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Servicio Social

Al ser una institución educativa de la sociedad y para la sociedad, el Tecnológico de Monterrey promueve, dentro y fuera del aula, una serie de experiencias formativas que permiten a nuestro estudiantado actuar de manera sensible, comprometida y responsable en favor de la comunidad.

En el Servicio Social nuestros estudiantes aplican conocimientos profesionales en situaciones reales

Servicio Social en el Tec

Las distintas unidades de formación del servicio social que se despliegan a lo largo del currículum buscan que nuestro estudiantado, como futuro profesionista, ponga su talento personal y excelencia profesional al servicio de los demás.

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Unidades de formación con Sentido Humano y Servicio Social (Modelo educativo Tec21)

The Human Sense Model is implemented in the student's curriculum according the following training experiences of the Social Service Program.

1. Semana Tec de Inducción al Servicio Social
1. Semana Tec de Inducción al Servicio Social

turned_in Descripción

La unidad de formación la coordina el Departamento Académico de Estudios Humanísticos, de la Escuela de Humanidades y Educación, junto con el área de Desarrollo y Servicio Social de la Dirección de Impacto Social. La Semana Tec de Inducción al Servicio Social sienta las bases para que el estudiante inicie el desarrollo de subcompetencias relacionadas con el Compromiso Ético y Ciudadano y lo capacita en la aplicación de dispositivos de escucha de slowU en preparación para participar en otras unidades de formación con sentido humano y servicio social. 

view_list Características 

  • Horas de Servicio Social acreditables: 40 horas
  • Elegibilidad: Obligatorio (requisito de graduación)
  • Semestres en los que se recomienda cursar: Del 1° al 2° (sexta o doceava semana) 

person Participantes

  • Grupos de hasta 40 estudiantes.
  • Un Docente o un Responsable de Servicio social en campus por grupo.
2. Semana Tec con Sentido Humano
2. Semana Tec con Sentido Humano

turned_in Descripción

Unidad de formación que se caracteriza por tener, desde su diseño, el atributo de sentido humano. Durante la experiencia, el estudiantado desarrolla una subcompetencia de compromiso ético y ciudadano y realiza prototipados abiertos de manera coordinada con un socio formador.

view_list Características

  • Horas de Servicio Social acreditables: 40 horas
  • Elegibilidad: Opcional
  • Semestres en los que se recomienda cursar: Del 1° al 2° (sexta o doceava semana)

person Participantes

  • Grupos de hasta 40 estudiantes.
  • Docente interesado o responsable de servicio social.
3. Inmersión social (sin créditos)
3. Inmersión social (sin créditos)

turned_in Descripción

Unidad de formación que contribuye al desarrollo de la sensibilidad moral del estudiantado, mediante el fortalecimiento de la empatía, la compasión y la solidaridad; valores que facilitan la transformación interior del estudiantado y del entorno social donde la actividad inmersiva se realiza. Tiene duración de tres semanas (sin créditos) o cinco semanas (con créditos) y se cursa en periodos intensivos (verano o invierno). 

list Características

  • Horas de Servicio Social acreditables: 120 horas en Inmersiones sociales (duración de 3 semanas) y 80 horas en Materias de Educación General con Inmersión (duración de 5 semanas). 
  • Elegibilidad: Optativa
  • Semestres en los que se recomienda cursar: del 2° hasta el 5°, durante el verano o el invierno

person Participantes

  • Grupos de hasta 40 estudiantes
  • Profesor - facilitador o responsable de servicio social
  • Organización socio formadora
4. Inmersión social (con créditos)
4. Inmersión social (con créditos)

turned_in Descripción

Experiencia de aprendizaje que integra contenidos temáticos de alguna Materia de Educación General, alineados a los atributos de la Inmersión Social, lo que permite su reconfiguración a medida que se convierta en una Inmersión Social con créditos académicos. Esta unidad de formación aporta al desarrollo de la competencia de Compromiso ético ciudadano, así como al fortalecimiento de valores como la empatía, la compasión y la solidaridad.

