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How can we help you?
How can we help you?
Contact TECservices
TEC Services


Do you need information about our services or processes or have any other inquiries about your experience at Tecnológico de Monterrey? We are pleased to assist you and offer different ways to respond to your requests.​

TECservices is your dedicated team at Tecnológico de Monterrey, committed to providing you with the best care and expert services. We strive to make every process and service work efficiently with the support of our leaders in each area. Rest assured, we are ready to handle any particularity that comes your way.

At TECservices, we strive to provide you with the best possible experience. Our pillars are trust, empathy, and understanding so you always feel heard and supported. Furthermore, we guarantee precise, prompt, and timely responses to address your questions or problems efficiently. We want access to our services to be easy and fast, so we have highly trained and dedicated staff. Your satisfaction is our priority!

¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?

Contacta a TECservices
¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?
¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?
Contacta a TECservices
TEC Services


Do you need information about our services or processes or have any other inquiries about your experience at Tecnológico de Monterrey? We are pleased to assist you and offer different ways to respond to your requests.​

TECservices is your dedicated team at Tecnológico de Monterrey, committed to providing you with the best care and expert services. We strive to make every process and service work efficiently with the support of our leaders in each area. Rest assured, we are ready to handle any particularity that comes your way.

At TECservices, we strive to provide you with the best possible experience. Our pillars are trust, empathy, and understanding so you always feel heard and supported. Furthermore, we guarantee precise, prompt, and timely responses to address your questions or problems efficiently. We want access to our services to be easy and fast, so we have highly trained and dedicated staff. Your satisfaction is our priority!

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EXATEC con interés en tecnologías para profesión y emprendimiento
Centro de Evolución Digital del Tec y Amazon Web Services (AWS)

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5 de junio, 18:00 h

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El Centro de Evolución Digital de la Escuela de Negocios del Tecnológico de Monterrey  y AWS te invitan.


Centro de Evolución Digital

Fondo GSL Classroom

Convocatoria Fondo GSL Classroom

Convocatoria Fondo GSL Classroom

“ Convocatoria cerrada hasta la asignación de nuevos recursos. ”

  • 1. Objetivo

  • 2. Público al que va dirigido

  • 3. Requisitos generales

  • 4. Lineamientos y categorías

  • 5. Capacitación en línea

  • 6. Congresos internacionales

  • 7. Estancias cortas de colaboración en el extranjero

  • 8. Proceso de postulación

  • 9. Fechas importantes

  • 10. Preguntas frecuentes

“ Convocatoria cerrada hasta la asignación de nuevos recursos. ”

“ Convocatoria cerrada hasta la asignación de nuevos recursos. ”

“ Convocatoria cerrada hasta la asignación de nuevos recursos. ”

“ Convocatoria cerrada hasta la asignación de nuevos recursos. ”

“ Convocatoria cerrada hasta la asignación de nuevos recursos. ”

“ Convocatoria cerrada hasta la asignación de nuevos recursos. ”

“ Convocatoria cerrada hasta la asignación de nuevos recursos. ”

“ Convocatoria cerrada hasta la asignación de nuevos recursos. ”

“ Convocatoria cerrada hasta la asignación de nuevos recursos. ”

“ Convocatoria cerrada hasta la asignación de nuevos recursos. ”

Conferencia Virtual "El método H.A.B.L.A" impartida por Álvaro Gordoa

En línea.
Vía Zoom.
Dirigido a
Inversión Educativa TEC

Conferencia Virtual "El método H.A.B.L.A" impartida por Álvaro Gordoa


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Desirée Lozano
Manuel Delgado - Fotografía documental

Outliers - Manuel Delgado

My name is Manuel Delgado and I am the first Latin American to belong to the NGO Photographers 
Alliance, photography for a cause at the international level.

My story began at Tec where I studied a B.A. in Communication Science (LCC). I was a scholarship holder as of the first semester, and got involved in everything as though I were in a club. I participated in swimming, theater and formed my own European studies association. I also won scholarships and financial aid to represent Tec in other countries. My first international experience was in Prague, Czech Republic, where an NGO was looking for student leaders. I was the only Mexican who participated and I promised myself I would return to that continent one day. In the third semester, I joined a pilot program to give scholarship-holders the opportunity to participate in an internship. One of my many interviews was at AstraZeneca and, something I hadn’t imagined, I would end up working there for the next six years, being promoted from intern to brand manager, until I resigned and travelled to Asia.

