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Integridad Académica

Profesor con alumnos
Integridad Académica



Nuestro Propósito

To strengthen the culture of academic integrity at Tec de Monterrey, through a set of actions oriented to raise awareness and educate about integrity, as well as provide an effective management of breaches of academic integrity, according to the Academic Regulations of our Institution. 


Activities and communication campaigns aimed at the Tec community to promote ethics and responsibility. 


Courses and modules designed to prevent and educate in academic integrity, aimed at students, faculty, collaborators, and members of the Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC). 

Management of breaches of Academic Integrity

Attention and follow-up to students who commit breaches of academic integrity, ensuring compliance with Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations. 



Our Program 

In 2017, the Academic Dishonesty (DA) Program evolved to become the Academic Integrity Program. 

The purpose of this program is to strengthen the academic integrity at Tecnológico de Monterrey, through a set of actions oriented to raise awareness and educate the community about integrity, to contribute to responsible action in all contexts of institutional life. 

Our mission is to promote a positive approach to issues related to academic honesty and strengthen our commitment to academic excellence. 

Nuestros valores

Source: International Center for Academic Integrity [ICAI]. (2021). The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity. (3rd ed.). of-academic-integrity 

Nuestra estructura
El programa está estructurado en dos dimensiones: una orientada a la formación y prevención y otra a la gestión de faltas a la integridad. En cada una de ellas intervienen dos roles muy importantes para la operación del programa:

Dimension of Education in Integrity

It is in charge of carrying out activities aimed at educating and raising awareness about academic integrity.

The role that supports these activities is the Ambassador of Academic Integrity.

Academic Integrity Ambassadors.

They are professors who serve as spokespersons and advisors for the program on campus. They carry out activities aimed to raise awareness about the importance of integrity and prevent breaches of academic integrity. They work together with the Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC) to provide guidance to students who have committed breaches of academic integrity. We currently have 22 Academic Integrity Ambassadors. 

Dimension for Managing Breaches of Academic Integrity

It defines the operating standards of the program, addresses, and provides follow-up on breaches of academic integrity (FIA, by its acronym in Spanish) committed by students.

The faculty who carries out this activity is part of the Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC, by its acronym in Spanish) and the National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN, by its acronym in Spanish).

Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC)

They are groups of teachers and collaborators responsible for analyzing and deliberating on cases of breaches of academic integrity. They are in charge of determining the consequences applicable to students who commit breaches of academic integrity, ensuring at all times that these are formative rather than punitive. We currently have 220 professors who are part of 32 Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC).

National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN)

It is the group of teachers and collaborators in charge of analyzing and resolving appeal cases presented by students who have committed breaches of academic integrity and who have been sanctioned with a temporary suspension or permanent withdrawal from the Institution.


SOI-STEM Grupo de Investigación en Educación STEM Interdisciplinario Orientado Socialmente
About us

Socially Oriented Interdisciplinary STEM Education Research Group (SOI-STEM)


The mission of SOI-STEM is to transform, prepare, develop, impact and contribute to STEM higher education through socially oriented interdisciplinary student-centered learning, personalized learning, and learning assessment, focused on UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals to establish best practices towards the diversity, equity, and inclusion of the society of the future. SOI-STEM fosters the achievement of high-quality education that generates human resources with comprehensive training that generates a sustainable vision integrating approaches from social sciences, humanities, and arts.

Alumnos en sesión de clases

The linkfigure shows the concept of planetary education that integrates science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with the areas of social sciences, humanities, and arts fostering the advancement of society solving the world challenges while taking care of the place we live.

The impact is the transformation of the interaction of students, faculty, university administrators, and stakeholders. Prepare students in their undergraduate program and their future professional practice. Develop faculty to reflect on their teaching practices and their academic work. Impact community in terms of their conception of STEM and science capital.

The objective of SOI-STEM is to foster a socially oriented interdisciplinary vision in STEM education to meet the challenges of the 21st century through interdisciplinary education that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion by:

  • Transforming the interaction of students, faculty, university administrators, and stakeholders;
  • Preparing students in their undergraduate program to face increasingly difficult challenges in a dynamic society and their future professional practice;
  • Developing faculty to reflect upon their teaching practices and academic work;
  • Impacting the community in terms of their conception of STEM and capital science, and
  • Contributing to the progress of science through scientific products

Our vision is to become the leading research group in the world on interdisciplinary STEM education that focuses on UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals as reference to create solutions to the problems and challenges of society in the 21st century.

Educación STEM para enfrentar los desafíos del siglo XXI


The IRG group fosters a socially oriented interdisciplinary vision in STEM education to meet the challenges of the 21st century through interdisciplinary education that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion.

From the four specific objectives and questions, the IRG group can define the four main objectives in which we seek to contribute: (1) transform the interaction of students, faculty, university administrators, and stakeholders; (2) prepare students in their undergraduate program to face increasingly difficult challenges in a dynamic society and their future professional practice; (3) develop faculty to reflect upon their teaching practices and academic work; and (4) impact the community in terms of their conception of STEM and capital science. The linkfigure shows the proposed framework and mixed research methods focused on developing these four constructs. Data collection by quantitative and qualitative methods will be carried out in parallel.

Research group members

Genaro Zavala Enríquez
Genaro Zavala Enríquez

Genaro Zavala is the leader of the Socially Oriented Interdisciplinary STEM Education Research Group of the Institute for the Future of Education at Tecnologico de Monterrey. He is National Researcher Level 2 in Mexico. His research lines are interdisciplinary STEM education, social oriented education, conceptual understanding, active learning, assessment tools, and faculty development. Dr. Zavala was appointed to the editorial board of the PRPER (2015-18). In the AAPT, he was a vice-presidential candidate, member of the Committee on Research in Physics Education, member and chair of the International Education Committee, and elected member of Leadership Organizing Physics Education Research Council.

Researchgate IconGenaro Zavala

Roberto Ponce López
Roberto Ponce López

I am a professor-researcher of Urban Studies at Tecnologico de Monterrey. My research focuses on combining spatial analysis tools with machine learning and large-scale datasets to model urban change. I also do research in interdisciplinary education in STEM and socially oriented education. 

Roberto holds a Ph.D. degree from the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Roberto also holds a Master of Science degree in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University and a B.A in Political Science from ITAM.

Researchgate IconRoberto Ponce López

Jorge Membrillo Hernández
Jorge Membrillo Hernández

Jorge Membrillo-Hernández is a Doctor in Biotechnology from King's College London, University of London, U.K., he spent Postdoctoral positions at the University of Sheffield U.K. and at Harvard University, U.S.A. He is a full-time professor at the School of Engineering and Sciences in the Mexico City Campus of Tecnologico de Monterrey and is the current President of the Mexico Section of the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy. He has published 61 articles in indexed journals of disciplinary research and educational innovation, has more than 1500 citations to his works and an h index= 21. His research has focused on the implementation of Challenge Based Learning for the Tec21 model. He has led two NOVUS research projects related to this educational technique.