list Características

  • Horas de Servicio Social acreditables: Hasta 80 horas 
  • Duración: 5 semanas
  • Elegibilidad: Opcional  
  • Semestres en los que se recomienda cursar: del 2° hasta el 5°, durante el verano o el invierno

person Participantes

  • Grupos de hasta 40 estudiantes Tec
  • Profesor-facilitador o responsable de servicio social
  • Organización socio formadora
5. Bloque con Sentido Humano
5. Bloque con Sentido Humano

turned_in Descripción

Unidad de formación que posibilita abordar una problemática enmarcada en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU, mediante la puesta en práctica de subompetencias de carácter disciplinar y además una relacionada con el Compromiso ético y ciudadano. Tiene una duración de 5, 10 o 15 semanas y otorga créditos académicos.

view_list Características

  • Horas de Servicio Social acreditables: De 60 a 200 horas dependiendo de su ubicación en el mapa curricular. Duración de 5, 10 o 15 semanas
  • Elegibilidad: Obligatorio
  • Semestres en los que se recomienda cursar: 3° y 6°

person Participantes

  • Grupos de hasta 30 estudiantes.
  • Tres docentes por bloque.
6. Proyecto Solidario
6. Proyecto Solidario

turned_in Descripción

Unidad de formación, fuera del plan curricular, que permite al estudiantado realizar actividades solidarias en colaboración con una organización socio formadora para atender una necesidad social del país. La actividad puede ser iniciativa del estudiante o ser elegida de la oferta de servicio social.

view_list Características

  • Horas de Servicio Social acreditables: en periodo regular el máximo de horas varía en función de la programación (5, 10 o 15 semanas), algunos proyectos tienen como límite hasta 60 horas y otros hasta 180 horas; en periodo intensivo el máximo varía según la programación de la unidad de formación, algunos proyectos tienen como límite 60 horas, y otros hasta 200 horas.
  • Elegibilidad: Opcional
  • Semestres en los que se recomienda cursar: Del 2° al 7° incluyendo periodos intensivos

person Participantes

  • Grupo de estudiantes Tec
  • Coordinado por responsable de servicio social de campus. 

Experiencias con Sentido Humano


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Las experiencias con Sentido Humano del Servicio Social también permiten a nuestros estudiantes contribuir a mejorar su comunidad


Envíanos tus dudas o comentarios, estamos para servirte.

email  Contacto general:

email  Consulta el directorio de responsables por campus


Concierto Maná en el estadio Banorte

These are some of the experiences we have had in the spaces of the Tecnologico de Monterrey. World-class, theatrical, sports and business events where spaces are used to the maximum to create experiences for our students and citizens.

Broadly speaking, we can identify that an event is a marketing, public relations and communication tool that meets different classifications and needs depending on the type of public we want to reach.

There are events that we know as corporate events, the main objective of which is to communicate, promote, or interact with people outside the institution where we work. The key for these events to be a success is that there are people, groups or external institutions that participate in the event. These events can be organized in a massive way, such as: job fairs, team buildings, expos to offer jobs, among others.

We determine as "social events" those whose main objective is to bring together different people, with no other interest than coexistence and social relationships among attendees. Almost always in social acts there is an event of a gastronomic, musical, sports type among others.

The social events that can be held inside Banorte Stadium are: concerts, sports camps, music festivals, food festivals, amateur and major league games of any sport.

The events can be promoted by any person and/or company, their main objective is to develop or publicize cultural activities, whether they are concerts, exhibitions, cultural award ceremonies, recitals, corporate, business, integration, etc.

Musical events or concerts are generally events of a cultural nature that depend on their content, complexity in the organization and logistics that it manages. Musical events can go from 10,000 people to a maximum capacity of 17,000 people using the stands and the field, it all depends on the configuration that the organizer is looking for. There are also concerts cataloged as great national and international festivals.

The term that we know as "festival" is usually used to describe those events that are characterized by having a significant number of acts by the different artists that complete the lineup and can even last several days in one or several places. Unlike solo concerts, a festival also has as one of its main characteristics the fact that it lasts for many hours, even if it lasts only one day, that is, it does not start and end in a couple of hours like most events and shows.

A music festival has the power to attract many more attendees, since the variety of acts and the publicity given to the festival itself are much greater.