Upon arrival, I worked as a volunteer and, during this time, I met a native couple who made me feel like part of their family. They told me about the opportunity to give English classes in a community on the border with Burma, where I was the teacher for three hundred children. I also worked in Laos in an elephant sanctuary and in Borneo in an orangutan sanctuary, among others.

At this time, I began to develop professionally as a photographer and I sold my photographs to the media in Mexico to support myself. While I was doing this, a friend I had met at AstraZeneca contacted me and told me about a public relations vacancy for Mexico in Germany. I carried on traveling and was interviewed online for Trivago and got the position. I moved to Germany and although I didn’t speak the language stayed to live there.

It filled me with pride to promote my country’s tourism for the eyes of the whole world, even though I wasn’t there.

At the same time, I specialized in humanitarian documentary photography, so now I work for NGOs, which send me to different parts of the world to document the social work they carry out on the reality of the people they help. The work is by no means easy, because it takes guts to venture into the most remote, isolated regions on the planet and create visual content objectively. It gives me great satisfaction when NGOs use my photographs for their campaigns because I feel that I can speak for those people who cannot speak for themselves, and I like to think that it is an attempt to achieve justice for what they are experiencing.

I am an Outlier because my story begin at Tec and end up changing the world

"In each project I do my bit to create a change in the world."

You can be an Outlier too! Tell us your story

Rostro de Outlier Estefanía
Manuel Delgado - Fotografía documental

Outliers - Manuel Delgado

Terminé la carrera y de un día para otro me pregunté: ¿Esto es lo que quiero hacer el resto de mi vida?. Decidí que no, renuncié y compré un boleto de ida a Tailandia sin regreso. Me lancé con solo una mochila seguir mi pasión: la fotografía.

Me llamo Manuel Delgado y soy el primer latinoamericano que pertenece a NGO Photographers Alliance, fotografía por una causa a nivel internacional.

Mi trayectoria comienza en el Tec donde estudié la licenciatura en ciencias de la comunicación. Fui becado desde el primer semestre, me involucré en todo como si fuera un club, estuve en natación, teatro y realicé mi propia asociación de estudios europeos. También gané becas y apoyos financieros para poder representar al Tec en otros países; mi primera experiencia internacional fue en Praga República Checa donde una ONG buscaba líderes estudiantes, fui el único mexicano que participó y me prometí regresar a ese continente. En tercer semestre entré a un programa piloto para que estudiantes becados pudieran tener oportunidad de tener prácticas, entre las muchas entrevistas que en AstraZeneca y sin saberlo trabajaría por los próximos seis años, en donde pude escalar de becario a gerente de marca, después renuncie y viaje a Asia.

Al llegar, hice voluntariados, en este trayecto conocí a una pareja nativa con los que me sentía en familia, me comentaron la oportunidad de dar clases de inglés en una comunidad frontera con Burma, fui maestro de trescientos niños; en Laos en un santuario para elefantes, en Borneo en un santuario para orangutanes, entre otros.


En este momento fue cuando me empecé a desarrollar profesionalmente como fotógrafo y vendí mis fotografías a medios en México para poder sustentarme. Mientras hacía esto me contactó una amiga que conocí en AstraZeneca y me habló sobre una vacante de relaciones públicas para México desde Alemania. Seguí viajando e hice entrevistas en línea para Trivago y conseguí el puesto, me mudé a Alemania y aun sin hablar en idioma me quedé a vivir allí.

Me llenó de orgullo, pues promoví el turismo de mi país para los ojos de todo el mundo aun sin estar ahí.

Al mismo tiempo me especialicé en fotografía documental humanitaria, por lo que ahora trabajo para ONGs, las cuales me mandan a distintas partes del mundo a documentar la labor social que realizan sobre la realidad de la gente que ayudan, el trabajo que no es nada fácil, pues se necesitan agallas para aventurarse y poder crear contenido visual de forma objetiva, ya que son las regiones más aisladas del planeta, por lo que me da satisfacción cuando las ONGs utilizan mis fotografías para sus campañas pues siento que

puedo darle una voz a aquellas personas que carecen de voz propia, y me gusta pensar que es un intento de justicia a lo que ellos viven.

