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Privacy Notice for Science connexion platform

"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".

Identity and address of the responsible entity

The entity responsible for the personal information you provide is Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), operating at the address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, C.P. 64700.

Personal data and sensitive personal data processed by ITESM

To comply with the purposes of the treatment indicated in this privacy notice, ITESM will process the following categories of personal data:

  • Identification data (including your personal image);
  • Contact information;
  • Authentication data;
  • Employment data;
  • Academic and professional background data;
  • Data related to any disability (sensitive data);
  • Data related to your interests and aptitudes both vocational and professional that you provide directly or through the performance of activities by ITESM and/or that can be inferred from information in ITESM's possession through the application of various data analysis techniques.

Likewise, we inform you that in order to comply with the purposes stated in this Privacy Notice, data related to any disability (sensitive personal data) will be used so that ITESM can facilitate the use of the technologies used for your participation in the program.

On the other hand, we inform you that ITESM may process personal identification, contact and labor data of third parties that maintain any labor, professional, professional or related relationship to the Science Connexion Program with you ("Third Parties") in order to comply with the purposes informed in this Privacy Notice. Thus, by providing personal data related to Third Parties you acknowledge having their consent for ITESM to treat your personal data in terms of this Privacy Notice.

Primary Purposes

ITESM will process your personal information for the following primary and necessary purposes:

  • To identify you as an ITESM prospect and verify that you have the necessary skills, aptitudes and other requirements for admission to the Science Connexion and Creation Ecosystem platform.
  • To manage the application(s) you make in relation to the ITESM Science Connexion and Creation Ecosystem platform.
  • To validate the veracity and quality of the information provided by you or that which may be inferred from you or obtained from other lawful sources to which ITESM may have access, including the verification of your data before government agencies or third parties with which we have entered into collaboration agreements.
  • To perform activities of analysis of the information and data related to your person through the application of various data analysis techniques and technologies that will allow us to better understand your profile, skills and interests.
  • To comply with and follow up on the procedures and institutional activities provided for in applicable guidelines, procedures, regulations, rules, codes or internal policies.
  • To invite you and, where appropriate, manage your access and participation in the activity(ies) and events related to the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • If applicable, to grant you support of different kinds including economic support, scholarships and/or loans in case you comply with the requirements established in the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • If applicable, to register and participate in linkage programs with academic, governmental and/or private research institutions in Mexico and abroad.
  • To comply with and follow up on the bases, requirements and procedures for registration, admission and development in the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • To evaluate and inform you of the content of your project(s) presented in the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • For the registration and accreditation of community and/or professional social service, in those cases where it is necessary to obtain it.
  • To register you to events and/or activities related to the Science Connexion Platform and the Creation Ecosystem in which you participate representing ITESM.
  • To attend, register and follow up on any complaints you may make.
  • To elaborate, when applicable, the document of access to the facilities.
  • To use your personal image (whether in photographic, video, or any other similar media) to make internal and external publications about your participation in events or activities, as well as to promote ITESM.
  • To send you communications, notifications and personal notices through different channels and technological communication mechanisms that ITESM considers pertinent in order to let you know relevant information about the status of your registration process or any matter that may be of interest to you; as well as to know your opinion regarding the attention received and the services we offer.
  • The profile and contact information you provide to the platform will be visible to other users of the platform.
  • To make statistics and reports for internal control.
  • To comply with the obligations set forth in the applicable regulations and with the terms and conditions of each call for applications.

Secondary purposes

In addition, ITESM will use your personal information for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but will enable us to offer you the best possible attention:

  • For further contact.
  • To send you information that we believe may be of interest to you and that may be related to the products and services we offer.
  • To send you invitations to events, activities, programs and projects.
  • To perform information and data analysis activities related to your participation in the Science Connexion Platform by applying various data analysis techniques and technologies that will allow us to better understand your performance and socio-demographic data of your participation.
  • To promote academic life, research, outreach, cultural, recreational and social sporting events.
  • Processes of dissociation of your personal data to give them treatment anonymously.
  • To send you advertising and communications for marketing or telemarketing purposes or financial campaigns.

If you do not want ITESM to treat your personal data for any of the purposes described in this section, please send an email to You may change your option at any time, following the procedure, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or revocation of consent on our website

It is important that you keep in mind that, in case of granting your consent, it will remain valid even when the legal relationship between you and ITESM has ended, which means that ITESM may continue to process your personal data necessary to fulfill the present secondary purposes.


According to Article 37 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, ITESM may transfer your personal data without requiring your consent in the following cases:

  • To controlling companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of ITESM, or to a parent company or any company of the same group of the responsible party that operates under the same internal processes and policies;
  • Competent authorities in the cases provided for by the applicable regulations, in the event that we receive a mandatory requirement;
  • When it is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of the legal relationship between you and ITESM, such as in the case of individuals or legal entities, national or international with which we have entered into binding legal agreements.

Arco Rights and/or revocation of consent

You or your legal representative may exercise any of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter "ARCO Rights"), as well as revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email to: and following the procedure, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or revocation of consent on our website

It is important to note that not in all cases we will be able to respond favorably to your request or terminate the use immediately, as we may be required by law to continue processing your personal data.

Limitation and/or disclosure of your data

You may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending your request to ITESM by sending an e-mail to If your request is accepted, you will be registered in ITESM's own exclusion list.

Changes to this privacy notice

ITESM will notify you of any changes to this privacy notice through

Last update: September 2022

Aviso de Privacidad de Plataforma Science Connexion

"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".

Identity and address of the responsible entity

The entity responsible for the personal information you provide is Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), operating at the address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, C.P. 64700.

Personal data and sensitive personal data processed by ITESM

To comply with the purposes of the treatment indicated in this privacy notice, ITESM will process the following categories of personal data:

  • Identification data (including your personal image);
  • Contact information;
  • Authentication data;
  • Employment data;
  • Academic and professional background data;
  • Data related to any disability (sensitive data);
  • Data related to your interests and aptitudes both vocational and professional that you provide directly or through the performance of activities by ITESM and/or that can be inferred from information in ITESM's possession through the application of various data analysis techniques.

Likewise, we inform you that in order to comply with the purposes stated in this Privacy Notice, data related to any disability (sensitive personal data) will be used so that ITESM can facilitate the use of the technologies used for your participation in the program.

On the other hand, we inform you that ITESM may process personal identification, contact and labor data of third parties that maintain any labor, professional, professional or related relationship to the Science Connexion Program with you ("Third Parties") in order to comply with the purposes informed in this Privacy Notice. Thus, by providing personal data related to Third Parties you acknowledge having their consent for ITESM to treat your personal data in terms of this Privacy Notice.

Primary Purposes

ITESM will process your personal information for the following primary and necessary purposes:

  • To identify you as an ITESM prospect and verify that you have the necessary skills, aptitudes and other requirements for admission to the Science Connexion and Creation Ecosystem platform.
  • To manage the application(s) you make in relation to the ITESM Science Connexion and Creation Ecosystem platform.
  • To validate the veracity and quality of the information provided by you or that which may be inferred from you or obtained from other lawful sources to which ITESM may have access, including the verification of your data before government agencies or third parties with which we have entered into collaboration agreements.
  • To perform activities of analysis of the information and data related to your person through the application of various data analysis techniques and technologies that will allow us to better understand your profile, skills and interests.
  • To comply with and follow up on the procedures and institutional activities provided for in applicable guidelines, procedures, regulations, rules, codes or internal policies.
  • To invite you and, where appropriate, manage your access and participation in the activity(ies) and events related to the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • If applicable, to grant you support of different kinds including economic support, scholarships and/or loans in case you comply with the requirements established in the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • If applicable, to register and participate in linkage programs with academic, governmental and/or private research institutions in Mexico and abroad.
  • To comply with and follow up on the bases, requirements and procedures for registration, admission and development in the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • To evaluate and inform you of the content of your project(s) presented in the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • For the registration and accreditation of community and/or professional social service, in those cases where it is necessary to obtain it.
  • To register you to events and/or activities related to the Science Connexion Platform and the Creation Ecosystem in which you participate representing ITESM.
  • To attend, register and follow up on any complaints you may make.
  • To elaborate, when applicable, the document of access to the facilities.
  • To use your personal image (whether in photographic, video, or any other similar media) to make internal and external publications about your participation in events or activities, as well as to promote ITESM.
  • To send you communications, notifications and personal notices through different channels and technological communication mechanisms that ITESM considers pertinent in order to let you know relevant information about the status of your registration process or any matter that may be of interest to you; as well as to know your opinion regarding the attention received and the services we offer.
  • The profile and contact information you provide to the platform will be visible to other users of the platform.
  • To make statistics and reports for internal control.
  • To comply with the obligations set forth in the applicable regulations and with the terms and conditions of each call for applications.

Secondary purposes

In addition, ITESM will use your personal information for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but will enable us to offer you the best possible attention:

  • For further contact.
  • To send you information that we believe may be of interest to you and that may be related to the products and services we offer.
  • To send you invitations to events, activities, programs and projects.
  • To perform information and data analysis activities related to your participation in the Science Connexion Platform by applying various data analysis techniques and technologies that will allow us to better understand your performance and socio-demographic data of your participation.
  • To promote academic life, research, outreach, cultural, recreational and social sporting events.
  • Processes of dissociation of your personal data to give them treatment anonymously.
  • To send you advertising and communications for marketing or telemarketing purposes or financial campaigns.

If you do not want ITESM to treat your personal data for any of the purposes described in this section, please send an email to You may change your option at any time, following the procedure, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or revocation of consent on our website

It is important that you keep in mind that, in case of granting your consent, it will remain valid even when the legal relationship between you and ITESM has ended, which means that ITESM may continue to process your personal data necessary to fulfill the present secondary purposes.


According to Article 37 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, ITESM may transfer your personal data without requiring your consent in the following cases:

  • To controlling companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of ITESM, or to a parent company or any company of the same group of the responsible party that operates under the same internal processes and policies;
  • Competent authorities in the cases provided for by the applicable regulations, in the event that we receive a mandatory requirement;
  • When it is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of the legal relationship between you and ITESM, such as in the case of individuals or legal entities, national or international with which we have entered into binding legal agreements.

Arco Rights and/or revocation of consent

You or your legal representative may exercise any of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter "ARCO Rights"), as well as revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email to: and following the procedure, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or revocation of consent on our website

It is important to note that not in all cases we will be able to respond favorably to your request or terminate the use immediately, as we may be required by law to continue processing your personal data.

Limitation and/or disclosure of your data

You may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending your request to ITESM by sending an e-mail to If your request is accepted, you will be registered in ITESM's own exclusion list.

Changes to this privacy notice

ITESM will notify you of any changes to this privacy notice through

Last update: September 2022

Hambre cero

Hambre cero is a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) established by the United Nations Volutariado Tec de Monterrey

Hambre Cero is a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) established by the United Nations. This initiative seeks to reduce food poverty and food waste by 2030. 

By 2022, it has been detected that more than 24 million people in Mexico live in food poverty. 

Tecnológico de Monterrey is an institution of society for society and that is why we join in the development of these objectives, promoting actions that have a significant impact. By 2023, we committed to collecting 80 tons of beans, rice and oil to donate to banks that are part of the National Food Bank Network.

Hunger is not the problem, people are the solution.

volunteer_activism  JOIN  navigate_next


In Mexico there are more than 25 thousand tons of tomatoes left over, enough to build 10 times the Latin tower.

Help us get food to those who need it most.


Learn about the actions we are developing through the different campuses of the Tecnológico de Monterrey.


In Mexico there are more than 25 thousand tons of tomatoes left over, enough to build 10 times the Latin tower.

Help us get food to those who need it most.

¡Join us!

Together we will achieve the goal!

In-Kind Donations

Find your nearest Zero Hunger Spot

KNOW THE COLLECTION CENTERS keyboard_arrow_right

Financial donations

Click and donate from $10

I WANT TO DONATE keyboard_arrow_right

Join as a volunteer

Become an ally against hunger

I WANT TO BE A VOLUNTEERkeyboard_arrow_right


In Mexico there are more than 800,000 tons of bread left over, enough to build seven soccer stadiums.

Help us get food to those who need it most.

Support received through our initiatives


tons of food


financial donations in MXN


total tons
(food + financial donation)

Become an ally against hunger.

volunteer_activism JOIN  navigate_next


Hambre cero

Hambre cero, una causa de todos, Volutariado Tec de Monterrey

Hambre Cero is a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) established by the United Nations. This initiative seeks to reduce food poverty and food waste by 2030. 

By 2022, it has been detected that more than 24 million people in Mexico live in food poverty. 

Tecnológico de Monterrey is an institution of society for society and that is why we join in the development of these objectives, promoting actions that have a significant impact. By 2023, we committed to collecting 80 tons of beans, rice and oil to donate to banks that are part of the National Food Bank Network.

Hunger is not the problem, people are the solution.

volunteer_activism  JOIN  navigate_next


In Mexico there are more than 25 thousand tons of tomatoes left over, enough to build 10 times the Latin tower.

Help us get food to those who need it most.


Conoce las acciones que estamos desarrollando a través de los diferentes campus del Tecnológico de Monterrey.


In Mexico there are more than 25 thousand tons of tomatoes left over, enough to build 10 times the Latin tower.

Help us get food to those who need it most.


¡Juntos lograremos la meta!

In-Kind Donations

Find your nearest Zero Hunger Spot

KNOW THE COLLECTION CENTERS keyboard_arrow_right

Financial donations

Click and donate from $10

I WANT TO DONATE keyboard_arrow_right

Join as a volunteer

Become an ally against hunger

I WANT TO BE A VOLUNTEERkeyboard_arrow_right


In Mexico there are more than 800,000 tons of bread left over, enough to build seven soccer stadiums.

Help us get food to those who need it most.

Apoyo recibido a través de nuestras iniciativas


tons of food


financial donations in MXN


total tons
(food + financial donation)

Become an ally against hunger.

volunteer_activism JOIN  navigate_next


Privacy Notice Calls for scientific-technological research and entrepreneurship (EBCT)

"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".

Identity and address of the responsible entity

The entity responsible for the personal information that you provide is Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, C.P. 64700.

Personal data and sensitive personal data processed by ITESM

As part of your registration as a participant in the calls for scientific-technological research and entrepreneurship (EBCT) organized by ITESM, the latter, either directly or through allied institutions, will collect and process the following categories of personal data: identification (including image and voice), contact, employment, and those related to your research and/or entrepreneurship project.

Moreover, in order to fulfill the primary and necessary purposes indicated herein, ITESM will not collect or process any sensitive personal data.

In addition, we should like to inform you that ITESM will collect and process the personal data related to identification, contact and employment of the participants in the research and/or entrepreneurship project, testimonials (“Third Parties”), for which you acknowledge having the consent of the aforementioned for ITESM to process their data under the terms of this Privacy Notice.

Primary purposes

ITESM will process your personal information for the following primary and necessary purposes:

  • To address, record, and follow up on your request(s) for information.
  • To arrange and manage electronic access to the technological infrastructure in order to register your nomination.
  • To verify that you meet the nomination requirements of the Call.
  • To validate the veracity and quality of the information you provided.
  • To carry out the evaluation by the jury of the proposal.
  • In case of being selected, to participate in the program that arises from the Call.
  • During the event, you could be photographed and/or videorecorded to generate support materials deemed relevant for all the promotional and informative purposes of ITESM and that will be published or distributed in Mexico or abroad through print or electronic media, such as: websites, social networks, brochures and/or advertisements. In addition, we will not associate your name with the photograph or video recording, except in the cases in which you are the exponent of any of the projects selected. The authorization you grant to us, in accordance with the Federal Copyright Law, is voluntary and free of charge. If you have presented your research project during the Congress, to process the recognition and its delivery.
  • To keep a historical record of your participation.
  • To generate statistics for internal control purposes.
  • To include in the Compendium, which could be compiled, your identification data and the summary of the research work.
  • If selected, for possible contacts to develop print or digital material to disseminate your contribution to Research and Innovation.

We should like to inform you that you cannot ask ITESM to cease from the treatment of your data for the aforementioned purposes, since such treatment is necessary in order to provide you with the services requested.

Secondary purposes

If you do not object, ITESM will process your personal data for the following additional purposes:

  • To send you communications related to various scientific and technological research and entrepreneurship calls from ITESM and/or its allies.

If you wish to restrict or suppress the processing of your personal data for any or all of the secondary purposes, please contact us immediately by email at the following address, indicating:

Your full name and the email in which you receive invitations or communications.

  1. Copy of your official ID.
  2. The name of this Privacy Notice Rómulo Garza Award for Research and Development.
  3. The secondary purpose(s) for which you do not want your data to be processed.
  4. If you wish subsequently to limit the use of your data for the secondary purposes, you can follow the abovementioned process or register in the exclusion list for the communications made known to you.


In order to fulfill the aforementioned necessary purposes or any others required by law or by the competent authorities, ITESM will only transfer the necessary personal data in the cases provided by law.

ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent

You or your legal representative can exercise any of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter “ARCO rights”), and revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email and following the procedure, requirements, and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent on our webpage:

Please note that we cannot address your request or terminate use immediately in every case, since a legal obligation could be in place that requires us to continue to process your data.

Options for limiting the use or disclosure of your Personal Data

You can limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending your request to:

Requirements for proof of identity and the procedure for addressing your request will be governed by the same criteria indicated on our webpage: If your request is valid, you will be added to ITESM’s exclusion list.

Use of cookies

ITESM uses several technologies to enhance the efficiency of the Platform, including your browsing experience. Cookies are small pieces of information stored on the browser used by each user that enable the server to remember specific data that can be used later on. This information makes it possible to identify and save your personal preferences in order to offer you a better browsing experience.

The use of cookies and other technologies can be deactivated, disabled or adjusted by following the procedures of the internet browser you are using.

  • Select the option “configuration” or tools, according to your browser.
  • Select the option deactivate cookies.
  • This process disables all the cookies on your browser, but not those from our Platform.

The personal data that can be obtained through the use of these technologies are: Identifiers, session username and passwords, region where you are located, type of browser, type of operating system, date and time of starting and finishing a session, webpages visited, searches completed, and advertising viewed. These technologies can be disabled by following the procedures of the internet browser you are using.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

ITESM reserves the right to modify, change or update this privacy notice at any time. The updated version of this notice is available at

Aviso de Privacidad Convocatorias investigación y emprendimiento de base científico-tecnológica (EBCT)

"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".

Identity and address of the responsible entity

The entity responsible for the personal information that you provide is Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, C.P. 64700.

Personal data and sensitive personal data processed by ITESM

As part of your registration as a participant in the calls for scientific-technological research and entrepreneurship (EBCT) organized by ITESM, the latter, either directly or through allied institutions, will collect and process the following categories of personal data: identification (including image and voice), contact, employment, and those related to your research and/or entrepreneurship project.

Moreover, in order to fulfill the primary and necessary purposes indicated herein, ITESM will not collect or process any sensitive personal data.

In addition, we should like to inform you that ITESM will collect and process the personal data related to identification, contact and employment of the participants in the research and/or entrepreneurship project, testimonials (“Third Parties”), for which you acknowledge having the consent of the aforementioned for ITESM to process their data under the terms of this Privacy Notice.

Primary purposes

ITESM will process your personal information for the following primary and necessary purposes:

  • To address, record, and follow up on your request(s) for information.
  • To arrange and manage electronic access to the technological infrastructure in order to register your nomination.
  • To verify that you meet the nomination requirements of the Call.
  • To validate the veracity and quality of the information you provided.
  • To carry out the evaluation by the jury of the proposal.
  • In case of being selected, to participate in the program that arises from the Call.
  • During the event, you could be photographed and/or videorecorded to generate support materials deemed relevant for all the promotional and informative purposes of ITESM and that will be published or distributed in Mexico or abroad through print or electronic media, such as: websites, social networks, brochures and/or advertisements. In addition, we will not associate your name with the photograph or video recording, except in the cases in which you are the exponent of any of the projects selected. The authorization you grant to us, in accordance with the Federal Copyright Law, is voluntary and free of charge. If you have presented your research project during the Congress, to process the recognition and its delivery.
  • To keep a historical record of your participation.
  • To generate statistics for internal control purposes.
  • To include in the Compendium, which could be compiled, your identification data and the summary of the research work.
  • If selected, for possible contacts to develop print or digital material to disseminate your contribution to Research and Innovation.

We should like to inform you that you cannot ask ITESM to cease from the treatment of your data for the aforementioned purposes, since such treatment is necessary in order to provide you with the services requested.

Secondary purposes

If you do not object, ITESM will process your personal data for the following additional purposes:

  • To send you communications related to various scientific and technological research and entrepreneurship calls from ITESM and/or its allies.

If you wish to restrict or suppress the processing of your personal data for any or all of the secondary purposes, please contact us immediately by email at the following address, indicating:

Your full name and the email in which you receive invitations or communications.

