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QS Future 17 SDG Challenge Program

Profesor y alumnos en biblioteca Tec de Monterrey
QS Future 17 SDG Challenge Program

What is QS Future 17 SDG Challenge Program?

The QS Future 17 SDG Challenge Program is an initiative, co-founded by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) and Exeter University, from the United Kingdom, in which up to 20 universities around the world participate in order to promote youth leadership and collaboration with the business sector towards a sustainable development through challenges and solutions focused on the SDGs.

Future 17, is now available as an alternative for your Tec Semester, in the format of a Professional Stay, which consist of 9 academic credits.

This is a great opportunity to continue strengthening your talent and leadership through collaboration with diverse cultures and industry sectors, and to have impact for a regenerative future.

Explore this site for more details!

Participating Universities

Modelo de colaboración
Conformación de equipos
Miembros de cada equipo

10 students + 1 facilitator + 1 partner institutions (proposes the challenge)

Preguntas frecuentes
Is it exclusive for students taking their Semester Tec?
When does the program start?
What is the structure of the program?
Is it a face-to-face program or a distance learning program?
How can I register my interest in this Semester Tec experience?
Do I need to have previous experience in Sustainable Development Goals?
Where can I learn more about Future 17?
Where can I find information about previous Future 17 projects?
What else is Tec doing to contribute to SDG?
Where can I learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals and their implementation in Mexico?

Sí, por el momento es exclusivo para cursar en Semestre Tec. Acreditarás 9 créditos académicos, en el formato de Estancia Profesional.
*Te recomendamos consultar oportunidades de 9 créditos para complementar tu carga del semestre (Recuerda que para acreditar Semestre Tec es necesario completar 18 créditos)

La participación tiene una duración de un semestre (agosto-diciembre 2024). Para poder participar es necesario expresar tu interés en el proceso de preinscripción durante la semana 6 del semestre febrero-junio 2024 (del 15 al 22 de marzo, 2024).

  • Registro: Una vez seleccionados los alumnos participantes (límite 100) se te registrará en la plataforma Moodle.
  • Fase 1 (Septiembre): Inducción de 4 semanas diseñada por Exeter University (Reino Unido) - en línea, autogestión.
  • Fase 2 (Octubre y Noviembre): Colaboración en equipos en un proyecto asignado por la empresa socia asignada por QS.
  • Cierre del programa (Diciembre): Presentaciones finales y actividad de cierre.

El programa es una oportunidad de internacionalización virtual. Es decir, tendrás la oportunidad de participar en equipos multidisciplinarios y multiculturales a distancia con empresas de diversos países y con la guía de mentores de las diversas universidades participantes.

Podrás preinscribirla durante la semana 6 (del 15 al 22 de marzo 2024) en IRIS, como opción de Semestre Tec, dentro de la oferta de estancias profesionales de tu Escuela.

Si conoces los ODS y tienes interés en fortalecer tus competencias de liderazgo, innovación y emprendimiento social este programa es para ti.

Te recomendamos visitar el siguiente sitio para conocer más sobre esta iniciativa: link Introducing Future17: Global education programme that partners students with real-world sustainable initiatives o revisa el Handbook proporcionado por QS y Exeter University en: link Program Handbook

Logotipo Future 17an initiative of:

Apoyos Especiales para Campus GDL

Apoyos Especiales para Campus GDL

Apoyos especiales de Campus Guadalajara para Ingeniería Química o Ingeniería en Robótica y Sistemas Digitales


En Campus Guadalajara creemos en tu potencial para desarrollar con éxito tu plan de vida y carrera con nosotros. Por ello, hemos creado apoyos especiales de Beca para cursar en nuestro campus los programas de Ingeniería Química (IQ) o Ingeniería en Robótica y Sistemas Digitales (IRS).

Escríbenos para cualquier duda que tengas:

¡Descubre hasta dónde puedes llegar!
Selecciona los botones para conocer más de nuestros programas.

Apoyos Especiales para Campus CVA

Apoyos Especiales para Campus CVA

Apoyos especiales de Campus Cuernavaca para Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas


En Campus Cuernavaca creemos en tu potencial para desarrollar con éxito tu plan de vida y carrera con nosotros. Por ello, hemos creado apoyos especiales de Beca para cursar en nuestro campus el programa de Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas (IIS).

