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CALL Global Shared Learning: Classroom

August - December 2025

The Vice-Rectory for International Affairs invites the educational community to participate in the call for proposals for Global Shared Learning: Classroom (GSL Classroom) from the academic period March 3rd to 28th, 2025, closing on 3:00 p.m. (MCT).

Download the call HERE >

GSL Classroom is an initiative of the Vice-Rectory for International Affairs that aims to link an Educational Unit of Tecnológico de Monterrey with a course from an international partner university, through an international element, using technological tools to connect students, foster collaboration and facilitate learning in multicultural environments.

This international component is included in the course of each of the participating universities, partially or totally, and its length can be extended throughout the course or applied to a specific module or topic with a minimum duration of four weeks.

Professors can decide on elements such as the type of partner they consider suitable for the collaboration, the total length of the experience, the type of interaction (synchronous or asynchronous), the kind of activities, and the evaluation rubric, among other academic elements.

The participating professors work together to design three main activities focused on interaction and cultural exchange between students in digital environments, collaborative work in multicultural teams to achieve a common goal and reflection on differences and similarities with their peers during collaboration.

Informative Sessions:

     March 11th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. (MCT). Register HERE >

     March 20th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. (MCT).  Register HERE >

  • Guidelines

  • Objective

  • Target Audience

  • Requirements

  • Application Registration

  • Evaluation and Selection

  • Benefits

  • Relevant Dates

  • FAQ

  • Contact

Guidelines of Global Shared Learning: Classroom

The following conditions must be met so that the international component receives recognition from the the Vice-Rectory for International Affairs as a GSL Classroom:

- Have the authorization of the Vice-Rectory for International Affairs through the established mechanisms.

- The collaboration activities for the GSL Classroom must be designed jointly by the professors from all participating institutions.

- Incorporate the GSL Classroom activities into a course at both institutions.

- Integrate the COIL methodology (Collaborative Online International Learning).

- Integrate, at least, one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations (UN).

   - Contribute to the SDG target.

- Have a duration of, at least, 4 weeks with a minimum of 12 hours of total work, of which at least 2 hours of synchronous work are recommended.

- Adhere to the established dates for the collaboration. If there are any changes, the assigned GSL Coordinator must be informed promptly.

- Have an impact of at least 10% on the final grade of the Tec Educational Unit of which it is part.

- Mandatory participation of Tecnológico de Monterrey students.

- Include work in multicultural teams.


The main objective of this call is to offer professors a different internationalization opportunity, and enhance their professional development through innovation and the use of technology.

Through the application of the COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) methodology, professors, like their students, will be able to experience internationalization, collaborative work, and the development of meaningful interactions with international peers and students.

Target Audience

Tecnológico de Monterrey Professors from undergraduate programs of all disciplines, teaching or developing Tec21 Educational Units, and who are interested in seeking an approach to an international environment, promoting interaction through a digital environment, addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations (UN).

Participants must be faculty members implementing the Global Shared Learning: Classroom international component for the first time or continuity professors* who have received up to three internationalization certificates issued by the Vice Presidency for International Affairs  at Tecnológico de Monterrey at the time of application.  

*Continuity professors with four or more internationalization certificates will receive further information soon.


While participating in a GSL Classroom experience, professors must meet the following requirements:

- Interest in including an online internationalization element in their Educational Unit, motivating and promoting the development of multicultural teamwork skills both for themselves (professional development) and for their students.

- Willingness to innovate.

- English language proficiency in case the interaction requires it, and clear communication skills (oral and written).

- Have the necessary skills to work and interact with other participants using technological tools, through a computer or a mobile device with Internet access.

- Complete the training course “Guide for the design and implementation of GSL Classroom”*. This training, with an approximate duration of 8 hours, is self-directed and is available in Canvas. To access this course you must register at the following link:

   a. Registration “Guide for the design and implementation of GSL Classroom”

The due date to complete this training course is March 28th, closing at 3:00 pm (MCT)

*Note: Professors who have implemented a collaboration in previous periods may apply to this call, as long as they have satisfactorily completed the training course “Guide for the Design and Implementation of GSL Classroom.

**Note: The deadline to register for this training course is  March 26th, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. (MCT). 

