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Estado de México
Estado de México
Santa Fe Campus
Ciudad de México
Santa Fe
Ciudad de México

Passion for Reading

Passion for Reading is Tecnológico de Monterrey’s reading promotion and reader development program.

Do you know the Passion for Reading program?

Do you know the Passion for Reading program?

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The Passion for Reading Top 100

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The Passion for Reading Top 100
Jorge Volpi
Jorge Volpi at the 2017 Monterrey International Bookfair

Jorge Volpi talks about the relationship between poetry and democracy.

Liliana Blum at the 2017 Monterrey International Bookfair
Liliana Blum at the 2017 Monterrey International Bookfair

Writer Liliana V. Blum presents her book El monstruo pentápodo (The Pentapod Monster) and describes why literature helps to exorcize fears.

Daniel Salinas Basave
Daniel Salinas Basave at the 2017 Monterrey International Bookfair

Writer Daniel Salinas Basave talks about relations between  literary creation and journalism.

José Gordon at the 2017 Monterrey International Bookfair
José Gordon at the 2017 Monterrey International Bookfair

Writer José Gordon talks about relations between science and literature during the presentation of is book El inconcebible universe (The Unconceivable Universe).

José Gordon at the 2017 Monterrey International Bookfair
José Gordon at the 2017 Monterrey International Bookfair

Writer José Gordon talks about relations between science and literature during the presentation of is book El inconcebible universe (The Unconceivable Universe).


Pasión por la lectura

Passion for Reading is Tecnológico de Monterrey’s reading promotion and reader development program.

¿Conoces el programa Pasión por la lectura?

¿Conoces el programa Pasión por la lectura?

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Los cien de Pasión por la lectura

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Los cien de Pasión por la lectura
Visita también
Alberto Chimal
Charla con Alberto Chimal 2020

Videoconferencia organizada por Pasión por la lectura y el Centro de Escritura del Campus Monterrey en el marco del Día mundial del libro (23 de abril de 2020).

Alma Delia Murillo en la FIL Monterrey 2018
Alma Delia Murillo

Alma Delia Murillo habla sobre la memoria y la ficción.

Jorge Volpi
Jorge Volpi en la FIL Monterrey 2017

Jorge Volpi habla sobre las relaciones entre la poesía y la democracia.

Daniela Tarazona
Charla con la escritora mexicana Daniela Tarazona 2020

Plática con la escritora mexicana Daniela Tarazona en torno a su novela "El animal sobre la piedra". Un texto lleno de posibilidades interpretativas cuyos temas principales son las transformaciones del cuerpo a partir de un ejercicio de voluntad de la protagonista.

Dra. Elsa Margarita Ramírez Leyva
La lectura como pasión conferencia magistral con la Dra. Elsa Margarita Ramírez

Conferencia magistral impartida por la Dra. Elsa Margarita Ramírez en el marco del décimo aniversario del programa Pasión por la lectura del Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Toluca Campus
Estado de México
Estado de México


Comité Impulsa del Tec de Monterrey

Our commitment

In 2012 we began an effort to make our Institution a more diverse and inclusive place, and we defined and made public our principle of equality and non-discrimination:

"At Tecnológico de Monterrey we promote and value diversity. We do not discriminate based on age, ethnic origin, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, social status, health status, religious beliefs, political ideology or disability."

Today we are proud of the meaningful progress that we have made. However, we are aware that we have important challenges ahead. We want to be an example of diversity and inclusion, to be consolidated as a place where women and men have the same growth and development opportunities and have the same representation in our decision-making process.

Compromiso del Tec de Monterrey en Igualdad de Género y Diversidad e Inclusión
Logotipo del comité Impulsa del Tec de Monterrey en Igualdad de Género y Diversidad e Inclusión

What is Impulsa?

In 2018 we set up the IMPULSA Committee, consisting of women and men from our Institution, to work on proposals aimed at achieving gender equality, increasing the number of women in leadership positions through equity strategies, and strengthening the processes of acquisition, development, and retention of talent.

IMPULSA, as well as the other diversity and inclusion advisory committees, is coordinated by the Center for the Recognition of Human Dignity.

