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Cindy Jiménez

Outliers - Cindy Jimenez


"Cuando le encuentras un propósito a algo que te gusta, lo demás sale naturalmente."

Un día le escribí a mi mamá “Mamá no vas a saber nada de mí dentro de 2 semanas”, y me fui a vivir con orangutanes en medio de la jungla de Indonesia.

Soy Cindy Jiménez y fui nombrada como una de las 50 mujeres más influyentes en el Tec de Monterrey.

Mi historia comienza desde Prepa Tec, posteriormente estudié Ingeniería en Desarrollo Sustentable. Aunque desde chiquita me ha gustado el tema del medio ambiente, yo soñaba con ser abogada. Tiempo después me di cuenta de que no me veía con la constitución mexicana, sino aprendiendo del medio ambiente y entendiendo cómo funcionan los sistemas para poder cambiarlos.

Tuve una vida estudiantil muy activa. Fui creciendo dentro de la sociedad de alumnos de mi carrera hasta que llegué a ser presidenta, con la intención de tener trascendencia.

Al mismo tiempo crecí en INCMty, el festival de emprendimiento más grande de Latinoamérica, donde gracias a personas como Rob Ryan y Josué Delgado, quienes vieron potencial en mí, logré convertirme en directora general del voluntariado durante 2 años, teniendo a mi cargo a 600 voluntarios, ya que es un evento de 10 mil personas.

Más adelante en mi carrera, tuve la oportunidad de irme de intercambio a Hong Kong, donde hice prácticas en una consultora llamada “The desk” dando servicios de relaciones públicas. Como parte de la experiencia en el extranjero, di clases de español y con lo que ahorré me pagué voluntariados y viajes. Hice 2 voluntariados, el primero fue en la jungla de Indonesia. Por dos semanas estuve incomunicada realizando mapeo de orangutanes, también conocido como GPS Tracking. El segundo voluntariado fue en “Giant Panda Breeding Center Research” Chengdu, China;

rehabilitando pandas que habían sido habitados en los centros por temas de deforestación, con el propósito de que en algún punto puedan regresar a sus hábitats. 

Mi otra experiencia internacional fue a UC Berkeley, me fui como estudiante, pero quería trabajar en el extranjero. Encontré una vacante en CVC Monterrey en redes sociales y apliqué, mandé muchos correos hasta que me contestaron uno, fue así como hice un research internship en “Energy and Climate Institute”, UC Berkeley. Fue un proyecto muy interesante porque, aunque el proyecto estaba basado en las ciudades metropolitanas de México, estaba desarrollado en el estado de California en Estados Unidos, trabajando temas de electro movilidad y energías limpias.

En la recta final de mi carrera empecé con prácticas en Sintec Consulting, donde ahora trabajo ya como egresada. En un inicio era una consultora tradicional, pero orgullosa de mi carrera, le comenté al director Gabriel Briesca que era necesario tener algún proyecto de sustentabilidad. Él confió en mí y ahora el proyecto con enfoque en la ODS es uno de los tracks más importantes. 

Hace 4 años, en 2017, fui reconocida por el Foro Mujeres Líderes de México del Tec de Monterrey y quiero replicar este track de empoderamiento de la mujer en Sintec para que haya un antes y un después en temas de sustentabilidad y empoderamiento de la mujer.

Todas estas experiencias me hicieron darme cuenta de lo importante que es rodearme de personas que inspiran y apoyan. Seguir aprendiendo con ellos, como ellos de ti. No siempre se tiene que ser el héroe de la historia, sino que también se puede ser el acompañante, pues sin él no existiría un héroe. 

Soy un Outlier porque mi historia comienza en el Tec y termina cambiando el mundo.

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¡Tú también puedes ser un Outlier! Cuéntanos tu historia

Rostro de Outlier Estefanía
He leído y acepto los términos de AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD.
Yoku Sashida

Outliers - Yoku Sashida


“I think that having your life thrown off balance isn’t something bad; at times falling with style is necessary.”

