • Diseño regenerativo
  • Diseño y futuros de base tecnológica
  • Eficiencia y digitalización de la construcción
  • Emprender ciudad
  • Emprendimiento en las industrias creativas y culturales
  • Incubadora de arte y tecnología
  • Innovación abierta y transferencia tecnológica
  • Inteligencia inmobiliaria
  • Periodismo digital


Profundiza en otras áreas de estudio

  • Analítica de datos y herramientas de inteligencia artificial
  • Calidad de vida y bienestar
  • Cultura mexicana
  • Diseño, innovación y emprendimiento tecnológico
  • Emprendimiento en acción
  • Familia empresaria, sostenibilidad y trascendencia
  • Gobierno y transformación pública
  • Innovación social
  • Negocios conscientes
  • Visión financiera para la toma de decisiones
  •  Diseño, producción y comercialización de joyería

*Estas concentraciones no son la oferta definitiva y su disponibilidad varía por campus.

Plan de estudios Licenciatura en Urbanismo
Plan licenciatura en urbanismo

 Materia de educación general

 Materia de exploración del área

 Bloque introductorio (RETO)

 Bloque de exploración del área (RETO)

 Bloque optativo fuera del área (RETO)

 Materia disciplinar

 Bloque disciplinar (RETO)

 Bloque integrador disciplinar (RETO)

 Semestre TEC

 Bloque multidisciplinario (RETO)

 Bloque integrador final (RETO)

 Bloque integrador del área (RETO)

Descargar o ver infografía de carrera
Infografía LUB
Remedial Semestral
Unidades de formación del semestre de introducción
Primer Semestral
Exploración en el hábitat: de la escala del elemento al territorio
Modelación de la física en el ambiente construido
Razonamiento basado en matemáticas
Resolución de problemas con lógica computacional
Análisis químico del ambiente y de los materiales de construcción
Optativa de matemáticas y ciencias
Segundo Semestral
Modelación y representación gráfica de un edificio
Modelación y representación gráfica de tu campus con topografía
Modelación y representación gráfica de tu entorno con geomática
Fundamentos de geología aplicada al ambiente construido
Evaluación del impacto ambiental de proyectos territoriales
Aplicación de métodos numéricos al ambiente construido
Análisis de fenómenos naturales y sociales con probabilidad y estadística
Optativa de humanidades y bellas artes
Tercer Semestral
Diagnóstico territorial
Derecho Urbano
Ecología urbana
Infraestructura urbana
Optativa de ciencias sociales y del comportamiento
Tópico de exploración
Cuarto Semestral
Ciudades competitivas: Innovación
Ciudades competitivas: Modalidad
Ciudades competitivas: Calidad de vida
Ciudades del futuro
Optativa de liderazgo, emprendimiento e innovación
Quinto Semestral
Metrópolis sostenible: Mitigación
Metrópolis sostenible: Resiliencia
Metrópolis sostenible: Adaptación
Economía urbana
Optativa de ética y ciudadanía
Sexto Semestral
Tópicos I
Tópicos II
Tópicos III
Tópicos IV
Tópicos V
Tópicos VI
Séptimo Semestral
Gestión y administración de proyectos territoriales de inversión
Octavo Semestral
Ciudades emergentes
Complejidad y debate
Optativa profesional multidisciplinaria

Carreras relacionadas

ARQ - Arquitectura

IC - Ingeniería Civil

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Campus Santa Fe
Campus Monterrey

Campus Querétaro

Campus Puebla

Campus Ciudad de México

Campus Estado de México

Campus Guadalajara

Campus Sonora Norte
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Médico Cirujano

Physician & Surgeon

Embracing the Vitality of Healthcare

The continious upgrade in nowadays medicine has undoubtly played a fundamental role in the history of humanity. By becoming a Bachelor of Medicine you can contribute to this noble cause. Entering the Physician and Surgeon program, combined with a humanitarian perspective will prepare you to protect and promote health and comprehensive wellbeing of people aroung you.
Clinical settings and internationalization

Career field

As a graduate of the career of Physician and Surgeon you will be able to participate professionally in diverse levels of clinical attention or pursue graduate studies in the areas of your choice.