Researchgate IconJorge Membrillo Hernández

Andres Eduardo Gutierrez Rodríguez
Andres Eduardo Gutierrez Rodríguez

Andres Eduardo Gutierrez-Rodriguez received a Ph.D. in computer science from the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics, and Electronics, Mexico, in 2015. Dr. Gutierrez-Rodriguez is a Researcher Professor of the Institute for the Future of Education at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Toluca. Since 2018, he has been a member of the Mexican Research System, currently ranked one. He has been involved in three CONACyT research projects with topics on machine learning, hyper-heuristics, and fingerprint identification. He has published 10 articles indexed on the Journal Citation Reports and CONACyT, and 10 articles in relevant international conferences. His scientific productivity is focused on subjects related to data mining, machine learning, computer vision, clustering, and optimization. Gutierrez-Rodriguez has different awards such as “RedICA Text-Image Matching (RICATIM) Challenge 2nd Place Award, Mexico 2017”, and “National Mention of the Cuban Academy of Sciences for Young Researchers in Computer Sciences, Cuba 2017”.

Researchgate IconAndres Eduardo Gutierrez Rodríguez

Patricia Olga Caratozzolo Martelliti
Patricia Olga Caratozzolo Martelliti

Patricia Olga Caratozzolo Martelliti has a doctorate in Electronic Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain. Patricia is a full-time assistant professor at the School of Engineering and Sciences on the Santa Fe campus of Tecnológico de Monterrey and vice president of the International Association for Continuing Engineering Education (IACEE) for the period 2021-2024. She has led four NOVUS research projects related to language development and digital skills, cognitive flexibility, natural language processing (NLP), critical thinking and creativity in engineering. Currently, her research is related to Educational Innovation and interdisciplinary education and with a social sense in STEM.

Researchgate IconPatricia Olga Caratozzolo Martelliti

Claudia Lizette Garay Rondero
Claudia Lizette Garay Rondero

Claudia is an Industrial and Systems Engineer with a Master in Quality and Productivity Systems Engineering, Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma methodology by Tecnologico de Monterrey. She is a Ph.D. in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, her research involves exploring models and enablers for logistics and digital supply chains in Industry 4.0.

He has had professional experience at DHL Supply Chain and Tenaris Tamsa. She has conducted projects with Benteler Automotive, SMP Automotive, Volkswagen de Mexico, and the GenesYs Project initiative of the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics. She is an Associate Professor at the Institute for the Future of Education, having more than 11 years of experience as a professor at the School of Engineering and Science. She has been awarded by the Tec de Monterrey NOVUS initiative 2018, 2019, and the Silver Presence Learning Award granted by QS Reimagine Education 2019 for her scientific production and educational innovation projects focused on sustainability. 

She currently serves as Support Vicechair & Study Branch Advisor of the American Society for Quality (ASQ), Mexico City section. She participates as a mentor in the Women Leaders in STEM U.S.-Mexico Leaders Network.

Researchgate IconClaudia Lizette Garay Rondero

María de los Ángeles Domínguez Cuenca
María de los Ángeles Domínguez Cuenca

Angeles Domínguez is Associate Dean of Faculty Development of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and professor and researcher of the School of Humanities and Education at Tecnologico de Monterrey. She obtained a degree in Industrial Physical Engineering from the Tecnologico de Monterrey and a doctorate in Mathematics Education from the University of Syracuse, New York. For his research, she is a member of the National System of Researchers, SNI-2 (2020-2023). Her main areas of research are a) interdisciplinary education, b) gender studies in STEM, and c) faculty development. He is interested in supporting the growth of teachers (in teaching, research, professional and personal). In addition to fostering a broader vision of science through applications and integration with other disciplines. This vision of science also seeks equity and inclusion.

Pablo Jesús Barniol Durán
Pablo Jesús Barniol Durán

Pablo Barniol obtained the degrees of Physics Engineer and Doctor in Educational Innovation from the Tecnologico de Monterrey. He is in a position as Professor-Researcher at the School of Humanities and Education of the Tecnologico de Monterrey. He has been appointed as National Researcher Level 2 by “Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de México” (National System of Researchers of Mexico). He is a researcher in the area of Science Education. His main line of research is about the conceptual understanding of university students in science. He has published 24 articles in international journals indexed in the Scopus database.

Researchgate IconPablo Jesús Barniol Durán

Santiago Enrique Conant Pablos
Santiago Enrique Conant Pablos

Santiago Enrique Conant Pablos is a Research Professor at the School of Engineering and Sciences of the Tecnológico de Monterrey. He is an Industrial Engineer with a Master's in Computer Science and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence. Since 1982 he has served as a computer operator, programmer, systems analyst, academic, and researcher. Since 1988 he has taught courses at the professional and graduate level. He is a Level I national researcher of the National System of Researchers, member of the GIEE in Intelligent Systems and associate researcher of the SOI-STEM of the Institute for the Future of Education. His lines of research include heuristic techniques for logistics and optimization, evolutionary computing, machine learning, computer vision, interdisciplinary STEM education, and social sense education.

Researchgate IconSantiago Enrique Conant Pablos

Alejandro Acuña López
Alejandro Acuña López

Alejandro Acuña López. Doctor of Design, Master and Bachelor of Industrial Design. Associate Professor at the School of Architecture, Art and Design of the Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Querétaro. Administrator of DICI - Design, Innovation and Industrial Creation Workshops. Member of the IRG “Socially oriented STEM interdisciplinary education for the 21st century” and of the GIEE “Sustainable Territorial Development” of the EAAD. Research lines: Educational innovation in design, Interdisciplinary STEM Education and Social oriented education. Founding member of the CEDDIE in Querétaro campus and currently Mentor of the Writing Lab. 12 years of professional experience in design studios and companies.

Researchgate IconAlejandro Acuña López

Juan Carlos Rojas
Juan Carlos Rojas

Juan Carlos is a Doctor in Design, Management and Manufacturing of Industrial Projects by  Polytechnic University of Valencia. Master in innovation and product development and graduate in industrial design from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey. He is currently a professor-researcher at the School of Architecture, Art and Design (EAAD) of Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey. His main line of research is on the emotional and affective evaluation of products, services and experiences through implicit measurement techniques and neurotechnologies. In addition, He is working on educational innovation focused on design education. He has numerous publications in scientific journals and indexed conferences

Researchgate IconJuan Carlos Rojas

Vianney Lara Prieto
Vianney Lara Prieto

Vianney Lara Prieto graduated as Mechatronics Engineer from Tecnologico de Monterrey and holds a PhD in Smart Materials from Loughborough University in the UK. She is the Academic Projects Director of the School of Engineering and Science, Monterrey Region. She is an IEEE, WIE and IEEE-HKN member. She leads the linkage national committee of MIC (Women in Engineering and Science) and participates in the mentoring and dissemination committees. She belongs to the Matilda Latin American Chair mentoring and research groups. Her research lines are interdisciplinary STEM education, Challenge-Based Learning, social oriented education, innovative education, and women in STEM.

Researchgate IconVianney Lara Prieto

Esmeralda Campos Muñoz
Esmeralda Campos Muñoz

Esmeralda Campos Muñoz studied her PhD in Educational Innovation at Tecnologico de Monterrey, with a specialization in Physics Education Research. She is a postdoctoral researcher at Writing Lab, of the Institute for the Future of Education of Tecnologico de Monterrey. The focus of her research is on the conceptual understanding of university students on abstract physics topics and on projects of inclusion of women in STEM areas. She has published 6 articles in high-impact academic journals, 7 articles in educational research conference proceedings and a book chapter.

