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As a PERSON, we aspire to be 'well' in the great history of our lives, as life includes both pleasant and unsettling moments. Flourishing is about developing the capacity to understand that all these moments matter, and that we learn from each one.

What can I do to create moments of happiness and satisfaction?

cast_for_education  Resources to explore and practice

How can I maintain, improve, and prolong my physical and mental health?

cast_for_education  Resources to explore and practice

What is my sense of life, my purpose in living it?

cast_for_education  Resources to explore and practice


Como PERSONA aspiramos a que en la gran historia de nuestra vida estemos “bien”, ya que en la vida hay momentos agradables y momentos
inquietantes, pero florecer es desarrollar las capacidades para entender que todos esos momentos valen y de todos aprendemos.

¿Qué puedo hacer para generar momentos de felicidad y satisfacción?

cast_for_education  Recursos por explorar y practicar

¿Cómo puedo mantener, mejorar y prolongar mi salud física y mental?

cast_for_education  Recursos por explorar y practicar

¿Cuál es mi sentido de vida, mi propósito al vivirla?

cast_for_education  Recursos por explorar y practicar


If we reflect before acting and act with consideration for others to continue flourishing in COMMUNITY, it will be the recognition that we live in interdependence with the people around us, and what we do, no matter how small it may seem, impacts others and vice versa.

What can I do to build character strength and live with virtue?

cast_for_education  Resources to explore and practice

How can I cultivate more satisfying and healthy close social relationships?

cast_for_education  Resources to explore and practice


Si reflexionamos antes de actuar y actuamos pensando en los demás para continuar floreciendo en COMUNIDAD, será el reconocimiento de que
vivimos en interdependencia con las personas que nos rodean y lo que hacemos, por pequeño que parezca, impacta a los demás y viceversa.

¿Qué puedo hacer para forjar solidez de carácter y vivir con virtud?

cast_for_education  Recursos por explorar y practicar

¿Cómo puedo generar relaciones sociales cercanas más satisfactorias y sanas?

cast_for_education  Recursos por explorar y practicar


Caring for our PLANET is taking responsibility for our impact, being aware that the present we build and the future we dream of will only take place if the world we live in flourishes as well...

How do we live and promote a sustainable and regenerative culture for the well-being of our planet?

cast_for_education  Resources to explore and practice

How can I live and promote the responsible use of material resources for the wellbeing of our planet?

cast_for_education  Resources to explore and practice

El Centro que te pone a ti al centro

Goals for 2025


What is our goal for 2025?

At Tecnologico de Monterrey, we seek to strengthen our community and consolidate ourselves as an inclusive university that values and respects diversity, that encourages plurality and dialogue, and where people are recognized for their human dignity for the transformation of communities.​

Logotipo del Centro de Reconocimiento de la Dignidad Humana del Tec de Monterrey

Nuestro propósito

Somos el centro que te pone a ti al centro. Impulsamos el reconocimiento de la dignidad humana para ser una Institución cada vez más segura, igualitaria, diversa e incluyente, que propicie el florecimiento humano.

Los tres pilares de trabajo
Estos son los temas clave que ponemos al Centro:
Nuestros aliados
Trabajamos en con conjunto con las siguientes redes y organizaciones:
¡Vincúlate con nosotros!
Para programar una visita o reunión, compártenos tu información llenando el siguiente formulario.
Vincúlate con el Centro de Reconocimiento de la Dignidad Humana del Tec de Monterrey
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Please share with us three schedule options for our online meeting, specifying: Date, time and duration according to your availability.
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Quiero estar en contacto

¡Hay tantos temas sobre los que vale la pena dialogar y tanto por transformar! Te invitamos a seguirnos, enterarte y participar de nuestras acciones y actividades.

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Formulario para permanecer en contacto con el Centro de Reconocimiento de la Dignidad Humana del Tec de Monterrey
El Centro en acción
Nuestras aportaciones para informar, sensibilizar e impulsar el reconocimiento de la Dignidad Humana.