Escríbenos para cualquier duda que tengas:

¡Descubre hasta dónde puedes llegar!
Selecciona los botones para conocer más de nuestros programas.

Learning Resources

Profesora y alumno compartiendo recursos de aprendizaje, Tec de Monterrey
Learning Resources
Alumna, Integridad Académica, Tec de Monterrey

Academic Regulations

*Chapter IX corresponds to Academic Integrity

Find out more navigate_next
Panel: Student Voices: Reflections on Academic Integrity in the Age of AI
Panel: Student Voices: Reflections on Academic Integrity in the Age of AI
Migrating to online education with integrity
Anti-Corruption Week

In this panel, students from Tec de Monterrey and Tecmilenio share their perspectives on how to put the principles of academic integrity into practice in class and what they think about the issue of buying and selling academic assignments (contract cheating).

In this talk, professors who are experts in ethics and integrity highlight the importance of addressing the issue of academic integrity in universities from the class design, as a strategy to ensure quality in teaching and learning.

Additional Material
"Logo ICAI"

Learn about the International Center for Academic Integrity, an association that studies the state of the art of academic integrity and promotes the exchange of good academic integrity practices among universities around the world to promote an ethical culture in teaching and learning. 

FIND OUT MOREkeyboard_arrow_right

The purpose of the Academic Integrity Magazine is to disseminate and socialize valuable content that collaborates to promote a culture of academic honesty in higher education institutions in Latin America.       

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Recursos de aprendizaje

Profesora y alumno compartiendo recursos de aprendizaje, Tec de Monterrey
Recursos de Aprendizaje
Alumna, Integridad Académica, Tec de Monterrey

Reglamento Académico

*El capítulo IX corresponde a Integridad Académica.

Consúltalo aquí navigate_next
Panel: Student Voices: Reflections on Academic Integrity in the Age of AI
Panel: Voces Estudiantiles
Migrando a la educación en línea con integridad académica
Semana contra la Corrupción

In this panel, students from Tec de Monterrey and Tecmilenio share their perspectives on how to put the principles of academic integrity into practice in class and what they think about the issue of buying and selling academic assignments (contract cheating).

In this talk, professors who are experts in ethics and integrity highlight the importance of addressing the issue of academic integrity in universities from the class design, as a strategy to ensure quality in teaching and learning.

Material adicional
"Logo ICAI"

Learn about the International Center for Academic Integrity, an association that studies the state of the art of academic integrity and promotes the exchange of good academic integrity practices among universities around the world to promote an ethical culture in teaching and learning. 

FIND OUT MOREkeyboard_arrow_right

The purpose of the Academic Integrity Magazine is to disseminate and socialize valuable content that collaborates to promote a culture of academic honesty in higher education institutions in Latin America.       

FIND OUT MOREkeyboard_arrow_right

Commitment to Integrity



“As a member of the student community of Tecnológico de Monterrey, I am aware that all people deserve respect. I accept that we live in a diverse world and I assume an attitude of listening and dialogue that contributes to mutual understanding. I understand that my personal development and learning of excellence involve acting with integrity in my academic and personal life. 

Therefore, I commit to: 

  • Respect others, their opinions, and differences, to live together in an environment of tolerance and safety. 
  • Know and comply with academic and student regulations for the good of our Tec community. 
  • Be aware that my actions impact not only the environment, but also other people in my city, country, in the world, and even in future generations.
  • Pursue my well-being in its different dimensions to achieve my goals and promote a healthy coexistence in my community, acting as an agent of change in my environment, in a safe and assertive way. 
  • Do my own work, be honest about what I know and what I need to learn, as well as respect the work of others, and ask for help when necessary.” 



Compromiso con la Integridad



“As a member of the student community of Tecnológico de Monterrey, I am aware that all people deserve respect. I accept that we live in a diverse world and I assume an attitude of listening and dialogue that contributes to mutual understanding. I understand that my personal development and learning of excellence involve acting with integrity in my academic and personal life. 