Gender Equality Plan


31 actions to advance toward gender equality in the Institution, during the 2021-2025 period.

Read and share the executive summary updated to april 2023:

Gender Equality Plan Tecnológico de Monterrey
Professional growth of women by type of position

Last update: may 2024


HeForShe is a solidarity movement for gender equality created by UN Women. Its objective is to engage men and boys as agents of change to achieve gender equality and respect for the rights of girls and women, motivating them to take action against the inequalities they face. In Mexico, many government agencies, universities, and companies have joined this campaign.

We invite you to read more about the signing of the HeForShe - UN Women pact and its commitments. (Click on know more to see the attached PDF).

HeForShe link document navigate_next
Logotipo del movimiento He For She del Tec de Monterrey en Igualdad de Género y Diversidad e Inclusión
Sites of Interest
Contact Us

We want to hear from you!

We are permanently in touch with the Tec Community, listening to the different voices and their needs.

General Contact:

Contact for advice or complaints of gender-based violence:

If you wish to report any violation of the Code of Ethics or our values, go to: link Letica / ETHOS  

Follow us on: facebook Facebook   link Twitter   link Instagram


Comité Impulsa del Tec de Monterrey

Nuestro compromiso

En 2012 iniciamos los esfuerzos por hacer de nuestra Institución un lugar más diverso e inclusivo, y definimos e hicimos público nuestro principio de igualdad y no discriminación:

“En el Tecnológico de Monterrey promovemos y valoramos la diversidad, por lo que no discriminamos por edad, origen étnico, nacionalidad, género, orientación sexual, estado civil, condición social, estado de salud, creencias religiosas, doctrina política ni discapacidad”

Hoy tenemos importantes avances de los cuales nos sentimos orgullosos. Sin embargo, somos conscientes que tenemos importantes retos por delante. Queremos ser ejemplo de diversidad e inclusión, consolidarnos como un lugar donde las mujeres y los hombres tengan las mismas oportunidades para crecer y desarrollarse, y tener la misma representatividad en nuestra toma de decisiones.

Compromiso del Tec de Monterrey en Igualdad de Género y Diversidad e Inclusión
Logotipo del comité Impulsa del Tec de Monterrey en Igualdad de Género y Diversidad e Inclusión

¿Qué es Impulsa?

En 2018 conformamos el Comité IMPULSA, integrado por mujeres y hombres de nuestra Institución, para trabajar en propuestas encaminadas a lograr la igualdad de género, incrementar el número de mujeres en posiciones de liderazgo a través de medidas de equidad, y fortaleciendo los procesos de atracción, desarrollo y retención de talento.

IMPULSA, así como lo demás comités consultivos de diversidad e inclusión, es coordinado por el Centro de Reconocimiento de la Dignidad Humana.

Plan de igualdad de género


31 acciones para avanzar hacia la igualdad de género en la Institución, durante el periodo 2021-2025.

Consulta y comparte el resumen ejecutivo actualizado a abril 2023:

Plan de igualdad de género comunidad segura y diversidad e inclusión en el Tec de Monterrey
Crecimiento de mujeres por tipo de puesto

Actualización: mayo 2024


He for She es un movimiento solidario por la igualdad de género creado por ONU Mujeres. Su objetivo es comprometer a hombres y niños como agentes de cambio para alcanzar la igualdad de género y el respeto a los derechos de las mujeres, motivándolos a que tomen acción en contra de las desigualdades enfrentadas por mujeres y niñas. En México, muchas dependencias gubernamentales, universidades y compañías se han unido a esta campaña.

Te invitamos a conocer los detalles de la firma del pacto He For She - ONU Mujeres y sus compromisos. (Click a conoce más para ver PDF adjunto).

CONOCE MÁS navigate_next
Logotipo del movimiento He For She del Tec de Monterrey en Igualdad de Género y Diversidad e Inclusión
Sitios de interés

¡Queremos escucharte!
Nos mantenemos en contacto permanente con la Comunidad Tec, escuchando las distintas voces y sus necesidades.