Researchgate IconEsmeralda Campos Muñoz

Blanca Rosa Ruiz Hernández
Blanca Rosa Ruiz Hernández

PhD in Didactics of Mathematics from the University of Granada, Spain. Professor in the Department of Mathematics and researcher at the School of Education and Humanities of the Tecnológico de Monterrey. She is also a collaborating professor in the Programa en Matemática Educativa del Centro de Investigación en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada (CICATA, IPN) and Coordinator of the Rethinking Mathematics Seminar (SRM). Member of the Latin American Network in Statistical Education RELIEE and of the Research and Innovation Network in Statistical Education and Educational Mathematics (riieeme). His main lines of research revolve around the learning and teaching of probability and statistics at the university level, as well as the link between educational research and teaching in mathematics and studies in STEM.

Researchgate IconBlanca Rosa Ruiz Hernández

Santa Esmeralda Tejeda Torres
Santa Esmeralda Tejeda Torres

Santa Tejeda obtained the degree of Doctor in Educational Innovation from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, the degree of Master in Educational Physics with a mention at the Center for Research in Applied Science and Advanced Technology of the National Polytechnic Institute (CICATA of the IPN) and the degree of Engineering Industrial Physics at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. She is currently Vice President of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Mexico Chapter and a founding member of the Physics Teaching Division of the Mexican Physical Society. Her lines of research are: difficulties in the interpretation of kinematics graphs, construction of meanings from the socialization of knowledge, STEM, gender studies and educational technology. She is part of the faculty of the Master's in Education and the Master's in Educational Technology. She currently teaches first-year Physics and engineering courses through active learning and flipped classroom, under the Tec21 Model.

Researchgate IconSanta Esmeralda Tejeda Torres

Jesús Alfonso Beltrán Sánchez
Jesús Alfonso Beltrán Sánchez

He has a master's Degree in Educational Research and a bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences from the Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, Mexico, and is currently studying for a Ph.D. in Psychology at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico.  He is currently working as Faculty Analysis Leader at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico. His lines of research are Faculty Development, Interdisciplinary STEM Education and Social Oriented Education.  He is a member of the Mexican Council of Educational Research and a Fellow of a UNESCO Chair "Open Educational Movement for Latin America".

Researchgate IconJesús Alfonso Beltrán Sánchez

Convocatoria abierta para posiciones posdoctorales en el Tecnológico de Monterrey

Open call for postdoctoral fellowships at Tecnologico de Monterrey 

The Social Oriented Interdisciplinary STEM Education Research Group (SOI-STEM) is currently seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Associate to develop and conduct research activities to transform higher education.

Interested applicants should apply at:

link Monterrey
link Ciudad de México

Proyecto Comunidad STEAM-OER-LATAM

Financing Entity: Siemens Stiftung
Authorized Amount: $45,574 euros
Period: 2021-2022
Researchers: Technical support: José Escamilla de los Santos Researchers: María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya, Genaro Zavala y José Vladimir Burgos Aguilar.

Financing Entity: FEMSA Foundation
Authorized Amount: $450,000 MXN
Period: 2021-2022
Researchers: Roberto Ponce, Grissel Olivera, Fernando Gómez

Building the future of Latin America: engaging women into STEM. Erasmus+ (Higher Education – International Capacity Building)

Financing Entity: Erasmus+ (Higher Education – International Capacity Building)
Authorized Amount: $ 862,268 Euros
Period: 2020-2022
Researchers: Francisco García-Peñalvo, Ángeles Domínguez

Implementation of extended realities as an engagement strategy to link disciplinary contents and competencies with the work environment.

Financing Entity: Novus La Triada
Authorized Amount: $ 10,000 USD
Period: 2020-2022
Researchers: Ileana Ruiz, Vianney Lara, Fabiola Lima Sagui, Mónica Turcios, Ricardo Ipiña, Aarón Ramírez, Claudio Mourgues (PUC), Luis Pinzón (UniAndes)

Laboratory of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools for the evaluation of digital competencies.

Financing Entity: Novus
Authorized Amount: $ 95,000.00 MXN
Period: 2021-2022
Researchers: Patricia Caratozzolo, Álvaro Alvarez-Delgado, Jorge Rodríguez Ruiz, Gabriela Sirkis

Implementation of extended realty technology as an engagement strategy to link disciplinary contents and competencies with the work environment.

Financing Entity: Novus La Triada
Authorized Amount: $ 10,000 USD
Period: 2020-2022
Researchers: Ma. Ileana Ruiz Cantisani, Vianney Lara, Fabiola Lima Sagui, Mónica Turcios, Ricardo Ipiña, Aarón Ramírez, Claudio Mourgues, Luis Pinzón

Flexible Digital Interaction Platform as a learning tool for a competency-based educational model

Financing Entity: Novus
Authorized Amount: $118,600 MXN
Period: 2020-2022
Researchers: Mauricio Mojica, Vianney Lara, Obedt Figueroa, Rogelio Rivas, Eduardo Arrambide

Urban Information System of Monterrey

Financing Entity: FEMSA Foundation
Authorized Amount: $ 1,800,000 MXN
Period: 2019-2021
Researchers: Roberto Ponce López, Diego Fabián Lozano

Integration of Data Science and Optimization for Solving Combinatorial Problems

Financing Entity: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Supercomputing Centre of  Barcelona
Authorized Amount: $1,500,000 MXP
Period: 2019-2021
Researchers: Hugo Terashima, Raúl Monroz, Santiago Conant, Yong Shi, Prof. Tian Yingjie, Vassil Alexandro

Academic Environment and Wellness

Financing Entity: Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey
Authorized Amount: $129,000 MXN
Period: 2021
Researchers: María de los Ángeles Domínguez Cuenca, Jesús Alfonso Beltrán Sánchez
Genaro Zavala Enríquez, Pablo Jesús Barniol Durán, Esmeralda Campos Muñoz

Storytelling and podcast creation lab for the development of transversal competencies in engineering.

Financing Entity: Novus
Authorized Amount: $ 195,000.00 MXN
Period: 2019-2021
Researchers: Patricia Caratozzolo, Álvaro Alvarez-Delgado, Ziranda González-Pineda, Gabriela Sirkis, Clara Piloto

Virtual learning environment for immersive teaching of the operation of high-risk equipment in Design and Architecture workshops

Financing Entity: NOVUS Fund for educational innovation
Authorized Amount: $315,402.40 MXN
Period: 2019-2021
Researchers: Ma. Elena Melón Jareda, Alejandro Acuña López and Camerino Ávila Guzmán

Context-Aware Video Detection and Interpretation of Suspicious Behavior Using Distributed Robust Deep Learning

Financing Entity: University of Texas and Tecnologico de Monterrey
Authorized Amount: $80,000 USD
Period: 2019-2021​​​​​​​
Researchers: Hugo Terashima (Líder), Santiago Conant, José Carlos Ortiz, Paul Rad

Use of the Assessment Center methodology in the evaluation of preclinical and clinical competencies developed by dental students.

