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El servicio de Biblioteca Digital es personal e intransferible (por matrícula y clave de usuario). Solicitamos el buen uso de la misma para evitar incurrir en sanciones administrativas o legales.

El acceso y uso de las bases de datos de Biblioteca Digital es exclusivamente para fines no comerciales y se monitorea constantemente por parte del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Están prohibidas las descargas masivas de información, ya sea por cuenta propia, con ayuda de programas o uso de dispositivos.



Tecnológico de Monterrey seeks to recognize EXATEC who are change agents committed to their community and who proudly represent the Institution's values by showcasing their merit and trajectory.



Preguntas frecuentes

¿Quién puede realizar nominaciones?

Cualquier persona, física o moral, puede realizar nominaciones a cualquiera de las distinciones de los Premios EXATEC.

¿A quién nominar?

Criterios de nominación:

  • Ser egresado de profesional, posgrado o preparatoria del Tecnológico de Monterrey.
  • Tener al menos 30 años de graduado de profesional o 50 años de edad. (Trayectoria EXATEC). Tener al menos 15 años de graduado de profesional o 35 años de edad. (Mérito EXATEC).
  • EXATEC que refleja los valores del Tec. (Innovación, integridad, colaboración, empatía e inclusión y ciudadanía global).
  • Cumplir con toda la información requerida en el formato de nominación (expediente completo).

Definición de características:

  • Líder con impacto social: Comprometido con la comunidad, contribuye de manera activa a mejorar el entorno, e impulsa o participa en causas filantrópicas.
  • Líder innovador: Busca la generación de nuevas ideas y crea las condiciones necesarias para el desarrollo.
  • Líder inspirador: Con ascendencia y autoridad moral en la comunidad, reconocido y respetado por llevar una vida íntegra.
  • Líder global: Con presencia nacional o internacional e impacto profesional en cualquier disciplina.


*No se considerarán las nominaciones que no cumplan con estas consideraciones.
*Se aceptan nominaciones póstumas, no mayores a cinco años de haber fallecido el nominado.
*No se aceptan autonominaciones.


Toda postulación o nominación de candidatos debe quedar registrada a través del portal EXATEC en el formato de nominación oficial. No serán consideradas nominaciones recibidas por otros medios.

Aquellos candidatos que no hayan sido seleccionados como ganadores podrán ser nominados nuevamente en años futuros.

Los ganadores de cada distinción serán contactados directamente, previo aviso al postulante.

¿Puedo autonominarme?

No. La nominación debe ser recibida por un tercero (persona física o moral). Si consideras que cuentas con el perfil y trayectoria para ganar un Premio EXATEC, pide a alguien que te nomine.

¿Puedo nominar a mi candidato a ambas distinciones?

Si no tienes clara la mejor distinción para nominar a tu candidato, postúlalo a ambas distinciones.

¿Cuál es el periodo de nominación?

El periodo de nominación es del 15 de febrero al 30 de agosto de 2024.

¿Puedo nominar a alguien si ya se cerró la convocatoria?

Las nominaciones recibidas después de la fecha límite serán consideradas para el año siguiente.

¿Dónde puedo realizar la nominación?

La nominación se realiza a través del formato de postulación en línea en la sección “Convocatoria” en el botón "Nomina"

La página sólo está activa durante el periodo de nominaciones.

¿Se aceptan nominaciones póstumas?

Sí, siempre y cuando el nominado no tenga más de cinco años de haber fallecido.

¿Cuántas postulaciones puedo realizar?

No hay límite en el número de nominaciones posibles. Puedes nominar a todo EXATEC que cumpla con los criterios señalados.

¿Quién conforma el jurado?

El jurado para cada distinción se integra por miembros de la Institución, representantes o líderes EXATEC, e invitados de la comunidad allegada al Tec.

¿Qué reciben los ganadores?

Cada ganador recibe:

  • Escultura distintiva “Trayectoria EXATEC” o “Mérito EXATEC”.
  • Reconocimiento escrito y enmarcado (tamaño título), entregado por las autoridades del Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Se espera que galardonados sean parte de la estrategia de comunicación y promoción de los premios y de la importancia de la vinculación de los egresados con el Tec.

