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Únete a Nuestra Facultad


Sé parte de nuestra Facultad

En el Tec de Monterrey estamos comprometidos con el desarrollo de nuestro Plan de Talento Académico. Este plan contempla un portafolio integral de esquemas de colaboración y contratos para académicos en todo el mundo. 

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Si estás interesado en postularte a una vacante académica con nosotros, te invitamos a revisar las siguientes posibilidades. 

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Be part of our Faculty

The development and growth of our academic programs and the Research agenda carried out in all our 6 Schools, relies primarily on the strength, academic quality and hard work of our world class Full Time Professors. 

This type of permanent collaboration involves a 40 hour per week contract in which our professors divide their academic load according to their discipline and development stage in one of our 5 developmental tracks: Research, Entrepreneurship, Consultant, Educational innovation or Clinical Practice.

To learn more about job opportunities, please click the School you are interested in applying to: 


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Visiting Professor

Visiting professor positions are temporary, with a contract period of 1-2 years for candidates holding a doctoral degree. These positions can be offered to international instructors who find in Tec de Monterrey the perfect location to enhance their teaching skills through TEC21 Educational innovation or for those who allocate a research project in collaboration with our Faculty.  Candidates will receive relocation assistance, housing allowance and work permit sponsorship.

To learn more about job opportunities, please click the School you are interested in applying to: 


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Global Visiting Professor

Our current global scenario has allowed us to consolidate this type of collaboration with dozens of highly renowned academics around the world. With this scheme, Professors who live in or outside Mexico engage in our vibrant Educational Model teaching up to two online courses per semester without leaving their city if they live in Mexico or their country if they live abroad. These contracts are flexible and intended to adapt to the candidate’s availability so they can last from one month to one-two years. The professor is allowed to choose their delivery method: either in-person classes or online lectures. 

If you are interested in joining Tec the Monterrey for a year or more, please click the School link and look for a job posting called “Foreign Visiting Professor”´: 

If you are interested in joining our Faculty for less than a year, please visit: Academic Jobs 

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Part Time On-Campus Professor

The demands of our Tec21 Educational Model, require the expertise and knowledge of active practitioners who also have excellent academic credentials and an international Vision. Every semester we receive hundreds of applications of brilliant Professionals in their fields who pursue a part time position in our departments. 

This is a semester-long position in which Professors are fully responsible of teaching and sharing their knowledge of 1 or 2 groups in our different programs and Schools. 

If you want to join us please click here.

¿Por qué unirse al Tec?

El Tecnológico de Monterrey es una universidad mexicana privada fundada en 1943 en el norte del país, en la ciudad de Monterrey. Desde su origen, nuestra institución fue creada sin fines de lucro y con el objetivo de dar solución a las demandas de la sociedad de una manera innovadora, generando un gran impacto en la vida de las personas a las que sirve. Todo lo que hacemos en el Tec puede resumirse en una inspiradora frase que da vida a nuestra Visión hacia el 2030:

“Liderazgo, innovación y emprendimiento para el florecimiento humano”. Nuestro propósito es ofrecer educación que transforma vidas. 


Datos y cifras del Tec

Convencidos de que el impacto que queremos generar en nuestra sociedad no se limita a una única región en el país, desde su fundación, el Tec de Monterrey se ha expandido a 25 ciudades en 26 campus en donde se ofrecen nuestros programas de Profesional y Posgrado a más de 89,000 estudiantes que acuden a nuestras aulas día con día y participan en nuestros clases y retos para transformar sus vidas. 

Si quieres conocer más datos y cifras del Tec, haz clic aquí.

Posicionamiento del Tec en rankings globales

En el Tec, siempre hemos trabajado en nuestra evaluación y mejora continua. La institución se ciñe a los más altos estándares de colaboración con universidades aliadas y de contribuciones al progreso académico, así como a su compromiso con la sociedad y la resolución de problemas socioeconómicos en México y el mundo.