People talk about balance and having to find calm in your life in order to live a fulfilling life, but I think that in order to advance and grow, we sometimes need to be thrown off balance.  

I am Yoku Sashida, co-founder of Kenko, a company that creates and develops technologies for improving and saving lives.

I studied a degree in Biomedical Engineering at Tec and an MBA at EGADE. At present, I am the director of Soluciones Kenko SA de CV, a technology and innovation integration firm focused on healthcare. We innovate to improve and save people’s lives.

The project that had the greatest impact on my university life was one that was practically unreachable for a group of three students. It consisted of creating an instrumentation channel that could collect brain signals known as EEG, or electroencephalogram, and pass them through a signal processing system in order to identify three different thoughts in the brain.

I learned so much from this project, from the technical skills for signal acquisition and Artificial Intelligence algorithms, to the importance of teamwork and persistence.

When you study biomedical engineering, you gradually realize that there are few opportunities to innovate and create technology that will have an impact on society. That frustration or sense of impotence in the market is what drives me and my partner, Daniel, to embark upon this enterprise. We had a medical device development called Ecglove, an electrocardiogram in the form of a glove 


You just have to touch the upper part of the patient’s chest with the glove to determine the electrical activity and receive diagnosis suggestions. When we couldn’t find a contract manufacturer to support us, we said, why can’t we be the small-scale contract manufacturer that helps entrepreneurs, researchers, and companies that are seeking to innovate and develop technology on a low scale. And that is how our company came into being.

Soluciones Kenko was founded on October 5, 2017, with just two partners. We built a technology assembly plant that today is the first of its type in obtaining good manufacturing practices for medical devices, authorized by Cofepris. And from just two people, we now have a group of 16 engineers who export technology development services to first-world countries.

As an entrepreneur, it is almost impossible to sleep well knowing for certain that everything will be all right. There is a constant feeling of uncertainty and anxiety that eats away at you as a person and that can easily be transmitted to your work group. Therefore, I consider that the biggest challenge one faces is to be resilient.

Some of the achievements that make me feel proud of who I am include remaining close to my family, having received Cofepris certification, and knowing that the devices we make save lives. With resilience, I have managed to obtain and share good results with the community so that, together, we can reach the next level of well-being in our country and in the world.

I am an Outlier because my story starts at Tec and ends up changing the world.

You can be an Outlier too! Tell us your story

Outlier Estefanía's face
Yoku Sashida

Outliers - Yoku Sashida


"Yo creo que desbalancearse en la vida no es algo malo, a veces es necesario caer con estilo."

La gente habla sobre el balance y que tienes que encontrar la calma en tu vida para poder vivir plenamente, pero yo creo que para avanzar y crecer también hay que desbalancearse a veces.

Soy Yoku Sashida cofundador de Kenko, empresa dedicada a crear y desarrollar tecnologías para mejorar y salvar vidas. 

Estudié la carrera de Ingeniería Biomédica en el Tec y tengo una maestría en Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la EGADE. Actualmente me encuentro dirigiendo Soluciones Kenko SA de CV, una empresa de integración tecnológica e innovación enfocada en el área de la salud. Innovamos para mejorar y salvar la vida de las personas.

El proyecto que más marcó mi vida universitaria fue uno que era prácticamente inalcanzable para un grupo de 3 estudiantes. Consistía en hacer un canal de instrumentación que pudiera recabar las señales del cerebro conocidas como EEG o electroencefalograma y pasarlas por un procesamiento de señal para después poder identificar 3 diferentes pensamientos del cerebro.

Aprendí mucho en este proyecto, desde habilidades técnicas de adquisición de señal y algoritmos de inteligencia artificial, hasta la importancia del trabajo en equipo y la resiliencia.

