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Roberto Lara Chagoyán - Faculty

Roberto Lara Chagoyán

Roberto Lara Chagoyán

National Law Program Director

Campus Santa Fe, School of Social Sciences and Government, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Law teory
Philosophy of Law
Legal argument
Theory of justice
Constitutional theory



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Roberto Lara Chagoyán has a degree in Law from the University of Guanajuato, a Doctor of Law from the University of Alicante, Spain, and a member of the National System of Researchers (level I).

He has served as Director of Education for the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman of the State of Guanajuato (2001); as an advisor to the General Council of the IFE (2002-2003); as Secretary of Study and Account assigned to the presentation of Minister José Ramón Cossío Díaz, in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (2004-2015), and as General Director of the Center for Constitutional Studies of that same institution (2015-2019) .

He has collaborated in different academic journals, among which stand out Isonomía (ITAM), Doxa (University of Alicante) and Constitutional Questions (UNAM), and is the author of the books: The concept of sanction in contemporary theory of Law (Fontamara, 2004 ) and Legal Argumentation. Practical Studies (Porrúa, 2011). Mexican constitutionalism in transformation. Advances and setbacks (IECQ, 2020) and Minimum manual of legal Argumentation. The reason in practice (Tirant Lo Blanch, 2021) 

He has been a professor, at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, at different universities in Mexico, such as the Ibero-American University, the UNAM, the ITAM, the University of Guanajuato, the CIDE, the Panamerican University, among others.

He currently works as National Director of the Law Program at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe, in Mexico City. where he is also a professor and researcher.

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Education and Training

  • PhD Law, University of Alicante
  • Bachelor in Law, University of Guanajuato

Roberto Lara Chagoyán - Faculty

Roberto Lara Chagoyán

Roberto Lara Chagoyán

Director Nacional de Programa Licenciado en Derecho

Campus Santa Fe, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Teoría del Derecho
Filosofía del Derecho
Argumentación jurídica
Teoría de la justicia
Teoría constitucional 



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Roberto Lara Chagoyán has a degree in Law from the University of Guanajuato, a Doctor of Law from the University of Alicante, Spain, and a member of the National System of Researchers (level I).

He has served as Director of Education for the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman of the State of Guanajuato (2001); as an advisor to the General Council of the IFE (2002-2003); as Secretary of Study and Account assigned to the presentation of Minister José Ramón Cossío Díaz, in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (2004-2015), and as General Director of the Center for Constitutional Studies of that same institution (2015-2019) .

He has collaborated in different academic journals, among which stand out Isonomía (ITAM), Doxa (University of Alicante) and Constitutional Questions (UNAM), and is the author of the books: The concept of sanction in contemporary theory of Law (Fontamara, 2004 ) and Legal Argumentation. Practical Studies (Porrúa, 2011). Mexican constitutionalism in transformation. Advances and setbacks (IECQ, 2020) and Minimum manual of legal Argumentation. The reason in practice (Tirant Lo Blanch, 2021) 

He has been a professor, at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, at different universities in Mexico, such as the Ibero-American University, the UNAM, the ITAM, the University of Guanajuato, the CIDE, the Panamerican University, among others.

He currently works as National Director of the Law Program at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe, in Mexico City. where he is also a professor and researcher.

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Education and Training

  • PhD Law, University of Alicante
  • Bachelor in Law, University of Guanajuato

Emanuele Giorgi - Faculty

Emanuele Giorgi, Profesor

Emanuele Giorgi


Campus Chihuahua, School of Architecture, Art and Design, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Sustainable Territorial Development



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Professor at EAAD, he develops teaching and research activities on the issues of communities and sustainable territorial development. He has a PhD in Civil Engineering and Architecture obtained at the University of Pavia (Italy). 

In 2020 he published with Springer the book "The Co-Housing Phenomenon. Environmental Allience in Time of Changes" which has already been purchased by more than 200 libraries from various prestigious universities such as MIT, Stanford, Princeton and the British Library. 

He presented his research papers at more than 30 international conferences and published several articles in indexed journals.