¿Mi postulación puede ser anónima?

Sí. Dentro del formulario de postulación puedes seleccionar la opción respectiva para que tu nombre no se divulgue en el proceso. Sin embargo, deberás proporcionarnos tus datos por si necesitamos realizarte consultas referentes a tu nominado.

¿Mi postulado puede ganar en ambas distinciones?

No. Durante el proceso de evaluación y selección de ganadores, se identificará la distinción que mejor represente a tu postulado. Un mismo candidato no puede ganar ambas distinciones en el mismo año, pero sí puede ganar una de ellas y seguir participando para la otra en años subsecuentes.

Premios EXATEC

Premios EXATEC


El Tecnológico de Monterrey busca reconocer a EXATEC que son agentes de cambio
comprometidos con su comunidad
, y que representan dignamente los valores de la Institución al visibilizar su mérito y trayectoria.



Preguntas frecuentes

¿Quién puede realizar nominaciones?

Cualquier persona, física o moral, puede realizar nominaciones a cualquiera de las distinciones de los Premios EXATEC.

¿A quién nominar?

Criterios de nominación:

  • Ser egresado de profesional, posgrado o preparatoria del Tecnológico de Monterrey.
  • Tener al menos 30 años de graduado de profesional o 50 años de edad. (Trayectoria EXATEC). Tener al menos 15 años de graduado de profesional o 35 años de edad. (Mérito EXATEC).
  • EXATEC que refleja los valores del Tec. (Innovación, integridad, colaboración, empatía e inclusión y ciudadanía global).
  • Cumplir con toda la información requerida en el formato de nominación (expediente completo).

Definición de características:

  • Líder con impacto social: Comprometido con la comunidad, contribuye de manera activa a mejorar el entorno, e impulsa o participa en causas filantrópicas.
  • Líder innovador: Busca la generación de nuevas ideas y crea las condiciones necesarias para el desarrollo.
  • Líder inspirador: Con ascendencia y autoridad moral en la comunidad, reconocido y respetado por llevar una vida íntegra.
  • Líder global: Con presencia nacional o internacional e impacto profesional en cualquier disciplina.


*No se considerarán las nominaciones que no cumplan con estas consideraciones.
*Se aceptan nominaciones póstumas, no mayores a cinco años de haber fallecido el nominado.
*No se aceptan autonominaciones.


Toda postulación o nominación de candidatos debe quedar registrada a través del portal EXATEC en el formato de nominación oficial. No serán consideradas nominaciones recibidas por otros medios.

Aquellos candidatos que no hayan sido seleccionados como ganadores podrán ser nominados nuevamente en años futuros.

Los ganadores de cada distinción serán contactados directamente, previo aviso al postulante.

¿Puedo autonominarme?

No. La nominación debe ser recibida por un tercero (persona física o moral). Si consideras que cuentas con el perfil y trayectoria para ganar un Premio EXATEC, pide a alguien que te nomine.

¿Puedo nominar a mi candidato a ambas distinciones?

Si no tienes clara la mejor distinción para nominar a tu candidato, postúlalo a ambas distinciones.

¿Cuál es el periodo de nominación?

El periodo de nominación es del 15 de febrero al 30 de agosto de 2024.

¿Puedo nominar a alguien si ya se cerró la convocatoria?

Las nominaciones recibidas después de la fecha límite serán consideradas para el año siguiente.

¿Dónde puedo realizar la nominación?

La nominación se realiza a través del formato de postulación en línea en la sección “Convocatoria” en el botón "Nomina"

La página sólo está activa durante el periodo de nominaciones.

¿Se aceptan nominaciones póstumas?

Sí, siempre y cuando el nominado no tenga más de cinco años de haber fallecido.

¿Cuántas postulaciones puedo realizar?

No hay límite en el número de nominaciones posibles. Puedes nominar a todo EXATEC que cumpla con los criterios señalados.

¿Quién conforma el jurado?

El jurado para cada distinción se integra por miembros de la Institución, representantes o líderes EXATEC, e invitados de la comunidad allegada al Tec.

¿Qué reciben los ganadores?

