Human Genetics
About the Group
The general objective of this group is to develop research in the different areas of Human Genetics as a primordial discipline of biomedical research.
Research lines
- Molecular biology, toxicogenomics and innovative therapies for prostate and lung neoplasms.
- Pathophysiology of tissue damage during pregnancy.
- Genetic and environmental determinants of frequent congenital anomalies.
- Studies of Mendelian diseases and rare diseases of genetic etiology.
Augusto Rojas Martínez -
Core reserchers
Jesús Santos Guzmán
Víctor Javier Lara Díaz
Adjunct researchers
Belinda del Carmen Carrión Chavarría
Consuelo Cantú Reyna
Daniel Martínez Ramírez
Daniel Olvera Posada
Dione Aguilar y Méndez
Dixia Patricia Ramirez Vega
Fátima Miroslaba Alvarado Monroy
Héctor Cruz Camino
José Luis González Guerra
Juan Carlos Barrera De León
Karla Lorena Chávez Caraza
Mariano García-Magariño Alonso
Oscar Raul Fajardo Ramirez
Paulo César Martínez Benítez
Rocío Adriana Villafuerte De la Cruz
Ronny Kershenovich Sefchovich
Víctor Arízaga Ballesteros
Top 5 of publications 2015-2019
- Understanding the HPV integration and its progression to cervical cancer
Authors: Oyervides-Muñoz, M., Pérez-Maya, A., Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, H., Gómez-Macias, G., Fajardo-Ramírez, O., Treviño, V., Barrera-Saldaña, H., & Garza-Rodríguez, M.
- Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) therapy: Mitochondrial dysfunction and diseases
Authors: Sádaba, M., Martín-Estal, I., Puche, J., & Castilla-Cortázar, I.
- A new gene expression signature for Triple-Negative breast cancer using frozen fresh tissue before neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Authors: Santuario-Facio, S., Cardona-Huerta, S., Perez-Paramo, Y., Trevino, V., Hernandez-Cabrera, F., Rojas-Martinez, A., Uscanga-Perales, G., Martinez-Rodriguez, J., Martinez-Jacobo, L., Padilla-Rivas, G., Muñoz-Maldonado, G., Gonzalez-Guerrero, J., Valero-Gomez, J., Vazquez-Guerrero, A., Martinez-Rodriguez, H., Barboza-Quintana, A., Barboza-Quintana, O., Garza-Guajardo, R., & Ortiz-Lopez, R.
- Insulin-like growth factor-1 deficiency and metabolic syndrome
Authors: Aguirre, G., Ita, J., Garza, R., & Castilla-Cortazar, I.
- Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) as a novel condition of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) deficiency
Authors: Martín-Estal, I., De La Garza, R., & Castilla-Cortázar, I.