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Aviso de Privacidad Mentores de Emprendimiento

Identidad y domicilio del Responsable

El Responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales que usted proporcione, es el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (en lo sucesivo "ITESM") con domicilio ubicado en Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, colonia Tecnológico en Monterrey, Nuevo León. C.P. 64700.

Para cualquier duda relacionada con la protección de sus datos personales podrá contactarnos en la dirección de correo electrónico

Datos personales y datos personales sensibles tratados por el ITESM

Para cumplir con las finalidades del tratamiento señaladas en el presente Aviso de Privacidad, es necesario que el ITESM trate las siguientes categorías de datos personales.

- Datos de identificación, incluyendo su imagen personal;
- Datos de Contacto;
- Datos de Ubicación;
- Datos relacionados a su experiencia y trayectoria profesional;

Asimismo, le informamos que para cumplir con las finalidades señaladas en el presente Aviso, ITESM no recabará ni tratará datos personales sensibles.

Finalidades primarias

El ITESM podrá tratar sus datos personales para cumplir con las siguientes finalidades primarias:

  • Para validar que cumple con los requisitos de inscripción a la red de mentores, así como la veracidad y la calidad de la información proporcionada y en su caso registrarle en nuestra red de mentores.
  • Para mantenerle informado y actualizado sobre las actividades que conforman la Red de Mentores.
  • Para dar cumplimiento y seguimiento a las bases, requisitos y procedimientos establecidos para llevar a cabo la(s) actividad(es) en la(s) que decida participar, independientemente de la denominación que estas reciban (ejemplo: convocatorias, eventos, sesiones, intercambios de experiencias, etc.)
  • Para gestionar, en caso necesario, la elaboración y firma de los documentos descritos en la actividad o aquellos necesarios para la formalización de su participación en las actividades en las que decida participar.
  • En el supuesto de que la actividad en la que participe, esté vinculada con algún Tercero con el que tengamos convenio, para validar su relación con dicho tercero.
  • Para vincularle con el(los) emprendedor(es) con el fin de llevar a cabo las sesiones (presenciales, virtuales) de orientación, asesoría, retroalimentación, seguimiento o cualquier otra que forme parte del programa o actividad en la que participe.
  • En caso de que aplique, para la elaboración y entrega de la(s) constancia(s) que acrediten su participación en la Red de Mentores y/o en la actividad.
  • Para atender, registrar y dar seguimiento a la(s) solicitud(es) de información y quejas que realice.
  • Para conocer su opinión en relación con su participación en la red de mentores y/o convocatoria, programa o actividad.
  • Para utilizar su imagen personal (ya sea en formato de fotografía, video, o cualquier otro medio similar) para hacer publicaciones internas y externas sobre su experiencia, trayectoria profesional y participación en la red de mentores, así como para promocionar al ITESM.
  • En caso de que aplique, para gestionar y administrar el acceso electrónico a los sistemas e infraestructura tecnológica del ITESM, así como para atender, registrar y dar seguimiento a los reportes y/o solicitudes de apoyo que realice con motivo del uso del sistema e infraestructura tecnológica.
  • Para compartir su información a la entidad del Gobierno Federal, Estatal o Municipal y/o organismo intermediario, en caso de que la convocatoria, evento o actividad en el que participe reciba apoyo económico proveniente de estos para fines de comprobación del cumplimiento de las obligaciones contraídas.
  • Para llevar un registro histórico de su participación.
  • Dar cumplimiento a obligaciones previstas en la normatividad aplicable.

Finalidades secundarias

En caso de que usted lo consienta, utilizaremos sus datos personales para las siguientes finalidades:

  • Para realizar reportes estadísticos, previa aplicación de un mecanismo de disociación de los datos personales.
  • Para realizar estudios de investigación, previa aplicación de un mecanismo de disociación de los datos personales.
  • Si Usted decide participar, para la aplicación de encuestas y evaluaciones para mejorar la calidad de los productos y servicios que ofrecemos.
  • Para realizar difusión de felicitaciones y demás celebraciones y días especiales, así como de reconocimientos por logros destacados.