Cada ganador recibe:

  • Escultura distintiva “Trayectoria EXATEC” o “Mérito EXATEC”.
  • Reconocimiento escrito y enmarcado (tamaño título), entregado por las autoridades del Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Se espera que galardonados sean parte de la estrategia de comunicación y promoción de los premios y de la importancia de la vinculación de los egresados con el Tec.

¿Mi postulación puede ser anónima?

Sí. Dentro del formulario de postulación puedes seleccionar la opción respectiva para que tu nombre no se divulgue en el proceso. Sin embargo, deberás proporcionarnos tus datos por si necesitamos realizarte consultas referentes a tu nominado.

¿Mi postulado puede ganar en ambas distinciones?

No. Durante el proceso de evaluación y selección de ganadores, se identificará la distinción que mejor represente a tu postulado. Un mismo candidato no puede ganar ambas distinciones en el mismo año, pero sí puede ganar una de ellas y seguir participando para la otra en años subsecuentes.

Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas

Gabriel Luna

Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas

Distinguished Professor in Smart Biomaterials

School of Engineering and Sciences


Synthesis and characterization of biopolymers
Nanocomposites for biomedical and environmental applications
Spectroscopic characterization of materials
Green-solvent-based technologies based on Deep-Eutectic-Solvents (DES)
Relaxation phenomena in bionanocomposites
R&D for industry-related projects

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Dr. Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas was a senior researcher and professor at Cinvestav (Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute) in Querétaro, Mexico. He was also a senior researcher at the CID-DESC, an industrial R&D center. 

He has taught graduate-level courses in areas such as kinetics of materials, polymer science, biomaterials, chemistry of materials, advanced mathematics, and advanced thermodynamics.

As a chemical engineer, his work has focused on biotechnology and studying and developing nanomaterials for industrial and medical applications, like biopolymers and biomaterials. In Mexico, he has led various industrial projects including the development of chemicals for agriculture, polymer-based packaging, glass, and industrial lubricants.

Since 2008, Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas has been delegate at the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), in the Polymer Division, of the region of Mexico & Latin America, and since 2015, he has been president of the Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Network of the National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (CONAHCYT) in Mexico. In addition, he has reached the SNI-III level as a researcher, which is the highest level given by the National Research System (SNI) in Mexico.

From 2015 to 2017, he was a member of the Evaluation Committee Area VII for the Mexican Scientific Accreditation Committee, and from 2005 to 2007, he was president of the Mexican Polymer Society.

His research interests are in the synthesis and characterization of biopolymers; nanocomposites for biomedical and environmental applications; spectroscopic characterization of materials; green-solvent-based technologies based on Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES); relaxation phenomena in bio nanocomposites; and R&D for industry-related projects. 

He has led funded research projects in both Mexico and the United States on topics such as magnetic nanowires decorated with BODIPY; agronanotechnology products; bacteria-mediated synthesis of metal nanoparticles from bioremediation of contaminated waters along the U.S.-Mexico border in collaboration with the state of Texas; biopolymers for biomedical applications in collaboration with the Inter-American Materials Collaboration (CIAM) and funded by both the National Science Foundation in the United States (NSF) and CONAHCYT in Mexico; among others.

He has two international patents related to polymers and turbidimetry.

Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas has given over 100 presentations and talks all over the world including the European Polymer Congress organized by the European Polymer Federation (EPF); the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid, Spain; the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; and several universities like the University of Manchester, in England.

He co-authored the book “Biotechnology in Agriculture, Industry and Medicine: Chitosan-Based Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering Applications” (2011) and edited several other books on polymer science.

He has over 600 total publications on solvents, polymers, organic nanofibers, polymerization, nanoparticle synthesis of elements, and nanocomposites for either industrial and/or medical applications that have been published in some of the most relevant journals of his field like the European Polymer Journal, Progress in Polymer Science, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Green Chemistry, Nanomedicine, and Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, to name some.

In 2014, he was awarded to be a Fulbright Scholar given by the U.S. Department of State. In 2005, he was awarded the Best Master Thesis prize by the Technical University of Berlin, Germany (Sebastian Stolz), with the thesis of “Phase behavior of styrene-co-isoprene-co-styrene in tetrahydrofuran in supercritical carbon dioxide” (co-director: Wolfang Arlt). 

Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Professor in Smart Biomaterials for the School of Engineering and Sciences, and the Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing.

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Education and Training

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University
  • Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin
  • M.Sc., Chemical Engineering, Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya
  • Chemical Engineering, Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya
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  • Luna-Barcenas, Gabriel. (2023). Electrostrictive and piezoelectrical properties of chitosan-poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) blend films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 126251. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.126251.

  • Prokhorov, E. & Luna-Barcenas, Gabriel & Yañez Limon, Jose & Muñoz-Saldaña, J.. (2023). Flexoelectricity and piezoelectric effects in poly (vinyl alcohol)-SrTiO3 nanocomposites. Materials Research Bulletin. 166. 112361. 10.1016/j.materresbull.2023.112361. 

  • Cervantes Chávez, José & García-Bouchot, Gastón & García-Gutiérrez, Nataly & Castañeda, Haydé & Nava, Rufino & Luna-Barcenas, Gabriel & Elizalde, Eduardo & Esquivel-Naranjo, Edgardo & Landeros, Fidel & Rojas, Norma & Pool, Hector. (2023). Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles and Stressors Generate Synergistic Growth Inhibition in Candida Species through Cell Wall Damage, Osmotic Stress, and Oxidative Stress. Current pharmaceutical biotechnology. 24. 10.2174/1389201024666230303145653. 

  • Bravo-Alfaro, Diego & Prokhorov, E. & Luna-Barcenas, Gabriel & Garcia, Hugo. (2023). Unveiling the dielectric properties of self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems (SNEDDS). Journal of Molecular Liquids. 374. 121304. 10.1016/j.molliq.2023.121304. 

  • Luna-Barcenas, Gabriel. (2011). Chitosan-Based Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering Applications.

More publications

Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas

Gabriel Luna

Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas

Profesor Distinguido en Biomateriales Inteligentes

Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias


Síntesis y caracterización de biopolímeros
Nanocompuestos para aplicaciones biomédicas y medioambientales
Caracterización espectroscópica de materiales
Tecnologías en disolventes verdes basadas en solventes eutécticos profundos (DES)
Fenómenos de relajación en bionanocompuestos
I+D para proyectos relacionados con la industria

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Dr. Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas was a senior researcher and professor at Cinvestav (Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute) in Querétaro, Mexico. He was also a senior researcher at the CID-DESC, an industrial R&D center. 

He has taught graduate-level courses in areas such as kinetics of materials, polymer science, biomaterials, chemistry of materials, advanced mathematics, and advanced thermodynamics.

As a chemical engineer, his work has focused on biotechnology and studying and developing nanomaterials for industrial and medical applications, like biopolymers and biomaterials. In Mexico, he has led various industrial projects including the development of chemicals for agriculture, polymer-based packaging, glass, and industrial lubricants.

Since 2008, Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas has been delegate at the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), in the Polymer Division, of the region of Mexico & Latin America, and since 2015, he has been president of the Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Network of the National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (CONAHCYT) in Mexico. In addition, he has reached the SNI-III level as a researcher, which is the highest level given by the National Research System (SNI) in Mexico.

From 2015 to 2017, he was a member of the Evaluation Committee Area VII for the Mexican Scientific Accreditation Committee, and from 2005 to 2007, he was president of the Mexican Polymer Society.

His research interests are in the synthesis and characterization of biopolymers; nanocomposites for biomedical and environmental applications; spectroscopic characterization of materials; green-solvent-based technologies based on Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES); relaxation phenomena in bio nanocomposites; and R&D for industry-related projects. 

He has led funded research projects in both Mexico and the United States on topics such as magnetic nanowires decorated with BODIPY; agronanotechnology products; bacteria-mediated synthesis of metal nanoparticles from bioremediation of contaminated waters along the U.S.-Mexico border in collaboration with the state of Texas; biopolymers for biomedical applications in collaboration with the Inter-American Materials Collaboration (CIAM) and funded by both the National Science Foundation in the United States (NSF) and CONAHCYT in Mexico; among others.