Therefore, I commit to: 

  • Respect others, their opinions, and differences, to live together in an environment of tolerance and safety. 
  • Know and comply with academic and student regulations for the good of our Tec community. 
  • Be aware that my actions impact not only the environment, but also other people in my city, country, in the world, and even in future generations.
  • Pursue my well-being in its different dimensions to achieve my goals and promote a healthy coexistence in my community, acting as an agent of change in my environment, in a safe and assertive way. 
  • Do my own work, be honest about what I know and what I need to learn, as well as respect the work of others, and ask for help when necessary.” 




1. Where can I report a breach of academic integrity?

Breaches of academic integrity, known as FIAs (by its acronym in Spanish) must be reported through the ETHOS platform, which can be accessed in two ways:
2. What is academic integrity?

It means “acting with honesty, commitment, fairness, responsibility and respect in learning, research and dissemination of culture.” It implies having the courage to stand up for these principles, even when it is difficult to do so (Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations).
3. What is a breach of academic integrity?

A breach of academic integrity is considered any individual or collective action or omission of the students that is committed inside or outside the classroom, that violates the principles of academic integrity and/or that seeks to obtain or facilitate a benefit or academic advantage.
4. What does "FIA" mean?

It is the Spanish acronym of Falta a la Integridad Académica, that is, Breach of Academic Integrity
5. What’s the difference between a DA and an FIA?

“DA" (by its acronym in Spanish) means “Deshonestidad Académica”, that is, "Academic Dishonesty". It was a term used to report cases of breaches of academic integrity committed by students, according to the Academic Dishonesty Program and the academic regulations of that time. In July 2017, the Academic Integrity Program was launched with the purpose of promoting a culture in the community, focusing on providing the students with more formative rather than just punitive consequences. Therefore, when a student is reported for having committed an academic integrity breach, the correct term to use is “FIA”, by its acronym in Spanish (that is Falta a la Integridad Académica) and not “DA”.
6. What are the consequences of committing a breach of academic integrity?

You can consult the consequences of committing any breach of academic integrity in Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations, click on the link that corresponds to your level of studies:

High School Students:
Undergraduate Students:
Graduate Students:
7. What types of consequences are appealable?

Only the breaches of academic integrity that result in a temporary suspension or permanent withdrawal from the Institution may be appealed in accordance with the provisions of the Academic Regulations. To do so, it is important to follow the procedure declared in Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations.
8. What is the process for a student to appeal for a resolution of temporary suspension or permanent withdrawal?

Only the breaches of academic integrity that result in a temporary suspension or permanent withdrawal from the Institution may be appealed in accordance with the provisions of the Academic Regulations. To do so, it is important to follow the procedure declared in Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations.
9. Who can report a breach of academic integrity?

According to the article 9.4 of the Academic Regulations, any student, member of the academic staff, institutional authority, member of the Tec de Monterrey educational community or any external entity linked to the academic process, who has knowledge of any act that may constitute a violation to academic integrity, must communicate it in writing to the Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC), including evidence that demonstrates the fact. To do this, a report must be made through the ETHOS platform, which can be accessed in two ways:
10. What is the purpose of the Academic Integrity program?

To strengthen the culture of academic integrity at Tec de Monterrey, through a set of actions oriented to raise awareness and educate about integrity, as well as provide an effective management of breaches of academic integrity, according to the Academic Regulations of our Institution, to promote honesty, respect, commitment, responsibility and justice in the field of learning, teaching, research and the dissemination of culture.
11. Who is part of the Academic Integrity Program?

The entire Tec community is part of the Academic Integrity Program; however, the people who collaborate directly in the Campus and National Academic Integrity Committees have a special participation, as well as the people who perform the role of Ambassadors of Academic Integrity and the teachers of the Integrity Academy.
12. What is a Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC)?

A Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC, by its acronym in Spanish) is a deliberative body that, by addressing and resolving cases of breaches of academic integrity, educates students in integrity and strengthens the culture of integrity on the Campus and in the Institution in general.
13. What does a Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC) do?
  • Educates students in integrity, contributing with this to the formation of professionals technically efficient and ethically responsible.
  • Promotes the strengthening of a culture of academic integrity in our Institution.
14. What is a National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN)?