Contacto general:

Contacto para asesoría o denuncias de violencia de género:

Si deseas reportar alguna falta al código de ética o a nuestros valores dirígite a: link Letica / ETHOS  


planea tu ingreso

Start your admission process

Start your admission process
Sign up to receive more information


At Tecnológico de Monterrey, we are looking for highly talented young people, who have the capacity to face up to uncertainty and constant change, and who will unleash their transformative potential through leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

The aim of our admission process is to get to know you, not only regarding your academic performance, but also everything that makes you an extraordinary person. Therefore, applicants should prepare a file with the following elements:

Academic Profile
  • Previous academic background
  • Academic Aptitude Test (PAA in spanish)
Comprehensive Profile (cultural, sports, social and leadership)
  • Resumé
  • Essay

*This admission process is subject to change without prior notice from the Admissions Committee.

**To start the professional courses you must have completed your high school studies and present official documentation that supports it.

***Admission is the first step: afterwards you can enroll at any of our campuses. Since the number of places available is limited, make sure you complete all the procedures to confirm your place.

Steps to follow

Register and complete your online admission application


Schedule and take your tests


Put together your file with everything that makes you unique 


Find out your admission result


Pay the admission process fee


Enroll and form part of the Tecnológico de Monterrey community

Admission process

Tecnológico de Monterrey is seeking to bring together into all its undergraduate programs a new generation of students who have completed their high school studies. Talented, enthusiastic individuals, who are committed to the development of their environment and the wellbeing of society; people who have the potential to successfully complete their professional studies and become leaders with an entrepreneurial spirit, human sense and internationally competitive.

PrepaTec studentsexpand_more
Alumnos Prepa Tec

Update your information

Enter with your student ID number and email password to our admission process page and update your information in the “Admission application” section.

Remember, as a PrepaTec student, if at the time of your graduation you have an average of 80 or higher, your pass to Professional is direct* and you will only have to complete the steps mentioned next.

If you do not have this average, we ask that you contact your admissions advisor to learn about the additional steps to follow.

*Some programs have additional admission requirements.


Submit your admission documents

Submit your admission documents at the campus to which you’re applying:

Notice: To give continuity to your admission process and prioritizing the welfare of our community, due to the spread of COVID-19, we will be temporarily receiving the documents to complete your admission file in digital format. You will receive information from your admissions advisor:

  • The last 2 pages of the application you filled out in the admission process page, signed by you, one of your parents/legal guardian and the person responsible for payment of tuition.
  • Copy of official photo ID with signature of the person responsible for payment of tuition.
  • If you are underage, official photo ID with signature of one of your parents/legal guardian.
  • If you are of legal age, copy of your official photo ID with signature.

The programs from the Health area have additional requirements, contact your advisor for more information.



Find out your admission result 

You will receive an email notifying you of your admission to the program to which you applied. You can then continue with your enrollment process.

If you completed the admission process for any of the following programs: Physician and Surgeon, B.A. in Biosciences, B.A. in Nutrition and Wellness, B.A. in Psychology, Medical and Surgical Dentist, or Health (Exploration area), after being evaluated by the Admissions Committee you will be given your admission result, which can be one of the following: accepted, not accepted, waitlisted, or decision pending; the latter indicates that we require additional elements. The Person Responsible for Admissions at the campus of your interest will inform you of the additional elements required.

The admission result notification date will depend on when you completed your file; find the details in the section “Important dates”.

The decision of the Admissions Committee is final. Since the selection process is private and confidential, Tecnológico de Monterrey does not disclose the reasons for the admission decision reached.


Confirm your enrollment to Tec

Pay the tuition advance payment of $7,000 pesos here to confirm your entry to the undergraduate level. Consult the payment methods in the admissions department at your campus of interest. In addition, check out the undergraduate entry events, create your class schedule, select your payment and insurance plans, and pay your tuition.

As a PrepaTec student, your tuition payment insurance for entry to the Undergraduate level is already covered. However, if you decide to enter the Undergraduate level in a semester other than the one immediately after your graduation from PrepaTec you will have to pay this insurance.

After July 29, 2022, in order to complete your enrollment, you must pay the equivalent of the first tuition payment plus the cost of the tuition payment insurance current at that time. Ask you admissions advisor about the amounts.

