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Advanced Manufacturing

About the Group

This multidisciplinary research group develops new materials, tooling, and manufacturing processes to trigger new design concepts and potential new products. The group performs modeling, synthesis, and characterization of nanostructured materials.

Advanced processes of interest include additive manufacturing (3D printing), subtractive manufacturing (industrial laser and micro-milling), and forming. Potential research applications include medical devices, transportation, energy, and construction.

Research lines

• Competitive intelligence, technological innovation processes, and product life cycle.
• Synthesis and manufacture of nanoparticles, nanostructures, and nano-reinforced materials.
• Modeling of nanostructures and multiscale manufacturing using computational calculation tools, quantum chemistry and mechanics, molecular dynamics, density functional theory, finite element, and computational fluid dynamics, among others.
• Mechanical (fracture, fatigue, corrosion, tribology) and structural characterization of advanced materials.


Ciro Angel Rodríguez González -


Andrea Guevara Morales -


Alán Joel Miralrio Pineda
Alfonso Gómez Espinosa
Anatoly Markov
Andrés Antonio Torres Acosta
César David Reséndiz Calderón
David Carlos Romero Díaz
David Güemes Castorena
David Isaac Ibarra Zarate
Eduardo Alejandro Flores Villalba
Elisa Virginia Vázquez Lepe
Erika García López
Horacio Vieyra Ruíz
José Antonio Otero Hernández
José Israel Martínez López
Juan Manuel E. Ramírez de Arellano Niño Rincón
Leonardo Israel Farfán Cabrera
Marisela Rodríguez Salvador
Moisés Jiménez Martínez
Omar Eduardo López Botello
Rafael Batres Prieto
Ulises Figueroa López

Most relevant publications

• Chavarría-Barrientos, D., Batres, R., Wright, P. K., & Molina, A. (2018). A methodology to create a sensing, smart and sustainable manufacturing enterprise. International Journal of Production Research, 56(1-2), 584-603. doi:10.1080/00207543.2017.1386333

• Cuan-Urquizo, E., Barocio, E., Tejada-Ortigoza, V., Pipes, R. B., Rodriguez, C. A., & Roman-Flores, A. (2019). Characterization of the mechanical properties of FFF structures and materials: A review on the experimental, computational and theoretical approaches. Materials, 16(6) doi:10.3390/ma12060895

• Farfan-Cabrera, L. I. (2019). Tribology of electric vehicles: A review of critical components, current state and future improvement trends. Tribology International, 138, 473-486. doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2019.06.029

• García-López, E., Olvera-Trejo, D., & Velásquez-García, L. F. (2017). 3D printed multiplexed electrospinning sources for large-scale production of aligned nanofiber mats with small diameter spread. Nanotechnology, 28(42) doi:10.1088/1361-6528/aa86cc

• González-García, J., Gómez-Espinosa, A., Cuan-Urquizo, E., García-Valdovinos, L. G., Salgado-Jiménez, T., & Escobedo Cabello, J. A. (2020). Autonomous underwater vehicles: Localization, navigation, and communication for collaborative missions. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(4) doi:10.3390/app10041256

• Jimenez-Martinez, M., & Alfaro-Ponce, M. (2019). Fatigue damage effect approach by artificial neural network. International Journal of Fatigue, 124, 42-47. doi:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.02.043

• Lopez-Botello, O., Martinez-Hernandez, U., Ramírez, J., Pinna, C., & Mumtaz, K. (2017). Two-dimensional simulation of grain structure growth within selective laser melted AA-2024. Materials and Design, 113, 369-376. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2016.10.031

• Miralrio, A., & Vázquez, A. E. (2020). Plant extracts as green corrosion inhibitors for different metal surfaces and corrosive media: A review. Processes, 8(8) doi:10.3390/PR8080942

• Mittal, S., Khan, M. A., Romero, D., & Wuest, T. (2018). A critical review of smart manufacturing & industry 4.0 maturity models: Implications for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 49, 194-214. doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2018.10.005

• Rodríguez-Salvador, M., Rio-Belver, R. M., & Garechana-Anacabe, G. (2017). Scientometric and patentometric analyses to determine the knowledge landscape in innovative technologies: The case of 3D bioprinting. PLoS ONE, 12(6) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0180375


Business relationship

• Navistar
• Siemens
• Festo

Manufactura Avanzada

Sobre el Grupo

Este grupo de investigación multidisciplinario desarrolla nuevos materiales, herramentales y procesos de manufactura para detonar nuevos conceptos de diseño y potenciales nuevos productos.