Financing Entity: Novus​​​​​​​
Authorized Amount: $103,485 MXP​​​​​​​
Period: 2019-2021​​​​​​​
Researchers: José Carlos Presa Ramírez, Jesús Alfonso Beltrán Sánchez, María de los Ángeles Domínguez Cuenca, Jesús Alexei Mendoza Moreno, Araceli Hambleton Fuentes, Karen Lucía Reyes González

  • Springer – Call for chapters “Women in STEM in Higher Education: Good practices of attraction, access and retainment in Higher Education”. Editors: Francisco García-Peñalvo, Alicia García-Holgado, Angeles Domínguez, Jimena Pascual. Publication date: March 2022.
  • Octaedro – Call for chapters the book “Mujeres en la educación universitaria de ciencia, ingeniería, tecnología y matemáticas: Atracción, acceso y acompañamiento para reducir la brecha de género en Hispanoamérica”. Editors: Angeles Domínguez, Francisco García Peñalvo, Genaro Zavala, Alicia García Holgado, Hugo Alarcón. Publication date: April 2022.



SOI-STEM Grupo de Investigación en Educación STEM Interdisciplinario Orientado Socialmente
Quiénes somos

SOI-STEM Grupo de Investigación en Educación STEM Interdisciplinario Orientado Socialmente


La misión de SOI-STEM es transformar, preparar, desarrollar, impactar y contribuir a la educación superior STEM a través del aprendizaje interdisciplinario centrado en el estudiante, el aprendizaje personalizado y la evaluación del aprendizaje con orientación social, centrados en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la UNESCO para establecer las mejores prácticas hacia la diversidad, equidad e inclusión de la sociedad del futuro. SOI-STEM fomenta el logro de una educación de alta calidad que genere recursos humanos con una formación integral que genere una visión sustentable integrando enfoques de las ciencias sociales, las humanidades y las artes.

Alumnos en sesión de clases

The linkfigure shows the concept of planetary education that integrates science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with the areas of social sciences, humanities, and arts fostering the advancement of society solving the world challenges while taking care of the place we live.

El impacto es la transformación de la interacción de estudiantes, profesores, administradores universitarios y partes interesadas. Preparar a los estudiantes en su programa de pregrado y su futura práctica profesional. Desarrollar facultades para reflexionar sobre sus prácticas docentes y su labor académica. Impactar a la comunidad en términos de su concepción de STEM y del capital de la ciencia.

El objetivo de SOI-STEM es fomentar una visión interdisciplinaria de orientación social en la educación STEM para enfrentar los desafíos del siglo XXI a través de una educación interdisciplinaria que promueva la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión mediante:

  • Transformar la interacción de estudiantes, profesores, administradores universitarios y partes interesadas;
  • Preparar a los estudiantes en su programa de pregrado para enfrentar desafíos cada vez más difíciles en una sociedad dinámica y su futura práctica profesional;
  • Desarrollar profesores para reflexionar sobre sus prácticas docentes y trabajo académico;
  • Impactar a la comunidad en términos de su concepción de STEM y del capital de la ciencia, y
  • Contribuir al progreso de la ciencia a través de productos científicos

Nuestra visión es convertirnos en el grupo de investigación líder en el mundo en educación STEM interdisciplinaria que se enfoca en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la UNESCO como referencia para crear soluciones a los problemas y desafíos de la sociedad en el siglo XXI.

Educación STEM para enfrentar los desafíos del siglo XXI


El grupo IRG fomenta una visión interdisciplinaria de orientación social en la educación STEM para enfrentar los desafíos del siglo XXI a través de una educación interdisciplinaria que promueve la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión.

A partir de los cuatro objetivos y preguntas específicas, el grupo IRG puede definir los cuatro principales objetivos en los que buscamos contribuir: (1) transformar la interacción de estudiantes, profesores, administradores universitarios y partes interesadas; (2) preparar a los estudiantes en su programa de pregrado para enfrentar desafíos cada vez más difíciles en una sociedad dinámica y su futura práctica profesional; (3) desarrollar la facultad para reflexionar sobre sus prácticas docentes y trabajo académico; y (4) impactar a la comunidad en términos de su concepción de STEM y ciencia del capital. La linkfigura muestra el marco propuesto y los métodos de investigación mixtos centrados en el desarrollo de estos cuatro constructos. La recopilación de datos por métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos se llevará a cabo en paralelo.

Miembros del grupo de investigación

Genaro Zavala Enríquez
Genaro Zavala Enríquez

Genaro Zavala es el líder del Grupo de Investigación en Educación STEM Interdisciplinario Orientado Socialmente del Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Es Investigador Nacional Nivel 2 en México. Sus líneas de investigación son la educación STEM interdisciplinaria, educación con orientación social, entendimiento conceptual, aprendizaje activo, herramientas de evaluación y desarrollo docente. El Dr. Zavala fue nombrado miembro del consejo editorial de la revista PRPER. En la AAPT, fue candidato a vicepresidente de la asociación, miembro del Comité en Investigación en Educación de la Física, miembro y presidente del Comité Internacional y miembro electo del Physics Education Research Leadership Organizing Council.

Researchgate IconGenaro Zavala

Roberto Ponce López
Roberto Ponce López

Soy profesor-investigador de Estudios Urbanos en el Tecnológico de Monterrey. Mi investigación se centra en la combinación de herramientas de análisis espacial con aprendizaje automático y conjuntos de datos a gran escala para modelar el cambio urbano. También investigo sobre la educación interdisciplinaria en STEM y la educación con sentido social. 
Roberto tiene un doctorado del Departamento de Estudios Urbanos y Planificación del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT). Roberto también tiene una Maestría en Ciencias en Política y Gestión Pública de la Universidad Carnegie Mellon y una Licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas por el ITAM.

Researchgate IconRoberto Ponce López

Jorge Membrillo Hernández
Jorge Membrillo Hernández

Jorge Membrillo Hernández es Doctor en Biotecnología por el King´s College London, University of London, U.K.,  realizó Estancias Postdoctorales en la Universidad de Sheffield U.K. y en la Universidad de Harvard, U.S.A.  Es profesor de Tiempo Completo de la Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias en Campus Ciudad de México del Tecnológico de Monterrey y Presidente de la Sección México de la International Society for Engineering Pedagogy. Cuenta con 61 publicaciones en revistas indizadas de investigación disciplinar e innovación educativa, cuenta con más de 1500 citas a sus trabajos y un índice h=21. Su investigación se ha centrado en la implementación del Aprendizaje Basado en Retos para el modelo Tec21. Ha liderado dos proyectos de investigación NOVUS relacionados con dicha técnica educativa.

Researchgate IconJorge Membrillo Hernández

Andres Eduardo Gutierrez Rodríguez
Andres Eduardo Gutierrez Rodríguez

Andrés Eduardo Gutiérrez-Rodríguez recibió un Ph.D. en Ciencias de la Computación en el Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, México, en 2015. El Dr. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez es Profesor Investigador del Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Toluca. Desde 2018 es miembro del Sistema de Investigación Mexicano, actualmente nivel uno. Ha estado involucrado en tres proyectos de investigación de CONACyT con temas sobre aprendizaje automático, hiperheurística e identificación de huellas dactilares. Ha publicado 10 artículos indexados en el Journal Citation Reports y CONACyT, y 10 artículos en congresos internacionales relevantes. Su productividad científica se centra en temas relacionados con la minería de datos, el aprendizaje automático, la visión por computadora, el agrupamiento de datos y la optimización. El Dr. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez cuenta con diferentes reconocimientos como “Premio RedICA Text-Image Matching (RICATIM) Challenge 2do Lugar, México 2017”, y “Mención Nacional de la Academia Cubana de Ciencias para Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación, Cuba 2017”.

