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Peter Jones

Peter Jones

Peter Jones

Distinguished Professor in Systemic Design

School of Architecture, Art and Design


Social and design research
Service and systemic design
Cognitive psychology
Organizational and innovation strategy

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Dr. Peter Jones is an associate professor in the Faculty of Design at OCAD University (OCAD U), in Toronto, Canada, in the Master of Design graduate programs. He teaches systemic and service design and mixed methods research for healthcare, information services, policy, and governance. 

He is the founder of Redesign Network, a renowned innovation research consultancy with a focus on professional practices and policy platforms; co-founder and academic director of the Flourishing Enterprise Institute, a research group that develops and teaches systemic management innovations for sustainability governance, urban planning, and complex public policy; and co-founder and board member of the Systemic Design Association (SDA) and its RSD (Relating Systems Thinking and Design) Symposium, which have become leading research networks in design for complexity.

His design experience ranges from user experience and evaluation to complete online platforms for leading information providers in the commercial, government, non-profit, and academic sectors. He has also led society-driven initiatives to make a change through design. For example, he was co-founder and board member of Regenerate Toronto, where he created the “Drawdown” program (2019-2022) for community education and systemic action on climate change.

Peter Jones’ research provides the basis to advise organizations in systems leadership and transformational change. His research agenda is largely focused on the theory and application of systemic design in highly complex domains such as healthcare and public sector management.

He is a leading scholar in dialogic design and collaborative foresight for addressing complex future challenges. He is also known for his work in soft services design for communities and health; collaborative foresight for complex challenges; flourishing cultures and economies (eco-social, strongly sustainable); and organizational learning and innovation, among other areas.

Since 2008, Peter Jones has been granted funding for several projects about systemic design in healthcare, decision-making in municipal planning, and futures and foresight, mainly in Canada.

He has been a regular speaker at international scholarly and professional conferences and workshops about topics involving systemic change, design, system design and research methods focused on education, healthcare, and society, in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Norway, Canada, the United States, India, and China, to name some.

He is editor-in-chief of the new SDA journal Contexts: The Systemic Design Journal, widely published in this field. He is also a reviewer for She Ji, Systems, Form Akademisk, Organization and Environment, Information, and other journals.

Additionally, he is also the RSD Proceedings editor-in-chief, where he has organized regular special issue collections curated from the RSD Symposium series, and section editor for chapters submitted to the Systemic Design section of the Springer: Handbook of Systems Sciences.

Peter Jones has written four books about design and innovation, the most recent ones being Design Journeys through Complex Systems (BIS Publishers, 2022) and Design for Care: Innovating Healthcare Experience (Rosenfeld Media, 2013).

He is recognized for his contributions to systemic design, like the creation of new systemic methodologies such as the Systemic Design Toolkit, Systemic Theories of Change, and the Flourishing Business Canvas.

Peter Jones joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Professor in Systemic Design for the School of Architecture, Art and Design.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., lnterdisciplinary Studies, Design and lnnovation Management, Union lnstitute.
  • M.A., Experimental Psychology, Human Factors, University of Dayton.
  • B.A., Psychology, Wright State University.
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  • Jones, Peter & Arun Kumar, Pranay. (2023). Formative Interventions for Healthcare Sustainability: A Developmental Design Agenda. 10.1007/978-3-031-20168-4_11. 

  • Jones, P.H. and Van Ael, K. (2022). Design Journeys through Complex Systems. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers.

  • Jones, P. & Barbero, s. (2022). The multi-order complexity of transdisciplinary communication. Contexts, 1.

  • Waddock, S., Waddell, S., Jones, P. H., & Kendrick, I. (2022). Convening Transformation Systems to Achieve System Transformation. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 2(1), 77-100.

  • Murphy, R.J. & Jones, P. (2021). Towards systemic theories of change: High-leverage strategies for managing wicked problems. Design Management Journal, 16(1), 49-65.

More publications

Peter Jones

Peter Jones

Peter Jones

Profesor Distinguido en Diseño Sistémico

Escuela de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño


Investigación social y diseño
Diseño sistémico y de servicios
Psicología cognitiva
Estrategia organizacional y de innovación

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Dr. Peter Jones is an associate professor in the Faculty of Design at OCAD University (OCAD U), in Toronto, Canada, in the Master of Design graduate programs. He teaches systemic and service design and mixed methods research for healthcare, information services, policy, and governance. 