Deadline for requesting a tuition advance payment refund: August 5, 2022.

Students from other high schoolsexpand_more

Register and complete your online admission application

Use your personal email account to create an account and generate a password, which will allow you to enter our admission process site to review the status of your application. Afterwards, fill out your admission application and send it by clicking the “Enviar solicitud” button. Afterwards, you will receive an email informing you you may continue with the process.

As of Friday, July 15, 2022, the admission application site will remain closed for new admissions to the August-December 2022 semester. Contact your admissions advisor if you have any questions.


Pay the admission process fee

Check the amount you must pay in the admission process page and choose your payment method:

  • Credit card
  • Bank deposit using the referenced deposit slip
  • PayPal
  • The admission process fee is non-refundable.



Put together your file with everything that makes you unique

The resumé contains questions on the achievements, skills and aptitudes you have acquired and developed throughout your middle school studies. Include your participations in every area, since any achievements in each face-to-face or online discipline you have accomplished since 2017 to date will help you put together an extraordinary resumé. It is important to have evidence of the activities described, since we may ask you to share it with us from time to time.

Hand in your admission documents

Complete your admission file in digital form by sending your documents in the Documentos digitales section inside the admission process page.

Notice: To give continuity to your admission process and prioritizing the welfare of our community, due to the spread of COVID-19, we will be temporarily receiving the documents to complete your admission file in digital format. You will receive information from your admissions advisor:

  • The last 2 pages of the application you filled out in the admission process page, signed by you, one of your parents/legal guardian and the person responsible for payment of tuition.
  • Copy of official photo ID with signature of the person responsible for payment of tuition.
  • If you are underage, official photo ID with signature of one of your parents/legal guardian.
  • If you are of legal age, copy of your official photo ID with signature.

*Official IDs include: IFE/INE card (Mexican voter’s card), passport, professional license, military service card, immigration form or official ID from your country of origin.

The following table shows the valid documents in accordance with the stage of your studies and the month in which you completed the admission process.


Stage of studies   Curriculum Month in which you are carrying out the admission process Valid document

High School Completed

    Copy of high school diploma

Studying High School

3-year by semesters


Transcript up to 4th semester

Studying High School 3-year by semesters January-August Transcript up to 5th semester
Studying High School 2-year by semesters September-December Transcript up to 2nd semester
Studying High School 2-year by semesters January-August Transcript up to 3rd semester
Studying High School 2-year by quarters September-December Transcript up to 3rd semester
Studying High School 2-year by quarters January-April Transcript up to 4th quarter
Studying High School 2-year by quarters May-August Transcript up to 5th quarter

Note:Transcripts must have the stamp and signature of the issuing institution.

Additional elements:

The Admission Committee might request letters of recommendation (no more than three), which can be written by teachers, school officials, a businessman/woman or a recognized leader from your community. The Committee might also request you to take complementary evaluations, which will be administered at the campus, and an interview with one of the campus directors.

The programs from the Health area have additional requirements, contact your advisor for more information.


Schedule and take your tests

Academic Aptitude Test (PAA)
If the Admissions Committee determines that you need to take the PAA, you will be notified by email. This test evaluates your math and verbal skills. As an element that forms part of the admission file, the score obtained is for the internal and exclusive use of the Admissions Committee.

You can take the test in person at our campuses and/or sites, considering the health protocols in effect.

On the admission process page you can:

  • Select the date and time for taking the Academic Aptitude Test. You will receive an email with clear, detailed instructions for taking the test.

We have different tools for you in order to prepare for the PAA

PruebaT: it is a diagnostic test that will help you become familiar with the structure and type of questions of the PAA (you have 3 opportunities to use the simulator).

PrepáraTec: is an online workshop that you can take at your own pace. Go to:

On-campus workshops: these are workshops offered on the campus of your choice. Ask your admissions advisor for details.

College Board PAA Study Guide:

If your first language is English, you can take the SAT which is equivalent to the PAA. Sign up at:

English placement test

For programs with special requirements, you take this test during your admission process. For all other programs, you will take it during the Initial Evaluations stage, once you have received your admission result.