Sporting events are all those related to the practice of sports activities or related to the recognition of athletes. There are several major sporting events that are seen around the world such as the Olympic Games, marathons in major cities, the FIFA World Cup, Superbowl, among other major events.

The definition of major events can vary between those who think, and between different countries, and even within this category we can distinguish subcategories of major events.

In general, we can say that major events are those that generate an important economic, social or cultural movement, attract a large number of participants at a national and international level, are known nationally and even internationally, generate great media coverage, Both nationally and internationally, they have a much longer pre-production period than normal events.



Concierto Maná en el estadio Banorte

These are some of the experiences we have had in the spaces of the Tecnologico de Monterrey. World-class, theatrical, sports and business events where spaces are used to the maximum to create experiences for our students and citizens.

Broadly speaking, we can identify that an event is a marketing, public relations and communication tool that meets different classifications and needs depending on the type of public we want to reach.

There are events that we know as corporate events, the main objective of which is to communicate, promote, or interact with people outside the institution where we work. The key for these events to be a success is that there are people, groups or external institutions that participate in the event. These events can be organized in a massive way, such as: job fairs, team buildings, expos to offer jobs, among others.

We determine as "social events" those whose main objective is to bring together different people, with no other interest than coexistence and social relationships among attendees. Almost always in social acts there is an event of a gastronomic, musical, sports type among others.

The social events that can be held inside Banorte Stadium are: concerts, sports camps, music festivals, food festivals, amateur and major league games of any sport.

The events can be promoted by any person and/or company, their main objective is to develop or publicize cultural activities, whether they are concerts, exhibitions, cultural award ceremonies, recitals, corporate, business, integration, etc.

Musical events or concerts are generally events of a cultural nature that depend on their content, complexity in the organization and logistics that it manages. Musical events can go from 10,000 people to a maximum capacity of 17,000 people using the stands and the field, it all depends on the configuration that the organizer is looking for. There are also concerts cataloged as great national and international festivals.

The term that we know as "festival" is usually used to describe those events that are characterized by having a significant number of acts by the different artists that complete the lineup and can even last several days in one or several places. Unlike solo concerts, a festival also has as one of its main characteristics the fact that it lasts for many hours, even if it lasts only one day, that is, it does not start and end in a couple of hours like most events and shows.

A music festival has the power to attract many more attendees, since the variety of acts and the publicity given to the festival itself are much greater.

Sporting events are all those related to the practice of sports activities or related to the recognition of athletes. There are several major sporting events that are seen around the world such as the Olympic Games, marathons in major cities, the FIFA World Cup, Superbowl, among other major events.

The definition of major events can vary between those who think, and between different countries, and even within this category we can distinguish subcategories of major events.

In general, we can say that major events are those that generate an important economic, social or cultural movement, attract a large number of participants at a national and international level, are known nationally and even internationally, generate great media coverage, Both nationally and internationally, they have a much longer pre-production period than normal events.

Genomics Core Lab

Core Lab: Genomics

What is the Genomics Core Lab?

It is the Laboratory where Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is performed. Its vision is to contribute to strengthening research, knowledge generation, and transfer in Mexico through the generation and analysis of applied genomic data in various areas such as clinical medicine, genomic medicine, agribusiness, food, disease diagnosis, environmental sample study, genomic epidemiology, among others.

To learn about the bioinformatics analysis services, please refer to the email

Why collaborate with Core Lab Genomics?

It is the only national laboratory with Illumina technology, allowing a wide diversity of samples for sequencing.

. It offers diversified sequencing services, including whole genome, exome, RNA-Seq, single-cell sequencing, shotgun metagenomics, 16s Metagenomics, targeted fragment sequencing, and environmental DNA sequencing.

Operational model that facilitates service to external researchers, with competitive prices in Latin America thanks to agreements with Illumina.

Competitive international delivery times, with highly trained specialists to execute projects in a robust, efficient, and reliable manner.

Capacity to handle custom projects in various areas such as food, medicine, agricultural industry, and diagnostics, based on the experience of the Core Lab team.

Active collaboration networks

Equipment and technology


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Genomics Core Lab

Core Lab: Genomics

¿Qué es el Core Lab de Genomics?