Researchgate IconAndres Eduardo Gutierrez Rodríguez

Patricia Olga Caratozzolo Martelliti
Patricia Olga Caratozzolo Martelliti

Patricia Olga Caratozzolo Martelliti es doctora en Ingeniería Electrónica por la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, España. Patricia es profesora asistente de tiempo completo en la Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias en campus Santa Fe del Tecnológico de Monterrey y vicepresidenta de la International Association for Continuing Engineering Education (IACEE) para el período 2021-2024. Ella ha liderado cuatro proyectos de investigación NOVUS relacionados con desarrollo del lenguaje y competencias digitales, flexibilidad cognitiva, procesamiento de lenguaje natural (NLP), pensamiento crítico y creatividad en ingeniería. Actualmente, sus investigaciones están relacionadas con Innovación Educativa y educación interdisciplinaria y con sentido social en STEM.

Researchgate IconPatricia Olga Caratozzolo Martelliti

Claudia Lizette Garay Rondero
Claudia Lizette Garay Rondero

Claudia es Ingeniera Industrial y de Sistemas con Maestría en Ingeniería en Sistemas de Calidad y Productividad, Black Belt en la metodología Lean Six Sigma por el Tecnológico de Monterrey. Es Ph.D. en Logística y Dirección de la Cadena de Suministro, su investigación comprende la exploración de modelos y habilitadores para la logística y cadenas de suministro digital en la Industria 4.0. Ha tenido experiencia profesional en DHL Supply Chain, Tenaris Tamsa y ha realizado proyectos con las empresas Benteler Automotive, SMP Automotive y Volkswagen de México, así como con la iniciativa GenesYs Project del MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics. 

Es Associate Professor del Institute for the Future of Education, teniendo más de 11 años de experiencia como profesora de la Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias. Ha sido premiada por la iniciativa NOVUS del Tec de Monterrey 2018, 2019 y el Silver Presence Learning Award otorgado por QS Reimagine Education 2019, por su producción científica y proyectos de innovación educativa enfocados a la sustentabilidad. Actualmente tiene funciones como Support Vicechair & Study Branch Advisor de la American Society for Quality (ASQ), sección Ciudad de México. Participa como mentora en Mujeres Líderes en STEM U.S.-Mexico Leaders Network.

Researchgate IconClaudia Lizette Garay Rondero

María de los Ángeles Domínguez Cuenca
María de los Ángeles Domínguez Cuenca

Ángeles Domínguez es Decana Asociada de Desarrollo Docente de la Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, profesora e investigadora de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Obtuvo una licenciatura en Ingeniería Física Industrial del Tecnológico de Monterrey y un doctorado en Educación Matemática de la Universidad de Syracuse, Nueva York. Por su investigación, es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, SNI-2 (2020-2023). Sus principales áreas de investigación son a) educación interdisciplinaria, b) estudios de género en STEM, y c) desarrollo docente. Está interesado en apoyar el crecimiento de los docentes (en la docencia, investigación, profesional y personal). Además de fomentar una visión más amplia de la ciencia a través de aplicaciones e integración con otras disciplinas. Esta visión de la ciencia también busca la equidad y la inclusión.

Pablo Jesús Barniol Durán
Pablo Jesús Barniol Durán

Pablo Barniol obtuvo los grados de Ingeniero Físico Industrial y Doctor en Innovación Educativa por parte del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Se encuentra en una posición como Profesor-Investigador en la Escuela de Humanidades y Educación del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Cuenta con el nombramiento como Investigador Nacional Nivel 2 por parte del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de México. Es investigador en el área de la Educación de las Ciencias. Su principal línea de investigación es sobre el entendimiento conceptual de los estudiantes universitarios en ciencias. Ha publicado 24 artículos en revistas internacionales indexadas en la base de datos Scopus.

Researchgate IconPablo Jesús Barniol Durán

Santiago Enrique Conant Pablos
Santiago Enrique Conant Pablos

Santiago Enrique Conant Pablos es Profesor Investigador de la Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Es Ingeniero Industrial con Maestría en Ciencias Computacionales y Doctor en Inteligencia Artificial. Desde 1982 se ha desempeñado como operador de computadoras, programador, analista de sistemas, académico e investigador. Desde 1988 ha impartido cursos a nivel profesional y de posgrado. Es investigador nacional Nivel I del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, miembro del GIEE en Sistemas Inteligentes e investigador adjunto del SOI-STEM del Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen técnicas heurísticas para logística y optimización, computación evolutiva, aprendizaje automático, visión computacional, educación STEM interdisciplinaria y educación con sentido social.

Researchgate IconSantiago Enrique Conant Pablos

Alejandro Acuña López
Alejandro Acuña López

Alejandro Acuña López. Doctor en Diseño, Maestría y Licenciatura en Diseño Industrial. Profesor Asociado de la Escuela de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño del Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Querétaro. Administrador de los Talleres DICI - Diseño, Innovación y Creación Industrial. Miembro del IRG “Socially oriented STEM interdisciplinary education for the 21st century” y del GIEE “Desarrollo Territorial Sostenible” de la EAAD. Líneas de investigación: Innovación educativa en diseño, Educación STEM interdisciplinaria y Educación con sentido social. Miembro fundador del CEDDIE en campus Querétaro y actualmente Mentor de Writing Lab. Experiencia profesional de 12 años en estudios y empresas de diseño.

Researchgate IconAlejandro Acuña López

Juan Carlos Rojas
Juan Carlos Rojas

Juan Carlos es Doctor en Diseño, Gestión y Fabricación de Proyectos Industriales por la Universitat Politécnica de Valencia. Maestro en innovación y desarrollo de productos y licenciado en diseño industrial por el Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus (EAAD) Monterrey. Actualmente es profesor-Investigador en la Escuela de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño  del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey. Su principal línea de investigación es sobre la evaluación emocional y afectiva de productos, servicios y experiencias a través de técnicas de medición implícitas y neurotecnologías. Además, trabaja en innovación educativa enfocada en la educación del diseño. Cuenta con numerosas publicaciones en revistas científicas y conferencias indexadas.

Researchgate IconJuan Carlos Rojas

Vianney Lara Prieto
Vianney Lara Prieto

Vianney Lara Prieto es Ingeniera Mecatrónica del Tecnológico de Monterrey y cuenta con un doctorado en Materiales Inteligentes de Loughborough University, UK. Es Directora de Proyectos Académicos de la Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Región Monterrey. Es miembro activo IEEE, WIE y IEEE-HKN. Lidera el comité nacional de vinculación de MIC Mujeres en Ingeniería y Ciencias, y participa en los comités de mentoreo y promotor de MIC, y comités de mentoreo e investigación de la Cátedra Matilda. Sus líneas de investigación son educación STEM interdisciplinaria, educación basada en retos, educación con sentido social, innovación educativa y mujeres en STEM.