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Asesorías, dudas o reportes de violencia de género o discriminación:


Faltas a la ética o nuestros valores

link  ETHOS

Cipriano Santos - Faculty

Cipriano Santos

Cipriano Santos

Distinguished Professor in Operations Research
and Artificial Intelligence

School of Engineering and Science


Machine Learning
Mathematical Optimization

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Experienced Mathematical Optimization Technologist with a demonstrated history of technical and organizational leadership. 

His research focuses on integrating optimization, machine learning, and reinforcement learning. At Tecnológico de Monterrey, Dr. Santos will be leading an effort to transfer and deploy this research at companies in the Bay Area, including start-ups.

Senior technical advisor to the Recruitology Machine Learning team, providing day to day guidance on optimal methodology to tackle complex problems and contribute to the creation of intellectual property. Recruitology is a cloud-based recruitment platform used by 300+ media companies and publishers to help 80,000 SMB employers annually find the right candidates for their jobs through intelligent matching.

Retired from Hewlett-Packard Laboratories as Distinguished Technologist. During his 27 years at HP, he participated in several applied research projects developing mathematical optimization models and decision support tools for Supply Chain Inventory Management, Customer Relationship Management, Optimal Resource Allocation for Large Data Centers, Large Scale Workforce Planning tools for the services industry, including tactical Resource Planning, Airline Dispatcher Workload Distribution Optimization, and Operating Room Planning & Scheduling. 

Dr. Santos is the co-founder of the former HP Labs Advanced Prototyping Organization program in Guadalajara, Mexico. The program identified the best undergraduate and graduate STEM students from top Mexican Universities to work with researchers at HP labs and help them build lab prototypes that tackle high impact, high-risk business problems of HP.

Cipriano Santos joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Professor in Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

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Education and Training

  • PhD in Operations Research, University of Waterloo, Canada
    Thesis: “Batching in Manufacturing Systems”.

  • M.S. in Operations Research, University of Waterloo, Canada
    Thesis: “Batching and Sequencing Decisions under Lead Time Considerations”

  • B.S. in Actuarial Sciences - Major in Operations Research, University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico

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  • Over nineteen publications.
  • Eighteen patents granted. 


Cipriano Santos - Faculty

Cipriano Santos

Cipriano Santos

Profesor Distinguido en Investigación de Operaciones
e Inteligencia Artificial

Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias


Machine Learning
Optimización matemática

radio_button_unchecked radio_button_checked


Experienced Mathematical Optimization Technologist with a demonstrated history of technical and organizational leadership. 

His research focuses on integrating optimization, machine learning, and reinforcement learning. At Tecnológico de Monterrey, Dr. Santos will be leading an effort to transfer and deploy this research at companies in the Bay Area, including start-ups.

Senior technical advisor to the Recruitology Machine Learning team, providing day to day guidance on optimal methodology to tackle complex problems and contribute to the creation of intellectual property. Recruitology is a cloud-based recruitment platform used by 300+ media companies and publishers to help 80,000 SMB employers annually find the right candidates for their jobs through intelligent matching.

Retired from Hewlett-Packard Laboratories as Distinguished Technologist. During his 27 years at HP, he participated in several applied research projects developing mathematical optimization models and decision support tools for Supply Chain Inventory Management, Customer Relationship Management, Optimal Resource Allocation for Large Data Centers, Large Scale Workforce Planning tools for the services industry, including tactical Resource Planning, Airline Dispatcher Workload Distribution Optimization, and Operating Room Planning & Scheduling. 

Dr. Santos is the co-founder of the former HP Labs Advanced Prototyping Organization program in Guadalajara, Mexico. The program identified the best undergraduate and graduate STEM students from top Mexican Universities to work with researchers at HP labs and help them build lab prototypes that tackle high impact, high-risk business problems of HP.

Cipriano Santos joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Professor in Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

radio_button_unchecked radio_button_checked

Education and Training

  • PhD in Operations Research, University of Waterloo, Canada
    Thesis: “Batching in Manufacturing Systems”.

  • M.S. in Operations Research, University of Waterloo, Canada
    Thesis: “Batching and Sequencing Decisions under Lead Time Considerations”

  • B.S. in Actuarial Sciences - Major in Operations Research, University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico

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  • Over nineteen publications.
  • Eighteen patents granted. 