- Submit the requested documentation through the Application Registration Form (information sent by any other means will not be considered for the application):

   a. Fill out the Application Proposal Format for this Call. There are two versions of this format (English and Spanish) for each of the applicant profiles. Download and complete only the version that corresponds to your profile:

       Application Proposal Format | Continuity professor

       > Spanish version

       > English version

       Application Proposal Format | First implementation professor

       > Spanish version

       > English version

b. Collaboration Commitment Letter signed, and active participation in all stages of the GSL Classroom: planning desing, implementation, evaluation, and integration of the evidence portfolio

c.  Requests and send the signed Direct Academic Leader Authorization Letter (signed by the Director of Department or the Direct Leader) to implement GSL Classroom within an Educational Unit.

d. Create a Video Presentation (1 to 3 min) for your application that includes a brief description of the proposal. This video is intended to facilitate the search for potential partners, so it must be recorded in the preferred language for the collaboration. Find the guide of recommendations and examples for your video at the following link:

       > Video Presentation. Guide of Recommendations and Examples

If the application is accepted, professors must comply with the following:

- If you do not have an international partner, it is essential to actively participate in the search process through networking spaces, platforms and review of profiles in databases provided by the Global Shared Learning Coordination: Classroom. Finding the international partner is the responsibility of the interested Tec professor and must be confirmed at least 8 weeks prior to the start of the semester indicated in this call.

The international partner is required to have an active student group in the GSL Classroom collaboration and be part of a higher education institution that, as Tecnológico de Monterrey, can offer bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees.

*Note: The Vice Rectory for International Affairs and the Coordination of Global Shared Learning: Classroom are not responsible for finding the international partner. This activity is a commitment of the Tecnológico de Monterrey professor interested in carrying out the collaboration.

- Notify the Global Shared Learning Coordination: Classroom if there are changes to the initially proposed UDF; Tec professor who will additionally join the collaboration, and/or number of Tec groups that will participate, in the initially approved application. The deadline to make this notification is prior to the start of the registration period for the semester in which the approved UDF will be taught.

- Request from your academic leader the registration of the GLGC (Global Learning Global Classroom) attribute corresponding to your UDF. The GLGC (Global Learning Global Classroom) attribute audit will be carried out during Week 1 of the academic period in which the approved UDF will be taught. The GSL Classroom Coordination will contact those selected via email and request the necessary evidence.

- Integrate and send evidence according to the dates and means stipulated by the Office of the Vice-Rectory for International Affairs.

- Continuity professors who wish to apply again must have satisfactorily accomplished all of the above requirements, otherwise, their application will not be considered within this Call.

*Continuity professors with four or more internationalization certificates will receive further information soon.

Application Registration

To participate in the Call*, professors must complete the following registration form: Postulate Educational Unit.

This Form will be active from the date of publication of this call until Friday, March 28th, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. (MCT), for those Global Classroom collaborations to be implemented during the semester August - December 2025.

*Note: Participation in this call is voluntary and has limited space.

Evaluation and Selection

The Global Shared Learning: Classroom Coordination will analyze the applications to select those that will be developed and implemented in the period August - December 2025 according to the following criteria: 

- Complete the training course (For those professors applying for the first time):

Performance within the training course

Quality of the collaboration plan proposal

Application Proposal Format - Continuity (ESP | ENG)

    > Application Proposal Format | First implementation professor (ESP | ENG)

- Submission of application of the Educational Unit through the official Application Registration Form at the times indicated in this call.

- Compliance with the requirements established in this call.

- Commitment and availability of the participating professors.

- Impact on the number of students benefited (minimum 15 students).

- Stage of the education unit in the Tec21 Model:





- Teaching type

Individual. The GSL Classroom collaboration is carried out only by a Tec professor.

The GSL Classroom collaboration is carried out by two or more Tec professors, each with their respective Group.

Team-teaching. The GSL Classroom collaboration is carried out as a team by you or more Tec professors who reach the same Group of the Educational Unit.

- Scope (it will be sought that the scope of the initiative is available in the largest number of Tec campuses):




- Feasibility of finding an international partner according to the proposed theme (interdisciplinary).

- Include at least one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals within the learning objectives or activities of the GSL Classroom.

- Language: Collaborations in English will be prioritized, to support the 2025 Strategic Plan of Tecnológico de Monterrey, specifically, the increase in the learning experiences offer taught in English and the development of effective communication skills of professors and students with international colleagues in a second language.

- Technological Tools: Have the necessary skills to work and interact with other participants using technological tools. Promote the implementation of innovative technology tools within the GSL Classroom collaborations.