He is the founder of Redesign Network, a renowned innovation research consultancy with a focus on professional practices and policy platforms; co-founder and academic director of the Flourishing Enterprise Institute, a research group that develops and teaches systemic management innovations for sustainability governance, urban planning, and complex public policy; and co-founder and board member of the Systemic Design Association (SDA) and its RSD (Relating Systems Thinking and Design) Symposium, which have become leading research networks in design for complexity.

His design experience ranges from user experience and evaluation to complete online platforms for leading information providers in the commercial, government, non-profit, and academic sectors. He has also led society-driven initiatives to make a change through design. For example, he was co-founder and board member of Regenerate Toronto, where he created the “Drawdown” program (2019-2022) for community education and systemic action on climate change.

Peter Jones’ research provides the basis to advise organizations in systems leadership and transformational change. His research agenda is largely focused on the theory and application of systemic design in highly complex domains such as healthcare and public sector management.

He is a leading scholar in dialogic design and collaborative foresight for addressing complex future challenges. He is also known for his work in soft services design for communities and health; collaborative foresight for complex challenges; flourishing cultures and economies (eco-social, strongly sustainable); and organizational learning and innovation, among other areas.

Since 2008, Peter Jones has been granted funding for several projects about systemic design in healthcare, decision-making in municipal planning, and futures and foresight, mainly in Canada.

He has been a regular speaker at international scholarly and professional conferences and workshops about topics involving systemic change, design, system design and research methods focused on education, healthcare, and society, in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Norway, Canada, the United States, India, and China, to name some.

He is editor-in-chief of the new SDA journal Contexts: The Systemic Design Journal, widely published in this field. He is also a reviewer for She Ji, Systems, Form Akademisk, Organization and Environment, Information, and other journals.

Additionally, he is also the RSD Proceedings editor-in-chief, where he has organized regular special issue collections curated from the RSD Symposium series, and section editor for chapters submitted to the Systemic Design section of the Springer: Handbook of Systems Sciences.

Peter Jones has written four books about design and innovation, the most recent ones being Design Journeys through Complex Systems (BIS Publishers, 2022) and Design for Care: Innovating Healthcare Experience (Rosenfeld Media, 2013).

He is recognized for his contributions to systemic design, like the creation of new systemic methodologies such as the Systemic Design Toolkit, Systemic Theories of Change, and the Flourishing Business Canvas.

Peter Jones joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Professor in Systemic Design for the School of Architecture, Art and Design.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., lnterdisciplinary Studies, Design and lnnovation Management, Union lnstitute.
  • M.A., Experimental Psychology, Human Factors, University of Dayton.
  • B.A., Psychology, Wright State University.
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  • Jones, Peter & Arun Kumar, Pranay. (2023). Formative Interventions for Healthcare Sustainability: A Developmental Design Agenda. 10.1007/978-3-031-20168-4_11. 

  • Jones, P.H. and Van Ael, K. (2022). Design Journeys through Complex Systems. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers.

  • Jones, P. & Barbero, s. (2022). The multi-order complexity of transdisciplinary communication. Contexts, 1.

  • Waddock, S., Waddell, S., Jones, P. H., & Kendrick, I. (2022). Convening Transformation Systems to Achieve System Transformation. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 2(1), 77-100.

  • Murphy, R.J. & Jones, P. (2021). Towards systemic theories of change: High-leverage strategies for managing wicked problems. Design Management Journal, 16(1), 49-65.

More publications

Fondo para el Desarrollo Regional

Fondo para el desarrollo regional

Fondo de Becas para el Desarrollo Regional

de los campus Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Laguna, León, San Luis Potosí y Sonora Norte.

En el Tec creemos en tu potencial para hacer que las cosas sucedan. Por ello, gracias a la generosidad de la comunidad EXATEC, Consejeros y donantes que apoyan a nuestros campus, creamos el Fondo para el Desarrollo Regional, para que estudiantes comprometidos como tú, concluyan una carrera profesional y puedan contribuir activamente al desarrollo y crecimiento de la región.  

Con este Fondo, queremos impulsarte a ser un agente de cambio que consolide el desarrollo de su comunidad y que aproveches al máximo las oportunidades que te ofrece el Tec de Monterrey.

Este Fondo te brinda la oportunidad de solicitar becas especiales que complementan los programas de apoyos con los que contamos.


¡Es momento de impactar al mundo con tu talento!

