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Gestión Profesional Ágil de Proyectos. Principios, Valores y Metodologías

Objetivo del programa

Ser referente para la certificación de las personas que diseñan e implementan una estrategia de transformación en las organizaciones a través de la incorporación de conocimientos, herramientas, técnicas y procesos para la consolidación de un equipo de trabajo autónomo capaz de gestionar con agilidad sus proyectos. El participante podrá desarrollar y poner en marcha las estrategias para la gestión de cambio en la organización encaminadas a integrar la cultura de agilidad en la gestión de proyectos mediante la selección de procesos, técnicas y herramientas apropiadas para el equipo de trabajo. Lo anterior, lo logrará a través del desarrollo de las siguientes competencias: -Gestión ágil de proyectos -Trabajo en equipo -Liderazgo de servicio


Habilidades por desarrollar:

Con este programa lograrás:

  • La capacidad de responder y adaptarse a los cambios oportunamente para mantener la generación de valor en la organización que satisfaga los requerimientos de sus clientes.

Dirigido a:

Responsables de proyectos clave en la empresa, cuente con al menos 3 años de experiencia en gestión de proyectos, tenga una licenciatura terminada y posea conocimientos de administración de proyectos y software de proyectos.



  • Duración: 170 horas 
  • Modalidad: Live

Estrategia de Negocios

Objetivo del programa

Ser referente para la certificación en identificar estrategias que favorezcan el desarrollo del negocio, a través del diagnóstico organizacional, aprovechando sus fortalezas y su realidad actual, para definir acciones que favorezcan su estabilidad y permanencia en el mercado a largo plazo.


Habilidades por desarrollar:

Con este programa lograrás:

  • Tener una perspectiva más general del ambiente que rodea el ámbito de las decisiones en la empresa, revisando área por área los detalles que lleva cada perspectiva del manejo del negocio.

Dirigido a:

Esta certificación es ideal para ti si eres empresario, tomador de decisiones o eres recién egresado de las licenciaturas en administración, mercadotecnia, negocios internacionales, finanzas, economía y áreas afines; así como ingeniero en posiciones estratégicas en tu organización. Asimismo, cuentas con al menos 3 años de experiencia laboral y posees personal a tu cargo.  



  • Duración: 140 horas 
  • Modalidad: Live

3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Additive Manufacturing!


Campus Monterrey

Presencial y transmisión en vivo | Pabellón Carreta, Campus Monterrey
Dirigido a
Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing

Join the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Additive Manufacturing!

¡Forma parte del 3er Congreso Internacional sobre Materiales Avanzados y Fabricación Aditiva! Explora las implicaciones del nearshoring y cómo esta práctica mejora la agilidad operativa y la eficiencia, respondiendo a la demanda de sostenibilidad al reducir la huella de carbono y fortalecer las cadenas de suministro regionales.  

A través del IAMSM (Instituto de Materiales Avanzados para la Manufactura Sustentable), el Tecnológico de Monterrey realiza su 3er congreso donde reúne a los mejores investigadores y expertos en la materia para discutir los últimos avances y retos. 

¡No te lo pierdas! Regístrate aquí.

Andrea Velázquez

Agustina Giraudy - Faculty

Agustina Giraudy

Agustina Giraudy

Distinguished Visiting Professor in Democracy

and Populism

School of Social Sciences and Government

School of Government and Public Transformation


Subnational politics
Subnational and national governments
Democratic and semi-authoritarian regimes

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Dr. Agustina Giraudy is a full professor (tenured) of Political Science in the School of International Service at the American University (AU). She was previously an academy scholar at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies at Harvard University and a lecturer at the Torcuato Di Tella University and the San Andrés University, in Argentina.

She also worked as a consultant for organizations such as the World Bank, the Ford Foundation, and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).

Currently, her work focuses on the analysis of subnational and national democracies and semi-authoritarian regimes, unequal access to public goods, and institutional accountability. Her research explores the causes and consequences of unequal territorial access in LATAM and the U.S., and how this affects citizens’ rights in all spheres: civil, political, economic, and social. 

She is the author of multiple articles in peer-reviewed journals and two books, including Democrats and Autocrats. Pathways of Subnational Undemocratic Regime Continuity within Democratic Countries (Oxford University Press, 2015).

