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Mariana Alfaro - Líder de la carrera de mercadotecnia en el modelo Tec21

Outliers - Mariana Alfaro

Y fue difícil ser mujer en un mundo de hombres directivos...

Soy Mariana Alfaro y soy Líder de la carrera de mercadotecnia en el modelo Tec21 y soy parte de El Círculo de Profesores Distinguidos.

Mi carrera en el Tec de Monterrey inició en secundaria en Campus IrapuatoEstudié la Licenciatura en Estrategia y Transformación de Negocios. Seguí creciendo personal y profesionalmente hasta llegar a ser docente en este campus, luego fui directora de universidad virtual y después me mudé a campus Querétaro donde llevo ya 20 años siendo profesora y 3 años directora de departamento de marketing, dando clases de planeación estratégica, mercadotecnia, servicio al cliente, marketing de servicios, investigaciones de mercado. Después me fui a Noruega a hacer mi segunda maestría donde empecé el tema de investigación de mercados y publiqué algunos artículos. He trabajado en proyectos de marketing, consultoría e investigación y me encanta llevar el nombre del Tec de Monterrey a Roma y a Estados Unidos con proyectos que han tenido reconocimiento, incluso por gobiernos extranjeros.
En el transcurso de mi carrera profesional he tenido momentos bajos pero he sabido encontrar a las personas indicadas.

Para mí el Tec de Monterrey no solamente es excelente como institución, sino también como familia.

Me ayudó muchísimo en etapas muy difíciles de mi vida como cuando falleció mi esposo y aprendí que la muerte no es algo para llorar, sino para tomar de motivación, perse la vida.

Resultante todo el trabajo que he hecho porque lo vivo desde el corazón y estar en el Tec actualmente con el proyecto de Tec21 es para mí romper un paradigma y poner todo nuevo, con mucho amor porque llevo el liderazgo nacional. Es por eso que creo en el empoderamiento y liderazgo que te da la institución, para que tú como docente puedas tocar el alma y mente de tus alumnos además de seguir formando no solamente alumnos sino profesores. Tengo 164 personas a mi cargo y esto es algo que me ha hecho tener esa sensibilidad para no olvidar el piso.

Pero todo esto no ha sido fácil, he tenido obstáculos, como lo fue el ser mujer en la década pasada, rivalidades con colegas y depresiones que he vivido. Siempre recuerdo a mi madre, como mi mayor inspiración y que siempre me decía:  “Tú puedes sacar lo mejor de ti, todos los días”. A pesar de que tuvo cáncer, siempre dio su mejor cara y me enseñó el valor del trabajo desde muy chica. Es por eso que saco mi casta, pues quiero vivir con los valores que mi mamá me inculcó, y ser un orgullo para su legado. Al mismo tiempo tengo motivaciones para seguir como lo son mis hijos y mi futuro ya que quiero empezar a hablar de la experiencia y todas las cosas que han sucedido positivas y no tan positivas y escribir sobre ello, también continuar con mi pasión de bailar porque

para mí la vida es un baile hawaiano y tahitiano:  a veces tienes que ir suave pero amorosa y en otros momentos vas a ir con el tahitiano: fuerte y decidida, y así es como lo hago en mi vida.

Soy un Outlier porque mi historia comienza en el Tec y termina cambiando el mundo.

"La disciplina y definición metas te hacen llegar a donde quieras."

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Rostro de Outlier Estefanía
He leído y acepto los términos de AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD.
Colegiaturas de Profesional del Tecnológico de Monterrey

Tuition Fees

Travis Blaise

Travis Blaise

Travis Blaise

Distinguished Visiting Professor

in Animation and Storytelling

School of Architecture, Art and Design


Digital animation

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Under the premise that “animation is the greatest form of visual storytelling”, Travis Blaise co-founded the SketchToAnimate initiative, where he is also director and instructor. Through that platform, he has created workshops, tutorials, online classes, and demos covering a wide range of topics like character design, animation, storyboarding, and building an animation portfolio.

In 2008, he was an adjunct professor of an experimental 2D animation class at Cal Arts (California, U.S.). Then from 2017-2021, he was a mentor, instructor, and adjunct professor at Digipen Studios, training students in animation and storyboarding.

With over 30 years of experience, Travis Blaise has participated in a wide range of movies and TV shows throughout his career in storyboard artistry such as Disenchantment (2021), Big Mouth (2017), Disney's Penn Zero (2014), and his animation work with Brother Bear (2003), Lilo and Stitch (2002), Mulan (1998), and The Lion King (1994).

He worked for Disney from 1990 to 2004, where he worked as an in-between artist and animator in films and video games. After his time at Disney, he worked for Project Firefly Animation Studios, Cartoon Network, Digital Domain, DisneyToon Studios, The Walt Disney Company, Nickelodeon Animation Studio, Netflix, and Warner Bros. Animation.

He has been a global lecturer and speaker about the production of digital art, animation, and storytelling projects in Cal Arts, Digipen, Toon Boom, Wacom, Disney, the Orlando Museum of Art, the Annecy Festival, and the Bangkok Comic Con, to name a few. 

Travis Blaised joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Animation and Storytelling for the School of Architecture, Art and Design. 

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Education and Training

  • Illustration, Ringling School of Art and Design
  • Walt Disney Feature Animation Florida (two internships)
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Travis Blaise

Travis Blaise

Travis Blaise

Profesor Visitante Distinguido

en Animación y Narración

Escuela de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño


Animación digital
Narración (storytelling)
Guiones gráficos

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Under the premise that “animation is the greatest form of visual storytelling”, Travis Blaise co-founded the SketchToAnimate initiative, where he is also director and instructor. Through that platform, he has created workshops, tutorials, online classes, and demos covering a wide range of topics like character design, animation, storyboarding, and building an animation portfolio.

In 2008, he was an adjunct professor of an experimental 2D animation class at Cal Arts (California, U.S.). Then from 2017-2021, he was a mentor, instructor, and adjunct professor at Digipen Studios, training students in animation and storyboarding.

With over 30 years of experience, Travis Blaise has participated in a wide range of movies and TV shows throughout his career in storyboard artistry such as Disenchantment (2021), Big Mouth (2017), Disney's Penn Zero (2014), and his animation work with Brother Bear (2003), Lilo and Stitch (2002), Mulan (1998), and The Lion King (1994).

He worked for Disney from 1990 to 2004, where he worked as an in-between artist and animator in films and video games. After his time at Disney, he worked for Project Firefly Animation Studios, Cartoon Network, Digital Domain, DisneyToon Studios, The Walt Disney Company, Nickelodeon Animation Studio, Netflix, and Warner Bros. Animation.

He has been a global lecturer and speaker about the production of digital art, animation, and storytelling projects in Cal Arts, Digipen, Toon Boom, Wacom, Disney, the Orlando Museum of Art, the Annecy Festival, and the Bangkok Comic Con, to name a few. 

Travis Blaised joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Animation and Storytelling for the School of Architecture, Art and Design. 

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Education and Training

  • Illustration, Ringling School of Art and Design
  • Walt Disney Feature Animation Florida (two internships)
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Institute for Obesity Research

Instituto de obesidad
Institute for Obesity Research

We come together to solve one of Mexico's major public health challenges: Obesity.

Obesity is a pandemic we have faced for a long time. It is a global problem affecting individuals, families, and countless communities everywhere. In Mexico and the world, obesity leads to serious health problems, including cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancer, and diabetes. In addition to its impact on health, obesity bears social and economic costs.

Our purpose

The Institute generates forefront knowledge through scientific rigor and analysis, developing ideas and innovative solutions to the problem of obesity through inter- and trans-disciplinary work and creating scientific-technological companies to improve the health and well-being of people and society.

About our funds

The Institute for Obesity Research at the Tecnológico de Monterrey is a non-profit initiative aimed at generating scientific knowledge, ideas, and innovative solutions for the complex health issue of obesity.
The complexity of this chronic disease, obesity, requires interdisciplinary work to beneficially impact the quality of life, health, and well-being of individuals with overweight and obesity. Additionally, it involves influencing social actions, population health, and public policy to prevent and combat obesity, reduce stigma, and facilitate education about obesity.
The interdisciplinary nature of the Institute allows for multiple collaborative initiatives within the institution and externally, strengthening the research lines of our investigators and expanding the applicability of research to international initiatives.

The Institute meets and exceeds international standards of research ethics. This not only allows the use of its own financial resources but also enables competition for obtaining resources from national and international external sources through various schemes, including competitions, joint developments, and philanthropy. These resources are utilized for research, training highly qualified human resources, and developing solutions for obesity and its complications.
The Institute for Obesity Research at Tecnológico de Monterrey serves as a catalyst for significant advancements in understanding and treating obesity. Its commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration with global impact positions it as a leader in the fight against one of the most urgent health challenges of our time.





Generation of knowledge for healthy eating and the prevention and reduction of obesity



Development of therapies, procedures, and devices to combat obesity and metabolic diseases



Facilitator of science-technology-based companies that promote metabolic health



Support for decision-making that builds healthier societies


For its vision and structure: a unique institute of its kind.

Contact us
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Instituto de Investigación sobre Obesidad

Instituto de obesidad
Instituto de Investigación sobre Obesidad

We come together to solve one of Mexico's major public health challenges: Obesity.

Obesity is a pandemic we have faced for a long time. It is a global problem affecting individuals, families, and countless communities everywhere. In Mexico and the world, obesity leads to serious health problems, including cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancer, and diabetes. In addition to its impact on health, obesity bears social and economic costs.

Nuestro Propósito

The Institute generates forefront knowledge through scientific rigor and analysis, developing ideas and innovative solutions to the problem of obesity through inter- and trans-disciplinary work and creating scientific-technological companies to improve the health and well-being of people and society.

Recursos IOR

The Institute for Obesity Research at the Tecnológico de Monterrey is a non-profit initiative aimed at generating scientific knowledge, ideas, and innovative solutions for the complex health issue of obesity.
The complexity of this chronic disease, obesity, requires interdisciplinary work to beneficially impact the quality of life, health, and well-being of individuals with overweight and obesity. Additionally, it involves influencing social actions, population health, and public policy to prevent and combat obesity, reduce stigma, and facilitate education about obesity.
The interdisciplinary nature of the Institute allows for multiple collaborative initiatives within the institution and externally, strengthening the research lines of our investigators and expanding the applicability of research to international initiatives.

The Institute meets and exceeds international standards of research ethics. This not only allows the use of its own financial resources but also enables competition for obtaining resources from national and international external sources through various schemes, including competitions, joint developments, and philanthropy. These resources are utilized for research, training highly qualified human resources, and developing solutions for obesity and its complications.
The Institute for Obesity Research at Tecnológico de Monterrey serves as a catalyst for significant advancements in understanding and treating obesity. Its commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration with global impact positions it as a leader in the fight against one of the most urgent health challenges of our time.





Generation of knowledge for healthy eating and the prevention and reduction of obesity



Development of therapies, procedures, and devices to combat obesity and metabolic diseases



Facilitator of science-technology-based companies that promote metabolic health



Support for decision-making that builds healthier societies

El Instituto se nutre del trabajo de 5 unidades

For its vision and structure: a unique institute of its kind.

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Tec de Monterrey Graduate Tuition Fees

Graduate Tuition Fees

Information on tuition fees per Campus can be found below:

Tuition Fees

Ciudad de México Campus

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $14,672.00 $132,048.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $14,672.00 $132,048.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Ciudad de México Campus.

Estado de México Campus

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $14,672.00 $132,048.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $14,672.00 $132,048.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Estado de México Campus.

Guadalajara Campus

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $14,672.00 $132,048.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $14,672.00 $132,048.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Guadalajara Campus.

Monterrey Campus

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $14,672.00 $132,048.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $14,672.00 $132,048.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Monterrey Campus.

Santa Fe Campus

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $14,672.00 $132,048.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $14,672.00 $132,048.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Santa Fe Campus.

Toluca Campus

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Toluca Campus.

EGADE Monterrey

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $14,672.00 $132,048.00
Master $14,672.00 $132,048.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the EGADE Monterrey Campus.

EGADE Santa Fe

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $9,480.00 $85,320.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $9,480.00 $85,320.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the EGADE Santa Fe Campus.

EGOB Monterrey

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $9,480.00 $85,320.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $8,504.00 $76,536.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the EGOB Monterrey Campus.

EGOB Santa Fe

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $9,480.00 $85,320.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $8,504.00 $76,536.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the EGOB Santa Fe Campus.

Online Programs

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $9,252.00 $83,268.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $9,480.00 $85,320.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $9,252.00 $83,268.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for Online Programs.

Costos de Colegiaturas Posgrado del Tec de Monterrey

Costos de colegiatura Posgrado

Consulta a continuación la información acerca de las Colegiaturas de Posgrado por Campus:

Costos de colegiatura

Ciudad de México Campus

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $14,672.00 $132,048.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $14,672.00 $132,048.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Ciudad de México Campus.

Estado de México Campus

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $14,672.00 $132,048.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $14,672.00 $132,048.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Estado de México Campus.

Guadalajara Campus

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $14,672.00 $132,048.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $14,672.00 $132,048.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Guadalajara Campus.

Monterrey Campus

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $14,672.00 $132,048.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $14,672.00 $132,048.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Monterrey Campus.

Santa Fe Campus

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $14,672.00 $132,048.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $14,672.00 $132,048.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Santa Fe Campus.

Toluca Campus

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the Toluca Campus.

EGADE Monterrey

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $14,672.00 $132,048.00
Master $14,672.00 $132,048.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the EGADE Monterrey Campus.

EGADE Santa Fe

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $9,480.00 $85,320.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $9,480.00 $85,320.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the EGADE Santa Fe Campus.

EGOB Monterrey

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $9,480.00 $85,320.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $8,504.00 $76,536.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the EGOB Monterrey Campus.

EGOB Santa Fe

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $9,480.00 $85,320.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $8,504.00 $76,536.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $16,032.00 $144,288.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for the EGOB Santa Fe Campus.