The National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN, by its acronym in Spanish) is the body responsible for reviewing appealed cases submitted by reported students who received resolutions of temporary suspension or permanent withdrawal.
15. What does the National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN) do?

The main function of the CIAN is to analyze and resolve the appealed cases it receives, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations of the Institution.
16. What can I do if I witness a breach of academic integrity?

It is important that you report it through the ETHOS platform. To access, follow either step:
17. What is the process for managing a breach of academic integrity?

When a student has committed a breach of academic integrity, the professor:

  • Will assign a failing grade, either in the activity, exam, project, subject, etc.
  • Make a report to the Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC) through ETHOS platform.

Then, the Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC):

  • Will analyze the seriousness of the reported events.
  • Will subsequently indicate whether it is necessary for the student to attend a hearing session to discuss what happened.

It is very important that students always check their institutional email, as there they will be contacted about any situation related to the case.

18. What are examples of breaches of academic integrity?

A breach of academic integrity is considered any individual or collective action or omission by students, whether committed inside or outside the classroom, that violates the principles of academic integrity and/or seeks to obtain or facilitate an academic benefit or advantage.

Some examples of this type of actions or omissions are: copy or attempt to copy any type of exam or learning activity; partial or total plagiarism; facilitate any activity or material to be copied and/or presented as your own; impersonation; access and/or manipulate, without express authorization, email accounts or institutional systems; falsify information; alter academic documents; sell or buy exams or distribute them by any means; steal or obtain information improperly or attempt to bribe a professor or any collaborator of the Institution; the alteration of clinical records; unauthorized use of tools, software or devices; among other. For any further questions, email us at

19. ¿En qué capítulo del Reglamento Académico se habla sobre integridad académica?

Throughout the Academic Regulations there are several articles related to academic integrity; However, Chapter IX is where you can learn more details about the Academic Integrity Program. We invite you to click on the link that corresponds to your level of studies:

High School Students:
Undergraduate Students:
Graduate Students:
20. What is a remediation assignment?

A remediation assignment is an educational intervention designed to prevent future infractions. It is aimed to promote reflection among students and raise their ethical awareness to help them make ethical decisions in difficult circumstances.
21. What is an Academic Integrity Plan?

An Academic Integrity Plan is aimed specifically at students who have been suspended from the Institution. In this period of separation from the school, students carry out a series of activities that allow them to reflect on the breach of academic integrity committed and are provided with tools that help them strength their moral conscience. Unlike the remediation assignments, the Academic Integrity Plan lasts from one month up to one year and can include activities to be performed in collaboration with a social organization.

Monterrey - Residence Hall IV

Location: Inside Campus Monterrey, in the Choza area

Contact: Antonio Hernández Pizano


Telephone: (81)


Pasillo Resis IV Lobby Resis IV Jardín Resis IV 1 2 3 4 5
Female Rooms
  • Single room
  • Double room
Common Areas
  • Lobby
  • Swimming pool
  • Barbecue grills
  • Common bathroom
  • Laundry
  • Kitchen
  • Microwave ovens
  • Movie theater
  • Recreation rooms
  • Recreation rooms and cubicles
Room Features
  • Furnished
  • Closet
  • Sink
  • Mirror
  • Desk
  • Preparation for air conditioning

Monterrey - Residencias IV

Ubicación: Dentro del Campus Monterrey, en el área de Choza

Contacto: Lic. Antonio Hernández Pizano


Teléfono: (81)


Comienza tu proceso de admisión llenando la solicitud de residencias aquí

Pasillo Resis IV  Lobby Sala IV Lobby Resis IV Sanitarios IV Jardines Resis IV Dormitorios Dobles IV Dormitorios Dobles v2 IV Dormitorios Dobles v3 IV
Habitaciones Femeninas
  • Cuarto individual
  • Cuarto doble
Áreas Comunes
  • Lobby
  • Alberca
  • Asadores
  • Baño común
  • Lavandería
  • Cocina
  • Microondas en área común
  • Salas y cubículos de estudio
Características de la Habitación
  • Amueblada
  • Clóset
  • Lavabo
  • Espejo
  • Escritorio
  • Facilidad para instalar aire acondicionado