She has been recognized with several awards, including the Dean’s Summer Research Award (AU, 2022) and the Best Journal Article of Regional and Federal Studies published in 2019 (2020), among many others.

Agustina Giraudy joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Democracy and Populism for the School of Social Sciences and Government and for the School of Government and Public Transformation.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  
  • M.A., Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
  • B.A., Political Science, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella 
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  • Alcañiz, I., & Giraudy, A. (2022). From international organizations to local governments: how foreign environmental aid reaches subnational beneficiaries in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. Environmental Politics, 32(4), 663–683.

  • Giraudy, A., & Niedzwiecki, S. (2021). Multi-level governance and subnational research: Similarities, differences, and knowledge accumulation in the study of territorial politics. Regional & Federal Studies, 32(3), 393–411.

  • Diaz-Rioseco, D. and Giraudy, A. (2021), Unconditional Transfers Are Not Oil: The Economic Foundations of Subnational Undemocratic Regime Reproduction. Bull Lat Am Res, 40: 730-749.

  • Cyril Bennouna, Agustina Giraudy, Eduardo Moncada, Eva Rios, Richard Snyder, Paul Testa, Pandemic Policymaking in Presidential Federations: Explaining Subnational Responses to Covid-19 in Brazil, Mexico, and the United States, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Volume 51, Issue 4, Fall 2021, Pages 570–600,

  • Benton, A. (2021). Inside Countries: Subnational Research in Comparative Politics. Edited by Agustina Giraudy, Eduardo Moncada, and Richard Snyder. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Perspectives on Politics, 19(1), 295–297. doi:10.1017/S1537592720004326

More information

Agustina Giraudy - Faculty

Agustina Giraudy

Agustina Giraudy

Profesora Visitante Distinguida en Democracia y Populismo

Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno

Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación Pública


Política subnacional
Gobiernos subnacionales y nacionales
Regímenes democráticos y semiautoritarios

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Dr. Agustina Giraudy is a full professor (tenured) of Political Science in the School of International Service at the American University (AU). She was previously an academy scholar at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies at Harvard University and a lecturer at the Torcuato Di Tella University and the San Andrés University, in Argentina.

She also worked as a consultant for organizations such as the World Bank, the Ford Foundation, and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).

Currently, her work focuses on the analysis of subnational and national democracies and semi-authoritarian regimes, unequal access to public goods, and institutional accountability. Her research explores the causes and consequences of unequal territorial access in LATAM and the U.S., and how this affects citizens’ rights in all spheres: civil, political, economic, and social. 

She is the author of multiple articles in peer-reviewed journals and two books, including Democrats and Autocrats. Pathways of Subnational Undemocratic Regime Continuity within Democratic Countries (Oxford University Press, 2015).

She has been recognized with several awards, including the Dean’s Summer Research Award (AU, 2022) and the Best Journal Article of Regional and Federal Studies published in 2019 (2020), among many others.

Agustina Giraudy joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Democracy and Populism for the School of Social Sciences and Government and for the School of Government and Public Transformation.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  
  • M.A., Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
  • B.A., Political Science, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella 
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  • Alcañiz, I., & Giraudy, A. (2022). From international organizations to local governments: how foreign environmental aid reaches subnational beneficiaries in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. Environmental Politics, 32(4), 663–683.

  • Giraudy, A., & Niedzwiecki, S. (2021). Multi-level governance and subnational research: Similarities, differences, and knowledge accumulation in the study of territorial politics. Regional & Federal Studies, 32(3), 393–411.

  • Diaz-Rioseco, D. and Giraudy, A. (2021), Unconditional Transfers Are Not Oil: The Economic Foundations of Subnational Undemocratic Regime Reproduction. Bull Lat Am Res, 40: 730-749.

