Integridad Académica
Nuestro Propósito
To strengthen the culture of academic integrity at Tec de Monterrey, through a set of actions oriented to raise awareness and educate about integrity, as well as provide an effective management of breaches of academic integrity, according to the Academic Regulations of our Institution.
Activities and communication campaigns aimed at the Tec community to promote ethics and responsibility.
Courses and modules designed to prevent and educate in academic integrity, aimed at students, faculty, collaborators, and members of the Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC).
Management of breaches of Academic Integrity
Attention and follow-up to students who commit breaches of academic integrity, ensuring compliance with Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations.
Our Program
In 2017, the Academic Dishonesty (DA) Program evolved to become the Academic Integrity Program.
The purpose of this program is to strengthen the academic integrity at Tecnológico de Monterrey, through a set of actions oriented to raise awareness and educate the community about integrity, to contribute to responsible action in all contexts of institutional life.
Our mission is to promote a positive approach to issues related to academic honesty and strengthen our commitment to academic excellence.
Es el hábito de conducirse con la verdad y de ser coherente entre lo que se piensa, se dice y se hace. En el ámbito académico se refleja en el compromiso con tu proceso formativo respecto a lo que sabes y a lo que te falta por aprender.
Es la capacidad de actuar de acuerdo con los propios valores y convicciones, a pesar del miedo. La valentía puede desarrollarse en entornos donde se pone a prueba; el día a día de la vida académica presenta oportunidades para tomar decisiones, aprender de ellas y crecer.
Se trata de la capacidad de responder ante ti mismo y ante los demás por tus decisiones, acciones y omisiones en tu vida académica.
Implica reconocer tu propio valor y el de las personas y no tratar a los demás como medios para lograr tus objetivos. En el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, el trabajo colaborativo depende del respeto mutuo y de nuestra capacidad para cumplir los acuerdos que celebramos.
El compromiso es un valor que otorga a los individuos la capacidad, no solo de reconocer, sino de llevar a cabo una tarea o acción previamente acordada. Esta responsabilidad posibilita la ejecución de la actividad acordada en pos del beneficio colectivo. En otras palabras, es la capacidad de actuar con las virtudes personales y profesionales que requiere el crecimiento personal, el correcto ejercicio de una profesión y el desarrollo de la ciudadanía.
Implica reconocer que todas las personas merecen igual consideración y respeto. En el ámbito académico supone dar crédito al trabajo de otros, no exigir un trato preferencial, conocer las reglas y cumplirlas.
Es la armonía entre las creencias, las decisiones y las acciones, y el apego continuo a los valores y principios. Se actúa con congruencia cuando se procede siempre de acuerdo con los principios y valores propios, pero que tienen como fin el bien común. La incongruencia, por otro lado, es la base de la simulación y el engaño.
Source: International Center for Academic Integrity [ICAI]. (2021). The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity. (3rd ed.). of-academic-integrity
Dimension of Education in Integrity
It is in charge of carrying out activities aimed at educating and raising awareness about academic integrity.
The role that supports these activities is the Ambassador of Academic Integrity.
Academic Integrity Ambassadors.
They are professors who serve as spokespersons and advisors for the program on campus. They carry out activities aimed to raise awareness about the importance of integrity and prevent breaches of academic integrity. They work together with the Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC) to provide guidance to students who have committed breaches of academic integrity. We currently have 22 Academic Integrity Ambassadors.
Dimension for Managing Breaches of Academic Integrity
It defines the operating standards of the program, addresses, and provides follow-up on breaches of academic integrity (FIA, by its acronym in Spanish) committed by students.
The faculty who carries out this activity is part of the Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC, by its acronym in Spanish) and the National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN, by its acronym in Spanish).
Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC)
They are groups of teachers and collaborators responsible for analyzing and deliberating on cases of breaches of academic integrity. They are in charge of determining the consequences applicable to students who commit breaches of academic integrity, ensuring at all times that these are formative rather than punitive. We currently have 220 professors who are part of 32 Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC).
National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN)
It is the group of teachers and collaborators in charge of analyzing and resolving appeal cases presented by students who have committed breaches of academic integrity and who have been sanctioned with a temporary suspension or permanent withdrawal from the Institution.