Las anteriores finalidades secundarias tienen como base de legitimación su consentimiento. Lo anterior quiere decir que en cualquier momento puede oponerse a estas, o bien revocar su consentimiento. Le recordamos que para aquellos casos en los que se aplican mecanismos de disociación, no es necesario su consentimiento ya que los mismos implican que por su grado de degradación no es posible identificarle.

En caso de que no desee que sus datos personales sean tratados para alguna o todas las finalidades adicionales desde este momento nos puede comunicar lo anterior al correo electrónico


Con base en lo establecido en el artículo 37 de la LFPDPPP, el ITESM podrá transferir sus datos personales sin requerir de su consentimiento en los siguientes supuestos:

- A sociedades controladoras, subsidiarias o afiliadas bajo el control común del responsable, o a una sociedad matriz o cualquier sociedad del mismo grupo del responsable que opere bajo los mismos procesos y políticas internas;
- Autoridades competentes en los casos previstos por la normatividad aplicable, en el caso que recibiéramos un requerimiento de obligado cumplimiento.
- Cuando sea precisa para el mantenimiento o cumplimiento de la relación jurídica entre Usted y el ITESM.

Si usted no desea que ITESM transfiera sus datos personales para aquellas transferencias para las cuales es necesario su consentimiento le pedimos que envíe un correo electrónico a la dirección dentro de los 5 (cinco) días hábiles siguientes a la fecha en que nos proporcionó sus datos, indicándonos en el cuerpo del correo lo siguiente:

  1. Nombre completo y correo electrónico proporcionado.
  2. Copia de su identificación oficial vigente.
  3. El nombre del presente Aviso de Privacidad.
  4. La fecha en la que nos proporcionó sus datos personales.
  5. La(s) transferencia(s) para la(s) cual(es) no desea que sus datos personales sean transferidos.

Derechos ARCO y/o revocación del consentimiento

Usted o su representante legal podrá ejercer cualquiera de los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación u oposición (en lo sucesivo “derechos arco”), así como revocar su consentimiento para el tratamiento de sus datos personales a través del correo electrónico y siguiendo el procedimiento, requisitos y plazos para el ejercicio de sus derechos ARCO y/o revocación del consentimiento de nuestra página de internet:

Es importante que tenga en cuenta que no en todos los casos podremos atender su solicitud o concluir el uso de forma inmediata, ya que es posible que por alguna obligación legal requeríamos seguir tratando sus datos personales.

Opciones y medios para limitar el uso o divulgación de sus Datos Personales

Usted podrá limitar el uso o divulgación de sus datos personales enviando su solicitud a

Los requisitos para acreditar su identidad, así como el procedimiento para atender su solicitud se regirán por los mismos criterios señalados en nuestra página de internet En caso de que resulte procedente, se le registrará en el listado de exclusión propio de ITESM.

Uso de Cookies

El ITESM utiliza varias tecnologías para mejorar la eficiencia del la Plataforma incluyendo su experiencia cuando navega por el sitio. Las cookies son pequeñas cantidades de información que se almacenan en el navegador utilizado por cada usuario para que el servidor recuerde cierta información que posteriormente pueda utilizar. Esta información permite identificarle y guardar sus preferencias personales para brindarle una mejor experiencia de navegación.

Le recordamos que usted puede desactivar, deshabilitar o ajustar el uso de cookies y otras tecnologías siguiendo los procedimientos del navegador de internet que utiliza.

  • Seleccione la opción de “configuración” o herramientas de acuerdo con su explorador.
  • Seleccione la opción desactivar cookies.
  • Este proceso no solo deshabilitará las cookies de nuestra Plataforma, sino las de todo su explorador.

Los datos personales que se pueden obtener a través del uso de estas tecnologías son los siguientes: Identificadores, nombre de usuario y contraseñas de una sesión; región en la que se encuentra; tipo de navegador; tipo de sistema operativo; fecha y hora del inicio y final de una sesión; páginas web visitadas; búsquedas realizadas y publicidad revisada. Estas tecnologías podrán deshabilitarse siguiendo los procedimientos del navegador de internet que utiliza.