Cuando vas estudiando ingeniería biomédica te vas dando cuenta de que son pocas las oportunidades para innovar y crear tecnología que tenga un impacto en la sociedad. Ese coraje o sentido de impotencia dentro del mercado nos hace a mí y a Daniel, mi socio, aventurarnos en este emprendimiento. Teníamos un desarrollo de un dispositivo médico que se llama el Ecglove, un electrocardiograma en forma de un guante 


que con tan solo tocar la parte superior del pecho del paciente se podía conocer su actividad eléctrica y darte sugerencias de diagnóstico. Al no encontrar un contract manufacturer que nos apoyara dijimos por qué nosotros no somos ese contract manufacturer de pequeña escala que ayude a los emprendedores, investigadores, y empresas que buscan innovar y desarrollar tecnología a baja escala. Así nació nuestra empresa.

Soluciones Kenko se fundó el 5 de octubre del 2017 con solamente dos socios. Construimos una planta de ensamble tecnológico que hoy en día, es la primera de su tipo en obtener buenas prácticas de manufactura para dispositivos médicos, avalada por la Cofepris. Y de pasar de 2 personas, ahora somos un grupo de 16 ingenieros que exportan servicios de desarrollo tecnológico a los países de primer mundo.

Como emprendedor, es casi imposible dormir tranquilo con la certeza de que todo va a salir bien. Constantemente hay un sentimiento de incertidumbre y de ansiedad que te carcome como persona y que fácilmente puede transmitirse a tu grupo de trabajo. Por eso, considero que el reto más grande al que uno se enfrenta es ser resiliente.

Algunos logros que me hacen sentir orgulloso de quién soy son el mantenerme cercano a mi familia, haber conseguido la certificación de Cofepris y saber que los dispositivos que hacemos salvan vidas. Con resiliencia, he podido conseguir y compartir buenos resultados con la comunidad para, juntos, llegar al siguiente nivel de bienestar tanto en el país como en el mundo.

Soy un Outlier porque mi historia comienza en el Tec y termina cambiando el mundo.

Descubre más historias

¡Tú también puedes ser un Outlier! Cuéntanos tu historia

Outlier Estefanía's face
He leído y acepto los términos de AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD.

Manuel Álvarez Fuentes - Faculty

Profesor, Manuel Álvarez Fuentes, Faculty

Manuel Álvarez Fuentes


Campus Mexico City, School of Architecture, Art and Design, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Design and Visual Communication
Industrial design



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Manuel Álvarez Fuentes Studied Industrial Design at the Universidad Iberoamericana 1967-1971. He obtained a Master's Degree in Design at the Royal College of Art in 1975. He has 47 years of experience in teaching and as a consultant in design: products, furniture, interiors, packaging, signage and visual communication. 

Founder of CODIGRAM. Member of the Board of Directors of ICSID. He actively participated in diCorp Diseño Corporativo SA de CV in Querétaro for 20 years. Leader of Innovation in ALFHER Porcewol and currently develops consultancies in product design and signage. Jury since 2008 of the Red Dot Product Design Award in Essen, Germany. 

Professor of Industrial Design at Tecnológico de Monterrey Querétaro Campus 1991-1993 in Architecture, 2008-2017 at LDI, Mexico City Campus at LDI 2018-2019. Professor of the Chair in the Industrial Design Degree at the Universidad Iberomericana 2018-2019, He was Full Time Professor at the Universidad Iberoamericana from 1975-1976, 1978-1986. Director of the Department of Industrial Design and Graphic from 1978 to 1982. Full Time Professor at the UAM-Xochimilco from 1976 - 1978, Founder of the Degree in Industrial Design (Study Plans). Professor for Opposition in the Graduate of Industrial Design in the Graduate Unit - Faculty of Architecture UNAM 1982- 1987. 

Vice-president of CANCINTRA Deleg. Querétaro, 2006-2010. Expert in Signage and Innovation. He has been an Advisor to ALFHER Porcewol SA de CV for more than 35 years.