Is this right for you?

If you have a scientific vision and are passionate about promoting health and wellness, pursuing a Bachelor of Medicine is the perfect choice for you.


The three stages of the model
Choose your path


  1. You will open your competency file and add to it throughout your degree program.
  2. You will learn the foundations of the area of Business.
  3. You will participate in fundamental and exploration challenges from the area of Business, interacting with peers from different degree programs.
  4. You will study general education courses, selecting them from a collection.
  5. You will participate in a challenge that integrates all the competencies to be developed in this phase.


  1. You will acquire the core competencies of your degree, in other words, those that distinguish it.
  2. You will participate in more focused challenges to reinforce what you have learned and broaden your basic knowledge.
  3. You will have the elements to decide whether to deepen your knowledge or diversify and, subsequently, build your specialization plan.
  4. The Tec Weeks, challenges and overall university experiences will enrich your file.


  1. You have decided between diversifying or focusing deeply in your major, which you will achieve by choosing a concentration or a stay, to name a few of your options. The TEC Semester is a flexible time to start.
  2. You will develop the competencies related to your specialization, increasingly connected to your passions, interests and plans. 
  3. If you decided to opt for a concentration, on graduating you will obtain a professional concentration certificate issued by the Office of the Registrar at your campus.

How can you specialize?


Concentraciones  Concentrations

Specialize in one of the different concentrations available at the campus of your choice, according to the profile you would like to develop.

Estancias  Internships

Internships allow you to participate in the development of specific projects with companies, organizations, or research groups, in a context of total immersion related to a specialty field. They can be carried out locally, nationally or internationally.

Experiencias  International experiences

Experience life outside Mexico to broaden your horizons and delve into the topics of your interest.

Materias  Courses or blocks

Choose the education units that best adapt to your objectives, enabling you to specialize in your specific interests.



Delve into your field of study


   There are no disciplinary concentrations for this degree



Delve into other fields of study

  • Conscious Business
  • Entrepreneurial Families, Sustainability and Transcendence
  • Financial Vision for Decision-Making

*These concentraciones are not the definitive offer and their availability varies by campus.

Physician & Surgeon Syllabus
Plan de Estudio Médico Cirujano

 General education course

 Area exploration courses

 Introductory block (CHALLENGE)

 Area exploration block (CHALLENGE)

 Exploration topic (CHALLENGE)

 Track integrating block (CHALLENGE)

 Disciplinary course

 Disciplinary block (CHALLENGE)

 Integrating disciplinary block (CHALLENGE)

TEC Semester

 Multidisciplinary professional elective (CHALLENGE)

 Final integrating block (CHALLENGE)

Download the area infographic
MC Infographic
Remedial Semestral
Educational units from introductory semester
Primer Semestral
Elective Course Mathematics and Science
Musculoskeletal System
Basics of Good Health
Digestive System
Metabolism and Energy
Oxygen Supply and Consumption
Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms
Energy Management
Human Genetics
Endocrine System
Segundo Semestral
Elective Course Humanities and Fine Arts
Life Cycle: Fertilization and Pregnancy
Life Cycle: Childhood and Adolescence
Life Cycle: Adulthood
Human Reproduction
Growth and Development
Emotional and Behavioral Development
Renal Morphophysiology
Nervous System
Tercer Semestral
Elective Course Social and Behavioral Sciences
Healthy Environments for the Elderly
Management and Innovation in Health
Administración e innovación en salud
Research Methods
Human Microbiota
Public Health and Biostatistics
Blood and Hematopoiesis
Introduction to Clinical Practice
Exploration Topic
Cuarto Semestral
Elective Course Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Basic Histopathology
Heritage and Development
Normal and Pathological Microstructure
Pathogenic Microbiota
Medical Genetics
Quinto Semestral
Elective Course Ethics and Citizenship
Bases of the Nervous and Endocrine System
Physical Examination
Endocrine and Neural Ecosystem
Bioactive Molecules and Therapeutic Principles
Physiopathological Processes
Sexto Semestral
Immune Disorders
Digestive Disorders
Pathophysiology of Immune and Hematological Disorders
Pathology of Body Systems
Pathophysiology of the Digestive System
Pharmacology of Body Systems
Pathophysiology of Infectious Diseases
Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Agents
Multidisciplinary Model of Health Care
Séptimo Semestral
Cardiovascular Disorders
Respiratory Diseases
Kidney Disorders
Pathophysiology of the Cardiovascular System
Pathology of the Vital Processes
Pathophysiology of the Respiratory System
Farmacología de los procesos vitales
Pathophysiology of the Renal System
Legal and Prehospital Medicine
Octavo Semestral
Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
Neurological Disorders
Innovation in Primary Care
Pathophysiology of the Endocrine System
Pathology of Biocontrol and Reproduction Systems
Physiopathology of the Nervous System
Pharmacology of Biocontrol and Reproduction Systems
Pathophysiology of Reproduction and Pregnancy
Family Medicine
Primer Trimestral
Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic
Urology and Surgical Oncology
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Segundo Trimestral
Pediatrics Clinic
Infectology and Dermatology
Tercer Trimestral
Internal Medicine Clinic
Cardiology and Metabolic Diseases
Internal Medicine
Cuarto Trimestral
Surgery Clinic
Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology
Quinto Trimestral
Traumatology, Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Clinic
Emergency and Radiology Clinic
Traumatology, Orthopedics and Rehabilitation
Emergency and Radiology
Legal Issues of Medical Practice
Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Quality Healthcare and Patient Safety
Sexto Trimestral
Neurology and Neurosurgery Clinic
Geriatrics and Palliative Care Clinic
Psychiatry Clinic
Neurology and Neurosurgery
Geriatrics and Palliative Care
Séptimo Trimestral
Clinical Elective I
Clinical Elective II
Clinical Elective III
Professional Elective I
Professional Elective II
Professional Elective III
Octavo Trimestral
Clinic in Elective Specialty I
Clinic in Elective Specialty II
Clinic in Elective Specialty III
Elective Specialty I
Elective Specialty II
Elective Specialty III
Campus Monterrey

Campus Chihuahua
Campus Ciudad de México
Campus Guadalajara

Campus Querétaro
Please register here
You will receive personalized information and attention
Médico Cirujano

Médico Cirujano

Promesa de vida

La medicina ha sido parte fundamental de la historia de la humanidad y los avances tecnológicos aseguran que lo siga siendo. Si te interesa ser un Médico Cirujano, seguramente tienes un alto sentido humanitario, eres sensible a las necesidades de los demás y estás en constante búsqueda de contribuir a la salud y al bienestar integral de las personas que te rodean.
*El ingreso a la carrera de Medicina es desde el primer semestre y es con base en un proceso de admisión selectivo.

Estudiantes de medicina viendo radiografía

Campo laboral


Como egresado de la carrera de Médico Cirujano podrás participar profesionalmente en los diversos niveles de atención clínica o realizar estudios de posgrado en las áreas de médicina tu preferencia.




Is this right for you?

If you have a scientific vision and are passionate about promoting health and wellness, pursuing a Bachelor of Medicine is the perfect choice for you.


Las Tres Etapas del Modelo

Elige tu camino


  1. Iniciarás tu expediente de competencias, mismo que irás alimentando a lo largo de tu carrera.
  2. Te formarás en los fundamentos específicos de tu área de ingreso.
  3. Participarás en un reto fundamental y en retos de exploración de tu área en los que interactuarás con compañeros de distintas carreras.
  4. Cursarás materias de educación general, de un acervo a elegir.
  5. Participarás en un reto integrador de todas las competencias previstas para desarrollarse en esta fase.


  1. Te formarás en las competencias core, de tu carrera es decir, aquellas que la distinguen.
  2. Participarás en retos más enfocados, para reforzar lo aprendido y ampliar fundamentos.
  3. Contarás con los elementos para decidir entre profundizar o diversificar y armar tu plan de especialización en consecuencia.
  4. Las semanas Tec, los retos y vivencias universitarias enriquecerán tu expediente.


  1. Has decidido entre diversificarte o profundizar aún más en tu carrera y lo harás al elegir una concentración o una estancia, por mencionar algunas de tus opciones. El semestre Tec es el espacio de tiempo flexible para iniciar.
  2. Desarrollarás competencias propias de tu especialización, cada vez más conectadas a tus pasiones, intereses y planes.
  3. Al aprobar una concentración desarrollarás sus competencias y al graduarte serás candidata o candidato a obtener el Diploma de dicha concentración al cumplir con los requisitos establecidos.

¿Cómo podrás especializarte?


Concentraciones  Concentraciones

Especialízate con las diferentes concentraciones disponibles en el campus de tu elección, de acuerdo al perfil que quieres desarrollar.

Estancias  Estancias

En las estancias participas en el desarrollo de proyectos específicos con empresas, organizaciones o grupos de investigación, en un contexto de inmersión total relacionadas con un área de especialidad. Se pueden realizar de manera local, nacional o internacional.

Experiencias  Experiencias internacionales

Vive una experiencia fuera de México, que te permita ampliar tus horizontes y profundizar en los temas de tu interés.

Materias  Materias o bloques

Elige unidades de formación que mejor se adapten a lo que buscas, las cuales te permitirán especializarte en lo que a ti te interesa.



Profundiza en tu área de estudio


   Esta carrera no cuenta con concentraciones disciplinares



Profundiza en otras áreas de estudio

  • Familia empresaria, sostenibilidad y trascendencia
  • Negocios conscientes
  • Visión financiera para la toma de decisiones

*Estas concentraciones no son la oferta definitiva y su disponibilidad varía por campus.

Plan de estudios Médico Cirujano
Plan de Estudio Médico Cirujano

 Materia de educación general

 Materia de exploración del área

 Bloque introductorio (RETO)

 Bloque de exploración del área (RETO)

 Bloque optativo fuera del área (RETO)

 Bloque integrador del área (RETO)

 Materia disciplinar

 Bloque disciplinar (RETO)

 Bloque integrador disciplinar (RETO)

Bloque integrador final

 Semestre TEC

Descargar o ver infografía de carrera
Infografía MC
Remedial Semestral
Unidades de formación del semestre de introducción
Primer Semestral
Optativa de matemáticas y ciencias
Sistema musculoesquelético
Bases de la salud
Sistema digestivo
Metabolismo y energía
Aporte y consumo de oxígeno
Mecanismos celulares y moleculares
Control de la energía
Genética humana
Sistema endócrino
Segundo Semestral
Optativa de humanidades y bellas artes
Ciclo de vida: concepción y embarazo
Ciclo de vida: infancia y adolescencia
Ciclo de vida: edad adulta
Reproducción humana
Crecimiento y desarrollo
Desarrollo emocional y conductual
Morfofisiología renal
Sistema nervioso
Tercer Semestral
Optativa de ciencias sociales y del comportamiento
Entornos saludables para el adulto mayor
Innovación en salud poblacional
Administración e innovación en salud
Metodología de la investigación
Microbiota humana
Salud pública y bioestadística
Sangre y hematopoyesis
Introducción a la clínica
Tópico de exploración
Cuarto Semestral
Optativa de liderazgo, emprendimiento e innovación
Bases histopatológicas
Herencia y desarrollo
Microestructura normal y patológica
Microbiota patógena
Genética médica
Quinto Semestral
Optativa de ética y ciudadanía
Bases de los sistemas nervioso y endócrino
Propedéutica médica
Ecosistema endócrino y neural
Moléculas bioactivas y principios terapéuticos
Procesos fisiopatológicos
Sexto Semestral
Trastornos inmunitarios
Trastornos digestivos
Fisiopatología de los trastornos inmunitarios y hematológicos
Patología de aparatos y sistemas
Fisiopatología del sistema digestivo
Farmacología de aparatos y sistemas
Fisiopatología de las enfermedades infecciosas
Farmacología de los agentes antimicrobianos
Modelo multidisciplinario de atención en salud
Séptimo Semestral
Trastornos cardiovasculares
Enfermedades respiratorias
Trastornos renales
Fisiopatología del sistema cardiovascular
Patología de los procesos vitales
Fisiopatología del sistema respiratorio
Farmacología de los procesos vitales
Fisiopatología del sistema renal
Medicina legal y prehospitalaria
Octavo Semestral
Trastornos endócrinos y metabólicos
Desórdenes neurológicos
Innovación en atención primaria
Fisiopatología del sistema endócrino
Patología de los sistemas biocontroladores y de la reproducción
Fisiopatología del sistema nervioso
Farmacología de los sistemas biocontroladores y de la reproducción
Fisiopatología de la reproducción y el embarazo
Medicina familiar
Primer Trimestral
Clínica de ginecología y obstetricia
Urología y oncología quirúrgica
Ginecología y obstetricia
Segundo Trimestral
Clínica de pediatría
Infectología y dermatología
Tercer Trimestral
Clínica de medicina interna
Cardiología y enfermedades metabólicas
Medicina interna
Cuarto Trimestral
Clínica de cirugía general
Oftalmología y otorrinolaringología
Cirugía general
Quinto Trimestral
Clínica de traumatología, ortopedia y rehabilitación
Clínica de emergencias y radiología
Traumatología, ortopedia y rehabilitación
Emergencias y radiología
Aspectos legales de la medicina
Clínica multidisciplinaria
Calidad y seguridad del paciente
Sexto Trimestral
Clínica de neurología y neurocirugía
Clínica de geriatría y cuidados paliativos
Clínica de psiquiatría
Neurología y neurocirugía
Geriatría y cuidados paliativos
Séptimo Trimestral
Clínica optativa profesional I
Clínica optativa profesional II
Clínica optativa profesional III
Optativa profesional I
Optativa profesional II
Optativa profesional III
Octavo Trimestral
Clínica optativa de especialidades médicas I
Clínica optativa de especialidades médicas II
Clínica optativa de especialidades médicas III
Optativa de especialidades médicas I
Optativa de especialidades médicas II
Optativa de especialidades médicas III

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Campus Monterrey

Campus Chihuahua
Campus Ciudad de México
Campus Guadalajara

Campus Querétaro
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Médico Cirujano Odontólogo

Medical and Surgical Dentist

Make me smile

In a world where oral health has achieved significant results in obtaining a great smile, there are people who take oral health very seriously and work hard to acquire the skills needed to diagnose, prevent, and treat oral and dental diseases. Join the Medical and Surgical Dentist career and be part of the change that transforms lives with a healthy and radiant smile!
Clinical settings and internationalization

Career field

On graduating from a Dental Degree, you will be able to participate professionally in the following settings:

  • Private office
  • Public and private health institutions
  • Research in oral health



Is this right for you?

If you are passionate about dental and oral health, and are good with people, then you are on the right path with a Medical and Surgical Dentist career.

The three stages of the model

Choose your path


  1. You will open your competency file and add to it throughout your degree program.
  2. You will learn the foundations of the area of Business.
  3. You will participate in fundamental and exploration challenges from the area of Business, interacting with peers from different degree programs.
  4. You will study general education courses, selecting them from a collection.
  5. You will participate in a challenge that integrates all the competencies to be developed in this phase.


  1. You will acquire the core competencies of your degree, in other words, those that distinguish it.
  2. You will participate in more focused challenges to reinforce what you have learned and broaden your basic knowledge.
  3. You will have the elements to decide whether to deepen your knowledge or diversify and, subsequently, build your specialization plan.
  4. The Tec Weeks, challenges and overall university experiences will enrich your file.


  1. You have decided whether to diversify or delve further into your degree, by choosing a concentration, a modality, an internship stay, to mention just a few of your options. The Tec Semester is a flexible-time space to get started.
  2. You will develop the competencies related to your specialization, increasingly connected to your passions, interests and plans. 
  3. If you decided to opt for a concentration, on graduating you will obtain a professional concentration certificate issued by the Office of the Registrar at your campus.

How can you specialize?


Concentraciones  Concentrations

Specialize in one of the different concentrations available at the campus of your choice, according to the profile you would like to develop.

