As a PERSON, we aspire to be 'well' in the great history of our lives, as life includes both pleasant and unsettling moments. Flourishing is about developing the capacity to understand that all these moments matter, and that we learn from each one.
cast_for_education Resources to explore and practice

touch_app The Science of Happiness (Greater Good Science Center)
A podcast where you'll find strategies based on the science of compassion, gratitude, and mindfulness to lead a happier and more meaningful life.
A valuable resource for learning about Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app Greater Good Magazine
Berkley University provides science-based insights into how your activities and actions can contribute to a more meaningful life.
A valuable resource for learning about Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app Action for Happiness
A movement of people taking action to learn skills to create more happiness for themselves and others.
A valuable resource for learning about Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app Live Happy
A space dedicated to finding moments of happiness in life, work, and home through inspiring stories and practical tips rooted in positive psychology.
A valuable resource for learning about Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app PEP Lab: Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Lab
A laboratory that studies positive emotions and their impact on thought patterns, social behavior, health, and physiological reactions, aiming to understand how they can transform our lives.
A valuable resource for learning about Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app The Happiness Lab
A podcast that shares the latest scientific research and some surprising, inspiring stories that will make you rethink the way we understand happiness.
A valuable resource for learning about Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app TQueremos
Our goal is to help you develop and achieve your overall well-being through dynamic and easy-to-use tools.
A valuable resource for learning about Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app Pathway to Happiness, Greater Good Science Center
Small exercises split into various aspects of well-being and can be improved through practice.
A valuable tool for practicing Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app The Science of Well-Being
A course where you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and create more productive habits. Estimated time: 19 hours.
A valuable tool for practicing Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app The Science of Happiness
A course that provides practical strategies to harness and nurture your happiness backed by research to promote well-being.
Estimated time: 11 weeks.
A valuable resource for learning about Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app Simon Sinek Podcast
A podcast focused on sharing stories of inspiring individuals and their journey to achieve their personal development.
A valuable resource for learning about Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app What is the World's Emotional Temperature?
An interactive map where you can visualize how emotions are being experienced by country.
A valuable resource for learning about Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app World Happiness Report (WHR)
A global report focused on people's interests and perceptions regarding the happiness and satisfaction they achieve in their lives.
A valuable resource for learning about Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app artes y culturas en el Tec
News and events about the cultural and artistic expression of the Tec community, get to know them!
A valuable resource for learning about Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app Laboratorio Arte AC
An experimental space with the arts for the development of Human Flourishing competencies such as sensitivity, critical thinking, and expression. Get to know it!
A valuable tool for practicing Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app Happiness Kit
Recommended books, articles, and videos that help you reflect on the power of enjoying the small things that arise in life.
A valuable tool for practicing Happiness and Satisfaction.

touch_app is a free online platform that aims to share conferences, panels, interviews, and workshops that offer you tools to improve your emotional well-being.
Some experts who share their experience with us are: Martin Seligman, Tal Ben Shahar, Angela Duckworth, Deepak Chopra, and Fred Kofman, among others.
A valuable tool for practicing Happiness and Satisfaction.
cast_for_education Resources to explore and practice

touch_app Cuida tu mente
Listen to this podcast where experts advise you throughout their seasons on how to enhance a positive life with exercises and routines to cultivate a fulfilling life.
A valuable resource for learning about physical and mental health.

touch_app TQueremos | Physical Dimension
TQueremos is a student well-being initiative at Tec, and one of its dimensions is physical well-being. We share resources related to nutrition, physical exercise, and rest.
A valuable tool for practicing physical and mental health.

touch_app Punto blanco
At Punto Blanco, you have a space that allows you to prioritize the practice of silence, reflection, and self-encounter. Learn how to define your own space for reflection at home.
A valuable tool for practicing physical and mental health.

touch_app Mindfulness and Well-being: Living with Balance and Ease
A course focused on connecting with resources and skills to create a more effective response to the challenges of daily life, building resilience for a more stable and balanced life.
Estimated time: 19 hours.
A valuable tool for practicing physical and mental health.

touch_app Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress
A course from Yale University that provides you with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to understand and manage your emotions.
Estimated time: 10 hours.
A valuable tool for practicing physical and mental health.

touch_app Smiling App
Free app for daily meditation and mindfulness exercises on any device.
A valuable tool for practicing physical and mental health.

touch_app Wellbeing Gym
At Wellbeing Gym, you can work on strengthening and developing different dimensions of your well-being, becoming more aware of your feelings, behaviors, emotions, and decisions.
A valuable tool for practicing physical and mental health.

touch_app Center for Healthyminds
The mission of this center is to cultivate well-being and relieve suffering through the understanding of the mind based on science.
A valuable resource for learning about physical and mental health.

touch_app World wellbeing project (WWP)
A project dedicated to measuring the perception of physical and mental well-being extracted from language used on social networks.
A valuable resource for learning about physical and mental health.

touch_app Healthy Minds Program
An application that makes it easy for you to strengthen your skills for maintaining a healthy mind through guided exercises and audio.
A valuable resource for learning about physical and mental health.

touch_app Foundations of Mindfulness
A course from Rice University that provides an overview of fundamental concepts, principles, and practices of mindfulness, which you can apply in interactive exercises.
Estimated time: 16 hours.
A valuable tool for practicing physical and mental health.
cast_for_education Resources to explore and practice

touch_app Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life: Living for What Matters Most
A course from the University of Michigan that, through experts, brings you closer to how science, philosophy, and practice plays a significant role in finding a purpose in life. Estimated time: 8 hours.
A valuable tool for practicing Life Purpose and Meaning.

touch_app Brilliant, Passionate You
A course from the University of Michigan that helps you reflect on how we can make each day the best of our lives and asks: How can we be the best version of ourselves?
A valuable tool for practicing Life Purpose and Meaning.

touch_app The Science of Success: What Researchers Know that You Should Know
What Researchers Know that You Should Know: A course from the University of Michigan that helps you work on your habits to achieve success in various aspects of your life through recommendations and exercises.
Estimated time: 10 hours.
A valuable tool for practicing Life Purpose and Meaning.

touch_app Eugenio Garza Lagüera Entrepreneurship Institute
Through the Eugenio Garza Lagüera Entrepreneurship Institute and the support of various allies, we design tools to encourage the entrepreneurial-innovative ecosystem. If you are external to the Tec community, you can find us through the 'Contact' section.
A valuable resource for learning about Life Purpose and Meaning.

touch_app Leadership Styles: Options for Progressing through Complex Challenges
Options for Advancing in Complex Challenges: A course from the University of the Andes that accompanies you in the process of taking ownership of a diagnostic and intervention methodology called the Spiral of Conscious Leadership. This will help you identify and characterize your purposes, challenges, and opportunities to reach them.
Estimated time: 19 hours.
A valuable tool for practicing Life Purpose and Meaning.

touch_app Talks to Help You Find Your Purpose
Unsure about what to do with your life, how to find your life's purpose? This TED talk will help guide your compass and discover the paths only you can traverse.
A valuable tool for practicing Life Purpose and Meaning.