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Teaching Activities

  • Architecture Theory and Design Methodologies
  • Business Management in the Construction Industry
  • Capstone Projects
  • Computer Drawing
  • Concrete Structures Design
  • Construction Site Management
  • Design of Steel Structures
  • Final Project
  • Internship
  • Professional Experience Internship
  • Projects II: Collective Housing
  • Projects IV: Community Buildings
  • Real-estate Projects
  • Structural Systems
  • Structure Mechanics
  • Urban Design Methods
  • Urban Project


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Education and Training

PhD in Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Pavia

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Awards and Honors

  • Premio Romulo Garza, conferred by Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2021
  • 1st Prize for the project The House of Culture, for the design competition of a library and a museum, San Giovanni Bianco (Bergamo), Italy, conferred by Municipality of San Giovanni Bianco (Bergamo), Italy, 2016
  • 1st Prize for the project Territory Talent, for the design competition: Redevelopment of a shopping center, Villa Verucchio, Italy. , conferred by Conact Market Entry Management GMBH Zum and Aareal Bank AG (Germany), 2014
  • 1st Prize for the project Everyday Ecology E.QUO, for the design competition: Manufacturing regeneration area, Brescia, Italy., conferred by Solarenet s.r.l., 2013
  • Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 1 (Giorgi,Emanuele)

Emanuele Giorgi - Faculty

Emanuele Giorgi

Emanuele Giorgi


Campus Chihuahua, Escuela de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño , Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Desarrollo territorial sostenible



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Professor at EAAD, he develops teaching and research activities on the issues of communities and sustainable territorial development. He has a PhD in Civil Engineering and Architecture obtained at the University of Pavia (Italy). 

In 2020 he published with Springer the book "The Co-Housing Phenomenon. Environmental Allience in Time of Changes" which has already been purchased by more than 200 libraries from various prestigious universities such as MIT, Stanford, Princeton and the British Library. 

He presented his research papers at more than 30 international conferences and published several articles in indexed journals.

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Teaching Activities

  • Architecture Theory and Design Methodologies
  • Business Management in the Construction Industry
  • Capstone Projects
  • Computer Drawing
  • Concrete Structures Design
  • Construction Site Management
  • Design of Steel Structures
  • Final Project
  • Internship
  • Professional Experience Internship
  • Projects II: Collective Housing
  • Projects IV: Community Buildings
  • Real-estate Projects
  • Structural Systems
  • Structure Mechanics
  • Urban Design Methods
  • Urban Project


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Education and Training

PhD in Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Pavia

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Awards and Honors

  • Premio Romulo Garza, conferred by Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2021
  • 1st Prize for the project The House of Culture, for the design competition of a library and a museum, San Giovanni Bianco (Bergamo), Italy, conferred by Municipality of San Giovanni Bianco (Bergamo), Italy, 2016
  • 1st Prize for the project Territory Talent, for the design competition: Redevelopment of a shopping center, Villa Verucchio, Italy. , conferred by Conact Market Entry Management GMBH Zum and Aareal Bank AG (Germany), 2014
  • 1st Prize for the project Everyday Ecology E.QUO, for the design competition: Manufacturing regeneration area, Brescia, Italy., conferred by Solarenet s.r.l., 2013
  • Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 1 (Giorgi,Emanuele)

Rebecca Bell-Martin - Faculty

Rebecca Victoria Martin

Rebecca Bell-Martin

Professor Researcher

Campus Monterrey, School of Social Sciences and Government, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Public security
Violent conflict processes
Citizen participation and political behavior
Development policy



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She has a PhD in Political Science from Brown University, a Master in International Studies from the University of Denver and a BA in Political Science and Spanish from Whittier College. She is currently a professor-researcher at the School of Government and Public Transformation of the Tecnológico de Monterrey where she works with relevant issues such as citizen participation processes under violent contexts and in new democracies, conflict processes and civil war.

Her current projects include a book that explores the impact empathy has on the dynamics of citizen participation during times of conflict. She uses qualitative, quantitative, and experimental methods, and has extensive experience conducting research in Latin America. Her most recent publication discusses the empirical and ethical challenges of conducting research in violent contexts.

Her academic projects have been funded by grants from the National Science Foundation IGERT Award and the Mellon Foundation via Brown University. Certified teacher in inclusive teaching practices.

She has taught courses on human rights, international relations and violent conflict. In 2015, she was awarded the P. Terrence Hopmann Award for Teaching Excellence by the Division of Political Science at Brown University. She has been a visiting fellow at various government agencies in Washington, D.C. and worked with local governments in the state of California.

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Education and Training

  • PhD in Political Science, Brown University
  • Master in International Studies, University of Denver 
  • BA in Political Science and Spanish, Whittier College
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  • Confronting Selection Bias: The Normative and Empirical Risks of Data Collection in Violent Contexts Rebecca V. Bell-Martin & Jerome F. Marston Jr. (2019). Geopolitics, DOI:10.1080/14650045.2019.1659780

Rebecca Bell-Martin - Faculty

Rebecca Victoria Martin

Rebecca Bell-Martin

Profesora investigadora

Campus Monterrey, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Seguridad pública
Procesos de conflicto violento
Participación ciudadana y comportamiento político
Política de desarrollo



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She has a PhD in Political Science from Brown University, a Master in International Studies from the University of Denver and a BA in Political Science and Spanish from Whittier College. She is currently a professor-researcher at the School of Government and Public Transformation of the Tecnológico de Monterrey where she works with relevant issues such as citizen participation processes under violent contexts and in new democracies, conflict processes and civil war.

Her current projects include a book that explores the impact empathy has on the dynamics of citizen participation during times of conflict. She uses qualitative, quantitative, and experimental methods, and has extensive experience conducting research in Latin America. Her most recent publication discusses the empirical and ethical challenges of conducting research in violent contexts.

Her academic projects have been funded by grants from the National Science Foundation IGERT Award and the Mellon Foundation via Brown University. Certified teacher in inclusive teaching practices.

She has taught courses on human rights, international relations and violent conflict. In 2015, she was awarded the P. Terrence Hopmann Award for Teaching Excellence by the Division of Political Science at Brown University. She has been a visiting fellow at various government agencies in Washington, D.C. and worked with local governments in the state of California.

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Education and Training

  • PhD in Political Science, Brown University
  • Master in International Studies, University of Denver 
  • BA in Political Science and Spanish, Whittier College
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  • Confronting Selection Bias: The Normative and Empirical Risks of Data Collection in Violent Contexts Rebecca V. Bell-Martin & Jerome F. Marston Jr. (2019). Geopolitics, DOI:10.1080/14650045.2019.1659780

Carlos Elizondo Mayer Serra - Faculty

Carlos Elizondo Mayer Serra

Carlos Elizondo Mayer Serra

Professor Researcher

Campus Ciudad de México, School of Social Sciences and Government, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Social Politics



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He is a Doctor and Master in Political Science from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. Also, he has a Bachelor's Degree in International Relations from the Colegio de México. From 1991 to 1995 he was a professor and researcher at CIDE. From 1995 he served as general director of the same institution, until his appointment as Mexico's ambassador to the OECD in 2004. In 2007, he returned to CIDE as a professor and researcher. He collaborated at CIDE for more than 20 years and is currently a professor-researcher at the School of Government and Public Transformation, at the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

He is part of the National System of Researchers of CONACyT level III. In September 2014, he was appointed independent director of Pemex. His latest books are Con dinero y sin dinero…, Nuestro ineficaz, precario e injusto equilibrio fiscal, y Por eso estamos como estamos. La economía política de un crecimiento mediocre. Has a weekly column in Excelsior. Together with Federico Reyes Heroles, he hosts the program Primer Círculo, every Monday on Canal 13, TV Azteca.

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Education and Training

  • PhD Political Science, University of Oxford
  • Master Political Science, University of Oxford
  • Bachelor's Degree in International Relations, Colegio de México
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  • The “Alegato de oreja”: Inequality and mediocrity | El “Alegato de oreja”: Inequidad y mediocridad

Carlos Elizondo Mayer Serra - Faculty

Foto Carlos Elizondo

Carlos Elizondo Mayer Serra

Profesor investigador

Campus Ciudad de México, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Política Social



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He is a Doctor and Master in Political Science from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. Also, he has a Bachelor's Degree in International Relations from the Colegio de México. From 1991 to 1995 he was a professor and researcher at CIDE. From 1995 he served as general director of the same institution, until his appointment as Mexico's ambassador to the OECD in 2004. In 2007, he returned to CIDE as a professor and researcher. He collaborated at CIDE for more than 20 years and is currently a professor-researcher at the School of Government and Public Transformation, at the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

He is part of the National System of Researchers of CONACyT level III. In September 2014, he was appointed independent director of Pemex. His latest books are Con dinero y sin dinero…, Nuestro ineficaz, precario e injusto equilibrio fiscal, y Por eso estamos como estamos. La economía política de un crecimiento mediocre. Has a weekly column in Excelsior. Together with Federico Reyes Heroles, he hosts the program Primer Círculo, every Monday on Canal 13, TV Azteca.

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Education and Training

  • PhD Political Science, University of Oxford
  • Master Political Science, University of Oxford
  • Bachelor's Degree in International Relations, Colegio de México
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  • The “Alegato de oreja”: Inequality and mediocrity | El “Alegato de oreja”: Inequidad y mediocridad

Maribel Flores Sánchez - Faculty

Maribel Flores Sánchez

Maribel Flores Sánchez

ECSG Director Division in Campus Puebla

Campus Puebla, School of Social Sciences and Government, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Public Management



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She is a Master in Public Management from the Complutense University of Madrid, a Master in Quality Management in Local Public Management (IAP). Degree in Political Science and Public Administration from (IBERO) with studies in International Relations and International Cooperation (BUAP); in Sustainability at the University of the Americas (UDLA); and, in Project Evaluation, in the National Bank of Public Works and Services (BANOBRAS). 

Public Management Specialist with 14 years' experience in the public, private and social sectors, developing leadership, cooperation, negotiation and changes in public organizations. In Mexico, she has worked in the public service at the municipal and state levels, as an external consultant in the Mexican Foreign Ministry and in local governments. Internationally, she has served as an international consultant for the government of Spain in the Central Government and the City of Madrid. Also in local governments in the United States. 

Collaborator in the social sector as an international politics and gender analyst for an organization of civil society and Attorney Spanish fund for Puebla foundation that supports the comprehensive care of older adults living in the streets. 

In her academic experience, she has taught at the Faculty of Political Science of the IBERO, at the Hidalgo Free School and at the School of Business, Social Sciences and Humanities of the ITESM. She is a full-time professor in the Concentration of Political Science, of the Department of International Relations and Political Science of Tecnológico de Monterrey, in Puebla. She is an academic leader Reconstructing Citizenship Project of this university.

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Teaching Activities

  • Applied Strategic Communication
  • Citizenship and Democracy
  • Classical Political Thinking
  • Contemporary Political Theory
  • Entrepreneurship and Technology for the Transformation of Mexico


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Education and Training

  • Master in Public Management, Complutense University of Madrid
  • Bachelor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Iberoamerican

Maribel Flores Sánchez - Faculty


Maribel Flores Sánchez

Directora de División de la ECSG en Campus Puebla 

Campus Puebla, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Gestión pública



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She is a Master in Public Management from the Complutense University of Madrid, a Master in Quality Management in Local Public Management (IAP). Degree in Political Science and Public Administration from (IBERO) with studies in International Relations and International Cooperation (BUAP); in Sustainability at the University of the Americas (UDLA); and, in Project Evaluation, in the National Bank of Public Works and Services (BANOBRAS). 

Public Management Specialist with 14 years' experience in the public, private and social sectors, developing leadership, cooperation, negotiation and changes in public organizations. In Mexico, she has worked in the public service at the municipal and state levels, as an external consultant in the Mexican Foreign Ministry and in local governments. Internationally, she has served as an international consultant for the government of Spain in the Central Government and the City of Madrid. Also in local governments in the United States. 

Collaborator in the social sector as an international politics and gender analyst for an organization of civil society and Attorney Spanish fund for Puebla foundation that supports the comprehensive care of older adults living in the streets. 

In her academic experience, she has taught at the Faculty of Political Science of the IBERO, at the Hidalgo Free School and at the School of Business, Social Sciences and Humanities of the ITESM. She is a full-time professor in the Concentration of Political Science, of the Department of International Relations and Political Science of Tecnológico de Monterrey, in Puebla. She is an academic leader Reconstructing Citizenship Project of this university.

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Teaching Activities

  • Applied Strategic Communication
  • Citizenship and Democracy
  • Classical Political Thinking
  • Contemporary Political Theory
  • Entrepreneurship and Technology for the Transformation of Mexico


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Education and Training

  • Master in Public Management, Complutense University of Madrid
  • Bachelor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Iberoamerican