El grupo realiza modelación, síntesis, y caracterización de materiales nanoestructurados. Los procesos avanzados de interés incluyen manufactura aditiva (impresión 3D), manufactura sustractiva (láser industrial y microfresado) y conformado. Las aplicaciones potenciales de la investigación se orientan a dispositivos médicos, transporte, energía y construcción.


Líneas de investigación

• Inteligencia competitiva, procesos de innovación tecnológica y ciclo de vida del producto.
• Síntesis y fabricación de nanopartículas, nanoestructuras y materiales nanoreforzados.
• Modelación de nanoestructuras y manufactura multiescala utilizando herramientas de cálculo computacional, química y mecánica cuántica, dinámica molecular, teoría del funcional de la densidad, elemento finito, dinámica computacional de fluidos, entre otros.
• Caracterización mecánica (fractura, fatiga, corrosión, tribología) y estructural de materiales avanzados.


Ciro Angel Rodríguez González -


Andrea Guevara Morales -


Alán Joel Miralrio Pineda
Alfonso Gómez Espinosa
Anatoly Markov
Andrés Antonio Torres Acosta
César David Reséndiz Calderón
David Carlos Romero Díaz
David Güemes Castorena
David Isaac Ibarra Zarate
Eduardo Alejandro Flores Villalba
Elisa Virginia Vázquez Lepe
Erika García López
Horacio Vieyra Ruíz
José Antonio Otero Hernández
José Israel Martínez López
Juan Manuel Eugenio Ramírez de Arellano Niño Rincón
Leonardo Israel Farfán Cabrera
Marisela Rodríguez Salvador
Moisés Jiménez Martínez
Omar Eduardo López Botello
Rafael Batres Prieto
Ulises Figueroa López

Publicaciones más relevantes

• Chavarría-Barrientos, D., Batres, R., Wright, P. K., & Molina, A. (2018). A methodology to create a sensing, smart and sustainable manufacturing enterprise. International Journal of Production Research, 56(1-2), 584-603. doi:10.1080/00207543.2017.1386333

• Cuan-Urquizo, E., Barocio, E., Tejada-Ortigoza, V., Pipes, R. B., Rodriguez, C. A., & Roman-Flores, A. (2019). Characterization of the mechanical properties of FFF structures and materials: A review on the experimental, computational and theoretical approaches. Materials, 16(6) doi:10.3390/ma12060895

• Farfan-Cabrera, L. I. (2019). Tribology of electric vehicles: A review of critical components, current state and future improvement trends. Tribology International, 138, 473-486. doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2019.06.029

• García-López, E., Olvera-Trejo, D., & Velásquez-García, L. F. (2017). 3D printed multiplexed electrospinning sources for large-scale production of aligned nanofiber mats with small diameter spread. Nanotechnology, 28(42) doi:10.1088/1361-6528/aa86cc

• González-García, J., Gómez-Espinosa, A., Cuan-Urquizo, E., García-Valdovinos, L. G., Salgado-Jiménez, T., & Escobedo Cabello, J. A. (2020). Autonomous underwater vehicles: Localization, navigation, and communication for collaborative missions. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(4) doi:10.3390/app10041256

• Jimenez-Martinez, M., & Alfaro-Ponce, M. (2019). Fatigue damage effect approach by artificial neural network. International Journal of Fatigue, 124, 42-47. doi:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.02.043