Cambios al Aviso de Privacidad

El ITESM se reserva el derecho, bajo su exclusiva discreción, de cambiar, modificar, agregar o eliminar partes del presente Aviso de Privacidad en cualquier momento. Derivado de novedades legislativas, políticas internas o nuevos requerimientos para la prestación u ofrecimiento de nuestros servicios, el presente Aviso de Privacidad estará sujeto a modificaciones o actualizaciones. En tal caso, el ITESM le informará de los cambios mediante comunicado en la página oficial de internet:

Fecha de última actualización: Septiembre 2020

Privacy Notice for Science connexion platform

"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".

Identity and address of the responsible entity

The entity responsible for the personal information you provide is Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), operating at the address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, C.P. 64700.

Personal data and sensitive personal data processed by ITESM

To comply with the purposes of the treatment indicated in this privacy notice, ITESM will process the following categories of personal data:

  • Identification data (including your personal image);
  • Contact information;
  • Authentication data;
  • Employment data;
  • Academic and professional background data;
  • Data related to any disability (sensitive data);
  • Data related to your interests and aptitudes both vocational and professional that you provide directly or through the performance of activities by ITESM and/or that can be inferred from information in ITESM's possession through the application of various data analysis techniques.

Likewise, we inform you that in order to comply with the purposes stated in this Privacy Notice, data related to any disability (sensitive personal data) will be used so that ITESM can facilitate the use of the technologies used for your participation in the program.

On the other hand, we inform you that ITESM may process personal identification, contact and labor data of third parties that maintain any labor, professional, professional or related relationship to the Science Connexion Program with you ("Third Parties") in order to comply with the purposes informed in this Privacy Notice. Thus, by providing personal data related to Third Parties you acknowledge having their consent for ITESM to treat your personal data in terms of this Privacy Notice.

Primary Purposes

ITESM will process your personal information for the following primary and necessary purposes:

  • To identify you as an ITESM prospect and verify that you have the necessary skills, aptitudes and other requirements for admission to the Science Connexion and Creation Ecosystem platform.
  • To manage the application(s) you make in relation to the ITESM Science Connexion and Creation Ecosystem platform.
  • To validate the veracity and quality of the information provided by you or that which may be inferred from you or obtained from other lawful sources to which ITESM may have access, including the verification of your data before government agencies or third parties with which we have entered into collaboration agreements.
  • To perform activities of analysis of the information and data related to your person through the application of various data analysis techniques and technologies that will allow us to better understand your profile, skills and interests.
  • To comply with and follow up on the procedures and institutional activities provided for in applicable guidelines, procedures, regulations, rules, codes or internal policies.
  • To invite you and, where appropriate, manage your access and participation in the activity(ies) and events related to the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • If applicable, to grant you support of different kinds including economic support, scholarships and/or loans in case you comply with the requirements established in the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • If applicable, to register and participate in linkage programs with academic, governmental and/or private research institutions in Mexico and abroad.
  • To comply with and follow up on the bases, requirements and procedures for registration, admission and development in the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • To evaluate and inform you of the content of your project(s) presented in the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • For the registration and accreditation of community and/or professional social service, in those cases where it is necessary to obtain it.
  • To register you to events and/or activities related to the Science Connexion Platform and the Creation Ecosystem in which you participate representing ITESM.
  • To attend, register and follow up on any complaints you may make.
  • To elaborate, when applicable, the document of access to the facilities.
  • To use your personal image (whether in photographic, video, or any other similar media) to make internal and external publications about your participation in events or activities, as well as to promote ITESM.
  • To send you communications, notifications and personal notices through different channels and technological communication mechanisms that ITESM considers pertinent in order to let you know relevant information about the status of your registration process or any matter that may be of interest to you; as well as to know your opinion regarding the attention received and the services we offer.
  • The profile and contact information you provide to the platform will be visible to other users of the platform.
  • To make statistics and reports for internal control.
  • To comply with the obligations set forth in the applicable regulations and with the terms and conditions of each call for applications.