Soy un Outlier porque mi historia comienza en el Tec y termina cambiando el mundo.

"En cada proyecto dejo mi granito de arena para crear un cambio en el mundo."

Descubre más historias

¡Tú también puedes ser un Outlier! Cuéntanos tu historia

Rostro de Outlier Estefanía
He leído y acepto los términos de AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD.
Colegiaturas de Profesional del Tecnológico de Monterrey

Tuition Feesmay17th24

Information for tuition fees per Campus can be found below:

Aguascalientes Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,593.00 $124,464.00
International $3,111.00 $149,328.00
Physical Surgeon $2,852.00 $136,896.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $7,017.00 $126,306.00
Physical Surgeon $7,718.00 $138,924.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Aguascalientes Campus.

Chiapas Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,272.00 $109,056.00
International $2,840.00 $136,320.00
Physical Surgeon $2,499.00 $119,952.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $6,117.00 $110,106.00
Physical Surgeon $6,728.00 $121,104.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Chiapas Campus.

Chihuahua Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,684.00 $128,832.00
International $3,372.00 $161,856.00
Physical Surgeon $2,952.00 $141,696.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Tradicional $7,189.00 $129,402.00
Médico Cirujano $7,899.00 $142,182.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Chihuahua Campus.

Ciudad de México Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $3,103.00 $148,944.00
International $3,898.00 $187,104.00
Physical Surgeon $3,414.00 $163,872.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $8,663.00 $155,394.00
Physical Surgeon $9,497.00 $170,946.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Ciudad de México Campus.

Ciudad Juárez Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,408.00 $115,584.00
International $3,010.00 $144,480.00
Physical Surgeon $2,648.00 $127,104.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $6,484.00 $116,712.00
Physical Surgeon $7,132.00 $128,376.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Ciudad Juárez Campus.

Ciudad Obregón Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,408.00 $115,584.00
International $3,010.00 $144,480.00
Physical Surgeon $2,648.00 $127,104.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $6,484.00 $116,712.00
Physical Surgeon $7,132.00 $128,376.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Ciudad Obregón Campus.

Cuernavaca Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,610.00 $125,280.00
International $3,132.00 $150,336.00
Physical Surgeon $2,871.00 $137,808.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $7,019.00 $126,342.00
Physical Surgeon $7,720.00 $138,960.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Cuernavaca Campus.

Estado de México Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $3,840.00 $184,320.00
International $3,840.00 $184,320.00
Physical Surgeon $3,367.00 $161,616.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $8,404.00 $151,272.00
Physical Surgeon $9,244.00 $166,392.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Estado de México Campus.

Guadalajara Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $3,061.00 $146,928.00
International $3,850.00 $184,800.00
Physical Surgeon $3,370.00 $161,760.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $8,404.00 $151,272.00
Physical Surgeon $9,239.00 $166,302.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Guadalajara Campus.

Hidalgo Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,649.00 $127,152.00
International $3,178.00 $152,544.00
Physician Surgeon $2,913.00 $139,824.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $7,139.00 $128,502.00
Physician Surgeon $7,852.00 $141,336.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Hidalgo Campus.

Irapuato Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,283.00 $109,584.00
International $2,853.00 $136,944.00
Physician Surgeon $2,511.00 $120,528.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $6,088.00 $109,584.00
Physician Surgeon $6,696.00 $120,528.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Irapuato Campus.

Laguna Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,664.00 $127,872.00
International $3,330.00 $159,840.00
Physician Surgeon $2,930.00 $140,640.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $7,139.00 $128,502.00
Physician Surgeon $7,852.00 $141,336.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Laguna Campus.

León Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,655.00 $127,440.00
International $3,186.00 $152,928.00
Physician Surgeon $2,920.00 $140,160.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $7,189.00 $129,402.00
Physician Surgeon $7,907.00 $142,326.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the León Campus.

Monterrey Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $3,195.00 $153,360.00
International $3,442.00 $165,216.00
Physician Surgeon $3,509.00 $168,432.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $8,874.00 $159,732.00
Physician Surgeon $9,766.00 $175,788.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Monterrey Campus.