On the admission process page you can:

  • Select the date and time when you would like to take the English placement test online. Remember to have a photo ID on hand to show on the day of the test.

Have in mind that for obtaining your degree you will need to demonstrate a B2 level in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

If your result in the placement exam during the admission process is equivalent to A1 or A2, you will need to take English leveling courses as part of your academic load in accordance with the following:

  • Level A1 - during the first and second semester
  • Level A2 - during the first semester

The total academic load may not exceed 18 credits, including English leveling in the first and/or second semester.


Find out your admission result

Once you have completed the process, the Admissions Committee of Tecnológico de Monterrey will issue the result of your application, which may be:

  • Accepted
  • Not accepted
  • Wait list
  • Pending decision (it means that we require additional elements; the Admissions manager of the campus of your choice will provide more information).

Some additional elements the Committee may need include:

  • Personal interview
  • Recommendation letters

Note: For your file to be complete, the following requirements must have been validated in your admission application: admission application form, birth certificate, admission process fee, essay, resumé, English placement test, and confirmation of your high school program. In addition, you should have submitted your complete, correct documents through the section “Documentos digitales”; the list of documents can be found in step 2 of this process.

Example of requirement validation for your application:

Solicitud de apoyo educativo

Admission application

Solicitud de apoyo educativo

Birth certificate

Solicitud de apoyo educativo

Digital documents


Admission process fee

Prueba de aptitud

Aptitude test





Confirma tu carrera

Confirm your degree program

Examen de inglés

English test

Resumen de requisitos

Summary of requirements

The Admission Committee’s decision is unappealable and the selection process is private and confidential. Therefore, Tecnológico de Monterrey does not disclose the reasons for accepting or rejecting a candidate.


Enroll and be a part of the Prepa Tec community

Pay HERE the tuition deposit of 7,000 MXN (which includes the Tuition Payment Insurance fee) and confirm your enrollment. For information about payment methods, please consult with the DEPARTMENT OF ADMISSIONS of the campus you are applying to. You should also check the undergraduate enrollment events, and schedule your placement exams, which will measure your degree of knowledge of the courses that are fundamental for the beginning of your undergraduate studies.


Foreign studentsexpand_more

Register and complete your online admission application

Use your personal email address to create a user account and generate a password, which you will use to sign in to our ADMISSION PROCESS page. Once there, fill out your admission application and click on “Send application”. Scan and attach your birth certificate in the “Documents” section and send it. If your birth certificate is in a language other than Spanish or English, you will have to scan and attach a translation to Spanish. Afterwards, you will receive an email asking you to proceed with step 2.


Pay the admission process fee

Check the amount you must pay in the admission process page and choose your payment method:

  • Credit card
  • Bank deposit using the referenced deposit slip
  • PayPal
  • The admission process fee is non-refundable.




Put together your file with everything that makes you unique

The resumé contains questions on the achievements, skills and aptitudes you have acquired and developed throughout your middle school studies. Include your participations in every area, since any achievements in each face-to-face or online discipline you have accomplished since 2017 to date will help you put together an extraordinary resumé. It is important to have evidence of the activities described, since we may ask you to share it with us from time to time.

Hand in your admission documents

Complete your admission file in digital form by sending your documents in the Documentos digitales section inside the admission process page.

Afterwards, scan and send the following documents to

  • Copy of the 10th-, 11th- and 12th- grade transcripts, or the equivalent in your country.
  • The last 2 pages of the application you filled out in the admission process page, signed by you, one of your parents/legal guardian and the person responsible for payment of tuition.
  • Copy of official photo ID with signature of the person responsible for payment of tuition.
  • If you are underage, official photo ID with signature of one of your parents/legal guardian.
  • If you are of legal age, copy of your official photo ID with signature.

* Official IDs include: passport, immigration form or official ID from the country of origin.

Additional elements:
The Admission Committee might request letters of recommendation (no more than three), which can be written by teachers, school officials, a businessman/woman or a recognized leader from your community. The Committee might also request you to take complementary evaluations, which will be administered at the campus, and an interview with one of the campus directors.