  • Cyril Bennouna, Agustina Giraudy, Eduardo Moncada, Eva Rios, Richard Snyder, Paul Testa, Pandemic Policymaking in Presidential Federations: Explaining Subnational Responses to Covid-19 in Brazil, Mexico, and the United States, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Volume 51, Issue 4, Fall 2021, Pages 570–600,

  • Benton, A. (2021). Inside Countries: Subnational Research in Comparative Politics. Edited by Agustina Giraudy, Eduardo Moncada, and Richard Snyder. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Perspectives on Politics, 19(1), 295–297. doi:10.1017/S1537592720004326

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Portada Instituto de Materiales Avanzados-Tec de Monterrey

Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing

At Tec de Monterrey, state of the art knowledge and research about advanced materials and manufacturing models are the best way to resolve the enormous challenges that have resulted from the current development model.

We want to contribute to a carbon-neutral economy through the discovery, development, and creation of advanced materials to achieve sustainable manufacturing. 
At IAMSM, our purpose is to forge cutting-edge scientific and technological knowledge, offering insightful analyses, innovative ideas, and solutions that propel a sustainable production model. 
Through interdisciplinary collaboration, we generate advanced materials, pioneering manufacturing processes, and technology-based businesses while advocating for supportive public policies. 

Our vision extends beyond innovation; we envision a future where sustainable manufacturing is not just a practice but a global standard. We strive to be the catalysts for a paradigm shift in the industry, leading towards a harmonious coexistence between technological progress and ecological preservation. 


Creation of the Institute and first International Conference


Additive Manufacturing Core Lab Inauguration 
Strategic Partners: Southwest, MIT, NTU, Alberta


10 Professors Top 500 LATAM


LATAM Top Institute for research and collaboration


Embarking on a transformative journey, IAMSM directs its focus towards six interdisciplinary areas, each a beacon of innovation in the pursuit of sustainable manufacturing.  

impact areas serve as the compass guiding our pursuit of transformative change. 

Additive Manufacturing

Revolutionizing creation through precision and efficiency in 3D printing. 

smart materials

Smart Materials 
Intelligent materials adapting, pushing boundaries in functionality & design. 

Plasticos sostenibles

Sustainable Plastics 
Reshaping materials with eco-friendly alternatives for a sustainable future. 

gestion de bioresiduos

Biowaste Management 
Transforming waste into valuable resources, embracing circular economy principles.  

co2 productos and capture

CO2 Products and Capture 
Harnessing CO2 for positive environmental impact, beyond mere mitigation.  

tecnologias digitales

Digital Technologies 
Harmonizing tech and sustainability for accelerated eco-friendly manufacturing solutions. 

IAMSM Materiales


Our Institute operates at the forefront of materials science, driving innovation across nine key research areas, from pioneering lightweight and intelligent materials to innovating manufacturing processes and enabling technologies. We're committed to collaborative research, our approach ensures seamless integration between units, fostering interdisciplinary synergy for transformative solutions. 

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- Lightweight Materials 
- Smart Materials 
- Biopolymers

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- High-Performance Manufacturing 
- Sensing and Smart Manufacturing

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- For Rapid Material Discovery and Development 
- For Process Optimization and Redesign

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- CO2 Capture, Utilization, and Mitigation 
- Bioprocesses 

Nuestras colaboraciones

Industry collaborations

From industry giants to innovative disruptors, our collaborative network is a testament to the shared dedication to transformative progress and the collective pursuit of a more sustainable future.  

Academic collaborations

Our strategic alliances span from leading academic institutions, both nationally and internationally. Together, we drive innovation and advanced sustainable manufacturing practices through collaborative research partnerships to tackle the most pressing challenges facing our world today.  

Learn about the technological challenges and support policies necessary to strengthen the productive chains required by nearshoring investments in Mexico.


Download the report here (spanish version)

Projects and publications
Contact Us
Instituto de Materiales Avanzados para la Manufactura Sostenible
He leído y acepto los términos y condiciones del AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD
Follow us at our official IAMSM social media channels:Icon linkedin

Programa para Estudiantes Mexicanos de Ingenierías y Ciencias Naturales (KOSPIE)


La Vicerrectoría de Internacionalización se complace en participar de la cooperación académica con universidades alemanas del Servicio Alemán de Intercambio Académico (DAAD).

El DAAD y el Tecnológico de Monterrey ofrecen el programa KOSPIE a estudiantes de la Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, el cual tiene duración de un año en Alemania combinando aspectos teóricos, prácticos y culturales.

Carreras específicas para participar: BIE, BME, IAG, IAL, IBT, IC, IDM, IDS, IE, IFI, IID, IIS, IM, IMD, IMT, INA, IQ, IRS, ITC, ITD.

Descarga la convocatoria AQUÍ >

Día del Voluntariado Tec 2024

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Voluntariado Tec.

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Voluntariado EXATEC

Floyd "Ski" Chilton

Floyd "Ski" Chilton

Floyd "Ski" Chilton

Distinguished Visiting Professor in Functional Genomics

School of Medicine and Health Sciences


Gene-diet interactions
Cardiometabolic diseases
Racial/ethnic health disparities
Metabolomics and lipidomics

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Dr. Floyd “Ski” Chilton is a professor in the School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness and Director of the Center for Precision Nutrition and Wellness at the University of Arizona. He is an innovator in a wide range of areas including an academic professor (+170 scientific publications), an entrepreneur (five companies and one non-profit organization), and an inventor (+10 patents). He is also a bestselling author of six lay books on physical and mental health.

His research focuses on three main areas: 1) precision nutrition with an emphasis on disease prevention; 2) the role of genetic diversity and gene-diet interactions in driving human diseases that lead to racial/ethnic health disparities; and 3) the use of the combination of genomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics to determine: a disease’s status, identify biomarkers and molecular networks of human health and disease, and to discern underlying molecular networks that drive human disease and health disparities. Dr. Chilton has had funding for over 40 years from the National Institutes of Health in the U.S.

He is a member of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the American Society for Nutrition, and the Collegium Internationale Allergologicum. He also sits on the executive boards that help guide non-profit associations like Heroes Helping Heroes, The Persecution Project, and the World Shoe Fund.

He has received numerous prestigious awards including the Alumni Award for Academic and Professional Achievement from Western Carolina University, and the Established Investigator Award from Wake Forest School of Medicine. Recently, the University of Arizona honored him with both the Outstanding Research Impact Award and the Inventor of the Year Award. He is also a member of the National Academy of Inventors.

Floyd "Ski" Chilton joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Functional Genomics for the School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

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Education and Training

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, Pharmacology, University of Colorado School of Medicine
  • Ph.D., Biochemistry, Wake Forest University School of Medicine
  • B.S., Biology/Chemistry, Western Carolina University (cum laude)
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  • Sun S, Hara A, Johnstone L, Hallmark B, Lu E, Watkins JC, Thomson CA, Schembre SM, Sergeant S, Umans J, Yao G, Zhang HH, Chilton FH. Differential Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on Myocardial Infarction Risk Among African and European Americans: A Secondary Analysis Utilizing Optimal Pair Matching and Machine Learning Predictions. Nutrients. 16(17), 2933 (2024).
  • Mullins, A.V., Snider, J.M., Michael, B. et al. Impact of fish oil supplementation on plasma levels of highly unsaturated fatty acid-containing lipid classes and molecular species in American football athletes. Nutr Metab (Lond) 21, 43 (2024).
  • Lu E, Hara A, Sun S, Hallmark B, Snider J, Seeds M, Watkins J, McCall CE, Zhang H, Yao G, Chilton FH. Temporal associations of plasma levels of the secreted phospholipase A2 family and mortality in severe COVID-19. Eur J Immunol. 2024 Jun;54(6):e2350721. doi: 10.1002/eji.202350721. Epub 2024 Apr 23.PMID: 38651231, 2024.
  • Chilton FH, Manichaikul A, Yang C, O’Connor TD, Johnstone LM, Blomquist S, Schembre, SM, Sergeant S, Zec M, Tsai MY, Rich SS, Bridgewater SJ, Mathias RA, Hallmark B. Interpreting clinical trials with omega-3 supplements in the context of ancestry and FADS genetic variation Front Nutr. 8;8:808054.doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.808054. PMID: 35211495, PMCID: PMC8861490, 2022.
  • Sergeant S, Keith BA, Seeds MC, Legins JA, Young CB, Vitolins MZ and Chilton FH. Impact of FADS gene variation and dietary fatty acid exposure on biochemical and anthropomorphic phenotypes in a Hispanic/Latino cohort. Front. Nutr. 10:1111624. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1111624, 2023

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