Secondary purposes

In addition, ITESM will use your personal information for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but will enable us to offer you the best possible attention:

  • For further contact.
  • To send you information that we believe may be of interest to you and that may be related to the products and services we offer.
  • To send you invitations to events, activities, programs and projects.
  • To perform information and data analysis activities related to your participation in the Science Connexion Platform by applying various data analysis techniques and technologies that will allow us to better understand your performance and socio-demographic data of your participation.
  • To promote academic life, research, outreach, cultural, recreational and social sporting events.
  • Processes of dissociation of your personal data to give them treatment anonymously.
  • To send you advertising and communications for marketing or telemarketing purposes or financial campaigns.

If you do not want ITESM to treat your personal data for any of the purposes described in this section, please send an email to You may change your option at any time, following the procedure, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or revocation of consent on our website

It is important that you keep in mind that, in case of granting your consent, it will remain valid even when the legal relationship between you and ITESM has ended, which means that ITESM may continue to process your personal data necessary to fulfill the present secondary purposes.


According to Article 37 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, ITESM may transfer your personal data without requiring your consent in the following cases:

  • To controlling companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of ITESM, or to a parent company or any company of the same group of the responsible party that operates under the same internal processes and policies;
  • Competent authorities in the cases provided for by the applicable regulations, in the event that we receive a mandatory requirement;
  • When it is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of the legal relationship between you and ITESM, such as in the case of individuals or legal entities, national or international with which we have entered into binding legal agreements.

Arco Rights and/or revocation of consent

You or your legal representative may exercise any of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter "ARCO Rights"), as well as revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email to: and following the procedure, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or revocation of consent on our website

It is important to note that not in all cases we will be able to respond favorably to your request or terminate the use immediately, as we may be required by law to continue processing your personal data.

Limitation and/or disclosure of your data

You may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending your request to ITESM by sending an e-mail to If your request is accepted, you will be registered in ITESM's own exclusion list.

Changes to this privacy notice

ITESM will notify you of any changes to this privacy notice through

Last update: September 2022

Aviso de Privacidad de Plataforma Science Connexion

"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".

Identity and address of the responsible entity

The entity responsible for the personal information you provide is Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), operating at the address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, C.P. 64700.

Personal data and sensitive personal data processed by ITESM

To comply with the purposes of the treatment indicated in this privacy notice, ITESM will process the following categories of personal data:

  • Identification data (including your personal image);
  • Contact information;
  • Authentication data;
  • Employment data;
  • Academic and professional background data;
  • Data related to any disability (sensitive data);
  • Data related to your interests and aptitudes both vocational and professional that you provide directly or through the performance of activities by ITESM and/or that can be inferred from information in ITESM's possession through the application of various data analysis techniques.

Likewise, we inform you that in order to comply with the purposes stated in this Privacy Notice, data related to any disability (sensitive personal data) will be used so that ITESM can facilitate the use of the technologies used for your participation in the program.

On the other hand, we inform you that ITESM may process personal identification, contact and labor data of third parties that maintain any labor, professional, professional or related relationship to the Science Connexion Program with you ("Third Parties") in order to comply with the purposes informed in this Privacy Notice. Thus, by providing personal data related to Third Parties you acknowledge having their consent for ITESM to treat your personal data in terms of this Privacy Notice.

