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Human Genetics

About the Group

The general objective of this group is to develop research in the different areas of Human Genetics as a primordial discipline of biomedical research.

Research lines

  1. Molecular biology, toxicogenomics and innovative therapies for prostate and lung neoplasms.
  2. Pathophysiology of tissue damage during pregnancy.
  3. Genetic and environmental determinants of frequent congenital anomalies.
  4. Studies of Mendelian diseases and rare diseases of genetic etiology.


Augusto Rojas Martínez -

Core reserchers

Jesús Santos Guzmán
Víctor Javier Lara Díaz


Adjunct researchers

Belinda del Carmen Carrión Chavarría
Consuelo Cantú Reyna
Daniel Martínez Ramírez
Daniel Olvera Posada
Dione Aguilar y Méndez
Dixia Patricia Ramirez Vega
Fátima Miroslaba Alvarado Monroy
Héctor Cruz Camino
José Luis González Guerra
Juan Carlos Barrera De León
Karla Lorena Chávez Caraza
Mariano García-Magariño Alonso
Oscar Raul Fajardo Ramirez
Paulo César Martínez Benítez
Rocío Adriana Villafuerte De la Cruz
Ronny Kershenovich Sefchovich
Víctor Arízaga Ballesteros


Top 5 of publications 2015-2019

- Understanding the HPV integration and its progression to cervical cancer
Authors: Oyervides-Muñoz, M., Pérez-Maya, A., Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, H., Gómez-Macias, G., Fajardo-Ramírez, O., Treviño, V., Barrera-Saldaña, H., & Garza-Rodríguez, M.

- Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) therapy: Mitochondrial dysfunction and diseases
Authors: Sádaba, M., Martín-Estal, I., Puche, J., & Castilla-Cortázar, I.

- A new gene expression signature for Triple-Negative breast cancer using frozen fresh tissue before neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Authors: Santuario-Facio, S., Cardona-Huerta, S., Perez-Paramo, Y., Trevino, V., Hernandez-Cabrera, F., Rojas-Martinez, A., Uscanga-Perales, G., Martinez-Rodriguez, J., Martinez-Jacobo, L., Padilla-Rivas, G., Muñoz-Maldonado, G., Gonzalez-Guerrero, J., Valero-Gomez, J., Vazquez-Guerrero, A., Martinez-Rodriguez, H., Barboza-Quintana, A., Barboza-Quintana, O., Garza-Guajardo, R., & Ortiz-Lopez, R.

- Insulin-like growth factor-1 deficiency and metabolic syndrome
Authors: Aguirre, G., Ita, J., Garza, R., & Castilla-Cortazar, I.

- Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) as a novel condition of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) deficiency
Authors: Martín-Estal, I., De La Garza, R., & Castilla-Cortázar, I.