He has two international patents related to polymers and turbidimetry.

Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas has given over 100 presentations and talks all over the world including the European Polymer Congress organized by the European Polymer Federation (EPF); the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid, Spain; the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; and several universities like the University of Manchester, in England.

He co-authored the book “Biotechnology in Agriculture, Industry and Medicine: Chitosan-Based Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering Applications” (2011) and edited several other books on polymer science.

He has over 600 total publications on solvents, polymers, organic nanofibers, polymerization, nanoparticle synthesis of elements, and nanocomposites for either industrial and/or medical applications that have been published in some of the most relevant journals of his field like the European Polymer Journal, Progress in Polymer Science, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Green Chemistry, Nanomedicine, and Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, to name some.

In 2014, he was awarded to be a Fulbright Scholar given by the U.S. Department of State. In 2005, he was awarded the Best Master Thesis prize by the Technical University of Berlin, Germany (Sebastian Stolz), with the thesis of “Phase behavior of styrene-co-isoprene-co-styrene in tetrahydrofuran in supercritical carbon dioxide” (co-director: Wolfang Arlt). 

Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Professor in Smart Biomaterials for the School of Engineering and Sciences, and the Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing.

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Education and Training

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University
  • Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin
  • M.Sc., Chemical Engineering, Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya
  • Chemical Engineering, Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya
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  • Luna-Barcenas, Gabriel. (2023). Electrostrictive and piezoelectrical properties of chitosan-poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) blend films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 126251. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.126251.

  • Prokhorov, E. & Luna-Barcenas, Gabriel & Yañez Limon, Jose & Muñoz-Saldaña, J.. (2023). Flexoelectricity and piezoelectric effects in poly (vinyl alcohol)-SrTiO3 nanocomposites. Materials Research Bulletin. 166. 112361. 10.1016/j.materresbull.2023.112361. 

  • Cervantes Chávez, José & García-Bouchot, Gastón & García-Gutiérrez, Nataly & Castañeda, Haydé & Nava, Rufino & Luna-Barcenas, Gabriel & Elizalde, Eduardo & Esquivel-Naranjo, Edgardo & Landeros, Fidel & Rojas, Norma & Pool, Hector. (2023). Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles and Stressors Generate Synergistic Growth Inhibition in Candida Species through Cell Wall Damage, Osmotic Stress, and Oxidative Stress. Current pharmaceutical biotechnology. 24. 10.2174/1389201024666230303145653. 

  • Bravo-Alfaro, Diego & Prokhorov, E. & Luna-Barcenas, Gabriel & Garcia, Hugo. (2023). Unveiling the dielectric properties of self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems (SNEDDS). Journal of Molecular Liquids. 374. 121304. 10.1016/j.molliq.2023.121304. 

  • Luna-Barcenas, Gabriel. (2011). Chitosan-Based Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering Applications.

More publications

Ruta Azul

Nuestra aspiración al 2025​

Construir un futuro sostenible al adoptar una cultura proactiva ante la emergencia climática, que se refleja en acciones de mitigación, adaptación, educación, investigación y vinculación, que nos lleven a ser una institución modelo de sostenibilidad.​

David Garza Rector y Presidente Ejecutivo del Tecnológico de Monterrey Ruta Azul

"La crisis global es un problema de todos los sectores. Es importante que universidades, empresas, ONGs y gobiernos se vayan sumando, como algunos que ya lo han hecho, para enfrentarla en conjunto. Solamente bajo un espíritu de colaboración y cooperación será posible brindar soluciones integrales para la sociedad, nuestro país y el mundo."

David Garza
Rector y Presidente Ejecutivo del Tecnológico de Monterrey

Inés Saenz Negrete, Vicepresidenta de Inclusión, Impacto Social y Sostenibilidad

"Se requiere de un esfuerzo sistémico, claro y enfocado que nos impulse al cambio. Por ello, es imperativo involucrarnos de manera proactiva para hacer frente a la crisis climática. Necesitamos otros aprendizajes, otro estilo de vida, otros valores que nos lleven a adoptar y vivir una cultura sostenible. Si nuestra comunidad Tec se convence de ello, nuestras convicciones y certezas pueden inspirar a otras personas más allá de nuestro entorno, generando cambios cuyo alcance aún no imaginamos."