Morelia Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,436.00 $116,928.00
International $2,923.00 $140,304.00
Physician Surgeon $2,679.00 $128,592.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $6,620.00 $119,160.00
Physician Surgeon $7,282.00 $131,076.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Morelia Campus.

Puebla Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,852.00 $136,896.00
International $3,585.00 $172,080.00
Physician Surgeon $3,137.00 $150,576.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $7,784.00 $140,112.00
Physician Surgeon $8,562.00 $154,116.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Puebla Campus.

Querétaro Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $3,061.00 $146,928.00
International $3,850.00 $184,800.00
Physician Surgeon $3,367.00 $161,616.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $8,404.00 $151,272.00
Physician Surgeon $8,358.00 $150,444.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Querétaro Campus.

Saltillo Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Unit Regular load
48 Units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,605.00 $125,040.00
International $3,256.00 $156,288.00
Physician Surgeon $2,865.00 $137,520.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $7,017.00 $126,306.00
Physician Surgeon $7,718.00 $138,924.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Saltillo Campus.

San Luis Potosí Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 Credit Regular load
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,667.00 $128,016.00
International $3,336.00 $160,128.00
Physician Surgeon $2,933.00 $140,784.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $7,189.00 $129,402.00
Physician Surgeon $7,907.00 $142,326.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the San Luis Potosí Campus.

Santa Fe Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 unit Regular load
48 units
Cash Plan
Traditional $3,483.00 $167,184.00
International $4,355.00 $209,040.00
Physician Surgeon $3,831.00 $183,888.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $9,546.00 $171,828.00
Physician Surgeon $10,500.00 $189,000.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Santa Fe Campus.

Sinaloa Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 unit Regular load
48 units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,600.00 $124,800.00
International $3,120.00 $149,760.00
Physician Surgeon $2,860.00 $137,280.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $7,019.00 $126,342.00
Physician Surgeon $7,720.00 $138,960.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Sinaloa Campus.

Sonora Norte Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 unit Regular load
48 units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,643.00 $126,864.00
International $3,304.00 $158,592.00
Physician Surgeon $2,907.00 $139,536.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $7,189.00 $129,402.00
Physician Surgeon $7,907.00 $142,326.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Sonora Norte Campus.

Tampico Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 unit Regular load
48 units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,582.00 $123,936.00
International $3,228.00 $154,944.00
Physician Surgeon $2,840.00 $136,320.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $7,017.00 $126,306.00
Physician Surgeon $7,718.00 $138,924.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Tampico Campus.

Toluca Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 unit Regular load
48 units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,643.00 $126,864.00
International $3,323.00 $159,504.00
Physician Surgeon $2,907.00 $139,536.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $7,189.00 $129,402.00
Physician Surgeon $7,907.00 $142,326.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Toluca Campus.

Zacatecas Campus

(plans prior to 2019) 

  1 unit Regular load
48 units
Cash Plan
Traditional $2,283.00 $109,584.00
International $2,853.00 $136,944.00
Physician Surgeon $2,511.00 $120,528.00

Summer Tec21

  1 Credit Regular Cash
18 Credits
Cash Plan
Traditional $6,088.00 $109,584.00
Physician Surgeon $6,696.00 $120,528.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Zacatecas Campus.

Violeta Valdez - Locutora de radio y estudiante Tec

Violeta Valdez

At last, the opportunity to realize my dream was staring me in the eyes. I had the opportunity, but my family didn’t have the financial resources to help me make it come true. I decided to get a summer job to pay for the trip that would allow me to fulfill my dream of representing Mexico internationally as a singer. There were imbalances between school, work, student life and rehearsals, which taught me how to divide my days up to be more efficient.

It wasn’t easy, but this is my story. 

Hi, my name is Violeta Valdez and I have been the voice of international brands such as  Baby First TV and Nintendo Switch.

My career began when I was very young. My mom is a communicologist, so I have been immersed in that environment since I was five years old, which is why I chose to pursue a degree in marketing at Tec. I remember going with my mom to record a Soriana (Mexican supermarket) commercial and, while I was in the booth, the producer saw how excited I was, listened to my voice and invited me to record the phrase “Soriana a precio por ti”. Right there and then he told my mother she should train me, so she became my teacher, and my life as a presenter began. My first participation in the media was on the radio station frecuencia Tec in a children’s program called Experidivertido. Afterwards, I won more roles through auditions or demo rails, which consist of carrying out tests so that when a brand needs a voice, they contact me.