It is the Laboratory where Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is performed. Its vision is to contribute to strengthening research, knowledge generation, and transfer in Mexico through the generation and analysis of applied genomic data in various areas such as clinical medicine, genomic medicine, agribusiness, food, disease diagnosis, environmental sample study, genomic epidemiology, among others.

To learn about the bioinformatics analysis services, please refer to the email

¿Por qué colaborar con Core Lab Genomics?

It is the only national laboratory with Illumina technology, allowing a wide diversity of samples for sequencing.

. It offers diversified sequencing services, including whole genome, exome, RNA-Seq, single-cell sequencing, shotgun metagenomics, 16s Metagenomics, targeted fragment sequencing, and environmental DNA sequencing.

Operational model that facilitates service to external researchers, with competitive prices in Latin America thanks to agreements with Illumina.

Competitive international delivery times, with highly trained specialists to execute projects in a robust, efficient, and reliable manner.

Capacity to handle custom projects in various areas such as food, medicine, agricultural industry, and diagnostics, based on the experience of the Core Lab team.

Redes de colaboración activas

Nuestro equipamiento y tecnología


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Jill Kickul - Faculty

Jill Kickul

Jill Kickul

Distinguished Professor in Social Entrepreneurship

Business School and EGADE Business School


Social entrepreneurship 
Entrepreneurship education
Social innovation

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Dr. Jill Kickul served as a professor at the Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies and Narayan Research Director of the Brittingham Social Enterprise Lab, both at the Marshall School of Business of the University of Southern California in the United States. She was also the academic director of the Master of Science in Social Entrepreneurship at the same institution. Furthermore, she is the founding director of the Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference, the largest academic conference in the field. 

Jill Kickul was previously director of the Social Entrepreneurship program at NYU’s Stern School of Business and academic advisor for the MBA’s Social Innovation and Impact Specialization. She also held several distinguished positions, such as president of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) in 2020, and was part of the Research Committee Chair (2018-2020) and the Teaching Committee Chair (2009-2012) for the Academy of Management, both in the Entrepreneurship Division. 

Her career has been marked by a focus on entrepreneurial studies and social enterprise, where she combines her expertise in research with practical applications in these fields. Her work primarily revolves around understanding and fostering entrepreneurship, particularly emphasizing social entrepreneurship and its impact on society. 

Jill Kickul joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Professor in Social Entrepreneurship.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Northern Illinois University.
  • M.A., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Northern Illinois University.
  • MBA, DePaul University.

Jill Kickul - Faculty

Jill Kickul

Jill Kickul

Profesora Distinguida en Emprendimiento Social 

Escuela de Negocios y EGADE Business School


Emprendimiento social
Educación en Emprendimiento 
Innovación social 

radio_button_unchecked radio_button_checked


Dr. Jill Kickul served as a professor at the Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies and Narayan Research Director of the Brittingham Social Enterprise Lab, both at the Marshall School of Business of the University of Southern California in the United States. She was also the academic director of the Master of Science in Social Entrepreneurship at the same institution. Furthermore, she is the founding director of the Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference, the largest academic conference in the field. 

Jill Kickul was previously director of the Social Entrepreneurship program at NYU’s Stern School of Business and academic advisor for the MBA’s Social Innovation and Impact Specialization. She also held several distinguished positions, such as president of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) in 2020, and was part of the Research Committee Chair (2018-2020) and the Teaching Committee Chair (2009-2012) for the Academy of Management, both in the Entrepreneurship Division. 

Her career has been marked by a focus on entrepreneurial studies and social enterprise, where she combines her expertise in research with practical applications in these fields. Her work primarily revolves around understanding and fostering entrepreneurship, particularly emphasizing social entrepreneurship and its impact on society. 

Jill Kickul joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Professor in Social Entrepreneurship.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Northern Illinois University.
  • M.A., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Northern Illinois University.
  • MBA, DePaul University.

Regreso a Casa 2024 | Campus Monterrey 40 años y más

Regreso a Casa

Campus Monterrey

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey.
Dirigido a
EXATEC de Campus Monterrey de las Generaciones 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979 y 1984
Relaciones con Egresados Campus Monterrey

¡Vive el festejo que te reúne con tus colegas de generación en un día de recuerdos inolvidables!


