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Mapping of Human Flourishing in Latin America

"Recognizing the research landscape and leadership capabilities in the study of Human Flourishing in Mexico, Colombia, Chile, and Brazil" is a research project led by Tecnológico de Monterrey, with the participation of researchers from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, University of the Andes (TRIADA), as well as UNAM and Nossa Terra Firme. Additionally, professors from prestigious institutions such as Harvard University, the University of New York, and Baylor University are involved.

The central purpose of this project is to identify those conducting research on Human Flourishing with scientific rigor in various fields of knowledge. The goal is to find the right researchers to establish research hubs on Human Flourishing in Latin America. Tecnológico has secured research funding from the Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF) to achieve this.

Mapping of Human Flourishing in Latin America
Publicaciones científicas sobre Florecimiento Humano en Latinoamérica

Interactive map of scientific publications from Latin America

This site shows results of the bibliometric exploration of the Latin American academic research on Human Flourishing. This version includes information from 21 countries at the moment, with emphasis on Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Brazil.

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Conversando con...

Alberto Hernández desde México

Giovanni Vecchio desde Chile

Tim Lomas en LATAM

Mónica Zenil desde México

Iara Vicente desde Brasil

Eduardo Wills desde Colombia

Investigación sobre el Florecimiento Humano
Dr. Tomás Ibarra (Chile)
Ibarra investigación sobre florecimiento humano
Dra. Báltica Cabieses (Chile)
Báltica Cabieses investigación sobre florecimiento humano
Dr. Julio Boltvinik (México)
Julio Boltvinik investigación sobre florecimiento humano
Dr. Julio Boltvinik 2 (México)
Julio Boltvinik investigación sobre florecimiento humano
Dr. Mariano Rojas (México)
Mariano Rojas investigación sobre florecimiento humano
Dr. Mariano Rojas 2 (México)
Mariano Rojas investigación sobre florecimiento humano
Dr. José Ángel Vera (México)
José Ángel Vera investigación sobre florecimiento humano
Dr. José Ángel Vera 2 (México)
José Ángel Vera investigación sobre florecimiento humano
Dr. Stefano Vinaccia (Colombia)
Stefano Vinaccia investigación sobre Florecimiento Humano
Dr. Carlos Largacha (Colombia)
Carlos Largacha investigación sobre Florecimiento Humano


This research project is made possible by the grant provided by the Templeton World Charity
Foundation and the collaboration of researchers from various renowned institutions in Latin America.





Nossa Terra Firme Mapeo de Florecimiento Humano del Tec de Monterrey


Researchers seek human flourishing in Latin America   ES | EN

Tec de Monterrey participates in an international project to establish research hubs.