Los resultados de los rankings sientan las bases para establecer compromisos que nos sean aún más ambiciosos como institución al beneficio de nuestros estudiantes y la sociedad. La implementación de nuestro Modelo Educativo Tec21, que avala nuestro compromiso con la excelencia educativa, es ejemplo de ello. 

Otro ejemplo es nuestro constante crecimiento en rankings globales, el cual nos ha permitido estar entre las 100 universidades líderes en diversas disciplinas y ser evaluados continuamente dentro de las 5 universidades líderes en Latinoamérica. 

Si deseas conocer la posición del Tec en rankings globales, por favor haz clic aquí. 

Cindy Jiménez

Outliers - Cindy Jimenez


"When you find a purpose in something you like, everything else will happen as a matter of course."

One day, I wrote to my mother, “Mom, you won’t be hearing from me for two weeks,” and I went to live with the orangutans in the middle of the Indonesian jungle.

I am Cindy Jiménez, and I was named one of the 50 most influential women at Tec de Monterrey.

My story started at PrepaTec, after which I studied a degree in Sustainable Development Engineering. Even though I was interested in the environment right from when I was a little girl, I dreamt of being a lawyer. Afterwards, I realized that I couldn’t see myself with the Mexican Constitution, but, instead, learning about the environment and understanding how systems work to be able to change them.

I had a very active student life. I grew in my degree’s student society until I became president, with the goal of leaving my mark.

In parallel, I grew in INCMty, the most important entrepreneurship festival in Latin America where, thanks to people such as Rob Ryan and Josué Delgado, who saw my potential, I became the general director of volunteering for two years, with 600 volunteers reporting to me, since this is a 10,000-person event.

Later on in my degree, I had the opportunity to participate in a student exchange program in Hong Kong, where I interned in a consulting firm called “The desk” providing public relations services. As part of the international experience, I taught Spanish and saved up to pay for my volunteer programs and trips. I completed two volunteer programs, the first of which was in the Indonesian jungle. I was out of reach for two weeks mapping orangutans, also known as GPS Tracking. Next, I volunteered at the “Giant Panda Breeding Center Research” in Chengdu, China,

rehabilitating pandas that had been living in the centers owing to deforestation, with the objective of sending them back to live in their habitats at some point.

My other international experience was at UC Berkeley, where I went to study, although I wanted to work abroad. I found a vacancy at CVC Monterrey on social networks and applied. I sent numerous emails until they answered one, which is how I completed a research internship in “Energy and Climate Institute,” UC Berkeley. It was a very interesting project because, even though it was based on metropolitan cities in Mexico, it was developed in the U.S. state of California, working on topics of electromobility and clean energies.

In the final stretch of my degree, I started an internship at Sintec Consulting, where I know work after graduating. At first, I was a traditional consultant, but given my pride in my degree, I mentioned to the director Gabriel Briesca that we needed a sustainability project. He placed his trust in me and now the SDG-oriented project is one of the most important tracks.

Four years ago, 2017, I was recognized by Tec de Monterrey’s Women Leaders of Mexico Forum and would like to replicate this women’s empowerment track at Sintec so there will be a before and after in sustainability and women’s empowerment issues.

All these experiences made me realize how important it is to surround myself with inspiring, supportive people. Continuing to learn from them just as they learn from you. You don’t always have to be the hero of the story, but you can also be the companion, without whom there would be no hero.

I am an Outlier because my story starts at Tec and ends up changing the world.

You too can be an Outlier! Tell us your story

Rostro de Outlier Estefanía
Hidalgo Campus

Manuel Álvarez Fuentes - Faculty

Profesor, Manuel Álvarez Fuentes, Faculty

Manuel Álvarez Fuentes


Campus Mexico City, School of Architecture, Art and Design, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Design and Visual Communication
Industrial design



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Manuel Álvarez Fuentes Studied Industrial Design at the Universidad Iberoamericana 1967-1971. He obtained a Master's Degree in Design at the Royal College of Art in 1975. He has 47 years of experience in teaching and as a consultant in design: products, furniture, interiors, packaging, signage and visual communication. 

