If we reflect before acting and act with consideration for others to continue flourishing in COMMUNITY, it will be the recognition that we live in interdependence with the people around us, and what we do, no matter how small it may seem, impacts others and vice versa.
cast_for_education Resources to explore and practice

touch_app The Science of Generosity: Do Good.... Feel Good
A course from the University of Pennsylvania for you to delve into the topic of generosity and how it contributes to our happiness and well-being, as well as that of our loved ones, our community, and global society.
Estimated time: approximately 16 hours.
A valuable tool for practicing Character and Virtue.

touch_app Becoming a Changemaker
A course from the University of Cape Town that will help you explore the complex issues around us and, in doing so, think of solutions with social innovation to become a change agent. Estimated time: 19 hours.
A valuable tool for practicing Character and Virtue.

touch_app TecSoundsRadio: 'Un Mundo Mejor' Program
In this podcast, you can listen to current and positive topics where you will get ideas on how you can promote solidarity and social justice with a human and community touch.
A valuable resource for learning about Character and Virtue.

touch_app Character Strengths & Virtues
What qualities make us strong and virtuous individuals? This manual could help you recognize, among 6 classes of virtues composed of 24 character strengths, which ones are predominant in you and which ones you could develop.
A valuable resource for learning about Character and Virtue.

touch_app Character Strengths Survey
Discover your greatest strengths! This scientific and free survey tool will help you uncover your major strengths. Using them can assist you in achieving your goals, improving personal relationships, promoting well-being, and finding your life purpose.
A valuable resource for learning about Character and Virtue.

touch_app CRDH | The Diversity and Inclusion Office
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion at Tec has implemented strategies and actions focused on gender equality to build a safe community where all individuals can fully develop. Explore upcoming events open to everyone!
A valuable resource for learning about Character and Virtue.

touch_app Stanford Social Innovation Review
A globally recognized publication featuring inspirational stories of solutions to global problems. Articles are available in Spanish and English.
A valuable resource for learning about Character and Virtue.

touch_app Visibl_ Podcast
A podcast dedicated to social innovation. Here, stories are shared, tools are discussed, and concepts and experiences around social innovation are deconstructed.
A valuable resource for learning about Character and Virtue.

touch_app The Conscious Capitalists
A podcast where you will find current topics from the perspective of awake and conscious students, leaders, and organizations.
A valuable resource for learning about Character and Virtue.

touch_app Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
An initiative that promotes a world in which the LGBTQ+ community has the freedom to live without fear and with equality under the law.
A valuable resource for learning about Character and Virtue.

touch_app HeForShe
The HeForShe initiative invitesfor men and people of all genders to stand in solidarity with women and create a strong, united movement for gender equality.
A valuable resource for learning about Character and Virtue.

touch_app Distrito Tec
An initiative in collaboration with citizens, operating under three major pillars: improvement of the urban environment, the evolution of the campus, and integration of the i2e ecosystem to create an ideal environment for the community in Monterrey, Nuevo León.
A valuable resource for learning about Character and Virtue.

touch_app TecScience
Magazine and portal of the Tecnológico de Monterrey with information on the most relevant topics in science, technology, management, trends, and entrepreneurship in Mexico and the world.
A valuable resource for learning about Character and Virtue.

touch_app Cultural Heritage
Tecnológico de Monterrey safeguards, preserves, conserves, and disseminates material assets considered primary sources of documentary and artistic collections with historical, aesthetic, or intellectual value. These objects are relevant as products of human creativity; they represent the identity and memory of our institution and Mexico.
A valuable resource for learning about Character and Virtue.

touch_app Cátedra Alfonso Reyes
The Alfonso Reyes Chair emerges as a response to the need to strengthen the humanities in educating its professors, students, and the community. The Chair is present on all campuses and locations of Tec in Mexico and Latin America, thus generating borderless thinking.
A valuable resource for learning about Character and Virtue.

touch_app is a free online platform that aims to share conferences, panels, interviews, and workshops that offer you tools to improve your emotional well-being.
Some experts who share their experience with us are: Martin Seligman, Tal Ben Shahar, Angela Duckworth, Deepak Chopra, and Fred Kofman, among others.
A valuable tool for practicing Happiness and Satisfaction.
cast_for_education Resources to explore and practice

touch_app Talk about your feelings
Building healthy and strong relationships requires the power that comes from emotional strength. This TED talk guides the journey towards stronger and lasting connections with others and with yourself.
A valuable resource for learning about Close Social Relationships.

touch_app TQueremos | Social Dimension
TQueremos is a student well-being initiative at Tec, and one of its dimensions is physical well-being. We share resources focused on developing your ability to build healthy relationships through communication and respect.
A valuable resource for learning about Close Social Relationships.

touch_app Random Acts of Kindness
An initiative targeting different audiences to promote spontaneous acts of kindness in various spaces.
A valuable resource for learning about Close Social Relationships.

touch_app Meaningful Realitionships
A series of TED talks that guide you on how to interact and maintain meaningful relationships, whether from a distance or in person, with friends, family, partners, or anyone you are interested in.
A valuable tool for practicing Close Social Relationships.

touch_app Generations Talk Gender
A UN Women podcast that creates a space for connection between different generations discussing gender equality and the various paths to achieve it.
A valuable tool for practicing Close Social Relationships.

touch_app Healthy Minds @Work
A program where individuals train their minds to be more calm and focused and develop healthier relationships and interactions, thus adding more meaning to their work.
A valuable tool for practicing Close Social Relationships.

touch_app Open Community Events
Our Tec community's billboard and calendar of events. Don't miss out!
A valuable resource for learning about Close Social Relationships.

touch_app Greater Good Magazine
Berkley University provides science-based insights into how your activities and actions can contribute to a more meaningful life.
A valuable resource for learning about Happiness and Satisfaction.