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Estrategias Coronavirus

Research strategies against COVID-19 of Tec de Monterrey

Tec de Monterrey versus COVID-19
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Tec de Monterrey has the Model of Intervention of Tec before the COVID-19. This model is carried out in collaboration with key actors at all levels of government: municipal, state and federal, and with companies, universities and communities.

The Institution is identifying demands from society to generate quick solutions to face the challenges of the pandemic as well as those that we will seek to implement to resolve the financial, social, health and other consequences once the emergency has been overcome.

More information:
Arturo Molina Gutiérrez
ViceRector of Research and Technology Transfer

Neil Hernández Gress
Associate ViceRector for Research






The technical data sheets of products, developed in Tec de Monterrey, with the capacity to provide solutions to different needs related to COVID-19, are described below:

* Mask MADiT
Personal protective device, decreases the likelihood of exposure to splashes and body fluid aerosols generated during medical care, protecting the mouth, nose and eyes.

* Mask of type diver against COVID-19
This technological protection solution is ideal for health personnel. The mask has membranes for circular air outlet through coples. With the technology of 3D printing it was possible for the diving mask to become an alternative for virus protection.

* Virtual Laboratories
Low-cost laboratory equipment platforms based on computer emulators of Programmable Controllers and Operating Panels (HMI Devices), as well as Virtual Machines or Virtual Reality Machines for the emulation of manufacturing processes.

* Remote Laboratories
Remotely accessible physical laboratory resources using telepresence systems.

* Cyber Physical Laboratories
Platforms that integrate perfectly matched physical and virtual elements, where physical laboratory elements for conducting experiments and automation practices, robotics and control, are equipped with real control devices and virtual reality machines for process emulation.

* Map of traceability by State and Municipality COVID-19
The platform is a joint effort of a group of students and teachers of Tec de Monterrey to provide follow-up and easy access to the most relevant health information in the context of the coronavirus pandemic in Mexico.

More information:
Jorge Avendaño Alcaraz
Director of Marketing and Technology Transfer


The site is a joint effort of Tec students, teachers and researchers to follow up on health information in the context of the pandemic, such as the coroplético map of the number of infections by states, as well as different analyses carried out by experts in political science, using visualization tools and applied research.

Expert Core
This site developed by the Research Directorate presents the scientific work carried out by each of the researchers of the Tec de Monterrey, showing all their scientific production, such as articles, books, number of citations, academic degrees, lines of research, attachments and patents applied for. In addition, it allows visualizing the interrelation between each of the researchers. The experts of the Tec de Monterrey are working to make demands out of the complex situation that is leaving the COVID-19.
Get to know them!!

Reto Covid-19
This open innovation and linkage platform developed by the Network of Technology Transfer Offices is aimed at enabling society to propose and share solutions to the challenges related to COVID-19. The possible solutions are divided into 5 categories (Health, Community, Business, Education, and Information), which in turn are divided into three major categories: Existing Products, Ready-to-Offer Services and Ongoing Developments. Get involved!

Observatory of Educational Innovation
Below you can find a series of educational resources, practices, and articles for teachers, non-academic staff, and students to address the global crisis unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic.


The objective of this initiative is to foster collaborative work among experts from various areas of the knowledge of our Institution, to analyze the repercussions derived from COVID-19 that have triggered an unprecedented situation in the modern world, and have led us to rethink all our systems and our way of life as we know it.

This requires the generation of interdisciplinary proposals and solutions that are viable for society and help address the problems that the pandemic generates. To this end, teachers, researchers and postgraduate students are working, which will allow us to generate impact solutions over a period of 2 months.

To achieve this, a number of clusters of work have been established that encompass issues and challenges by area:


More information:
Neil Hernández Gress
Associate ViceRector for Research

1. Economics and Business - Click HERE to see the projects
    - Overall economic effects
    - Regional and municipal economic effects
    - Generation of new ideas and business forms
    - Digitization and technology in business
    - New forms of work organisation
2. Medicine and Public Health - Click HERE to see the projects
    - Analysis of contagion and re-contagions, generation of treatments
    - Technology for the health: Apps, telemedicine,virtualization
    - Health and public culture
3. Urbanism - Click HERE to see the projects
    - Logistics systems in cities
    - Safe transport, mobility and movement
    - New forms of neighbourhood and city organization
4. Education
    - Virtual educational models
    - Distance working and technology
5. Government and Public Policy - Click HERE to see the projects
    - Opportunities for Mexico in the New Global Order
    - Public policies for decision-making
6. Arts and Humanities - Click HERE to see the projects
    - Citizenship and gender issues
    - Resilience, culture, learning and challenges
7. Technology and Engineering - Click HERE to see the projects
    - New forms of food generation
8. Data Science for COVID-19 (cross-sectional)



On this site you can register your demands/needs and solutions to the crisis COVID19.

Enter HERE to the plataform.

* To enter the platform you must register a different account and password to the Tec.

More information:
Yebel Durón Villaseñor
Director of Science Disclosure and Communication




Access external funds on COVID-19 themes.

Check for information HERE.

More information:
Isabel Kreiner
Director of Innovation for Fund Attraction




- 2019-NCOV/COVID-19 - Approaches to viral vaccine development and preventive measures
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. Bilal M., Nazir M.S., Parra-Saldivar R., Iqbal H.M.N. (2020)

- Prevención y control de la infección por coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) en unidades de hemodiálisis
Salud publica de Mexico. Vega-Vega O., Arvizu-Hernández M., Domínguez-Cherit J.G., Sierra-Madero J., Correa-Rotter R. (2020)

- The impossibility of social distancing among the urban poor: the case of an Indian slum in the times of COVID-19
Local Environment. Wasdani K.P., Prasad A. (2020)

- The emergence of novel-coronavirus and its replication cycle - An overview
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. Iqbal H.M.N., Romero-Castillo K.D., Bilal M., Parra-Saldivar R. (2020)

- The organization of ideological discourse in times of unexpected crisis: Explaining how COVID-19 is exploited by populist leaders 
SAGE Journals. Prasad A. (2020)

- Management of acute ischemic stroke in patients with COVID-19 infection: Insights from an international panel
American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Qureshi, A.I., Abd-Allah, F., Al-Senani, F., Aytac, E., Gongora-Rivera, F., Oliveira-Filho, J., et al. (2020)

- Management of acute ischemic stroke in patients with COVID-19 infection: Report of an international panel
International Journal of Stroke. Qureshi, A.I., Abd-Allah, F., Al-Senani, F., Aytac, E., Gongora-Rivera, F., Oliveira-Filho, J., et al. (2020)

- Correlation Between Temperature and COVID-19 (Suspected, Confirmed and Death) Cases based on Machine Learning Analysis
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. Mohammad Khubeb Siddiqui, Ruben Morales-Menendez, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Hafiz M.N. Iqbal, Fida Hussain, Khudeja Khatoon and Sultan Ahmad. (2020)

- COVID-19 reveals weak health systems by design: Why we must re-make global health in this historic moment
Global Public Health. Shamasunder, S., Holmes, S.M., Goronga, T., Carrasco, H., Katz, E., Frankfurter, R., Keshavjee, S. (2020)

- Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: Family cluster of Urticarial Rash
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. Cepeda-Valdes, R., Carrion-Alvarez, D., Trejo-Castro, A., Hernandez-Torre, M., Salas-Alanis, J. (2020)

- Application of deep learning for fast detection of COVID-19 in X-Rays using nCOVnet
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. Panwar, H., Gupta, P.K., Siddiqui, M.K., Morales-Menendez, R., Singh, V. (2020)

- A Deep Learning and Grad-CAM based Color Visualization Approach for Fast Detection of COVID-19 Cases using Chest X-ray and CT-Scan Images
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. Panwar, H., Gupta, P.K., Siddiqui, M.K., Morales-Menendez, R., Singh, V., Bhardwaj, B. (2020)

- El papel del estudiante de medicina ante la pandemia de COVID-19. Una responsabilidad compartida
Cirugia y cirujanos. Valdez-García, Jorge E; Eraña-Rojas, Irma E; Díaz Elizondo, José A; Cordero-Díaz, Mary A; Torres-Quintanilla, Alejandro; Esperón-Hernández, Ramón I; Zeron-Gutiérrez, Lydia.(2020)

- COVID-19, ACE -inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers-: The need to differentiate between early infection and acute lung injury
Revista Colombiana de Cardiologia. González-Rayas, J.M., Rayas-Gómez, A.L., García-González, J.J., González-Yáñez, J.M., Hernández-Hernández, J.A., López-Sánchez, R.D.C. (2020)

- Universal Masking during Covid-19 Pandemic - Current Evidence and Controversies
Revista de investigacion clinica; organo del Hospital de Enfermedades de la Nutricion Mariana A. Quintana-Díaz, Carlos A. Aguilar-Salinas. (2020)

- Predicting Mortality Due to SARS-CoV-2: A Mechanistic Score Relating Obesity and Diabetes to COVID-19 Outcomes in Mexico
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism Bello-Chavolla, O.Y., Bahena-López, J.P., Antonio-Villa, N.E., Vargas-Vázquez, A., González-Díaz, A., Márquez-Salinas, A., Fermín-Martínez, C.A., Naveja, J.J., Aguilar-Salinas, C.A. (2020)

- Recommendations for the management of patients that require eye care during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Revista Mexicana de Oftalmologia Olivares-De Emparan, J.P., Garza-Leon, M., García-Aguirre, G., Azcárate-Coral, T., Penniecook, J.A., Lansingh, V.C., Lansingh, V.C., Jiménez-Román, J. (2020)

- Environmental Impacts and Policy Responses to Covid-19: A View from Latin America
Environmental and Resource Economics López-Feldman, A., Chávez, C., Vélez, M.A., Bejarano, H., Chimeli, A.B., Féres, J., Robalino, J., Salcedo, R., Viteri, C. (2020)

- Strategic measures for food processing and manufacturing facilities to combat coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19)
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology Shahbaz, M., Bilal, M., Akhlaq, M., Moiz, A., Zubair, S., Iqbal, H.M.N. (2020)

- Food safety and COVID-19: Precautionary measures to limit the spread of Coronavirus at food service and retail sector
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology Shahbaz, M., Bilal, M., Moiz, A., Zubair, S., Iqbal, H.M.N. (2020)

- Coronaviruses and COVID-19 – Complications and lessons learned for the future
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology Bilal, M., Khan, M.I., Nazir, M.S., Ahmed, I., Iqbal, H.M.N. (2020)

- Psychological Distress and Signs of Post-Traumatic Stress in Response to the COVID-19 Health Emergency in a Mexican Sample
Psychology Research and Behavior Management. González Ramírez LP, Martínez Arriaga RJ, Hernández-Gonzalez MA, De la Roca-Chiapas JM. (2020)

- Predicting COVID-19 Spread in Pakistan using the siR Model
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. Ali Shah, S.T., Mansoor, M., Mirza, A.F., Dilshad, M., Khan, M.I., Farwa, R., Khan, M.A., Bilal, M., Iqbal, H.M.N. (2020)

- COVID-19 challenge with regard to medical schools social responsibility: New professional and human perspectives
Gaceta Medica de Mexico. Abreu-Hernández, Luis F; Valdez-García, Jorge E; Esperón-Hernández, Ramón I; Olivares-Olivares, Silvia L. (2020)

- Nanotechnology for COVID-19: Therapeutics and Vaccine Research
ACS Nano. Gaurav Chauhan, Marc J. Madou, Sourav Kalra, Vianni Chopra, Deepa Ghosh, and Sergio O. Martinez-Chapa (2020)


External media

- ¿Cuánto donar?
El Financiero. José de Jesús Salazar Cantú. (2020)

- El “Home Office” ante el Covid-19
El Financiero. Martha Corrales Estrada. (2020)

- El miedo y el regreso del higienismo
Nexos. Gustavo Gómez Peltier y Laurence Bertoux. (2020)

- El tamaño real de la amenaza COVID19
El Financiero. Luz Araceli González Uresti. (2020)

- Me preparo para ayudar: respuesta de escuelas de medicina y ciencias de la salud ante COVID-19
Investigación en Educación Médica. Jorge E. Valdez-García, Mildred Vanessa López Cabrera, María de los Ángeles Jiménez Martínez, José Antonio Díaz Elizondo, José Antonio Gerardo Dávila Rivas, Silvia Lizett Olivares Olivares. (2020)

- Modeling COVID-19 epidemics in an Excel spreadsheet: Democratizing the access to first-hand accurate predictions of epidemic outbreaks
medRxiv y Scientific Reports. Alvarez, M. M., Gonzalez-Gonzalez, E., & Trujillo-de Santiago, G. (2020).

- Multinational modeling of SARS-CoV-2 spreading dynamics: Insights on the heterogeneity of COVID-19 transmission and its potential healthcare burden 
medRxiv. Erick R. Martinez-Loran, J. Jesús Naveja, Omar Y. Bello-Chavolla, Flavio F. Contreras-Torres. (2020).

- Pandemia y bienestar económico
El Financiero. José de Jesús Salazar Cantú. (2020)

- Portable and accurate diagnostics for COVID-19: Combined use of the miniPCR thermocycler and a well-plate reader for SARS-CoV-2 virus detection
medRxiv y PLoS One. Gonzalez-Gonzalez, E., Trujillo-de Santiago, G., Lara-Mayorga, I. M., Martinez-Chapa, S. O., & Alvarez, M. M. (2020)

- Prediction of SARS-CoV2 spike protein epitopes reveals HLA-associated susceptibility
Research Square. Romero-López JP, Carnalla-Cortés M, Pacheco-Olvera DL, Ocampo M, Oliva-Ramírez J, Moreno-Manjón J, Bernal-Alferes B, García-Latorre E, Domínguez-López ML, Arturo Reyes- Sandoval , Jiménez-Zamudio L. (2020)

- Rapid and cost-effective development of stable clones for the production of anti-Ebola monoclonal antibodies in HEK293T cells.
bioRxiv y Scientific Reports. Gonzalez-Gonzalez, E., Palestino-Diaz, I., Lopez-Pacheco, F., Marquez-Ipiña, A. R., Lara-Mayorga, I. M., Trujillo-de Santiago, G., & Alvarez, M. M. (2020)

- Scaling diagnostics in times of COVID-19: Colorimetric Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) assisted by a 3D-printed incubator for cost-effective and scalable detection of SARS-CoV-2.
medRxiv y Scientific Reports Gonzalez-Gonzalez, E., Lara-Mayorga, I. M., Yee-de Leon, F., Garcia-Rubio, A., Garciamendez-Mijares, C. E., Guerra-Alvarez, G. E., ... & Martinez-Chapa, S. O. (2020).

- Tiempos de pandemia: De la sinrazón a la utopía
4 Vientos. Periodismo en red. Alfredo García Galindo. (2020)


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