• Lopez-Botello, O., Martinez-Hernandez, U., Ramírez, J., Pinna, C., & Mumtaz, K. (2017). Two-dimensional simulation of grain structure growth within selective laser melted AA-2024. Materials and Design, 113, 369-376. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2016.10.031

• Miralrio, A., & Vázquez, A. E. (2020). Plant extracts as green corrosion inhibitors for different metal surfaces and corrosive media: A review. Processes, 8(8) doi:10.3390/PR8080942

• Mittal, S., Khan, M. A., Romero, D., & Wuest, T. (2018). A critical review of smart manufacturing & industry 4.0 maturity models: Implications for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 49, 194-214. doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2018.10.005

• Rodríguez-Salvador, M., Rio-Belver, R. M., & Garechana-Anacabe, G. (2017). Scientometric and patentometric analyses to determine the knowledge landscape in innovative technologies: The case of 3D bioprinting. PLoS ONE, 12(6) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0180375

Vinculación empresarial

• Navistar
• Siemens
• Festo

Weeks i with a Humanistic Outlook

In a Week i with a Humanistic Outlook, students take part in addressing a specific social issue, while developing disciplinary and transversal competencies, with the timely accompaniment and guidance of faculty and education partners.

2017 Challenges (in Spanish)

2018 Challenges (in Spanish)

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Immersions with a Humanistic Outlook

During Immersions with a Humanistic Outlook, students have the opportunity to engage in the analysis of social problems, acquiring greater insight into the real context of the same. In this way, students increase their awareness and strengthen their ethics and citizenship competencies in a meaningful, participative, committed manner.

Immersions with a Humanistic Outlook (in Spanish)

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Inmersiones con Sentido Humano

La Inmersión Social es una experiencia de aprendizaje con duración de tres semanas que se realiza durante los períodos intensivos de verano o invierno en sectores vulnerables de la sociedad, que se encuentran en un radio próximo a cada campus. Al contribuir al desarrollo de la sensibilidad moral del estudiantado, la experiencia posibilita la formación de la empatía, la compasión y la solidaridad, mismas que al ponerse en práctica facilitan la transformación personal del estudiante, así como del entorno social donde la actividad inmersiva se lleva a cabo.

Inmersiones con Sentido Humano 2020

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Blocks with a Humanistic Outlook

Formation unit placed between third and sixth semester of the study plan (may vary by the Campus), in which one or more groups can be identified with the social service and human sense attribute. This formation unit was also designed to strengthen competences to develop in students their ethic and citizen commitment.


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Bloques con Sentido Humano

Unidad de formación ubicada entre el tercero y el sexto semestre del plan de estudios, según lo determine la Escuela, en la que uno o varios grupos pueden ser identificados con el atributo de servicio social y sentido humano, y diseñada por las Escuelas para fortalecer las competencias que desarrollen el compromiso ético y ciudadano de los alumnos.



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Product Innovation

About the Group

We investigate state of the art concepts and generate significant contributions related to the identification of demand from Rapid Growing Markets as well as characterization and application of accelerating technologies for product and process innovations. We also design and create reference models, methodologies and tools for Rapid Product Innovation and Realization. Our group creates and builds conceptual and functional prototypes of products in the areas of advanced manufacturing technologies (micromachines/micro-factories, 3D printers), sustainable technologies (solar energy, smart grids, green houses) as well as bio-medical devices and intelligent robots.

Research lines

Benchmarks, models and methodologies for the integrated development of products, processes and production systems.
• Models, methods, techniques and information technologies for accelerated product development.
• Use of emerging technologies for product development.
• Models and centers for decision making based on visualization systems, data analysis and analytical models.