Inés Sáenz
Vicepresidenta de Inclusión, Impacto Social y Sostenibilidad

Ejes de acción estratégica Ruta Azul Tecnológico de Monterrey

Ejes de acción estratégica

La estrategia de Ruta Azul está construida en 6 ejes de acción estratégica: cultura al centro, mitigación, adaptación, educación, investigación y vinculación.​

Te invitamos a conocer cada uno de ellos:

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En línea con nuestra aspiración institucional de construir un futuro sostenible al adoptar una cultura proactiva ante la emergencia climática, nos comprometimos a disminuir significativamente el uso de botellas de plástico de un solo uso y desechables. Conoce las metas, acciones y logros que se han realizado en la Institución.

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Integrative Biology Unit

Biología Integrativa
Integrative Biology Unit

Diagnosing, preventing, and treating metabolic diseases and obesity by integrating a large, diverse amount of experimental data on individuals, populations, and their environments.

What does this unit do?

The great challenge of this unit is to understand the factors and integrate them for a global and deep comprehension of diseases. Managing massive data and translating it into scientific knowledge is the challenge undertaken in this unit, with the vision of translating it into new diagnoses, therapies, and preventive elements that reduce the rates of obesity and other metabolic diseases in the Mexican and Latin American populations.

Obesity: a multifactorial problem

Mexicans have aggravated obesity and metabolic disorders leading to much lower life expectancies than those in developed countries. The characteristics of these disorders remain not fully understood in our population. Genetic, epigenetic, dietary, environmental, and lifestyle factors affect the development of metabolic diseases and their prognoses.

Integrative biology

Integrative biology refers to the interest in different areas of biology, from molecules shaped by genes and proteins to individual organisms, populations, and even ecosystems. The interdisciplinary research in this area seeks diversity and incorporation by managing all biological organizational levels.

In Mexico, integrative biology has been developed recently to enhance the study of living beings and their environments from the level of communities to the molecular level. The creation of Integrative Biology means elucidating biological complexity through interdisciplinary strategies and state-of-the-art technologies, including the massive study of data and the application of disciplines such as computational biology, genetics, developmental cell biology, and biological chemistry.

The topics and lines of research currently being developed in Mexico in other institutions include environment and biodiversity, environmental education, social participation, microbiology, ethology, and agriculture. At the Institute, we focus on human health and well-being, including functional genomics and the effects of the environment (diet, lifestyle, exposure to the environment, etc.).


Types of research

  • Genomic and metabolomic characteristics of Mexicans (population and families) with metabolic disorders contrasted with those in the same environment remaining healthy.
  • Multiomic effects of the usual diet, sensory preferences, and new foods of the Mexican and Latin American populations with approaches to pregnancy and early childhood.
  • Generation of data science and artificial intelligence (AI) elements to support and justify the design of new diagnoses, therapies, and public policies to combat metabolic diseases.
  • Vitamin dietary interventions and functional fats from childhood and their effects on improving comorbidities related to obesity and metabolic diseases in adults.
Meet the researchers

Dr. Rocío Isabel Díaz de la Garza
Leader of the Integrative Biology Unit

Interkingdom Vitamin Functional Genomics.

More about her work

Dr. José Manuel Villalobos Escobedo

Functional Genomics for Bioprospecting.

Dr. Carmen Hernández Brenes

Applied Metabolomics for Better Food and Health.

More about her work

Dr. Carlos Rodríguez López

Dietary chemical diversity and metabolomics.

More about his work

Dr. Cuauhtémoc Licona Cassani

Microbial Genomics and Synthetic Biology.
More about his work

Dr. Juan Emmanuel Martínez Ledesma

Genomics Data Analysis and Machine Learning for Medicine.