Estamos seguros que encontrarás un nuevo sentido de la palabra pertenencia.


Te invitamos a conocer estos apoyos especiales:

Impulsa a un compañero(a) en Prepanet Feb-Abril 24

Dirigido a
Comunidad Tec
EXATEC Chihuahua
Impulsa a un compañero(a) en Prepanet Feb-Abril 24

Problemática social

Un alto porcentaje de colaboradores Tec que están estudiando Prepanet, presentan retos para familiarizarse con su rol estudiantil, por esta razón desertan por falta de habilidades tecnológicas y falta de hábitos de estudio.


Orientar a las y los colaboradores que estudian Prepanet, en su proceso formativo, transmitiéndoles conocimientos, ampliando su red de relaciones, generando comunidad Tec y abriendo sus perspectivas de empleo.

Requisitos para voluntarios

* Ser colaborador del Tecnológico de Monterrey con licenciatura terminada o posgrado.
* Habilidades computacionales (uso de plataformas, office)
* Cumplir con la capacitación brindada por Prepanet
* Interés en el desarrollo de sus compañeros

Horas requeridas: 2 horas semanalmente

Tareas a realizar

* Acompañamiento presencial y a distancia
* Apoyo en la creación de la llave digital
* Contacto con el alumno para revisar avance académico
* Apoyo en el uso de la computadora, office y herramientas tecnológicas

Información adicional

 Cynthia Ivette López Velázquez ( )

Apoyos especiales de Campus Puebla para Ingeniería Química


Apoyos especiales de Campus Puebla para Ingeniería Química

En Campus Puebla creemos en tu potencial para desarrollar con éxito tu plan de vida y carrera con nosotros. Por ello, hemos creado apoyos especiales de Beca para cursar en nuestro campus el programa de Ingeniería Química (IQ).

Escríbenos para cualquier duda que tengas:

¡Descubre hasta dónde puedes llegar!
Selecciona los botones para conocer más de nuestros programas.

Apoyos especiales para Campus MTY

Apoyos especiales para Campus MTY

Apoyos especiales de Campus Monterrey para Ingeniería en Electrónica, Licenciatura en Urbanismo, Licenciatura en Letras Hispánicas o Licenciatura en Periodismo


En Campus Monterrey creemos en tu potencial para desarrollar con éxito tu plan de vida y carrera con nosotros. Por ello, hemos creado apoyos especiales de Beca para cursar en nuestro campus los programas de Ingeniería en Electrónica (IE), Licenciatura en Urbanismo (LUB), Licenciatura en Letras Hispánicas (LLE) o Licenciatura en Periodismo (LPE).

Escríbenos para cualquier duda que tengas:

¡Descubre hasta dónde puedes llegar!
Selecciona los botones para conocer más de nuestros programas.

Tec Science Summit 2024

Centro de Congresos, Campus Monterrey
Dirigido a
Vicepresidencia de Investigación

Un día para compartir y hablar de ciencia

A través de una ciencia viva, en acción, queremos resolver los grandes problemas de la humanidad.

Conoce más de este evento y regístrate AQUÍ



Vicepresidencia de Investigación

IFE Insights Reports

Welcome to the IFE Insights Report: Your guide to the future of education

IFE Insights Report provides readers with deep understanding as well as expert insight into relevant topics in educational innovation. This report seeks to be a valuable source of information and an essential reference for the educational sector, in such a way that it contributes effectively to the advancement of education.

We invite you to download the IFE Insights Report and join our dream of improving the lives of millions of people through the transformation of education.


Short-Cycle Programs: Effective Responses to Enterprises' Needs Through Educational Innovation

In a world with rapid changes, where innovation and information are fundamental, at the Institute for the Future of Education we provide specialized knowledge through the IFE Insights Report, a publication where experts analyze relevant topics in educational innovation.

Our goal with IFE Insights Report is to provide readers with in-depth understanding as well as expert insight, which is a valuable source of information and an essential reference for the education sector, effectively contributing to the advancement of education.

Read our first report entitled “Short Cycle Programs: Effective Responses to Enterprises' Needs Through Educational Innovation”

PDF | Download File get_app

Digital Education in Universities: A Comprehensive Implementation Guide

The importance of digital education lies in its power to empower present and future generations to thrive in a world shaped by technology. By embracing this educational revolution, we open the doors to innovation, creativity, and human progress. However, only through collective commitment and an inclusive vision can we fully harness the transformative potential of Digital Education.