Primary Purposes

ITESM will process your personal information for the following primary and necessary purposes:

  • To identify you as an ITESM prospect and verify that you have the necessary skills, aptitudes and other requirements for admission to the Science Connexion and Creation Ecosystem platform.
  • To manage the application(s) you make in relation to the ITESM Science Connexion and Creation Ecosystem platform.
  • To validate the veracity and quality of the information provided by you or that which may be inferred from you or obtained from other lawful sources to which ITESM may have access, including the verification of your data before government agencies or third parties with which we have entered into collaboration agreements.
  • To perform activities of analysis of the information and data related to your person through the application of various data analysis techniques and technologies that will allow us to better understand your profile, skills and interests.
  • To comply with and follow up on the procedures and institutional activities provided for in applicable guidelines, procedures, regulations, rules, codes or internal policies.
  • To invite you and, where appropriate, manage your access and participation in the activity(ies) and events related to the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • If applicable, to grant you support of different kinds including economic support, scholarships and/or loans in case you comply with the requirements established in the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • If applicable, to register and participate in linkage programs with academic, governmental and/or private research institutions in Mexico and abroad.
  • To comply with and follow up on the bases, requirements and procedures for registration, admission and development in the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • To evaluate and inform you of the content of your project(s) presented in the Science Connexion Platform and Creation Ecosystem.
  • For the registration and accreditation of community and/or professional social service, in those cases where it is necessary to obtain it.
  • To register you to events and/or activities related to the Science Connexion Platform and the Creation Ecosystem in which you participate representing ITESM.
  • To attend, register and follow up on any complaints you may make.
  • To elaborate, when applicable, the document of access to the facilities.
  • To use your personal image (whether in photographic, video, or any other similar media) to make internal and external publications about your participation in events or activities, as well as to promote ITESM.
  • To send you communications, notifications and personal notices through different channels and technological communication mechanisms that ITESM considers pertinent in order to let you know relevant information about the status of your registration process or any matter that may be of interest to you; as well as to know your opinion regarding the attention received and the services we offer.
  • The profile and contact information you provide to the platform will be visible to other users of the platform.
  • To make statistics and reports for internal control.
  • To comply with the obligations set forth in the applicable regulations and with the terms and conditions of each call for applications.

Secondary purposes

In addition, ITESM will use your personal information for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but will enable us to offer you the best possible attention:

  • For further contact.
  • To send you information that we believe may be of interest to you and that may be related to the products and services we offer.
  • To send you invitations to events, activities, programs and projects.
  • To perform information and data analysis activities related to your participation in the Science Connexion Platform by applying various data analysis techniques and technologies that will allow us to better understand your performance and socio-demographic data of your participation.
  • To promote academic life, research, outreach, cultural, recreational and social sporting events.
  • Processes of dissociation of your personal data to give them treatment anonymously.
  • To send you advertising and communications for marketing or telemarketing purposes or financial campaigns.

If you do not want ITESM to treat your personal data for any of the purposes described in this section, please send an email to You may change your option at any time, following the procedure, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or revocation of consent on our website

It is important that you keep in mind that, in case of granting your consent, it will remain valid even when the legal relationship between you and ITESM has ended, which means that ITESM may continue to process your personal data necessary to fulfill the present secondary purposes.


According to Article 37 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, ITESM may transfer your personal data without requiring your consent in the following cases:

  • To controlling companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of ITESM, or to a parent company or any company of the same group of the responsible party that operates under the same internal processes and policies;
  • Competent authorities in the cases provided for by the applicable regulations, in the event that we receive a mandatory requirement;
  • When it is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of the legal relationship between you and ITESM, such as in the case of individuals or legal entities, national or international with which we have entered into binding legal agreements.

Arco Rights and/or revocation of consent

You or your legal representative may exercise any of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter "ARCO Rights"), as well as revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email to: and following the procedure, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or revocation of consent on our website

It is important to note that not in all cases we will be able to respond favorably to your request or terminate the use immediately, as we may be required by law to continue processing your personal data.

Limitation and/or disclosure of your data

You may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending your request to ITESM by sending an e-mail to If your request is accepted, you will be registered in ITESM's own exclusion list.

Changes to this privacy notice

ITESM will notify you of any changes to this privacy notice through

Last update: September 2022

Laguna Campus
Torreón, Coahuila
Querétaro Campus

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He leído y acepto los términos de AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD.
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This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

Conoce a Teus

¿Te interesa que Teus asista a tu evento?
¡Llena el siguiente formulario para invitarlo!
He leído y acepto los términos de AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD.
¿Quién es Teus?


Teus es el Borrego por excelencia, jugador #12 y líder moral de los equipos representativos. Siempre dispuesto a apoyar a su equipo con amor y orgullo, sin importar el marcador o la situación. Además de ser un gran Borrego, es un estudiante ejemplar, ya que nunca descuida sus responsabilidades, es el número uno en el salón y también en las fiestas. Es muy amigable. Si lo ves en el campus, ¡salúdalo y tómate una foto con él!

¿De dónde viene su nombre?

Teus es la combinación de "Tec" y "Zeus", dios del rayo, de manera que significa "dios del rayo emprendedor". 

La señal del "rayo emprendedor" fue impulsada por David Noel Ramírez, exrector de la Institución.


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Teus Branding Program

Teus Branding Program

¿Te gustaría darle vida a Teus?

Conoce y anímate

No hay mejor manera de enriquecer tu experiencia en el Tecnológico de Monterrey que formando parte del Teus Branding Program. No solo podrás asistir a los eventos más importantes y representativos de la Institución, sino que además serás factor clave para alentar y promover la mejor vivencia universitaria del Tec. 

Si te interesa formar parte de la siguiente generación del programa, mantente al pendiente de las convocatorias. ¡Te estamos esperando! 

Objetivos del programa

  • Fomentar habilidades y competencias en las y los estudiantes que participan en el programa.
  • Hacer de tu experiencia la mejor que puedas tener. ¡Guarda recuerdos que te acompañen toda la vida!
  • Posicionar a Teus como la mejor mascota universitaria de México.
  • Ser un programa que inspire dentro de la Institución.
  • Fortalecer el sentido de orgullo y pertenencia de la comunidad Tec.

¡Mantente al pendiente de las convocatorias que se dan a conocer anualmente en septiembre!

Nuestros patrocinadores:

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Logotipo Atletica
Sigue a Borregos Tec:Icon FacebookIcono XIcon InstagramIcon YouTube

Privacy Notice Expedition District

"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".

Identity and address of the Controller

The Controller of the personal information you provide is the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), domiciled at the address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, C.P. 64700.

Personal data and personal sensitive data processed by ITESM

In order to comply with the purposes of processing indicated in this Privacy Notice, it is necessary for ITESM to process the following categories of personal data:

  • Identification data, including your personal image, which may be recorded through photographs and/or institutional videos, as well as your voice;
  • Contact data;
  • Employment data;

Likewise, we inform you that, in order to comply with the purposes stated in this Notice, ITESM will not collect or process sensitive personal data.

Primary purposes

ITESM will process your personal data for the following primary purposes:

  • To attend, register and follow up on the request(s) you make for the use of our services.
  • To evaluate, improve, administer, procure and provide all services we offer (including the design and development of new services) and to perform all activities necessary to do so.
  • To keep you informed of the products and services available to you, as well as those that we consider relevant for you.
  • To validate the accuracy and quality of the information provided by you.
  • To manage your participation in the activities in which you register or enroll.
  • Send you communications, notifications and personal notices through different channels and technological communication mechanisms that ITESM considers pertinent in order to inform you of relevant information about the status of your participation in the activities you have registered or enrolled in or any matter that may be of interest to you; as well as to know your opinion regarding the attention you have received and the services we offer.
  • To manage electronic access to ITESM's systems and technological infrastructure.
  • To manage physical access to the ITESM facilities, as well as for space reservations.
  • To identify you when the events or activities in which you participate, either in person or online, are transmitted live (streaming) through social networks, digital tools and platforms that allow it, including those that allow its conservation and subsequent reproduction online.
  • To prepare reports for internal control.
  • To investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, fraud, or potentially threats to the safety of any person, violations of the terms and conditions of participation in the Program or the Mobile Application, or as otherwise required by law.
  • To comply with the obligations set forth in the applicable regulations.