As a result, I have participated with international brands such as Baby First TV and Nintendo Switch.. I have also had parts on TV and in History Channel series, which has been quite an experience. Being able to train as an actress is something of which I am very proud and would like to return to in the future.
At Tec High School I enjoyed my first international experiences in the arts, with musical theater being one of my hobbies. I was fortunate enough to attend a summer course at Joffrey Ballet School in New York, with teachers from Broadway.

Thanks to my participation in all these Tec High School events, I obtained an arts scholarship to study at Tec, something that fills me with pride.

Right now, I am participating in Ensamble 47 and am a member of the fifth generation of Tec Ambassadors, which I view as a huge responsibility since the ambassadors are the first face a family sees on arriving at Tec, and it is where I tell my story and share my passions. In this program, I have learned to be helpful and I love passing on everything Tec has taught me.  

I am an Outlier because my story begin at Tec and end up changing the world.

"There are small and big roles but no matter what we are great"

You can be an Outlier too! Tell us your story

Rostro de Outlier Estefanía
Violeta Valdez - Locutora de radio y estudiante Tec

Violeta Valdez

Por fin tenía frente a mí, la oportunidad de cumplir mi sueño. Tenía la oportunidad; pero mi familia no tenía los recursos económicos para ayudarme a hacerlo realidad. Decidí comenzar a trabajar durante el verano, para poder pagar el viaje que me llevaría a cumplir el sueño de representar a México a nivel internacional como cantante. Tuve un desbalance entre la escuela, el trabajo, mi vida estudiantil y ensayos. Esto me enseñó a dividir mis días para ser eficiente.

No fue fácil, pero lo logré y esta es mi historia. 

Hola soy Violeta Valdez y he sido voz de marcas internacionales como Baby First TV y Nintendo Switch.

Mi trayectoria comienza desde muy pequeña, mi mamá es comunicóloga, entonces desde que tenía cinco años me sumergí en este ambiente  y es por eso que entre al Tec a la carrera en MercadotecniaRecuerdo que una vez la acompañé a grabar un comercial de Soriana y mientras estaba en la cabina el productor me vio emocionada, escuchó mi voz y me invitó a grabar la frase “Soriana a precio por ti”. Fue ahí cuando le dijo a mi mamá que debería prepararme, desde ese momento mi mamá se convirtió en mi maestra y mi vida como locutora de radio comenzó. El primer medio de comunicación en el que participé fue en frecuencia Tec en un programa de niños llamado Experidivertido

Después fui adquiriendo papeles por audiciones o demo rails, que consiste en hacer pruebas con la intención que cuando una marca necesite una voz, se comuniquen conmigo. Así es como he llegado a participar para marcas internacionales como Baby First TV y Nintendo Switch. También he tenido partes en televisión y series en History Channel, convirtiéndose en toda una experiencia; el poder formarme como actriz es algo de lo que estoy orgullosa y que quiero retomar en el futuro así como locutora de radio.

Dentro del bachillerato en PrepaTec tuve mis experiencias internacionales en áreas artísticas, el teatro musical fue uno de mis hobbies. Tuve la oportunidad de ir a Nueva York a Joffrey Ballet School con maestros de Broadway durante un verano.

Gracias a todos estos eventos en los que participé en PrepaTec obtuve una beca artística en el Tec, algo de lo que me siento muy orgullosa.

Actualmente estoy participando en el Ensamble 47 y soy parte de la quinta generación de Embajadores Tec, lo cual para mí es una gran responsabilidad pues los embajadores somos la primer cara que ve una familia al llegar al Tec, es donde cuento mi historia y comparto mis pasiones. En este programa he aprendido a ser una persona servicial y amo transmitir todo lo que el Tec me ha enseñado. 

Soy una Outlier porque mi historia comienza en el Tec y termina cambiando al mundo.

"Hay papeles grandes y chicos pero somos inmensos."

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Rostro de Outlier Estefanía
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