Luis Ricardo Fernández Carril - Faculty

Luis Ricardo Fernández Carril
Professor and Sustainability Coordinator
School of Humanities and Education
Campus Puebla.
Climate Change
Philosophy Science
Dr. Luis Fernández Carril served as technical secretary in the Special Committee on Climate Change of the Senate of the Republic. He is also a researcher on international climate policy in the Climate Change Research Program of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. In addition, he is a professor of Environmental Philosophy and Ethics at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Puebla Campus.
He obtained a doctorate in Philosophy of Science in May 2014 from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus with an honorable mention of excellence. He has published articles and lectured nationally and internationally at renowned venues such as Oxford University and UNESCO in Paris. His main lines of research are: International environmental governance, international climate negotiations, and the ethics of climate change.
Teaching Activities
- Communication, Signs, and Signification
- Ethics, Profession and Citizenship
- Ethics, Self and Society
- Ethics, sustainability and social responsibility
- Humanities in the Anthropocene
- Mexican Identity and Culture
- Philosophy and Contemporary Thought
- Philosophy of Science
- Social Responsibility and Citizenship
Education and Training
- Doctorate in Humanistic Studies, Tecnológico de Monterrey
- Bachelor of Language Science
- The performance of innovation systems for the cases of Mexico and Korea in the context of knowledge societes. 2016
- Whose voices, whose choices? Pursuing climate resilient trajectories for the poor. Environmental Science and Policy. 121:18-23. 2021
- Turbulent transformation: abrupt societal disruption and climate resilient development. Climate and Development. 13:467-474. 2021