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Teaching Activities

Experience Design

Innovation in Business Models and Family Business Management

Professional Insertion Project

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Education and Training

Bachelor of Industrial Design, Universidad Iberoamericana

Master in Design, Royal College of Art

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Awards and Honors

Jury, conferred by Red Dot Award Concept Design, 2018

Manuel Álvarez Fuentes - Faculty

Manuel Álvarez Fuentes

Manuel Álvarez Fuentes


Campus Ciudad de México, Escuela de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Diseño y comunicación visual
Diseño industrial



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Manuel Álvarez Fuentes Studied Industrial Design at the Universidad Iberoamericana 1967-1971. He obtained a Master's Degree in Design at the Royal College of Art in 1975. He has 47 years of experience in teaching and as a consultant in design: products, furniture, interiors, packaging, signage and visual communication. 

Founder of CODIGRAM. Member of the Board of Directors of ICSID. He actively participated in diCorp Diseño Corporativo SA de CV in Querétaro for 20 years. Leader of Innovation in ALFHER Porcewol and currently develops consultancies in product design and signage. Jury since 2008 of the Red Dot Product Design Award in Essen, Germany. 

Professor of Industrial Design at Tecnológico de Monterrey Querétaro Campus 1991-1993 in Architecture, 2008-2017 at LDI, Mexico City Campus at LDI 2018-2019. Professor of the Chair in the Industrial Design Degree at the Universidad Iberomericana 2018-2019, He was Full Time Professor at the Universidad Iberoamericana from 1975-1976, 1978-1986. Director of the Department of Industrial Design and Graphic from 1978 to 1982. Full Time Professor at the UAM-Xochimilco from 1976 - 1978, Founder of the Degree in Industrial Design (Study Plans). Professor for Opposition in the Graduate of Industrial Design in the Graduate Unit - Faculty of Architecture UNAM 1982- 1987. 

Vice-president of CANCINTRA Deleg. Querétaro, 2006-2010. Expert in Signage and Innovation. He has been an Advisor to ALFHER Porcewol SA de CV for more than 35 years.

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Teaching Activities

Experience Design

Innovation in Business Models and Family Business Management

Professional Insertion Project

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Education and Training

Bachelor of Industrial Design, Universidad Iberoamericana

Master in Design, Royal College of Art

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Awards and Honors

Jury, conferred by Red Dot Award Concept Design, 2018

Olivia Chapa Miñana - Faculty

Olivia Chapa Miñana, Profesora

Olivia Chapa Miñana


Campus Estado de México, School of Architecture, Art and Design, Tecnológico de Monterrey.



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Graduated as Architect Engineer at the National Polytechnic Institute in 1986, Olivia has been dedicated to the design and construction of residential housing since then and her passion for teaching led her to combine both activities.

She studied Education Sciences, first the bachelor's degree and then the master's degree. She obtained a master's degree in Urban Planning focusing on Real Estate Development from UNAM, and a degree with the thesis "Objective Choice of Land Use in Properties with High Social Impact."

She performs real estate valuation and evaluation of investment projects. She teaches subjects related to projects, costs and construction systems. In addition, she teaches the Leadership for Construction Administration module in the Construction Administration diploma at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

She is developing the thesis for the Doctorate in Urbanism with the theme Urban habitability in pedestrian roads.

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Teaching Activities

Projects and costs

Construction systems

Leadership for Construction Administration

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Education and Training

Architect Engineer, National Polytechnic Institute

Master of Urbanism with a specialty in Real Estate Development, UNAM

Olivia Chapa Miñana - Faculty

olivia chapa

Olivia Chapa Miñana


Campus Estado de México, Escuela de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño, Tecnológico de Monterrey.



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Graduated as Architect Engineer at the National Polytechnic Institute in 1986, Olivia has been dedicated to the design and construction of residential housing since then and her passion for teaching led her to combine both activities.

She studied Education Sciences, first the bachelor's degree and then the master's degree. She obtained a master's degree in Urban Planning focusing on Real Estate Development from UNAM, and a degree with the thesis "Objective Choice of Land Use in Properties with High Social Impact."

She performs real estate valuation and evaluation of investment projects. She teaches subjects related to projects, costs and construction systems. In addition, she teaches the Leadership for Construction Administration module in the Construction Administration diploma at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

She is developing the thesis for the Doctorate in Urbanism with the theme Urban habitability in pedestrian roads.

