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Conferencista motivacional Tec

Outliers - Francisco Zamora

Hi, my name is Francisco Zamora, and I am a CONCAUSA 2030 Ambassador. I am studying International Relations as part of the first generation of the Tec Model at Tec de Monterrey and am currently in my second semester.

Within this university setting, I have had many roles: student, leader, young entrepreneur, speaker... but I don’t think it matters how you are defined or any title you are given, because I consider myself to be a passionate person. I firmly believe that you will never get to the top if you don’t start at the bottom, and I have had to start over twice.

Since I started studying at Tec, I began to develop as a person by getting involved in several projects, including serving as Transformation Coordinator at On Campus Jobs. I have also enjoyed participating in external projects as Project Coordinator of the “Asociatec” recreational workshops, which led me to become an administrative member of the CONCAUSA 2030, as the youngest participant of the promotion.

In addition, I have participated in international congresses for young leaders and developed social entrepreneurship projects, activities I am passionate about, while enjoying my hobbies such as reading, doing exercise, eating healthily, without which I could not feel fulfilled.

However, I didn’t always have that balance in my life. In my third year of high school, I lost everything: my projects, my friends, my passion…everything. I focused on my appearance, didn’t eat properly, overexerted my body to the point that all these events resulted in feelings of depression and anxiety. Ambition can blind you. For me, rather than a trauma, this was a lesson. I eventually understood that nothing is more important than my wellbeing and then to project this towards my family, my community, my country, and towards the world.

Not long after, I saw the fruits of my efforts, thanks to the support of my family and my friends, which gave me the opportunity to fulfill my potential 100%, participating in meetings with professionals and specialists, attending national leadership summits, while never forgetting social entrepreneurship, and even becoming a motivational speaker as a result of all my life experiences.

I will never tire. I don’t have to wait until I graduate to implement a project related to my degree because if others can do it, why can’t I? I am an Outlier because my story begin at Tec and end up changing the world.

"The only recognition we should seek is to become a humane, empathetic person."

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