Founder of CODIGRAM. Member of the Board of Directors of ICSID. He actively participated in diCorp Diseño Corporativo SA de CV in Querétaro for 20 years. Leader of Innovation in ALFHER Porcewol and currently develops consultancies in product design and signage. Jury since 2008 of the Red Dot Product Design Award in Essen, Germany. 

Professor of Industrial Design at Tecnológico de Monterrey Querétaro Campus 1991-1993 in Architecture, 2008-2017 at LDI, Mexico City Campus at LDI 2018-2019. Professor of the Chair in the Industrial Design Degree at the Universidad Iberomericana 2018-2019, He was Full Time Professor at the Universidad Iberoamericana from 1975-1976, 1978-1986. Director of the Department of Industrial Design and Graphic from 1978 to 1982. Full Time Professor at the UAM-Xochimilco from 1976 - 1978, Founder of the Degree in Industrial Design (Study Plans). Professor for Opposition in the Graduate of Industrial Design in the Graduate Unit - Faculty of Architecture UNAM 1982- 1987. 

Vice-president of CANCINTRA Deleg. Querétaro, 2006-2010. Expert in Signage and Innovation. He has been an Advisor to ALFHER Porcewol SA de CV for more than 35 years.

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Teaching Activities

Experience Design

Innovation in Business Models and Family Business Management

Professional Insertion Project

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Education and Training

Bachelor of Industrial Design, Universidad Iberoamericana

Master in Design, Royal College of Art

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Awards and Honors

Jury, conferred by Red Dot Award Concept Design, 2018

Manuel Álvarez Fuentes - Faculty

Manuel Álvarez Fuentes

Manuel Álvarez Fuentes


Campus Ciudad de México, Escuela de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Diseño y comunicación visual
Diseño industrial



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Manuel Álvarez Fuentes Studied Industrial Design at the Universidad Iberoamericana 1967-1971. He obtained a Master's Degree in Design at the Royal College of Art in 1975. He has 47 years of experience in teaching and as a consultant in design: products, furniture, interiors, packaging, signage and visual communication. 

Founder of CODIGRAM. Member of the Board of Directors of ICSID. He actively participated in diCorp Diseño Corporativo SA de CV in Querétaro for 20 years. Leader of Innovation in ALFHER Porcewol and currently develops consultancies in product design and signage. Jury since 2008 of the Red Dot Product Design Award in Essen, Germany. 

Professor of Industrial Design at Tecnológico de Monterrey Querétaro Campus 1991-1993 in Architecture, 2008-2017 at LDI, Mexico City Campus at LDI 2018-2019. Professor of the Chair in the Industrial Design Degree at the Universidad Iberomericana 2018-2019, He was Full Time Professor at the Universidad Iberoamericana from 1975-1976, 1978-1986. Director of the Department of Industrial Design and Graphic from 1978 to 1982. Full Time Professor at the UAM-Xochimilco from 1976 - 1978, Founder of the Degree in Industrial Design (Study Plans). Professor for Opposition in the Graduate of Industrial Design in the Graduate Unit - Faculty of Architecture UNAM 1982- 1987. 

Vice-president of CANCINTRA Deleg. Querétaro, 2006-2010. Expert in Signage and Innovation. He has been an Advisor to ALFHER Porcewol SA de CV for more than 35 years.

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Teaching Activities

Experience Design

Innovation in Business Models and Family Business Management

Professional Insertion Project

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Education and Training

Bachelor of Industrial Design, Universidad Iberoamericana

Master in Design, Royal College of Art

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Awards and Honors

Jury, conferred by Red Dot Award Concept Design, 2018

Olivia Chapa Miñana - Faculty

Olivia Chapa Miñana, Profesora

Olivia Chapa Miñana


Campus Estado de México, School of Architecture, Art and Design, Tecnológico de Monterrey.