Online Programs

Summer (Trimester)

  1 Credit Regular load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Specialization $9,252.00 $83,268.00
Mixed Master (Hybrid) $10,724.00 $96,516.00
Master $9,480.00 $85,320.00

Summer (Semester)

  1 Credit Regular Load
9 Credits
Cash Plan
Ph. D. $15,284.00 $137,556.00
Master $9,252.00 $83,268.00
Specialization $16,032.00 $144,288.00


Valid for students who attend the 2024 Summer.
Fees in Mexican pesos.
The cash payment may vary according to the number of registered units.
All the fees presented in this document are valid for Online Programs.


¡Descubre un workshop diseñado para elevar tu potencial!

¿Eres un estudiante sobresaliente a punto de ingresar al Tec?

Cleverminds es un programa diseñado para potenciar tu desarrollo personal y académico, brindándote herramientas y habilidades clave para alcanzar el éxito en tu trayectoria universitaria en el Tec.

Una experiencia hecha a la medida

Imagina poder potenciar tu aprendizaje con Inteligencia Artificial, gestionar tus emociones de manera efectiva, maximizar tu tiempo sin perder el enfoque y dominar el arte del storytelling y la comunicación en público.

¡Con Cleverminds todo esto es posible! En este workshop en línea aprenderás sobre:

Todos los módulos son impartidos por expertos de la Vicerrectoría de Educación Continua del Tecnológico de Monterrey, a través de la plataforma The Learning Gate, y no tendrán costo para los estudiantes seleccionados para cursar el programa.

img alumno

¿Qué necesito para ser parte de Cleverminds?

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Ser alumna o alumno de primer ingreso a carreras profesionales en el Tec

Es necesario estar inscrito al Tec al semestre Agosto-Diciembre 2024 para poder postularte.

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Tener un promedio igual o mayor a 90 en tus estudios de Bachillerato

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Obtener un mínimo de 1,360 puntos en la Prueba de Aptitud Académica

Si no tienes estos puntos, acércate a tu asesora o asesor de Admisiones para conocer tus opciones para alcanzar el puntaje, si es que aplican de acuerdo a nuestro calendario de Admisión.

¡Solo 150 estudiantes a nivel nacional e internacional serán seleccionados para formar parte de este workshop!

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Encuentra un equilibrio entre tu vida personal y académica

De ser seleccionado para forma parte de Cleverminds, cursarás cada uno de los módulos durante los meses de junio y julio de 2024, en vísperas del inicio de tu primer semestre en el Tec.

Acreditaciones* que podrás obtener: Insignia Digital y Microcertificado.
Horas de aprendizaje de todo el programa.

* La entrega de estas acreditaciones se llevará a cabo durante el semestre agosto-diciembre 2024. Para obtener la Insignia Digital deberás cumplir con la asistencia mínima del 80% del tiempo en las sesiones de: ¡Potencia tu Aprendizaje con IA!, Yo y mis emociones, Maximiza tu Tiempo y Domina el escenario, además de generar la documentación de la solución de retos como evidencia de tu participación activa. Para acreditar las subcompetencias en The Learning Gate y obtener el Microcertificado, deberás cumplir con una evaluación de conocimientos y un reto de aplicación, además de haber concluido el 100% de los recursos de los módulos: Autodesarrollo e Identidad y Diversidad.

Responsables de atención por campus

Relaciones con Egresados en tu campus
Comunícate con los equipos de Relaciones con Egresados en tu campus de interés. Estamos para apoyarte.
  Correo electrónico
Atención central


Nombre Correo electrónico

Vanessa Hernández

Chiapas Sara Gabriela Ruíz

Gilda Delgado
Ciudad Obregón Norma Gallegos
Cuernavaca Dalhi Calderón
EGADE Nacional María Livas
EGADE Querétaro Erika Alfaro
EGADE Santa Fe Erika Alfaro
Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación Pública

Adriana Ontiveros

Luis Hugo Bernes

Ulises Perezcano

Estado de México Mariloly Rodríguez
Guadalajara Omar Salinas García

Alexia Lemus Leal

Irapuato Manuel  Guzmán
Laguna Lilliana Delgado
León Glafira Sepúlveda
Monterrey Malú Hernández
Monterrey Elaine Domínguez
Morelia Mónica Lizaola
Programas en Línea Eva Álvarez



Valeria Sánchez

Olga García

Saltillo Montserrat Pla
Sinaloa Victoria Barreras
Sonora Norte César Torres
San Luis Potosí Elena Gómez
Santa Fe Elizabeth Usó
Tampico Viviana Cobos

Fidel Torres

Ixchel León


Ana Laura Villanueva 

Jesús Fernando Escobedo