Nuestro Regreso a Casa Campus Monterrey 2024 para EXATEC de las Generaciones 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979 y 1984, te espera.

¡No te lo pierdas! Regístrate aquí.


Conoce aquí la agenda completa del evento.



Malú Hernández

Regreso a Casa 2024 | Campus Monterrey 20 a 35 años

Regreso a Casa

Campus Monterrey

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey.
Dirigido a
EXATEC de Campus Monterrey de las Generaciones 2004, 1999, 1994 y 1989
Relaciones con Egresados Campus Monterrey

¡Vive el festejo que te reúne con tus colegas de generación en un día de recuerdos inolvidables!


Nuestro Regreso a Casa Campus Monterrey 2024 para EXATEC de las Generaciones 2004, 1999, 1994 y 1989, te espera.

¡No te lo pierdas! Regístrate aquí.


Conoce aquí la agenda completa del evento.



Malú Hernández

Voluntariado por la educación

Unidos por la transformación de la educación en México

Conoce el programa de Desarrollo docente del Voluntariado por a educación

Conoce el programa

¿Qué es?

Voluntariado por la Educación es un programa de desarrollo docente ofrecido al profesorado de Educación Media Superior y Superior del Sector Público, principalmente, derivado de una colaboración entre el Tec de Monterrey y Arizona State University.

El programa busca que las y los docentes implementen lo aprendido en este curso en las clases que imparten. Aplicando técnicas como el “aula invertida” y las metodologías activas promueven el aprendizaje activo, involucrando y motivando a sus estudiantes a aprender por sí mismos.

Nuestros participantes



"El programa me ayudó a adentrarme en las tecnologías de la información, la comunicación, así como el uso y aplicación de éstas en el aula para facilitar el aprendizaje en nuestros alumnos"

Armando Castillo
Docente CBTIS 215 Loreto, Zacatecas


"Con sinceridad puedo decir que este curso promueve al docente a crear estrategias de diseño instrumental, elegir contenidos relevantes de las asignaturas e implementar la tecnología a favor de la educación con un solo interés: el del brindarle a nuestros alumnos una mejor enseñanza"

María Beatriz Maldonado
Docente de la Escuela Superior de Rehabilitación, Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación, CDMX


"Quiero reconocer la importancia que tiene este curso, el cual nos ha enseñado diversas estrategias como el modelo híbrido utilizando el aula invertida. Desde mi punto de vista esta es una excelente opción y da muy buenos resultados ya que involucra a los estudiantes a participar en su aprendizaje"

Alberto Suarez
Docente  CECYT 7 Cuauhtémoc, IPN CDMX


"Este curso me permitió reflexionar sobre mi práctica docente, entender que el rol tradicional del profesor ha quedado en el pasado, que debemos fomentar el aprendizaje activo en nuestros alumnos para que ellos se responsabilicen de su propia educación y que puedan llevarse aprendizajes significativos dentro de su formación académica.
Estoy muy contenta y agradecida con el curso por que aprendí nuevas tecnologías y estrategias que de ahora en adelante implementaré en mi práctica docente."

Cecilia Velázquez
Docente Preparatoria No. 6 del Estado, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas

Resultados e impacto

Al momento más de 1,638,560 alumnos se han visto beneficiados, a través de prácticas docentes que incorporan tecnologías digitales y la metodología propuesta en el programa.


Number of editions


Volunteers involved


Graduate teachers


States of the republic


Training hours


Educational institutions


Final projects


Teaching resources generated

Súmate y trasciende Voluntariado por la educación

Súmate y trasciende

Con tu apoyo podremos transformar la educación media superior y superior en México:

  1. Suma a tu institución educativa para que sus docentes sean parte de este programa.
  2. Conviértete en “Padrino de la educación” y beca a docentes.
  3. Participa como voluntario por la educación y sé parte de la transformación.

Si quieres ser parte del programa, revisa la convocatoria y después haz clic en en siguiente botón y selecciona las opciones en las que te gustaría participar. Una vez enviado, nosotros nos pondremos en contacto contigo.

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Nuestros socios y aliados


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