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Our Hosts

The hosts of Tec Sounds Podcasts are experts from several disciplines sharing their advices, opinions, stories, and experiences.

Con su Permiso


Beata Wojna

Beata Wojna

She holds a PhD in International Relations at Tec Monterrey, where she is a professor. She was ambassador of Poland in Mexico and Central America and obtained the Decoration of the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle. She wrote and coordinated analyzes on international relations in the European Union, Poland, Spain and Latin America. She is a member of COMEXI. She holds a PhD in Geography and History from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Carlos Elizondo

Carlos Elizondo

He holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Oxford. He was ambassador of Mexico to the OECD (2004). He is a research professor at Tec de Monterrey’s School of Government and Public Transformation. His last book is “Los de adelante corren mucho. Desigualdad, privilegios y democracia”. He has a weekly column in Excélsior, and together with Federico Reyes he conducts the program Primer Círculo.

Azucena Rojas Parra

Azucena Rojas

Master in Public Administration from Syracuse University in New York and Bachelor in Political Science from ITAM. She is the regional dean of the School of Social Sciences and Government in the West, with twenty years of experience in public affairs and public opinion research. She has collaborated with public and private institutions, conducting applied research with surveys and focus groups for the study of electoral issues, political behavior, and public policy.

Cuida tu Mente


Rosalinda Ballesteros

Rosalinda Ballesteros

Rosalinda is currently the Director of the Institute of Happiness Sciences of the Tecmilenio University, where she served as Vice Chancellor of High School. PHD in Humanistic Studies from the Tecnológico de Monterrey (2011), graduated from the Master's Degree in Positive Psychology Applied from the University of Pennsylvania, USA, with the research project: Meaning and purpose of life as key elements for personal success in (2015).



EduTrends is the TecLabs podcast, with experts who will analyze innovation in education. The conductor of this program will bring us closer to innovative pedagogies, technologies, and other educational developments at the service of better learning results.


Pepe Escamilla


Pepe Escamilla

Pepe holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence; he currently leads TecLabs, the disruptive innovation unit of Tec de Monterrey whose objective is to discover what education will be like in 2030.

Ola de Salud


Wellness experts from Tec de Monterrey are the hosts of the Ola de Salud podcast. Following the pillars of TecSalud's vision of well-being, prevention and longevity, they share advice on these topics, combining science and experience in an entertaining and accessible way.


Marcela Toscano Cavazos

Marcela Toscano

Specialized in Clinical Nutrition and Obesity, Dr. Toscano focuses her work on the general well-being, creating achievable, useful, and realistic strategies. Her private practice is at the Zambrano Hellion Hospital in the Internal Medicine Institute.

Mauricio Torres

Mauricio Torres

Medicine student at Tecnológico de Monterrey. During his education, Mauricio has shown interest in science communications. In his free time, he enjoys watching Greenbay Packers games and spending time with his Golden Retrievers.

Historias para Mentes Curiosas


Each episode is narrated by the journalistic team behind TecScience, based on rigorous research.


Karina Rodríguez

Karina Rodríguez

She has been an editor in media covering various topics, from culture and fashion to science and architecture. She has worked at Editorial Televisa, Grupo Expansión, and Milenio. Karina is Editor-in-Chief at TecScience, the science communication platform of the Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Mariana León

Mariana León

Journalist. She has worked at El Universal, El Financiero, and Grupo Expansión. She was a reporter covering politics, science, education, and the environment. She believes in the importance of storytelling and making the world a better place. Mariana is a content editor at Tec Science.

Territorio Negocios


Eva Maria Guerra Leal

Eva María Guerra Leal

Academic Associate Dean of EGADE Business School and researcher of the Thematic Area Group (GAT) of Social Innovation and Sustainability. Eva has a Doctorate in Administrative Sciences from EGADE Business School, a Master's Degree in Communication with a specialty in Organizational Communication, and a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing from Tecnológico de Monterrey. Additionally, she holds a certification in Business Analytics from the University of Texas at San Antonio. In 2023, Eva received the National Award for Inspiring Professors from Tecnológico de Monterrey, recognizing her outstanding contribution to academia and her commitment to social innovation.


Eduardo Aguiñaga Maldonado

Eduardo Aguiñaga Maldonado

National Director of Full-Time Programs at EGADE Business School, researcher, lecturer, and consultant specializing in Circular Economy. Eduardo is a Level 1 member of the National System of Researchers and the International Society for Circular Economy (IS4CE). In his professional career in the industry, he served as a Circular Economy Leader in a Fortune 500 company. Eduardo has a Doctorate in Administrative Sciences from EGADE Business School, as well as a Master's Degree in Administration and a Bachelor's Degree in Public Accounting and Finance from Tecnológico from Monterrey. Eduardo was awarded the National Award for Inspiring Professors 2024 from Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Alicia Fernanda Galindo

Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Public Accounting and Finance at Tecnológico de Monterrey and Adjunct Professor at EGADE Business School. Alicia is also a Mentor for entrepreneurs in the Tec Lean Growth program at Tecnológico de Monterrey and founder of ABACO Financial Consulting. Alicia is a candidate member of the National System of Researchers. Alicia has a Doctorate in Accounting and Finance with a focus on sustainability from the UANL in co-direction with the University of Extremadura, a Master's Degree in Finance and a Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management (MBA) from EGADE Business School, and a Bachelor's Degree in Public Accounting and Finance by Tecnológico de Monterrey. In 2023, Alicia was recognized with the Tec Woman Award.