  1. Copy of your official ID.
  2. The name of this Privacy Notice Rómulo Garza Award for Research and Development.
  3. The secondary purpose(s) for which you do not want your data to be processed.
  4. If you wish subsequently to limit the use of your data for the secondary purposes, you can follow the abovementioned process or register in the exclusion list for the communications made known to you.


In order to fulfill the aforementioned necessary purposes or any others required by law or by the competent authorities, ITESM will only transfer the necessary personal data in the cases provided by law.

ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent

You or your legal representative can exercise any of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter “ARCO rights”), and revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email and following the procedure, requirements, and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent on our webpage:

Please note that we cannot address your request or terminate use immediately in every case, since a legal obligation could be in place that requires us to continue to process your data.

Options for limiting the use or disclosure of your Personal Data

You can limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending your request to:

Requirements for proof of identity and the procedure for addressing your request will be governed by the same criteria indicated on our webpage: If your request is valid, you will be added to ITESM’s exclusion list.

Use of cookies

ITESM uses several technologies to enhance the efficiency of the Platform, including your browsing experience. Cookies are small pieces of information stored on the browser used by each user that enable the server to remember specific data that can be used later on. This information makes it possible to identify and save your personal preferences in order to offer you a better browsing experience.

The use of cookies and other technologies can be deactivated, disabled or adjusted by following the procedures of the internet browser you are using.

  • Select the option “configuration” or tools, according to your browser.
  • Select the option deactivate cookies.
  • This process disables all the cookies on your browser, but not those from our Platform.

The personal data that can be obtained through the use of these technologies are: Identifiers, session username and passwords, region where you are located, type of browser, type of operating system, date and time of starting and finishing a session, webpages visited, searches completed, and advertising viewed. These technologies can be disabled by following the procedures of the internet browser you are using.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

ITESM reserves the right to modify, change or update this privacy notice at any time. The updated version of this notice is available at

Do you know what makes you flourish?

What makes you flourish?

At Tecnológico de Monterrey, we facilitate spaces to start conversations around Human Flourishing in three dimensions: individual, community, and planet.

On a personal level, let's strive to develop our capacities, strengths, and virtues in all important aspects of our lives, enabling us to take actions that provide purpose and meaning to our existence.

Committing to community development involves being an integral individual who promotes citizenship through close, DIVERSE, AND RESPECTFUL relationships that honor the dignity of every person.

Take climate action by caring for OUR planet and being responsible for the impact we have on it. We can engage in sustainable development activities, be mindful of our consumption habits, and reshape our environmental, financial, and community well-being culture.

Check out the resources and grab the tools you
need to become the best version of yourself!

A Mapping Tool to recognize your Human Flourishing

At this point in the journey, we assume you're curious to explore the areas where you've cultivated your Human Flourishing.

If so, you're on the right track! Human Flourishing is a personal decision, an individual path you navigate alone toward the collective and back to yourself. It's a personal discovery you unfold through a series of actions you take in the community—for yourself, others, and the planet you live in.

Have you ever wondered which aspects of your
life contribute to your Human Flourishing?

Map it out! Respond to this tool and discover yourself—there might be much more to develop and paths to explore!

Map your Human Flourishing! navigate_next
A Mapping Tool to recognize your Human Flourishing

info Click on each of the following areas to discover the resources we have available for flourishing.

Transparency Report 2021

Complete Report 2021

Download the complete 2021 report.


PDF | Complete Report 2021  get_app

Estudiantes en parque del Campus del Tec de Monterrey. Informe de Transparencia 2021 del Centro de Reconocimiento de la Dignidad Humana
Reports previous

Learn more about transparency activities from previous years.


PDF | Complete Report 2020 ES get_app | EN get_app

PDF | Complete Report 2019 ES get_app

Área común del Tec de Monterrey. Informe de Transparencia 2020 del Centro de Reconocimiento de la Dignidad Humana

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Guillermo Rivera

Outliers - Guillermo Rivera


Soy Guillermo Rivera y estoy estudiando el último semestre de Ingeniería Industrial en el Tec de Monterrey Campus Toluca.

He tenido la oportunidad de tener varios viajes internacionales y conocer otras culturas, así mismo me encuentro con una oferta de trabajo en Wall Street tras haber acabado mis prácticas profesionales. El trabajo que realizaré en Wall Street es como analista en el grupo Suisse y básicamente es asesorar en "Blue Chips", las cuáles son empresas top del mundo con valuación de 1 billón de USD. Esto es algo súper padre porque todos los días estás teniendo contacto con ellos, y desde el día 2 que entras, ya estás teniendo juntas con CEOs de dichas empresas; para mi, esto es una oportunidad realmente única, por la gente que te rodea, las nuevas ideas que te llegan y porque todo es muy interesante y valioso.

Adentrándose en el mundo de la inversión

En Wall Street existen 9 bancos, que se consideran los 9 bancos de inversión, estos son, por ejemplo, si alguien le pide a un banco $100,000 pesos, el banco le puede prestar los $100,000 pesos sin problema, pero cuando ya estamos hablando de 1 billón de dólares un solo banco no puede generar esa suma de dinero entonces junta inversionistas porque necesita ese dinero, y a esto se le llama investment banking y yo justo estuve en uno de ellos.
Yo estaba de intership en el área que tenía contacto directo con CEOs del área de manufactura, porque un poquito del área de mi carrera incluye logística, transporte, minería, metales, producción en general y básicamente, lo que hacíamos era ayudarles en el proceso para fusionarse, para adquirir otras empresas o para irse a bolsa. 

El internship es una entrevista de trabajo de 3 meses, o sea durante ese tiempo tienes compañeros de todos lados, dentro de mi generación estaban los mejores promedios de las mejores universidades: Yale, Harvard, Stanford. Y al final, el último día te hacen una oferta (si haces un buen trabajo) para regresar al siguiente año como analista ya de tiempo completo; y eso fue lo que me pasó, entonces en Junio del 2022 regreso ya a tiempo completo. 

De estudiar ingeniería a ser analista en Wall Street

Lo que yo les puedo decir desde mi experiencia…

Cuando entré a estudiar profesional no tenía idea de qué iba a estudiar. De hecho tengo mi carta de aceptación a 5 carreras porque no tenía idea de qué quería: Merca, Derecho, Biotecnología, Mecánica, e Industrial por último. Entonces lo primero que les puedo decir desde mi experiencia  es que lo único imposible es lo que no intentas, y tener en cuenta que tu carrera no es una limitación. Al final la carrera es una herramienta que estás teniendo como en tu cajita, y tú puedes hacer lo que quieras hacer y no por el hecho de ser ingeniero industrial tienes que estar en una planta en logística o por el hecho de ser ingeniero en biotecnología tienes que estar en un bi-reactor. Al final tú vas juntando esas cosas que requieres, que necesitas y que te gustan y vas construyendo tu propio camino. 


Yo eso fue lo que hice y una vez que me aceptaron en el programa, un director de Argentina me comentó que la tasa de aceptación en el intership era del 4% de los que metían su currículum y que era el primer mexicano y la primera persona fuera del top 100 de universidades que entra a Wall Street. Esto es algo que no te dicen todos los días y no es el tipo de trabajo que te esperarías encontrar, pero el punto es intentarlo ¿no?

Experiencias Internacionales

Estuve en un programa que se llama Embajadores, ese fue mi primer paso a experiencias internacionales. Después de la primera vez que fui a Canadá, en verano del 2017 me di cuenta que viajar era algo que me gustaba mucho, entonces cada verano después de ese estuve saliendo y estuve buscando oportunidades. De ahí me fui otra vez de intercambio a Canadá, me fui a Harvard, a Disney, e hice un proyecto con el MIT. Las experiencias internacionales se volvieron una parte importante de mí.

Sin embargo, no siempre fue así. Yo me acuerdo que cuando era chiquito era pésimo en los idiomas. En mi primera clase de inglés, mi maestra me pidió que pasara al pizarrón a escribir palabras en inglés, yo las escribí y me dijo: “Las 3 palabras están mal escritas, eres malo para los idiomas…” Esto me dejó una mala experiencia y no disfrutaba ni una clase de inglés ni ninguna otra clase de idiomas. Hasta que hice ese viaje a Canadá en el 2017 que  me di cuenta que un idioma no era demostrarle a tus papás o demostrarle a tus maestros que sabes o no, sino tener esa puerta de entrada hacia nuevos países, nuevas culturas y nuevos valores. Después de esto decidí entrar a la modalidad internacional de mi carrera, y empecé a estudiar francés, para irme de intercambio. 

Tips para hacer intercambios en el extranjero

  1. El que busca encuentra. Existen oportunidades, convocatorias y programas que casi casi pagas el avión y todo lo demás ya está. El chiste es dedicarle tiempo a tu búsqueda.
  2. Plantéate dónde quieres estar y escribelo, eso fortalecerá mucho tu visión para tu futuro.
  3. Trabaja en tu currículum.  Participa, destaca, métete a la mesa de tu carrera, inscribe más clases, quédate 10 minutos más con el profe, saca buenas calificaciones. Es dar ese extra en todo y, de repente, cuando ves esa convocatoria, dirás: ya tengo esto, ya tengo esto y lo que me falta es esto.


Mi visión utópica del mundo

Yo creo que podría cambiar al mundo porqué lo intento y creo que ese es el primer paso. Uno de mis valores personales es la Utopía, y es porque creo que el mundo puede ser mejor y de verdad creo que las cosas pueden mejorar: que podemos vivir en un país mejor, que podemos tener menos violencia, que podemos tener mejor calidad de vida.  Profundamente lo creo, por eso todas mis acciones las intento encaminar hacia esa dirección, y en algún punto creo que podré hacer un pequeño cambio. Considero que es responsabilidad de todos, pero sí creo que se puede lograr vivir mejor y estar en un mundo mejor.


Me considero un Outlier porque creo que las cosas se pueden hacer mejor, más rápido y que incluso las cosas que parecen imposibles si las intentas se pueden lograr. Igualmente creo que no debería haber nadie que te diga qué puedes y qué no puedes lograr.

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¡Tú también puedes ser un Outlier! Cuéntanos tu historia

Outlier Estefanía's face
He leído y acepto los términos de AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD.

Healthy Food Unit

alimentos saludables
Healthy Food Unit

Seeks the development of foods that prevent and combat obesity and other comorbidities associated with metabolic syndrome.

What does this unit do?

It selects the varieties of plant, animal, and single-celled species relevant to a diverse, healthy, and sustainable diet. Additionally, the interactions among nutrients and other chemical compounds during food processing, storage, and digestion are validated to design better foods for different populations.

Healthy Food

In Mexico, healthy food production is very variable due to the wide range of climatic conditions and migratory movements that have occurred and continue to occur in the national territory. On the one hand, traditional production systems focus on the diversity of vegetable crops and collecting local fruits and seeds that encourage a diverse diet. On the other hand, in some regions of the country, there is a greater degree of technology to increase the yield and quality of food, advancing the fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goal #2 (SDG 2): zero hunger. Finding a balance in these approaches would move us toward fulfilling SDG 12: Responsible production and consumption.

Your food is your medicine

For centuries, it has been recognized that the consumption of healthy foods has a close relationship with good health in the present and future. Today there is a wealth of scientific evidence supporting the prevention of non-communicable diseases.

Hippocrates' phrase "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food" leads to three grand challenges:

  1. How to design food for population groups already suffering from certain chronic-degenerative diseases?
  2. How to design foods that help prevent these diseases?
  3. Understanding the reactions between a food's components and an individual's state of health

Currently, there are advances in understanding nutritional needs and the relevance of consuming antioxidant compounds, immunostimulants, and other beneficial health effects, but further research is required to support each individual to make the best choice based on their habits, customs, traditions, and specific needs. That is one of the challenges of this unit.

Meet the researchers

Diego Armando Luna Vital
Assistant Research Professor

Study of proteins, bioactive peptides and natural pigments. Development of functional products. Nutrigenomics of foods endemic to Latin America.
Get to know his work

Marilena Antunes Ricardo
Assistant Research Professor

Characterization of phytochemicals in plant matrices for the development of health foods with immunoeoeutical and/or cosmetic potential.
Get to know her work

Anayansi Escalante Aburto
Profesor investigador instructor

Caracterización de alimentos nutracéuticos de origen vegetal. Nutrición, hábitos alimentarios y salud.
Conoce su trabajo aquí

Iván Andrés Luzardo Ocampo
Profesor investigador instructor

Alimentos funcionales basados en cereales y leguminosas. Aproximaciones in vitro, ex vivo, in vivo e in silico para estudiar el efecto de matrices alimenticias y metabolitos en modelos de inflamación y obesidad.

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