Estancias  Internships

Internships allow you to participate in the development of specific projects with companies, organizations, or research groups, in a context of total immersion related to a specialty field. They can be carried out locally, nationally or internationally.

Experiencias  International experiences

Experience life outside Mexico to broaden your horizons and delve into the topics of your interest.

Materias  Courses or blocks

Choose the education units that best adapt to your objectives, enabling you to specialize in your specific interests.



Delve into your field of study


   There are no disciplinary concentrations for this degree



Delve into other fields of study

  • Conscious Business
  • Entrepreneurial Families, Sustainability and Transcendence
  • Financial Vision for Decision-Making

*These concentraciones are not the definitive offer and their availability varies by campus.

Medical and Surgical Dentist Syllabus
Plan de Estudio Médico Cirujano Odontólogo

 General education course

 Area exploration courses

 Introductory block (CHALLENGE)

 Area exploration block (CHALLENGE)

 Exploration topic (CHALLENGE)

 Track integrating block (CHALLENGE)

 Disciplinary course

 Disciplinary block (CHALLENGE)

 Integrating disciplinary block (CHALLENGE)

TEC Semester

 Multidisciplinary professional elective (CHALLENGE)

 Final integrating block (CHALLENGE)

Download the area infographic
Infographic MO
Primer Semestral
Elective Course Mathematics and Science
Musculoskeletal System
Basics of Good Health
Digestive System
Metabolism and Energy
Oxygen Supply and Consumption
Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms
Energy Management
Human Genetics
Endocrine System
Segundo Semestral
Elective Course Humanities and Fine Arts
Life Cycle: Fertilization and Pregnancy
Life Cycle: Childhood and Adolescence
Life Cycle: Adulthood
Human Reproduction
Growth and Development
Emotional and Behavioral Development
Renal Morphophysiology
Nervous System
Tercer Semestral
Elective Course Social and Behavioral Sciences
Healthy Environments for the Elderly
Innovation in Public Health
Management and Innovation in Health
Research Methods
Human Microbiota
Public Health and Biostatistics
Blood and Hematopoiesis
Introduction to Clinical Practice
Exploration Topic
Cuarto Semestral
Elective Course Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Mastication Physiology
Pathophysiology of Dental Caries and Periodontal Structures
Propaedeutics Dentistry
Dental Morphology
Oral Histology and Embryology
Clinical and Histological Foundations of Oral Pathology
Quinto Semestral
Elective Course Ethics and Citizenship
Adhesion Protocol
Anesthetic Procedures in Dentistry
Surgical Basics in Dentistry
Operative Dentistry
Dental Pharmacology
Diagnosis in Dentistry
Sexto Semestral
Endodontic and Restorative Therapy
Tooth Preservation Treatments
Pulp Therapy
Restorative Dentistry
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
Introduction to Exodontics
Oral Microbiology
Multidisciplinary Model of Health Care
Séptimo Semestral
Surgery and Prosthetic Treatments in Dentistry
Prosthetic Options in Dentistry
Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Dental Patients
Oral Surgery
Fixed Partial Denture Prosthesis
Maxillofacial Surgery
Removable Partial Denture Prosthesis
Medicine in Dentistry
Odontogenic Infections
Octavo Semestral
Aesthetic Procedures in Dentistry
Dental Care through the Life Cycle
Orthodontics and Orthopedics
Oral Surgical Implantology
Dental Aesthetics
Prosthetic Implantology
Pediatric Dentistry
Advanced Implantology
Malocclusion Orthodontic Treatment
Primer Trimestral
Dentistry Clinic I
Legal and Administrative Processes in Dentistry
Forensic Dentistry
Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Quality Healthcare and Patient Safety
Segundo Trimestral
Clinical Elective I
Clinical Elective II
Clinical Elective III
Professional Elective I
Professional Elective II
Professional Elective III
Tercer Trimestral
Dentistry Clinic II
Evidence-based Dentistry
Dental Information Analysis
Cuarto Trimestral
Dentistry Clinic III
Advanced Dentistry Seminar
Clinical Research in Dentistry
Campus Monterrey

Campus Chihuahua

Campus Ciudad de México

Campus Guadalajara

Campus Querétaro
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