We inform you that the refusal to process your data for the above-mentioned primary purposes would imply the impossibility to comply with the legal relationship with you and allow, as appropriate, your participation in the applicable activities or events.

Secondary purposes

If you consent, we will use your personal data for the following secondary purposes:

  • To send financial campaigns, advertising and marketing communications, and commercial prospecting of products and services of our own and/or from third parties, through various media channels, both physical and electronic.
  • To use and disclosed your personal image (whether photo, video, etc.) in the preparation of informational and promotional material.
  • For the application of surveys and evaluations to improve the quality of the products and services we offer.
  • To invite you to meetings, events, forums and associations organized by ITESM.

If you do not want ITESM to process your personal data for any of the purposes described in this section, please send an email to You may change your option at any time, following the procedure, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or revocation of consent on our website:

It is important that you keep in mind that, in case of granting your consent, it will remain valid even when the legal relationship between you and ITESM has ended, which means that ITESM may continue to process your personal data necessary to fulfill these secondary purposes.

Data Transfers

Based on the provisions of article 37 of the LFPDPPP, ITESM may transfer your personal data without requiring your consent in the following cases:

  • To controlling companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under common control of the responsible party (ITESM), or to a parent company or any company of the same group of the Controller party that operates under the same internal processes and policies;
  • Competent authorities in the cases foreseen by the applicable regulations, in the event that we receive a mandatory requirement.
  • When it is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of the legal relationship between you and ITESM, such as the case of individuals or legal entities, national or international, with which we have entered into binding legal agreements.

ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent

You or your legal representative can exercise any of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter “ARCO rights”), and revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email and following the procedures, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent of our website

It is important to note that not in all cases we will be able to fulfill your request or terminate the use immediately, since it is possible that due to some legal obligation we were required to continue processing your personal data.

Limitation and / or Disclosure of your Personal Data

You may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data in events or activities that are carried out through digital tools and platforms, by not activating the camera, not using your personal image in the account with which you connect and/or not registering with your profile (it will depend on the platform used to carry out the event or activity).

In e-mail communications, by subscribing to the unsubscribe list, when it is available in the communication itself.

In all other cases, you may limit the use or disclosure of your personal information by email us your request to:

The requirements for proving your identity, as well as the procedure for dealing with your request, will be governed by the same criteria indicated on our website: If applicable, you will be registered on ITESM's own exclusion list.

Use of Cookies

ITESM uses several technologies to improve the efficiency of the Platform including your experience when navigating the site. Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored in the browser used by each user so that the server remembers certain information that can be used later. This information allows us to identify you and save your personal preferences to provide you with a better browsing experience.

We remind you that you can deactivate, disable or adjust the use of cookies and other technologies by following the procedures of the internet browser you use.

  • Select the "settings" or tools option, according to your browser.
  • Select the option to disable cookies.
  • This process will not only disable cookies from our Platform, but from your entire browser.

The personal data that can be obtained through the use of these technologies are as follows: Identifiers, user names and passwords for a session; region in which you are; type of browser; type of operating system; date and time of the start and end of a session; web pages visited; searches carried out and advertising reviewed. These technologies may be disabled by following the procedures of the internet browser you are using.

ITESM Personal Data Department

It is important to inform you that ITESM has a Personal Data Department which, as part of its functions, is responsible to attend any questions you may have regarding the use of your information. Likewise, the Personal Data Department will follow up on any complaint or claim you may have related to the treatment of your personal information.

You may contact the ITESM Personal Data Department by sending an e-mail to the following address:


If deemed necessary, we inform you that you have the right to go before the Instituto Nacional de Transparencia Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI) to assert any disagreement related to the processing of your personal data by ITESM.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

ITESM reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Privacy Notice at any time. Derived from legislative developments, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services, this Privacy Notice will be subject to modification or update. In such case, ITESM will publish such modifications on the site and will indicate the date of the last version of the notice. We recommend you periodically check this page to see if any changes to the present notice have occurred.

Last update: June 7, 2023