Tec de Monterrey High School Tuition Fees

High School Tuition fees

Tuition Fees Simulator

Welcome to Tec de Monterrey's High school Tuition Simulator

Here, you can calculate the tuition costs of your studies in different programs and campuses of our institution. We remind you this information is for referential purposes for your educational planning. Currently, the simulator is only available in Spanish.

Start planning your future today!

info Important notice

Data provided by this simulator is for informative purposes and its use is for tuition fees´ references, subject to changes and updates. We recommend you verify this information.

Frequently Asked Questions

In the following pdf you´ll find the most frequently asked questions regarding our simulator´s usage. If the answer you´re looking for is not found, please contact our admissions and scholarships department to receive further information and details:

Financial Aid
Academic Credit Loan
Academic Offering
For High School, can I apply for a scholarship only?

Yes, you can review the various scholarship options available for TEC high schools here:

If I decide not to acquire the Major Medical Expenses Insurance offered by Tec, what should I provide to ensure that my son or daughter is covered?

According to the Tecnológico de Monterrey regulations, it is mandatory that our students are covered by Major Medical Expenses Insurance (“SGMM” for the acronym in Spanish). This insurance can be acquired with the Tecnológico de Monterrey when enrolling in academic periods or demonstrating that you have a similar valid policy.

How do I know what features a non-Tecnológico de Monterrey SGMM (Major Medical Expenses Insurance) policy must have?

Please contact the Admissions department to resolve this question:


For High School, can I consider an academic load with more or fewer credits?

• Yes, it is possible to plan your academic program with a reduced or increased academic credit load. However, to qualify for a scholarship, a full credit load must be enrolled in each academic period. We recommend contacting the Admissions department or the High School program director through Admissions for guidance on this matter at:


Are all High School programs available at all Tecnológico de Monterrey campuses?

No, the academic offering of Tecnológico de Monterrey is distributed across its various campuses. For more information, please visit our website:


Costos de Colegiaturas Prepatec del Tec de Monterrey

Costos de colegiatura PrepaTec

Tuition Fees Simulator

Welcome to Tec de Monterrey's High school Tuition Simulator

Here, you can calculate the tuition costs of your studies in different programs and campuses of our institution. We remind you this information is for referential purposes for your educational planning. Currently, the simulator is only available in Spanish.

Start planning your future today!

info Important notice

Data provided by this simulator is for informative purposes and its use is for tuition fees´ references, subject to changes and updates. We recommend you verify this information.

Frequently Asked Questions

In the following pdf you´ll find the most frequently asked questions regarding our simulator´s usage. If the answer you´re looking for is not found, please contact our admissions and scholarships department to receive further information and details:

Financial Aid
Academic Credit Loan
Academic Offering
¿Para el nivel preparatoria, puedo solicitar beca?

Sí, consulta las diferentes opciones de beca disponibles para preparatoria TEC:

¿Si decido no comprar el seguro de gastos médicos mayores que ofrece el Tec qué debo presentar para garantizar que mi hijo o hija están cubiertos?

Por reglamento del Tecnológico de Monterrey es indispensable que nuestr@s estudiantes estén cubiert@s con un seguro de gastos médicos mayores (SGMM). Este seguro se puede adquirir con el Tecnológico de Monterrey al inscribirse en los periodos académicos o demostrar tener una póliza vigente similar.

¿Cómo sé qué características debe tener una póliza de SGMM que no sea del Tecnológico de Monterrey?

Te pedimos contactar por favor al área de admisiones y becas para resolver esta duda:


¿Puedo considerar una carga académica de menos créditos o de más créditos?

Es posible considerar y planear el programa académico con una carga menor o mayor de créditos, pero bajo situaciones muy especiales. Si se tiene una beca esto no será posible. Te recomendamos acercarte al área de admisiones o a un(a) director(a) de programa de prepa a través de admisiones para orientarte al respecto:


¿Para el nivel preparatoria, todos los programas están en todos los campus del Tecnológico de Monterrey?

No, la oferta académica del Tecnológico de Monterrey está distribuida en sus diferentes campus. Consulta nuestro sitio para más información