More about his work

Erika Yaneth Castaño Moreno
Erika Yaneth Castaño Moreno
Fahimeh Nezhadmoghadam
Fahimeh Nezhadmoghadam
Karina Corona Cervantes
Karina Corona Cervantes
Shirley María Mora Godínez
Shirley María Mora Godínez
Latest Works and Publications of the Institute
Meet the other units

Unidad de Biología Integrativa

Unidad de Biología Integrativa

Diagnosing, preventing, and treating metabolic diseases and obesity by integrating a large, diverse amount of experimental data on individuals, populations, and their environments.

What does this unit do?

The great challenge of this unit is to understand the factors and integrate them for a global and deep comprehension of diseases. Managing massive data and translating it into scientific knowledge is the challenge undertaken in this unit, with the vision of translating it into new diagnoses, therapies, and preventive elements that reduce the rates of obesity and other metabolic diseases in the Mexican and Latin American populations.

Obesity: a multifactorial problem

Mexicans have aggravated obesity and metabolic disorders leading to much lower life expectancies than those in developed countries. The characteristics of these disorders remain not fully understood in our population. Genetic, epigenetic, dietary, environmental, and lifestyle factors affect the development of metabolic diseases and their prognoses.

Integrative biology

Integrative biology refers to the interest in different areas of biology, from molecules shaped by genes and proteins to individual organisms, populations, and even ecosystems. The interdisciplinary research in this area seeks diversity and incorporation by managing all biological organizational levels.

In Mexico, integrative biology has been developed recently to enhance the study of living beings and their environments from the level of communities to the molecular level. The creation of Integrative Biology means elucidating biological complexity through interdisciplinary strategies and state-of-the-art technologies, including the massive study of data and the application of disciplines such as computational biology, genetics, developmental cell biology, and biological chemistry.

The topics and lines of research currently being developed in Mexico in other institutions include environment and biodiversity, environmental education, social participation, microbiology, ethology, and agriculture. At the Institute, we focus on human health and well-being, including functional genomics and the effects of the environment (diet, lifestyle, exposure to the environment, etc.).


Types of research

  • Genomic and metabolomic characteristics of Mexicans (population and families) with metabolic disorders contrasted with those in the same environment remaining healthy.
  • Multiomic effects of the usual diet, sensory preferences, and new foods of the Mexican and Latin American populations with approaches to pregnancy and early childhood.
  • Generation of data science and artificial intelligence (AI) elements to support and justify the design of new diagnoses, therapies, and public policies to combat metabolic diseases.
  • Vitamin dietary interventions and functional fats from childhood and their effects on improving comorbidities related to obesity and metabolic diseases in adults.
Conoce a las y los investigadores

Dr. Rocío Isabel Díaz de la Garza
Leader of the Integrative Biology Unit

Interkingdom Vitamin Functional Genomics.

More about her work

Dr. José Manuel Villalobos Escobedo

Functional Genomics for Bioprospecting.

Dr. Carmen Hernández Brenes

Applied Metabolomics for Better Food and Health.

More about her work

Dr. Carlos Rodríguez López

Dietary chemical diversity and metabolomics.

More about his work

Dr. Cuauhtémoc Licona Cassani

Microbial Genomics and Synthetic Biology.
More about his work

Dr. Juan Emmanuel Martínez Ledesma

Genomics Data Analysis and Machine Learning for Medicine.

More about his work

Erika Yaneth Castaño Moreno
Erika Yaneth Castaño Moreno
Fahimeh Nezhadmoghadam
Fahimeh Nezhadmoghadam
Karina Corona Cervantes
Karina Corona Cervantes
Shirley María Mora Godínez
Shirley María Mora Godínez
Últimos trabajos y publicaciones del Instituto
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Bioengineering and Medical Devices Unit

Bioingeniería y dispositivos médicos
Bioengineering and Medical Devices Unit

Develops and optimizes bioengineering platforms to produce new commercial products focused on the early detection and prevention of metabolic disorders associated with obesity.

What does this unit do?

1. Bioengineering of processes to identify and produce bioactives.
2. Development of medical devices for early detection and monitoring.
3. Engineering of delivery systems and detection of molecules.
4. Generation of clinical interventions that positively impact society.

Products and services developed by the unit

  • Selection of novel biomolecules associated with metabolic diseases.
  • Medical devices (based on new technologies, user-friendly and accessible) for the early detection and monitoring of metabolic diseases.
  • Real-time detection sensors of biomarkers associated with metabolic diseases.
  • Improvement of the performance of existing platforms for the early detection and monitoring of metabolic diseases.
  • Prevention and treatment strategies for metabolic diseases and their complications.
  • Strategies for the prediction and monitoring of risk of metabolic diseases.
Meet the researchers

Omar Lozano García
Unit leader. Full Research Professor

Design of advanced materials for drug delivery systems and probes, preclinical studies, nanosafety, nano-bio-interactions.
Get to know his work

Marco Antonio Rito Palomares
Research Professor

Development of early detection technologies, drug delivery systems and strategies based on aqueous two-phase systems.
Get to know his work

Jorge Alejandro Benavides Lozano
Associate Research Professor

Bioengineering, Bioprocesses, Bioproduct formulation, Bioactive discovery and characterization, Synthetic biology.
Get to know his work

Karla Patricia Mayolo Deloisa
Research Professor

Specialist in nanoparticle formulation, protein modification and bioprocesses.
Get to know her work

Alexandro José Martagón Rosado
Assistant Research Professor

Physician-researcher with translational focus in the study of metabolic diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemias.
Get to know his work

Mirna Alejandra González González
Assistant Research Professor

Development of flexible bioengineering platforms for biomedical applications.
Get to know her work

Calef Sánchez Trasviña
Calef Sánchez Trasviña
Margarita Ortíz Martínez
Margarita Ortíz Martínez
Helen Yarimet Lorenzo Anota
Helen Yarimet Lorenzo Anota
David Leonardo Meléndez Martínez
David Leonardo Meléndez Martínez
Latest Works and Publications of the Institute
Meet the other units

Unidad de Bioingeniería y Dispositivos Médicos

Bioingeniería y dispositivos médicos
Unidad de Bioingeniería y Dispositivos Médicos

Develops and optimizes bioengineering platforms to produce new commercial products focused on the early detection and prevention of metabolic disorders associated with obesity.

What does this unit do?

1. Bioengineering of processes to identify and produce bioactives.
2. Development of medical devices for early detection and monitoring.
3. Engineering of delivery systems and detection of molecules.
4. Generation of clinical interventions that positively impact society.

Products and services developed by the unit

  • Selection of novel biomolecules associated with metabolic diseases.
  • Medical devices (based on new technologies, user-friendly and accessible) for the early detection and monitoring of metabolic diseases.
  • Real-time detection sensors of biomarkers associated with metabolic diseases.
  • Improvement of the performance of existing platforms for the early detection and monitoring of metabolic diseases.
  • Prevention and treatment strategies for metabolic diseases and their complications.
  • Strategies for the prediction and monitoring of risk of metabolic diseases.
Conoce a las y los investigadores

Omar Lozano García
Unit leader. Full Research Professor

Design of advanced materials for drug delivery systems and probes, preclinical studies, nanosafety, nano-bio-interactions.
Get to know his work

Marco Antonio Rito Palomares
Research Professor

Development of early detection technologies, drug delivery systems and strategies based on aqueous two-phase systems.
Get to know his work

Jorge Alejandro Benavides Lozano
Associate Research Professor

Bioengineering, Bioprocesses, Bioproduct formulation, Bioactive discovery and characterization, Synthetic biology.
Get to know his work

Karla Patricia Mayolo Deloisa
Research Professor

Specialist in nanoparticle formulation, protein modification and bioprocesses.
Get to know her work

Alexandro José Martagón Rosado
Assistant Research Professor

Physician-researcher with translational focus in the study of metabolic diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemias.
Get to know his work

Mirna Alejandra González González
Assistant Research Professor

Development of flexible bioengineering platforms for biomedical applications.
Get to know her work

Calef Sánchez Trasviña
Calef Sánchez Trasviña
Margarita Ortíz Martínez
Margarita Ortíz Martínez
Helen Yarimet Lorenzo Anota
Helen Yarimet Lorenzo Anota
David Leonardo Meléndez Martínez
David Leonardo Meléndez Martínez
Últimos trabajos y publicaciones del Instituto
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