• Development of S ^ 3 products (Sensing, Smart and Sustainable)
• Development of systems and architectures for the automatic generation of software


Arturo Molina Gutiérrez -

Core researchers

Azael Jesus Cortes Capetillo
David Güemes Castorena
Juana Julieta Noguez Monroy
María Soledad Ramírez Montoya
Pedro Ponce Cruz
Rafael Batres Prieto

Adjunct researchs

David Christopher Balderas Silva
Edgar Omar López Caudana
Jhonattan Miranda Mendoza
Jorge Armando Cortés Ramírez
Luis Jaime Neri Vitela
Luis Miguel Ibarra Moyers


Top 5 of publications 2015-2019

- Retinal vessel extraction using Lattice Neural Networks with dendritic processing
Authors: Vega, R., Sanchez-Ante, G., Falcon-Morales, L., Sossa, H., & Guevara, E.

- A Community Perspective on Resilience Analytics: A Visual Analysis of Community Mood
Authors: López-Cuevas, A., Ramírez-Márquez, J., Sanchez-Ante, G., & Barker, K.

- Challenges and current developments for Sensing, Smart and Sustainable Enterprise Systems
Authors: Weichhart, G., Molina, A., Chen, D., Whitman, L., & Vernadat, F.

- End user perceptions toward smart grid technology: Acceptance, adoption, risks, and trust
Authors: Ponce, P., Polasko, K., & Molina, A.

- Classification of motor states from brain rhythms using lattice neural networks
Authors: Gudiño-Mendoza, B., Sossa, H., Sanchez-Ante, G., & Antelis, J.

Innovación de Productos

Sobre el Grupo

Investigar los conceptos de vanguardia y generar aportaciones significativas relacionadas a la identificación de la demanda del crecimiento rápido del mercado, caracterización y aplicaciones de la aceleración de las tecnologías para las innovaciones del producto y su proceso; diseñar y crear modelos de referencia, metodologías y herramientas para la rápida innovación de producto y su realización. Crear y construir prototipos conceptuales y funcionales de los productos en las áreas de tecnologías de manufactura avanzadas (micro-máquinas y micro-fábricas, impresoras 3D), tecnologías sustentables (energía solar, redes inteligentes, casas verdes), dispositivos biomédicos y robots inteligentes.

Líneas de investigación

  • Marco de referencia, modelos y metodologías para el desarrollo integrado de productos, procesos y sistemas de producción
  • Modelos, métodos, técnicas y tecnologías de información para el desarrollo acelerado de productos
  • Uso de tecnologías emergentes para el desarrollo de productos
  • Modelos computacionales predictivos o de identificación de variantes genéticas raras; impostores, instrucciones, software maliciosos; patrones de infección y genómica
  • Modelos y centros para la toma de decisiones basados en sistemas de visualización, análisis de datos y modelos analíticos.
  • Desarrollo de productos S^3 (Sensing, Smart and Sustainable)
  • Desarrollo de sistemas y arquitecturas para la generación automática de software


Arturo Molina Gutiérrez -


Azael Jesus Cortes Capetillo
David Güemes Castorena
Juana Julieta Noguez Monroy
María Soledad Ramírez Montoya
Pedro Ponce Cruz
Rafael Batres Prieto



David Christopher Balderas Silva
Edgar Omar López Caudana
Jhonattan Miranda Mendoza
Jorge Armando Cortés Ramírez
Luis Jaime Neri Vitela
Luis Miguel Ibarra Moyers


Top 5 de publicaciones 2015-2019

- Retinal vessel extraction using Lattice Neural Networks with dendritic processing
Autores: Vega, R., Sanchez-Ante, G., Falcon-Morales, L., Sossa, H., & Guevara, E.

- A Community Perspective on Resilience Analytics: A Visual Analysis of Community Mood
Autores: López-Cuevas, A., Ramírez-Márquez, J., Sanchez-Ante, G., & Barker, K.

- Challenges and current developments for Sensing, Smart and Sustainable Enterprise Systems
Autores: Weichhart, G., Molina, A., Chen, D., Whitman, L., & Vernadat, F.

- End user perceptions toward smart grid technology: Acceptance, adoption, risks, and trust
Autores: Ponce, P., Polasko, K., & Molina, A.

- Classification of motor states from brain rhythms using lattice neural networks
Autores: Gudiño-Mendoza, B., Sossa, H., Sanchez-Ante, G., & Antelis, J.