The programs from the Health area have additional requirements, contact your advisor for more information.




Schedule and take your tests

Aptitude Test (PA)
The Admissions Committee will determine whether you need to take the test and let you know by email. This test evaluates your mathematics and verbal skills. Since the test is an element that forms part of your admission file, the score obtained is for the internal and exclusive use of the Admissions Committee.
You will receive an email with clear, detailed instructions on taking the test.

We have different tools for you in order to prepare for the PAA

PruebaT: it is a diagnostic test that will help you become familiar with the structure and type of questions of the PAA (you have 3 opportunities to use the simulator).

PrepáraTec: is an online workshop that you can take at your own pace. Go to:

On-campus workshops: these are workshops offered on the campus of your choice. Ask your admissions advisor for details.

College Board PAA Study Guide:

If your first language is English, you can take the SAT which is equivalent to the PAA. Sign up at:


English test
In the admission process page you can:

  • Select the date and time when you wish to take the English test. Remember to have with you a valid photo ID the day of the test.

Have in mind that for obtaining your degree you will need to demonstrate a B2 level in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

If your result in the placement exam during the admission process is equivalent to A1 or A2, you will need to take English leveling courses as part of your academic load in accordance with the following:

  • Level A1 - during the first and second semester
  • Level A2 - during the first semester

The total academic load may not exceed 18 credits, including English leveling in the first and/or second semester.



Find out your admission result

Once you have completed the process, the Admissions Committee of Tecnológico de Monterrey will issue the result of your application, which may be:

  • Accepted
  • Not accepted
  • Wait list
  • Pending decision (it means that we require additional elements; the Admissions manager of the campus of your choice will provide more information).

Some additional elements the Committee may need include:

  • Personal interview
  • Recommendation letters

Note: For your file to be complete, the following requirements must have been validated in your admission application: admission application form, birth certificate, admission process fee, essay, resumé, English placement test, and confirmation of your high school program. In addition, you should have submitted your complete, correct documents through the section “Documentos digitales”; the list of documents can be found in step 2 of this process.

Example of requirement validation for your application:

Solicitud de apoyo educativo

Admission application

Solicitud de apoyo educativo

Birth certificate

Solicitud de apoyo educativo

Digital documents


Admission process fee

Prueba de aptitud

Aptitude test





Confirma tu carrera

Confirm your degree program

Examen de inglés

English test

Resumen de requisitos

Summary of requirements

The Admission Committee’s decision is unappealable and the selection process is private and confidential. Therefore, Tecnológico de Monterrey does not disclose the reasons for accepting or rejecting a candidate.




Enroll and be a part of the Prepa Tec community

Pay HERE the tuition deposit of 7,000 MXN (which includes the Tuition Payment Insurance fee) and confirm your enrollment. For information about payment methods, please consult with the DEPARTMENT OF ADMISSIONS of the campus you are applying to. You should also check the undergraduate enrollment events, and schedule your placement exams, which will measure your degree of knowledge of the courses that are fundamental for the beginning of your undergraduate studies.


Areas, careers and campus with limited space for admissions in 2023

Considering our commitment to academic quality and to ensure our students have the necessary resources to pursue their professional careers, we let you know the areas and careers in the following campuses have limited space for admissions in 2023, so we advise going through your admission process and securing your place as soon as possible.


 Campus Area or program with limited space August 2023 Other campuses where is offered
Monterrey ARQ - Architecture Open

Check the campuses depending in your entry area of interest: 

Creative Studies Built Environment

Guadalajara Monterrey Santa Fe BFI - Bachelor in Finance Open  


Mexico City





MC - Physician & Surgeon






Monterrey Business and its degrees:
BGB - B.A. in International Business
LAE - Bachelor of Business Administration
LAF - B.A. in Finance
LCPF - B.A. in Finance & Accounting
LDE - B.A. in Entrepreneurship
LDO - B.A. in Human Resource Management
LEM - B.A. in Marketing
LIN - B.A. in International Business
LIT - B.A. in Business Intelligence
Open Check here according your program of interest.

Important dates for the 2023 academic year