This report explores the multiple facets, challenges and possibilities this educational model presents. It is a journey toward understanding how the fusion between education and technology can shape a brighter, more equitable future for all.

PDF | Download Fileget_app

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IFE Insights Reports

Welcome to the IFE Insights Report: Your guide to the future of education

IFE Insights Report provides readers with deep understanding as well as expert insight into relevant topics in educational innovation. This report seeks to be a valuable source of information and an essential reference for the educational sector, in such a way that it contributes effectively to the advancement of education.

We invite you to download the IFE Insights Report and join our dream of improving the lives of millions of people through the transformation of education.


Short-Cycle Programs: Effective Responses to Enterprises' Needs Through Educational Innovation

In a world with rapid changes, where innovation and information are fundamental, at the Institute for the Future of Education we provide specialized knowledge through the IFE Insights Report, a publication where experts analyze relevant topics in educational innovation.

Our goal with IFE Insights Report is to provide readers with in-depth understanding as well as expert insight, which is a valuable source of information and an essential reference for the education sector, effectively contributing to the advancement of education.

Read our first report entitled “Short Cycle Programs: Effective Responses to Enterprises' Needs Through Educational Innovation”

PDF | Download File get_app

Digital Education in Universities: A Comprehensive Implementation Guide

The importance of digital education lies in its power to empower present and future generations to thrive in a world shaped by technology. By embracing this educational revolution, we open the doors to innovation, creativity, and human progress. However, only through collective commitment and an inclusive vision can we fully harness the transformative potential of Digital Education.

This report explores the multiple facets, challenges and possibilities this educational model presents. It is a journey toward understanding how the fusion between education and technology can shape a brighter, more equitable future for all.

PDF | Download Fileget_app

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QS Future 17 SDG Challenge Program

Alumnos en palapas de campus Tec de Monterrey
QS Future 17 SDG Challenge Program

What is QS Future 17 SDG Challenge Program?

The QS Future 17 SDG Challenge Program is an initiative, co-founded by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) and Exeter University, from the United Kingdom, in which up to 20 universities around the world participate in order to promote youth leadership and collaboration with the business sector towards a sustainable development through challenges and solutions focused on the SDGs.

Future 17, is now available as an alternative for your Tec Semester, in the format of a Professional Stay, which consist of 9 academic credits.

This is a great opportunity to continue strengthening your talent and leadership through collaboration with diverse cultures and industry sectors, and to have impact for a regenerative future.

Explore this site for more details!

Participating Universities

Collaboration model
Team formation
Members of each team

10 students + 1 facilitator + 1 partner institutions (proposes the challenge)

Frequently Asked Questions
Is it exclusive for students taking their Semester Tec?
When does the program start?
What is the structure of the program?
Is it a face-to-face program or a distance learning program?
How can I register my interest in this Semester Tec experience?
Do I need to have previous experience in Sustainable Development Goals?
Where can I learn more about Future 17?
Where can I find information about previous Future 17 projects?
What else is Tec doing to contribute to SDG?
Where can I learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals and their implementation in Mexico?

The program is available for students taking Tec Semester. You will be credited with 9 academic credits, in the Professional Internship format.
*We recommend you to consult additional 9-credit alternatives, in order to complement your semester load (Remember that in order to be credited for Semestre Tec you need to complete 18 credits).

Participation lasts for one semester (August-December 2024). In order to participate it is necessary to express your interest in the pre-registration process during week 6 of the February-June 2024 semester (March 15-22, 2024).

  • Registration: Once the participating students are selected (up to 100) you will be registered on the Moodle platform.
  • Phase 1 (September): 4-week online induction designed by Exeter University (UK), (self-paced).
  • Phase 2 (October and November): Team collaboration on a project assigned by the partner company assigned by QS.
  • Closing of the program (December): Final presentations and closing activity.

The program is a virtual internationalization opportunity. That is, you will participate in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams online with companies from different countries and with the guidance of facilitators from the various participating universities.

You will be able to pre-register during week 6 (March 15 to 22, 2024) for the Semester Tec professional internships options, which you can access in IRIS.

If you are familiar with the SDGs and are interested in strengthening your leadership, innovation and social entrepreneurship skills, this program is for you.

We recommend you to visit the following site: link Introducing Future17: Global education programme that partners students with real-world sustainable initiatives or review the Handbook provided by QS and Exeter University at: link Program Handbook

Logotipo Future 17an initiative of: