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Law, Economics, and International Relations

The world is facing enormous political, economic and social challenges. The new technologies make us think of new ways of working, structuring and regulation. For this reality, we need social science professionals who will not only carry out robust diagnoses and analyses, but also accompany such diagnoses with solutions to the world’s major problems. 

Students will learn from the very first semester the key competencies for Social Science students:


Economic models with quantitative and data-science tools.  


Debate political, economic and social dilemmas 


Public Entrepreneurship as a model for creating shared prosperity


Evaluation of institutions and public policy


Problems that were unimaginable in the past 
But, the true differentiator of our graduates is their command of technology to be applied in their work as social science professionals. Our students and graduates have a high capacity for analysis, develop innovative proposals and generate public value, all of which is combined with their technology literacy. 

Social Science graduates can work in any international or local private-sector company, government agency or their own undertaking, where they will generate public-impact proposals, analyze large information flows (data science) for decision making, or analyze, measure and improve economic, political and social initiatives.  

Degrees from the area of Social Sciences
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El mundo enfrenta nuevos retos políticos
He leído y acepto los términos de AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD.