
In Borregos Room you can carry out your company's corporate events as part of the organization's communication strategy. Each corporate event of this type has a unique and different motivation, a routine meeting is not conceived in the same way.
It is important to keep in mind that work meetings are the constant and daily expressions of protocol in the company. In all companies there are different meeting configurations: those that are generated and proposed within the department among the same colleagues, those that involve different departments within the company, work meetings with managers and superiors, with unions, with suppliers, with clients etc Meetings are part of the work methodology of all companies in the world, whatever their sector.
Work meetings are generally held in the business center itself, the Borregos Room seeks to promote a different way of working and offer a modality of work lunch or breakfast to get out of the everyday, currently senior managers to optimize their time, They are increasingly resorting to this formula of meeting in restaurants to close deals, which can result in higher expenses than expected.
In the most frequent meetings in which we participate every day, unless we so require for some circumstance, we generally do not protocolize the seats, equipment and others. Today in company meetings the premise is going to be to maintain flexibility; and it is so, basically because the work groups and the way in which we are operating are the elements that will prevail over the different arrangements.
Not only can we use the Borregos Room to have work meetings or events in which certain company personnel participate, we can also celebrate the signing of agreements in companies which are one of the traditional acts that have been repeated over the years. These agreements are generally signed to regulate collaborative activities between our entity and other companies or institutions (local, regional, national and international). The companies that celebrate these agreements do not necessarily have to dedicate themselves or work within the same production or service sector, moreover, it is common for companies that operate in different fields to come together to achieve the same goal that leads them to get more benefit from the services and/or products they handle.
What is sought in the signing of agreements is to have a social impact, so that the participation of the media in this regard is more than necessary and fundamental. The agreements generally have some type of social or business purpose and the agreements have a certain impact on the environment in which they are developed. The dissemination of these acts seek to improve the image of the institution, the company, the manager and hence, that the media are our main target audience in this type of event, whom we want to address.
When we have a signing of agreements, the main actors are senior representatives of the companies that sign, which are understood to be directors, investors, managers or people who have responsibility and full power to sign documents that link them to the company. Generally, there are two or more companies or entities that participate in this signing, and therefore, we will have as many representatives at the chairman's table as companies that are part of the agreement.
It is very important that we have a host, who will be the representative of the company from which the idea starts as hostess (or the authority with which our company signs an agreement). It is important that those who accompany you are those designated in positions "2 and 3" or those who are believed to be necessary.