- Professors' Type of Contract: Full-time professors will be prioritized to participate in the GSL Classroom initiative.

- Presentation video: Must adhere to the criteria established in the Requirements section of this call and comply to facilitate the search for an international partner.

- Direct Academic Leader Authorization Letter: For purposes of applying in this call, the letter must be signed by the authorizing leader of the Educational Unit in which the GSL Classroom initiative will be implemented. It must contain the name and code of the postulated Educational Unit, the professor’s information, and the autograph signature and information of the direct academic leader..

- Collaboration Commitment Letter: It must contain the name and code of the postulated Educational Unit, as well as the information of the professor and his autographed signature.

- Availability of international academic partners.

- Availability of resources in the Office of the Vice-Rectory for International Affairs. Intended for the necessary accompaniment to ensure the quality of the collaboration.

- Only 100 applications of the Educational Units of the Tec21 model will be selected.

- For professors of continuity:

In addition to the above, they must have complied with the commitments acquired by signing the “Collaboration commitment letter” corresponding to their previous collaborations.

All participants will receive a written notification via email in which the status of their application will be announced. Notification will be made on April 9th, 2025. 

The applications that are selected will have the support of the Office of the Vice-Rectory for International Affairs to carry out the professor linking process if necessary, and guidance to successfully integrate the GSL Classroom component into their Educational Units.

Benefits of Participating in GSL Classroom

Those professors who complete their collaboration and have complied with the requirements of GSL Classroom will receive a Certificate of Internationalization issued by the Vice-Rectory for International Affairs and the Vice-Rectory for Faculty, which validates the work with international partners and their experience in the model of Global Shared Learning: Classroom.

Likewise, students who meet the GSL Classroom participation criteria will receive a digital badge that recognizes multicultural teamwork in digital environments. For Tec students who receive this badge, the experience will be included in the Internationalization certificate issued at the end of their studies.

For students:

- International experience

- Strengthening global learning through cultural exchange

- Development of skills such as intercultural communication, teamwork, and use of technological tools

- Significant learning

- Digital badge

For professors: 

- International experience

- Networking opportunity

- Skill development

- Promotes the achievement of learning objectives

- Supports the development of skills

- Differentiator of Educational Units

- Supports progress in faculty classification

- Boost research and publication opportunities

- Certificate of Participation


Relevant Dates

Deadline for registration to the training course "Guide for the design and implementation of GSL Classroom":

 March 26th at 3:00 p.m. (MCT). 

 Sign up here.

Deadline to complete the training course “Guide for the design and implementation of GSL Classroom”:

March 28,2025 at 3:00 p.m. (MCT).

Deadline for receiving applications from Educational Units:

 March 28,2025 at 3:00 p.m. (MCT).

 Register your application here.

Informative sessions Call GSL Classroom:

March 11th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. (MCT). > Sign up here.

  March 20th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. (MCT). > Sign up here.

Notification of selected applications: 

  April 9th, 2025.

Deadline for changes to the initially proposed Educational Unit:

  Prior to the start of the registration dates of the academic period in which the approved UDF will be taught.

Deadline for registration of GLGC attributes:

  Prior to the start of the registration dates of the academic period in which the approved UDF will be taught.

GLGC Attributes Audit:

  Week 1 of the academic period in which the approved UDF will be taught. The Coordination will communicate this via email to those selected.

To request more information about this initiative, please send an email to

Frequently Asked Questions

If I have questions, can I receive more information before submitting my Educational Unit?

Yes, you can request more information by sending an email to The GSL Classroom team will receive your request and answer your questions.

Will I receive a confirmation of receipt of my proposal?

Yes. The application form provides a confirmation message when the submission is successful.

If I am a part-time professor, can I participate?

Yes, all undergraduate professors at Tecnológico de Monterrey can submit their application regardless of their type of contract.

Does GSL Classroom applies to any particular discipline?

No. The GSL Classroom is flexible and can be adapted to Educational Units in any discipline.

If I already have an international partner or peer, can I apply?

Yes. Having previous contact with an international faculty member to collaborate with facilitates the linking process.

I am interested in including GSL Classroom in my Educational Unit, but I do not have any contacts in foreign universities. Can you help me find them?

Yes. Through our international counterparts, current contact networks, and international organizations, we can request information about faculty members with whom to collaborate.

I do not speak English fluently. Can GSL Classroom be conducted in another language?