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Teaching Activities

Projects and costs

Construction systems

Leadership for Construction Administration

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Education and Training

Architect Engineer, National Polytechnic Institute

Master of Urbanism with a specialty in Real Estate Development, UNAM

Bonnie J. Palifka - Faculty

Bonnie J. Palifka

Bonnie J. Palifka


Campus Monterrey, School of Social Sciences and Government, Tecnológico de Monterrey.





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Dr. Bonnie Palifka has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Texas at Austin, from which she also received her M.A. in Economics. She has a BA in Economics and Latin American Studies from the University of Vermont.

A professor in the Department of Economics at Tecnológico de Monterrey since 1998, Dr. Palifka has also taught at Yale University since 2011. In 2004, she designed and began teaching the pioneering course, "The Economics of Corruption," at Tecnológico de Monterrey. She has taught versions of this subject for Yale Summer Session and Yale Summer Online; During the Spring 2021 semester, he taught “Transnational Corruption, Crime, and Money Laundering” for Yale University. Her focus on corruption has also led her to speak at conferences at the World Bank and the United Nations.

She is the founder and organizer of the Academy Against Corruption in the Americas conference and has consulted for Transparency International and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. She received the Rómulo Garza award for the second edition of the book Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences and Reforms (co-authored with Susan Rose-Ackerman). Her most recent publications are book chapters, “Corruption, Organized Crime, and the Public Sector in Mexico,” in the Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration, and “Mexico's National Anti-Corruption System” (co-authored with María de los Ángeles Estrada and Ingrid Valeria Galicia González) in Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin America. Dr. Palifka is a member of the civil society organizations Citizens Against Corruption and the Anti-Corruption Coalition.

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Teaching Activities

  • Anticorruption in Government, Firms, and Society
  • Corruption: Causes and Consequences
  • Economic History
  • Enterprise Economics
  • International Economic Politic
  • Macroeconomic Environment

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Education and Training

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Master in Science, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Bachelor of Arts, The University of Vermont
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  • Palifka, Bonnie J., María de los Ángeles Estrada, and Ingrid Valeria Galicia González.  “Mexico’s National Anti-Corruption System,” in Joseph Pozsgai, ed., Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin America, Routledge Corruption and Anti-Corruption Studies, 2021

  • Palifka, Bonnie J. “Corruption, Organized Crime and the Public Sector in Mexico,” in Adam Graycar, ed., Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration, Edward Elgar, 2020

  • Rose-Ackerman, Susan, and Bonnie J. Palifka. “Corruption, Organized Crime, and Money Laundering,” in Kaushik Basu and Tito Cordella, eds., Institutions, Governance and the Control of Corruption. NY: Palgrave, 2018

  • Rose-Ackerman, Susan and Bonnie J. Palifka. "Corruption and Government :Causes, Consequences and Reform, 2nd edition, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018

  • Sañudo Martha y Bonnie J. Palifka. “Corrupción Académica y su Influencia en la Democracia (Academic Corruption and Its Influence on Democracy)”. Veritas 2018 

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Awards and Honors

  • Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 1 (Palifka,Bonnie J.)

Bonnie J. Palifka - Faculty

Bonnie Jo Palifka

Bonnie J. Palifka


Campus Monterrey, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno, Tecnológico de Monterrey.





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Dr. Bonnie Palifka has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Texas at Austin, from which she also received her M.A. in Economics. She has a BA in Economics and Latin American Studies from the University of Vermont.

A professor in the Department of Economics at Tecnológico de Monterrey since 1998, Dr. Palifka has also taught at Yale University since 2011. In 2004, she designed and began teaching the pioneering course, "The Economics of Corruption," at Tecnológico de Monterrey. She has taught versions of this subject for Yale Summer Session and Yale Summer Online; During the Spring 2021 semester, he taught “Transnational Corruption, Crime, and Money Laundering” for Yale University. Her focus on corruption has also led her to speak at conferences at the World Bank and the United Nations.

She is the founder and organizer of the Academy Against Corruption in the Americas conference and has consulted for Transparency International and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. She received the Rómulo Garza award for the second edition of the book Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences and Reforms (co-authored with Susan Rose-Ackerman). Her most recent publications are book chapters, “Corruption, Organized Crime, and the Public Sector in Mexico,” in the Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration, and “Mexico's National Anti-Corruption System” (co-authored with María de los Ángeles Estrada and Ingrid Valeria Galicia González) in Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin America. Dr. Palifka is a member of the civil society organizations Citizens Against Corruption and the Anti-Corruption Coalition.

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Teaching Activities

  • Anticorruption in Government, Firms, and Society
  • Corruption: Causes and Consequences
  • Economic History
  • Enterprise Economics
  • International Economic Politic
  • Macroeconomic Environment

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Education and Training

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Master in Science, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Bachelor of Arts, The University of Vermont
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  • Palifka, Bonnie J., María de los Ángeles Estrada, and Ingrid Valeria Galicia González.  “Mexico’s National Anti-Corruption System,” in Joseph Pozsgai, ed., Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin America, Routledge Corruption and Anti-Corruption Studies, 2021

  • Palifka, Bonnie J. “Corruption, Organized Crime and the Public Sector in Mexico,” in Adam Graycar, ed., Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration, Edward Elgar, 2020

  • Rose-Ackerman, Susan, and Bonnie J. Palifka. “Corruption, Organized Crime, and Money Laundering,” in Kaushik Basu and Tito Cordella, eds., Institutions, Governance and the Control of Corruption. NY: Palgrave, 2018

  • Rose-Ackerman, Susan and Bonnie J. Palifka. "Corruption and Government :Causes, Consequences and Reform, 2nd edition, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018

  • Sañudo Martha y Bonnie J. Palifka. “Corrupción Académica y su Influencia en la Democracia (Academic Corruption and Its Influence on Democracy)”. Veritas 2018 

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Awards and Honors

  • Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 1 (Palifka,Bonnie J.)

José Rodrigo de la O Campos - Faculty

José Rodrigo de la O Campos, Profesor y Director de Departamento Regional Diseño

José Rodrigo de la O Campos

Professor and Regional Design Department Director

Campus Ciudad de México, School of Architecture, Art and Design, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Visual Communication
Industrial Design



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José Rodrigo de la O Campos is interested in the way design relates to society in Mexico from its aesthetic, social and economic aspects. He sees as alarming the little clarity surrounding what this discipline can achieve, therefore, in addition to practicing it he aims to spread its potential. 

To him, his profession is everything but boring: one day he gets to design a chair inspired in sonideros and the next, to analyze mexican flora as an inspiration source for design in precious metals or to create prototypes of alternate reality. This is why, although his projects revolve around Critical Design, the topics he covers in his classes go from understanding the issues that affect Mexico City to cumbia-playing robots or digital manufacturing machines that utilize cochineal dye. 

In Netherlands, de la O Campos learnt to respect the concept of a project and its communication. Afterwards, he aimed his work towards Critical Design to promote reflection on consumption and the status quo. Que considers design to be an attitude to face adversity and minimize risks with; however, he claims that public and private sectors in Mexico have not understood the significance of investing in culture, innovation, science, technology and design; the latter being the main link between the former and everyday life.

As an academic at the School of Architecture, Art and Design of the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, de la O constantly contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and literacy in design. Through his academic programs, he has collaborated with The Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum, the Home Smart division of Ikea, and other NGOs and institutions.

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Teaching Activities

  • Design Project
  • Experience Design
  • Futurology in Industrial Design
  • Innovation, Design and Business Setting
  • Object Photography
  • Product and System Design
  • Product and service design
  • Professional Insertion Project
  • Strategic Design
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Education and Training

Bachelor of Industrial Design, Universidad Iberoamericana

Master in Design, Design Academy Eindhoven 

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Awards and Honors

Tenth National Design Biennial: First Prize Professional Category, conferred by INBA, 2019