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For Tec, entrepreneurship is the human action of starting something with the objective of generating change and transformation that will result in a better world. We view entrepreneurship as an activity that must be anchored in the Tec values of innovation, consciousness, and inclusion, while creating shared value. 

Eugenio Garza Lagüera Entrepreneurship Institute

The Institute was created in 2013 to design and direct the entrepreneurship strategy of Tec de Monterrey. Its purpose is to consolidate a culture that promotes, triggers and celebrates entrepreneurship in order to drive and develop an Entrepreneurial Spirit in our student community and faculty, as well as to accompany the business creation and development process and accelerate the innovative entrepreneurship ecosystem and investment in the institution’s area of influence.

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Instituto de Emprendimiento Eugenio Garza Lagüera

Entrepreneurial Spirit

For us, Entrepreneurial Spirit means the attitude and skills of the people that seek to be agents of change, who are not satisfied with the status quo and are willing to take action to change it.

Our aim is to convey, through education, the entrepreneurship skills and competencies  that will be useful for life in the search for opportunities within a changing, uncertain environment for the new generations, enabling them to make the most of the enormous possibilities that may arise. 

Espíritu emprendedor
Fostering entrepreneurship

Our goal is to help individuals and organizations find a fertile path for their entrepreneurial aspirations. Our approach will be systemic, including incentives for each and every actor, and inspirational to attract and connect external partners and other actors. We aim to have an impact on and be open to the entire Tec community (students, faculty, collaborators, and alumni), as well as players from the outside world. It includes four avenues of action:

Desarrollo de habilidades y competencias
Development of skills and competencies
Acompañamiento a emprendedores
Accompaniment for entrepreneurs

Creation and potentialization of entrepreneurship - careers, programs and concentrations on entrepreneurship.


Entrepreneurship Offers
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