Researchgate IconVianney Lara Prieto

Esmeralda Campos Muñoz
Esmeralda Campos Muñoz

Esmeralda Campos Muñoz estudió el Doctorado en Innovación Educativa en el Tecnológico de Monterrey con una especialización en la investigación en enseñanza de la física. Actualmente es investigadora postdoctoral en Writing Lab, del Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación del Tecnológico de Monterrey. El enfoque de su investigación es sobre el entendimiento conceptual de estudiantes universitarios sobre temas abstractos de física y en proyectos de inclusión de mujeres en áreas STEM. Ha publicado 6 artículos en revistas académicas de alto impacto, 7 artículos de memorias de congresos de investigación educativa y un capítulo de libro.

Researchgate IconEsmeralda Campos Muñoz

Blanca Rosa Ruiz Hernández
Blanca Rosa Ruiz Hernández

Doctora en Didáctica de la Matemática por la Universidad de Granada, España. Profesora del Departamento de Matemáticas e investigadora en la Escuela de Educación, y Humanidades del Tecnológico de Monterrey. También es profesora colaboradora en el Programa en Matemática Educativa del Centro de Investigación en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada (CICATA, IPN) y Coordinadora del Seminario Repensar las Matemáticas. Miembro de la Red Latinoamericana en Educación Estadística RELIEE y de la Red de Investigación e Innovación en Educación Estadística y Matemática Educativa (riieeme). Sus principales líneas de investigación versan alrededor del aprendizaje y la enseñanza de probabilidad y estadística a nivel universitario, así como vinculación entre la investigación educativa y la docencia en matemáticas y estudios en STEM.

Researchgate IconBlanca Rosa Ruiz Hernández

Santa Esmeralda Tejeda Torres
Santa Esmeralda Tejeda Torres

Santa Tejeda obtuvo el grado de Doctora en Innovación Educativa por el Tecnológico de Monterrey, el grado de Maestría en Física Educativa con mención en el Centro de Investigación en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CICATA del IPN) y el grado de Ingeniería Física Industrial en el Tecnológico de Monterrey. Actualmente es Vicepresidenta de la Asociación Americana de Profesores de Física, capítulo México y miembro fundador de la División de Enseñanza de la Física de la Sociedad Mexicana de Física. Sus líneas de investigación son:  dificultades en la interpretación de gráficas de cinemática, construcción de significados a partir de la socialización del conocimiento, STEM, estudios de género y tecnología educativa. Forma parte del claustro de la maestría en Educación y de la maestría en Tecnología Educativa. Actualmente enseña cursos de Física y de ingeniería de primer año a través del aprendizaje activo y aula invertida, en el marco del Modelo Tec21.

Researchgate IconSanta Esmeralda Tejeda Torres

Jesús Alfonso Beltrán Sánchez
Jesús Alfonso Beltrán Sánchez

Cuenta con Maestría en Investigación Educativa y Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación por el Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México y se encuentra estudiando el Doctorado en Psicología por la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México. Actualmente se desempeña como Líder de Análisis de la Facultad de la Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud del Tecnológico de Monterrey, México. Sus líneas de investigación son: Desarrollo de la Facultad, Educación STEM Interdisciplinaria y Educación con Sentido Social. Es miembro del Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa y Fellow de una Cátedra UNESCO “Movimiento Educativo Abierto para América Latina”.

Researchgate IconJesús Alfonso Beltrán Sánchez

Convocatoria abierta para posiciones posdoctorales en el Tecnológico de Monterrey

Convocatoria abierta para posiciones posdoctorales en el Tecnológico de Monterrey

El Grupo de Investigación en Educación STEM interdisciplinaria con orientación social (SOI-STEM) está buscando un investigador postdoctoral altamente motivado para desarrollar y realizar actividades de investigación para transformar la educación superior.

Los solicitantes interesados deben postularse en:

link Monterrey
link Ciudad de México

Proyecto Comunidad STEAM-OER-LATAM

Financing Entity: Siemens Stiftung
Authorized Amount: $45,574 euros
Period: 2021-2022
Researchers: Responsable técnico: José Escamilla de los Santos Investigadores: María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya, Genaro Zavala y José Vladimir Burgos Aguilar.

Financing Entity: FEMSA Foundation
Authorized Amount: $450,000 MXN
Period: 2021-2022
Researchers: Roberto Ponce, Grissel Olivera, Fernando Gómez

Building the future of Latin America: engaging women into STEM. Erasmus+ (Higher Education – International Capacity Building)

Financing Entity: Erasmus+ (Higher Education – International Capacity Building)
Authorized Amount: $ 862,268 Euros
Period: 2020-2022
Researchers: Francisco García-Peñalvo, Ángeles Domínguez

Implementation of extended realities as an engagement strategy to link disciplinary contents and competencies with the work environment.

Financing Entity: Novus La Triada
Authorized Amount: $ 10,000 USD
Period: 2020-2022
Researchers: Ileana Ruiz, Vianney Lara, Fabiola Lima Sagui, Mónica Turcios, Ricardo Ipiña, Aarón Ramírez, Claudio Mourgues (PUC), Luis Pinzón (UniAndes)

Laboratory of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools for the evaluation of digital competencies.

Financing Entity: Novus
Authorized Amount: $ 95,000.00 MXN
Period: 2021-2022
Researchers: Patricia Caratozzolo, Álvaro Alvarez-Delgado, Jorge Rodríguez Ruiz, Gabriela Sirkis

Implementation of extended realty technology as an engagement strategy to link disciplinary contents and competencies with the work environment.

Financing Entity: Novus La Triada
Authorized Amount: $ 10,000 USD
Period: 2020-2022
Researchers: Ma. Ileana Ruiz Cantisani, Vianney Lara, Fabiola Lima Sagui, Mónica Turcios, Ricardo Ipiña, Aarón Ramírez, Claudio Mourgues, Luis Pinzón

Flexible Digital Interaction Platform as a learning tool for a competency-based educational model

Financing Entity: Novus
Authorized Amount: $118,600 MXN
Period: 2020-2022
Researchers: Mauricio Mojica, Vianney Lara, Obedt Figueroa, Rogelio Rivas, Eduardo Arrambide

Urban Information System of Monterrey

Financing Entity: FEMSA Foundation
Authorized Amount: $ 1,800,000 MXN
Period: 2019-2021
Researchers: Roberto Ponce López, Diego Fabián Lozano

Integration of Data Science and Optimization for Solving Combinatorial Problems

Financing Entity: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Supercomputing Centre of  Barcelona
Authorized Amount: $1,500,000 MXP
Period: 2019-2021
Researchers: Hugo Terashima, Raúl Monroz, Santiago Conant, Yong Shi, Prof. Tian Yingjie, Vassil Alexandro

Academic Environment and Wellness

Financing Entity: Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey
Authorized Amount: $129,000 MXN
Period: 2021​​​​​​​
Researchers: María de los Ángeles Domínguez Cuenca, Jesús Alfonso Beltrán Sánchez
Genaro Zavala Enríquez, Pablo Jesús Barniol Durán, Esmeralda Campos Muñoz

Storytelling and podcast creation lab for the development of transversal competencies in engineering.

Financing Entity: Novus
Authorized Amount: $ 195,000.00 MXN
Period: 2019-2021
Researchers: Patricia Caratozzolo, Álvaro Alvarez-Delgado, Ziranda González-Pineda, Gabriela Sirkis, Clara Piloto

Virtual learning environment for immersive teaching of the operation of high-risk equipment in Design and Architecture workshops

Financing Entity: NOVUS Fund for educational innovation​​​​​​​
Authorized Amount: $315,402.40 MXN
Period: 2019-2021
Researchers: Ma. Elena Melón Jareda, Alejandro Acuña López and Camerino Ávila Guzmán

Context-Aware Video Detection and Interpretation of Suspicious Behavior Using Distributed Robust Deep Learning

Financing Entity: University of Texas and Tecnologico de Monterrey​​​​​​​
Authorized Amount: $80,000 USD​​​​​​​
Period: 2019-2021​​​​​​​
Researchers: Hugo Terashima (Líder), Santiago Conant, José Carlos Ortiz, Paul Rad

Use of the Assessment Center methodology in the evaluation of preclinical and clinical competencies developed by dental students.

Financing Entity: Novus​​​​​​​
Authorized Amount: $103,485 MXP​​​​​​​
Period: 2019-2021​​​​​​​
Researchers: José Carlos Presa Ramírez, Jesús Alfonso Beltrán Sánchez, María de los Ángeles Domínguez Cuenca, Jesús Alexei Mendoza Moreno, Araceli Hambleton Fuentes, Karen Lucía Reyes González

  • Springer – Convocatoria para capítulo de libro titulado: “Women in STEM in Higher Education: Good practices of attraction, access and retainment in Higher Education”. Editores: Francisco García-Peñalvo, Alicia García-Holgado, Angeles Domínguez, Jimena Pascual. Fecha de publicación: Marzo 2022
  • Octaedro – Convocatoria para capítulo de libro titulado: “Mujeres en la educación universitaria de ciencia, ingeniería, tecnología y matemáticas: Atracción, acceso y acompañamiento para reducir la brecha de género en Hispanoamérica”. Editores: Angeles Domínguez, Francisco García Peñalvo, Genaro Zavala, Alicia García Holgado, Hugo Alarcón. Fecha de publicación: Abril 2022


Querétaro Venues

Estadio Borregos Querétaro
Querétaro Venues

Founded on August 14, 1975, the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Querétaro, has provided services for excellent academic training based on competitive leadership and the human development of students for more than four decades.


At Campus Querétaro, we have the necessary venues to receive groups from two hundred to one thousand three hundred people, without neglecting the comfort that each guest deserves and meeting all the expectations of your event.

Each of the available spaces provides the facilities to carry out your event without major worries. Its characteristics are versatile and adaptable to all types of planning, which is why we guarantee the development of memorable experiences. Among the services that you can enjoy on our campus are:

  • Open parking, available to all attendees and with the option of reserving spaces for distinguished guests.
  • Furniture and technological support, so you should not worry about getting any of the tools that will give you the opportunity to reach each of the attendees and thus achieve a successful and unforgettable event.

If you want to know more about our campus, the spaces and tools we have to offer, we invite you to consult our catalogue, as well as to contact us through the form. In this way, we will be able to attend to your request as soon as possible.

Venue hire
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Venues Querétaro

Estadio Borregos Querétaro
Venues Querétaro

Founded on August 14, 1975, the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Querétaro, has provided services for excellent academic training based on competitive leadership and the human development of students for more than four decades.


At Campus Querétaro, we have the necessary venues to receive groups from two hundred to one thousand three hundred people, without neglecting the comfort that each guest deserves and meeting all the expectations of your event.

Each of the available spaces provides the facilities to carry out your event without major worries. Its characteristics are versatile and adaptable to all types of planning, which is why we guarantee the development of memorable experiences. Among the services that you can enjoy on our campus are:

  • Open parking, available to all attendees and with the option of reserving spaces for distinguished guests.
  • Furniture and technological support, so you should not worry about getting any of the tools that will give you the opportunity to reach each of the attendees and thus achieve a successful and unforgettable event.

If you want to know more about our campus, the spaces and tools we have to offer, we invite you to consult our catalogue, as well as to contact us through the form. In this way, we will be able to attend to your request as soon as possible.

Renta de Inmuebles
Selecciona un inmueble en renta para ver información más detallada.
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Associations and Clubs

Connect with other EXATEC and make a positive change in your community
  • What is it about?

  • How do I participate?

We invite you to join the EXATEC associations or clubs that exist worldwide.

EXATEC Associations or Clubs are groups formed by graduates of Tecnológico de Monterrey who share common interests and who support other graduates, participate in their alma mater’s initiatives, and promote social projects in their communities, as well as causes of generosity through networking. 

Benefits of belonging to EXATEC associations and clubs:

•    Invitations to networking events.
•    Participation in social projects and community support.
•    Linkage with Tecnológico de Monterrey's initiatives in which the association participates.

There are three ways you can join an EXATEC association or club:

1.    Request to join as an active member of the EXATEC associations or clubs of your interest by clicking the "Join" button within the association or club description.
2.    Join the board of an existing group.
3.    Create your own association or club.

¡Regístrate y participa en las Asociaciones y Clubes EXATEC!

Asociaciones y Clubes

Vincúlate con otros EXATEC y haz un cambio positivo en tu comunidad
  • What is it about?

  • How do I participate?

We invite you to join the EXATEC associations or clubs that exist worldwide.

EXATEC Associations or Clubs are groups formed by graduates of Tecnológico de Monterrey who share common interests and who support other graduates, participate in their alma mater’s initiatives, and promote social projects in their communities, as well as causes of generosity through networking. 

Benefits of belonging to EXATEC associations and clubs:

•    Invitations to networking events.
•    Participation in social projects and community support.
•    Linkage with Tecnológico de Monterrey's initiatives in which the association participates.

There are three ways you can join an EXATEC association or club:

1.    Request to join as an active member of the EXATEC associations or clubs of your interest by clicking the "Join" button within the association or club description.
2.    Join the board of an existing group.
3.    Create your own association or club.

¡Regístrate y participa en las Asociaciones y Clubes EXATEC!

Artificial Intelligence

Clase de Inteligencia Artificial, Tec de Monterrey
Artificial Intelligence



Guidelines for the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence​
Intended for students of Tecnologico de Monterrey​

At Tecnologico de Monterrey, we have always considered technology as a fundamental ally in achieving our educational goals. We conceive of technology as a means that, when used properly, promotes the creation of knowledge, enhances access to information, creates opportunities for learning and social well-being, and enriches the educational and creative experience of our community.​

The Guidelines for the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence serve as an important reference for adopting and adapting artificial intelligence tools within our educational programs and institutional context. We aim to use these tools proactively and responsibly in all teaching and learning processes.​

We invite you to review this document.​

If you are a teacher at Tecnologico de Monterrey, access the Guidelines for the ethical use of artificial intelligence aimed at faculty at: mitec >> Normatividad Académica >> Políticas y reglamentos >> Todos los documentos ​

For any comments, please write to: integridad.acadé 

Inteligencia Artificial

Inteligencia Artificial
Inteligencia Artificial



Lineamientos para el uso ético de inteligencia artificial​
Dirigido a estudiantes del Tecnológico de Monterrey​

At Tecnologico de Monterrey, we have always considered technology as a fundamental ally in achieving our educational goals. We conceive of technology as a means that, when used properly, promotes the creation of knowledge, enhances access to information, creates opportunities for learning and social well-being, and enriches the educational and creative experience of our community.​

The Guidelines for the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence serve as an important reference for adopting and adapting artificial intelligence tools within our educational programs and institutional context. We aim to use these tools proactively and responsibly in all teaching and learning processes.​

We invite you to review this document.​

If you are a teacher at Tecnologico de Monterrey, access the Guidelines for the ethical use of artificial intelligence aimed at faculty at: mitec >> Normatividad Académica >> Políticas y reglamentos >> Todos los documentos ​

For any comments, please write to: integridad.acadé 


1. Where can I report a breach of academic integrity?

Breaches of academic integrity, known as FIAs (by its acronym in Spanish) must be reported through the ETHOS platform, which can be accessed in two ways:
2. What is academic integrity?

It means “acting with honesty, commitment, fairness, responsibility and respect in learning, research and dissemination of culture.” It implies having the courage to stand up for these principles, even when it is difficult to do so (Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations).
3. What is a breach of academic integrity?

A breach of academic integrity is considered any individual or collective action or omission of the students that is committed inside or outside the classroom, that violates the principles of academic integrity and/or that seeks to obtain or facilitate a benefit or academic advantage.
4. What does "FIA" mean?

It is the Spanish acronym of Falta a la Integridad Académica, that is, Breach of Academic Integrity
5. What’s the difference between a DA and an FIA?

“DA" (by its acronym in Spanish) means “Deshonestidad Académica”, that is, "Academic Dishonesty". It was a term used to report cases of breaches of academic integrity committed by students, according to the Academic Dishonesty Program and the academic regulations of that time. In July 2017, the Academic Integrity Program was launched with the purpose of promoting a culture in the community, focusing on providing the students with more formative rather than just punitive consequences. Therefore, when a student is reported for having committed an academic integrity breach, the correct term to use is “FIA”, by its acronym in Spanish (that is Falta a la Integridad Académica) and not “DA”.
6. What are the consequences of committing a breach of academic integrity?

You can consult the consequences of committing any breach of academic integrity in Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations, click on the link that corresponds to your level of studies:

High School Students:
Undergraduate Students:
Graduate Students:
7. What types of consequences are appealable?

Only the breaches of academic integrity that result in a temporary suspension or permanent withdrawal from the Institution may be appealed in accordance with the provisions of the Academic Regulations. To do so, it is important to follow the procedure declared in Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations.
8. What is the process for a student to appeal for a resolution of temporary suspension or permanent withdrawal?

Only the breaches of academic integrity that result in a temporary suspension or permanent withdrawal from the Institution may be appealed in accordance with the provisions of the Academic Regulations. To do so, it is important to follow the procedure declared in Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations.
9. Who can report a breach of academic integrity?

According to the article 9.4 of the Academic Regulations, any student, member of the academic staff, institutional authority, member of the Tec de Monterrey educational community or any external entity linked to the academic process, who has knowledge of any act that may constitute a violation to academic integrity, must communicate it in writing to the Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC), including evidence that demonstrates the fact. To do this, a report must be made through the ETHOS platform, which can be accessed in two ways:
10. What is the purpose of the Academic Integrity program?

To strengthen the culture of academic integrity at Tec de Monterrey, through a set of actions oriented to raise awareness and educate about integrity, as well as provide an effective management of breaches of academic integrity, according to the Academic Regulations of our Institution, to promote honesty, respect, commitment, responsibility and justice in the field of learning, teaching, research and the dissemination of culture.
11. Who is part of the Academic Integrity Program?

The entire Tec community is part of the Academic Integrity Program; however, the people who collaborate directly in the Campus and National Academic Integrity Committees have a special participation, as well as the people who perform the role of Ambassadors of Academic Integrity and the teachers of the Integrity Academy.
12. What is a Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC)?

A Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC, by its acronym in Spanish) is a deliberative body that, by addressing and resolving cases of breaches of academic integrity, educates students in integrity and strengthens the culture of integrity on the Campus and in the Institution in general.
13. What does a Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC) do?
  • Educates students in integrity, contributing with this to the formation of professionals technically efficient and ethically responsible.
  • Promotes the strengthening of a culture of academic integrity in our Institution.
14. What is a National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN)?

The National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN, by its acronym in Spanish) is the body responsible for reviewing appealed cases submitted by reported students who received resolutions of temporary suspension or permanent withdrawal.
15. What does the National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN) do?

The main function of the CIAN is to analyze and resolve the appealed cases it receives, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations of the Institution.
16. What can I do if I witness a breach of academic integrity?

It is important that you report it through the ETHOS platform. To access, follow either step:
17. What is the process for managing a breach of academic integrity?

When a student has committed a breach of academic integrity, the professor:

  • Will assign a failing grade, either in the activity, exam, project, subject, etc.
  • Make a report to the Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC) through ETHOS platform.

Then, the Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC):

  • Will analyze the seriousness of the reported events.
  • Will subsequently indicate whether it is necessary for the student to attend a hearing session to discuss what happened.

It is very important that students always check their institutional email, as there they will be contacted about any situation related to the case.

18. What are examples of breaches of academic integrity?

A breach of academic integrity is considered any individual or collective action or omission by students, whether committed inside or outside the classroom, that violates the principles of academic integrity and/or seeks to obtain or facilitate an academic benefit or advantage.

Some examples of this type of actions or omissions are: copy or attempt to copy any type of exam or learning activity; partial or total plagiarism; facilitate any activity or material to be copied and/or presented as your own; impersonation; access and/or manipulate, without express authorization, email accounts or institutional systems; falsify information; alter academic documents; sell or buy exams or distribute them by any means; steal or obtain information improperly or attempt to bribe a professor or any collaborator of the Institution; the alteration of clinical records; unauthorized use of tools, software or devices; among other. For any further questions, email us at

19. ¿En qué capítulo del Reglamento Académico se habla sobre integridad académica?

Throughout the Academic Regulations there are several articles related to academic integrity; However, Chapter IX is where you can learn more details about the Academic Integrity Program. We invite you to click on the link that corresponds to your level of studies:

High School Students:
Undergraduate Students:
Graduate Students:
20. What is a remediation assignment?

A remediation assignment is an educational intervention designed to prevent future infractions. It is aimed to promote reflection among students and raise their ethical awareness to help them make ethical decisions in difficult circumstances.
21. What is an Academic Integrity Plan?

An Academic Integrity Plan is aimed specifically at students who have been suspended from the Institution. In this period of separation from the school, students carry out a series of activities that allow them to reflect on the breach of academic integrity committed and are provided with tools that help them strength their moral conscience. Unlike the remediation assignments, the Academic Integrity Plan lasts from one month up to one year and can include activities to be performed in collaboration with a social organization.