Yes. The important thing is to identify a common language in which participants can communicate. Educational Units can be conducted in Spanish, English, or any other language.

Is there any incentive for the faculty member who implements GSL Classroom in their Educational Units?

Yes. A certificate of internationalization is awarded by the Vice-Rectory for International Affairs and the Vice-Rectory of Faculty Development, which validates the work with the international partner, and their experience in the Global Shared Learning: Classroom model. 

Is it necessary that an agreement already exists or be established with the University to carry out the collaboration?

The agreement is not a requirement for the presentation of the proposal. Everything related to agreements and contracts is an issue that the Vice-Rectory for International Affairs will attend to through its different departments.

What are the benefits of including GSL Classroom within an Educational Unit?

GSL Classroom adds an element of internationalization to the Educational Unit and provides various benefits:
● Flexible and accessible alternative to offer an international experience to students and professors.
● At no additional cost to students.
● Exchange of ideas and opinions among students and among professors from different cultures.
● Supports the development of transversal skills such as:
   ○ Work in multicultural teams in virtual environments
   ○ Use of technologies
   ○ Cross-cultural communication
   ○ Critical thinking
   ○ Global Citizenship
● Digital badges for students.
● Certificate of internationalization for Tec and International professors.
● Self-directed training for teachers.
● Advice and support from the GSL Classroom team.

What are the commitments to include GSL Classroom within a course?

These commitments are expressed in the Requirements section, as well as in the commitment letter that each professor is required to sign as part of their application.

What are the commitments of including GSL Classroom within an Educational Unit?

These commitments are expressed in the section "Global Shared Learning Guidelines: Classroom" of this call, as well as in the Collaboration commitment letter that requires the signature of each professor as part of their application.

What happens in case of breaching any of the commitments acquired when agreeing to participate in GSL Classroom?

It is a fundamental requirement to fulfill every one of the commitments to participate in GSL Classroom. In case you don't, The professor will not be able to earn the certificate of internationalization. Issued by the Vice-Rectory for International Affairs. The Educational Unit would lose the GLGC attribute, so the students would not have the opportunity to participate in the international experience, and consequently, they would not receive their digital badge.

What happens if my application is not selected even though I already have an international partner?

If the application is not selected, the professor is invited to apply in a new call in the next school term.

What happens if the postulated Educational Unit is canceled or will not be taught?

In case of cancellation of the postulated Educational Unit or for some reason beyond the professor it is not possible to give the experience, the Global Shared Learning: Classroom Coordination must be informed of the reasons for the non-opening of the Educational Unit through the check If this happens, if the professor has an alternative Educational Unit, the possibility of implementing GSL Classroom in said Educational Unit will be analyzed, as long as it is viable for collaboration. If you already have an international partner, it is important to notify them of the situation.

If I want to apply for two or more Educational Units, how do I proceed?

For those professors new to the GSL Classroom model who have applied for more than one Educational Unit and are selected, only the application that represents the greatest impact on the number of benefited students and whose theme facilitates the search for an international partner will be considered. Those professors who have previously implemented GSL Classroom and want to apply for two or more Educational Units are recommended to contact their Experience Coordinator to analyze the situation and make the most convenient decision.

What can I do to apply for my Educational Unit if it does not meet the minimum number of students?

It is possible to collaborate by integrating two or more groups that are taught during the same period (block/subject), either by the same professor or together with another Tec colleague. The groups can be from the same Educational Unit, similar or complementary.

Can the same collaboration be done with multiple institutions and/or international partners?

Yes. It is possible to collaborate with several institutions and/or professors. It is suggested that there be only two institutions (Tec de Monterrey + international partner university) for easier coordination. The more institutions participate, the degree of complexity increases; however, it is possible to collaborate taking care of the balance in the number of students from the different institutions for the formation of multicultural teams.

I teach an Educational Unit with one or more colleagues. Can I apply??

Yes. All the professors involved in the Educational Units must be aware of and agree with the application. Only one application would be submitted. In the registration of the application, information will be requested from all of them. The requirements mentioned in this call apply to all professors involved (training course "Guide for the design and implementation of GSL Classroom", Collaboration Commitment Letter, among others). Please review the requirements of this call.

I am a professor who has 4 or more certificates of internationalization, can I apply for a UDF in this call?

A: Professors who have 4 or more certificates of internationalization will not be able to apply in this call. We invite you to stay tuned as you will receive information soon.



To request more information about this initiative, please send an email to: