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Un show de Tec Sounds

Un panel crítico sobre los temas actuales y más apremiantes de la economía, la sociedad y la política de México y del mundo. Los expertos de nuestra Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno profundizan en las diferentes facetas de un mundo lleno de contradicciones y polarización, pero en el que cabe también la esperanza de un futuro más brillante.

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A Tec Sounds' show

Join Tec de Monterrey’s international journey of discovery and creation of the future of higher education. Host Pepe Escamilla and other experts from diverse disciplines will showcase innovative pedagogies, technologies and other educational developments at the service of enhanced learning outcomes.

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Un show de Tec Sounds

Acompaña al Tec de Monterrey en su viaje internacional de descubrimiento y creación del futuro de la educación superior. Nuestro anfitrión, Pepe Escamilla, y otros expertos de diversas disciplinas nos acercarán innovadoras pedagogías, tecnologías y otros desarrollos educativos al servicio de mejores resultados de aprendizaje.

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Historias para llevar

A Tec Sounds' show

The audio version of Conecta, Tec de Monterrey’s news channel. We tell outstanding stories of students, professors, employees and alumni. Get to know the stories of a community that inspires, motivates and puts the name of Mexico in the spotlight.

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Ola de Salud

A Tec Sounds' show

Tec de Monterrey’s doctors, scientists and wellness experts talk about the things that make us live in a healthy, balanced and happy way. Following the pillars of TecSalud's vision of well-being, prevention and longevity, we share advice on these issues, combining science and experience in an entertaining and accessible way.

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Ola de Salud

Un show de Tec Sounds

Los médicos, científicos y expertos de bienestar del Tec de Monterrey hablan sobre las cosas que nos hacen vivir de manera sana, equilibrada y feliz. Siguiendo los pilares de la visión de TecSalud de bienestar, prevención y longevidad compartimos consejos sobre estos temas, combinando ciencia y experiencia de manera entretenida y accesible.

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Tutoriales EXATEC

Encuentra videos tutoriales para las principales preguntas de nuestra comunidad EXATEC


La Tríada - Te presentamos nuestra nueva plataforma



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Leadership and Effective and Efficient Organizations


This group proposes new leadership models, organizational structures, and work dynamics that promote flexible and agile organizations which can transform and adapt to environmental changes.


Research lines

• Leadership with purpose
• Leadership and inclusion
• Women's leadership
• Education and leadership development
• Organizational design and culture
• The future of work and talent in Mexico and Latin America
• Talent training and the future of work
• Flexibility, agility, and change
• Talent management processes


Ajnesh Prasad -

Members of the Leadership thematic area

Elliott Tyler Kruse (Leader)
Ajnesh Prasad
Ana Lissette Segovia Philip
Bárbara Isabel Mojarro Durán
Christian Yarid Ayala Millán
Katia Villafuerte Cardona

Members of the Structural Design and Organizational Culture thematic area

Sergio Manuel Madero Gómez (Leader)
Olivia del Roble Hernández Pozas
Oscar Eliud Ortíz Mendoza

Cadena de suministro y logística inteligente

Sobre el Grupo

Las cadenas de suministro tradicionales se vuelven cada vez más complejas dado que se le integran elementos de tecnologías de información, inteligencia artificial, ciencia de datos que permiten mejorar la rastreabilidad, calidad, eficiencia y reducción de costos. El objetivo del grupo de investigación es generar modelos de toma de decisiones y de optimización tanto para la planeación como para la operación en tiempo real.

En el grupo atacamos las problemáticas de los campos de la logística, la planeación de tareas, la distribución de productos, el transporte de personal, la gestión de almacenes, la operación de puertos, entre otros. Para eso, realizamos modelos matemáticos y proponemos algoritmos de resolución de manera eficiente para obtener soluciones de buena calidad en el menor tiempo posible.

Líneas de investigación

• Análisis, modelación y optimización de Cadenas de suministro.
• Ciencia de datos para la toma de decisiones.
• Logística y transporte inteligentes, sustentables y humanitarios.
• Manufacturing and service operations management.


Yasmín Ríos Solís -


Eva Selene Hernández G. -


Cipriano Santos Borbolla, Profesor de excelencia
David Coit (Profesor visitante - Rutgers University)
Jonathan Montalvo Urquizo
José Andrés García González
Leopoldo Eduardo Cárdenas Barrón
Luisa Fernanda Chaparro Sierra
Martín Flégl
Marzieh Khakifirooz
Mostafa Hajiaghaeikeshteli
Neale Ricardo Smith Cornejo
Omar Ibarra Rojas -
Roberto Wolfler Calvo (Profesor visitante - Universidad Sorbona Norte, Francia)
Víctor Gustavo Tercero Gómez

Investigador posdoctoral

Amirhossein Nobil

Publicaciones más relevantes

Vehicle and reliable driver scheduling for public bus transportation systems
A Andrade-Michel, YA Ríos-Solís, V Boyer
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 145, 290-301

Quantifying Perception of Security Through Social Media and Its Relationship With Crime
Chaparro, Luisa Fernanda; Pulido, Cristian ;Rudas, Jorge ;Victorino, Jorge;Reyes, Ana María; Estrada, Camilo ;Narvaez, Luz Angela ; Gómez, Francisco
IEEE Access, vol. 9 139201-139213

Minimax optimization for recipe management in high-mixed semiconductor lithography process
M Khakifirooz, CF Chien, M Fathi, PM Pardalos
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (8), 4975-4985

Production planning of a furniture manufacturing company with random demand and production capacity using stochastic programming
Gómez-Rocha JE, Hernández-Gress ES, Rivera-Gómez H
PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252801.

Extended formulation and valid inequalities for the multi-item inventory lot-sizing problem with supplier selection
Cárdenas-Barrón, L.E., Melo, R. A., Santos, M. C.
Computers & Operations Research, 130, 105234, 1-12 (2021).

• Gholian-Jouybari, F., Hashemi-Amiri, O., Mosallanezhad, B., & Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, M. (2022). Metaheuristic Algorithms for a Sustainable Agri-food Supply Chain Considering Marketing Practices under Uncertainty. Expert Systems with Applications, 118880.

• Esteban Ogazón, Neale R. Smith, Angel Ruiz (2022) Reconfiguration of foodbank network logistics to cope with a sudden disaster. Mathematics, DOI: 10.3390/math10091420

Proyectos más relevantes

• “Optimizing urban transportation planning for developing countries”, FOP05-2020-01,  Yasmín Ríos Solís, 2021

Vinculación empresarial


Account of a tragedy

A night that marked the history of our institution

The tragic date of March 19, 2010, will forever be in the hearts of everyone at Tecnológico de Monterrey, since the death of our students, Jorge Antonio Mercado Alonso and Javier Francisco Arredondo Verdugo, on our Campus Monterrey, at the hands of members of the Mexican Army, violated our institution and profoundly wounded its community.

Since that terrible moment, at Tecnológico de Monterrey we have implemented actions seeking respect for the dignity and memory of our students and fought for justice and truth. We have endeavored to accompany their family members during the most difficult moments and, together with the community, have publicly and repeatedly condemned the violence and defamation of Jorge and Javier. The following is a brief account of the institution’s main actions in relation to this deplorable, distressing event.


In the first few hours after the events of the 19th, the Nuevo León State Attorney General’s Office informed us that the deceased were two criminals who had been killed in a confrontation with the military. Based on this information, we issued a statement to the community. A few hours later, the institution received evidence that the victims were students from our community. We immediately focused on accompanying and supporting their families in the difficult events that followed, sparing no effort and providing them with psychological and logistical support.
On March 20, once the identity of our students had been confirmed, the then rector of the Tec, Dr. Rafael Rangel Sostmann, apologized publicly for having repeated the initial version given by the authorities during the first hours of the previous day.
The next day, March 21, we published a notice in the principal local newspapers, relating the events and clarifying that the Institution had reported the information shared by the authorities, which was later found to be false.
On Tuesday 23, we held a memorial ceremony with the presence of the deceased students’ families and the attendance of more than 2,500 people.
In the following days, the Tec, through communiqués, notices, interviews and press conferences, protested against the violence and clamored for the vindication of the students’ dignity and memory, condemning the versions that the deceased were criminals and demanding the full truth and that justice be done.
A few weeks later, the Tec promoted the march “Movement for Change”, held on April 11 with the participation of over 2,000 people. Seeking positive action and to contribute to the pressing need to put an end to the climate of insecurity prevailing in the country and, in particular, the city of Monterrey, the Institution presented the “Pronouncement and Proposals to Improve Security in Mexico”, the outcome of a community-wide consultation process, which included five specific claims and proposals.
On April 22, Dr. Rangel went before the Senate of the Republic to present a proposal for the National Security Law in which any members of the armed forces who violate human rights should be tried in civil rather than military courts.
On May 3, posthumous awards for Jorge and Javier were given to their families, and a plaque was placed to represent their legacy and history.
Since then, we have remained in contact with their families and attended follow-up meetings with diverse authorities. In addition, every year the Tec community has paid tribute to Jorge and Javier, with the participation of faculty, students and directors, insisting on clearing their names, the truth being made known and justice being done.
On the nineth anniversary of our students’ death, March 19, 2019, Olga María Sánchez Cordero Dávila, Minister of the Interior, took part in a solemn act at Campus Monterrey, offering a public apology to the parents of the deceased students and to the institution for the actions of the members of the Mexican Army, and the errors and omissions of the authorities in the criminal justice process.

The institution is confident that the authorities will clarify this case in full and take it to its ultimate conclusion. This is what we continue to ask for today.

We will carry on accompanying the families of our students, Jorge and Javier, whose memory will endure in the hearts of each and every member of our community, inspiring us to continue to fight for justice and peace in Mexico. They will be remembered exactly as they were:

“Excellent students, extraordinary students, who, apart from having been awarded scholarships for academic excellence, displayed an exemplary academic performance and an intensive participation in student life.”