Jorge Diego Etienne Ortega - Faculty

Jorge Diego Etienne Ortega
Campus Monterrey, School of Art, Architecture, and Design, Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Industrial Design
"We have to leave `Made In Mexico´ behind in order to move towards `Designed In Mexico'. We are a manufacturing country that imports design; that paradigm has to change." Mexico needs a design culture, to change the perception that design is an accesory and to consider it an essential part of innovation in companies: this is what Jorge Diego Etienne thinks.
He earned his Industrial Design degree from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, took several courses in the Netherlands and specialized in Japan with the intention to focus on strategic design consulting. Since the day he opened his studio seven years ago, he was convinced that design is a discipline with the power to interact with other creative or scientific areas.
He defines design as a catalist for change that defines a positive future for society, culture and industry. Etienne is interested in design beyond objects. He promotes it through articles, conferences and classes. He feels his mission is to motivate young people to take an interest in it. From his point of view, creative careers generally involve passion. He claims to be in love with his work and, even though obstacles usually arise, he feels an immense joy for the simple fact of doing design in Mexico. He goes from research to the conception of ideas to translate them into shapes, objects, spaces and experiences that, when enjoyed by someone else, grow his vocation.
Teaching Activities
- Design Project
- Experience Design
- Furniture Design
- International Design Project
- Introduction to the Design Area
- Language and Meaning of Objects
- Mexican Identity and Culture
- Product Design
- Product and System Design
- Product and service design
Education and Training
Bachelor of Industrial Design, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Awards and Honors
- Ibero-American Biennial of Madrid, conferred by DIMAD, 2020
- Best Furniture Design, conferred by Architectural Digest, 2019
- Salone Satellite Milan Exhibition, conferred by Il Salone del Mobile Milano, 2018
- NYCxDESIGN Exhibition, conferred by ICFF , 2018
- Salone Satellite Milan Exhibition, conferred by Il Salone del Mobile Milano, 2017
- Salone Satellite Milan Exhibition, conferred by Il Salone del Mobile Milano, 2016