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Graduated as Architect Engineer at the National Polytechnic Institute in 1986, Olivia has been dedicated to the design and construction of residential housing since then and her passion for teaching led her to combine both activities.

She studied Education Sciences, first the bachelor's degree and then the master's degree. She obtained a master's degree in Urban Planning focusing on Real Estate Development from UNAM, and a degree with the thesis "Objective Choice of Land Use in Properties with High Social Impact."

She performs real estate valuation and evaluation of investment projects. She teaches subjects related to projects, costs and construction systems. In addition, she teaches the Leadership for Construction Administration module in the Construction Administration diploma at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

She is developing the thesis for the Doctorate in Urbanism with the theme Urban habitability in pedestrian roads.

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Teaching Activities

Projects and costs

Construction systems

Leadership for Construction Administration

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Education and Training

Architect Engineer, National Polytechnic Institute

Master of Urbanism with a specialty in Real Estate Development, UNAM

Olivia Chapa Miñana - Faculty

olivia chapa

Olivia Chapa Miñana


Campus Estado de México, Escuela de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño, Tecnológico de Monterrey.



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Graduated as Architect Engineer at the National Polytechnic Institute in 1986, Olivia has been dedicated to the design and construction of residential housing since then and her passion for teaching led her to combine both activities.

She studied Education Sciences, first the bachelor's degree and then the master's degree. She obtained a master's degree in Urban Planning focusing on Real Estate Development from UNAM, and a degree with the thesis "Objective Choice of Land Use in Properties with High Social Impact."

She performs real estate valuation and evaluation of investment projects. She teaches subjects related to projects, costs and construction systems. In addition, she teaches the Leadership for Construction Administration module in the Construction Administration diploma at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

She is developing the thesis for the Doctorate in Urbanism with the theme Urban habitability in pedestrian roads.

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Teaching Activities

Projects and costs

Construction systems

Leadership for Construction Administration

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Education and Training

Architect Engineer, National Polytechnic Institute

Master of Urbanism with a specialty in Real Estate Development, UNAM

Bonnie J. Palifka - Faculty

Bonnie J. Palifka

Bonnie J. Palifka


Campus Monterrey, School of Social Sciences and Government, Tecnológico de Monterrey.





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Dr. Bonnie Palifka has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Texas at Austin, from which she also received her M.A. in Economics. She has a BA in Economics and Latin American Studies from the University of Vermont.

A professor in the Department of Economics at Tecnológico de Monterrey since 1998, Dr. Palifka has also taught at Yale University since 2011. In 2004, she designed and began teaching the pioneering course, "The Economics of Corruption," at Tecnológico de Monterrey. She has taught versions of this subject for Yale Summer Session and Yale Summer Online; During the Spring 2021 semester, he taught “Transnational Corruption, Crime, and Money Laundering” for Yale University. Her focus on corruption has also led her to speak at conferences at the World Bank and the United Nations.

She is the founder and organizer of the Academy Against Corruption in the Americas conference and has consulted for Transparency International and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. She received the Rómulo Garza award for the second edition of the book Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences and Reforms (co-authored with Susan Rose-Ackerman). Her most recent publications are book chapters, “Corruption, Organized Crime, and the Public Sector in Mexico,” in the Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration, and “Mexico's National Anti-Corruption System” (co-authored with María de los Ángeles Estrada and Ingrid Valeria Galicia González) in Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin America. Dr. Palifka is a member of the civil society organizations Citizens Against Corruption and the Anti-Corruption Coalition.

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Teaching Activities

  • Anticorruption in Government, Firms, and Society
  • Corruption: Causes and Consequences
  • Economic History
  • Enterprise Economics
  • International Economic Politic
  • Macroeconomic Environment

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Education and Training

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Master in Science, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Bachelor of Arts, The University of Vermont
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  • Palifka, Bonnie J., María de los Ángeles Estrada, and Ingrid Valeria Galicia González.  “Mexico’s National Anti-Corruption System,” in Joseph Pozsgai, ed., Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin America, Routledge Corruption and Anti-Corruption Studies, 2021

  • Palifka, Bonnie J. “Corruption, Organized Crime and the Public Sector in Mexico,” in Adam Graycar, ed., Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration, Edward Elgar, 2020

  • Rose-Ackerman, Susan, and Bonnie J. Palifka. “Corruption, Organized Crime, and Money Laundering,” in Kaushik Basu and Tito Cordella, eds., Institutions, Governance and the Control of Corruption. NY: Palgrave, 2018

  • Rose-Ackerman, Susan and Bonnie J. Palifka. "Corruption and Government :Causes, Consequences and Reform, 2nd edition, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018

  • Sañudo Martha y Bonnie J. Palifka. “Corrupción Académica y su Influencia en la Democracia (Academic Corruption and Its Influence on Democracy)”. Veritas 2018 

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Awards and Honors

  • Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 1 (Palifka,Bonnie J.)

Bonnie J. Palifka - Faculty

Bonnie Jo Palifka

Bonnie J. Palifka


Campus Monterrey, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno, Tecnológico de Monterrey.





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Dr. Bonnie Palifka has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Texas at Austin, from which she also received her M.A. in Economics. She has a BA in Economics and Latin American Studies from the University of Vermont.

A professor in the Department of Economics at Tecnológico de Monterrey since 1998, Dr. Palifka has also taught at Yale University since 2011. In 2004, she designed and began teaching the pioneering course, "The Economics of Corruption," at Tecnológico de Monterrey. She has taught versions of this subject for Yale Summer Session and Yale Summer Online; During the Spring 2021 semester, he taught “Transnational Corruption, Crime, and Money Laundering” for Yale University. Her focus on corruption has also led her to speak at conferences at the World Bank and the United Nations.

She is the founder and organizer of the Academy Against Corruption in the Americas conference and has consulted for Transparency International and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. She received the Rómulo Garza award for the second edition of the book Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences and Reforms (co-authored with Susan Rose-Ackerman). Her most recent publications are book chapters, “Corruption, Organized Crime, and the Public Sector in Mexico,” in the Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration, and “Mexico's National Anti-Corruption System” (co-authored with María de los Ángeles Estrada and Ingrid Valeria Galicia González) in Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin America. Dr. Palifka is a member of the civil society organizations Citizens Against Corruption and the Anti-Corruption Coalition.

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Teaching Activities

  • Anticorruption in Government, Firms, and Society
  • Corruption: Causes and Consequences
  • Economic History
  • Enterprise Economics
  • International Economic Politic
  • Macroeconomic Environment

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Education and Training

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Master in Science, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Bachelor of Arts, The University of Vermont
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  • Palifka, Bonnie J., María de los Ángeles Estrada, and Ingrid Valeria Galicia González.  “Mexico’s National Anti-Corruption System,” in Joseph Pozsgai, ed., Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin America, Routledge Corruption and Anti-Corruption Studies, 2021

  • Palifka, Bonnie J. “Corruption, Organized Crime and the Public Sector in Mexico,” in Adam Graycar, ed., Handbook on Corruption, Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration, Edward Elgar, 2020

  • Rose-Ackerman, Susan, and Bonnie J. Palifka. “Corruption, Organized Crime, and Money Laundering,” in Kaushik Basu and Tito Cordella, eds., Institutions, Governance and the Control of Corruption. NY: Palgrave, 2018

  • Rose-Ackerman, Susan and Bonnie J. Palifka. "Corruption and Government :Causes, Consequences and Reform, 2nd edition, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018

  • Sañudo Martha y Bonnie J. Palifka. “Corrupción Académica y su Influencia en la Democracia (Academic Corruption and Its Influence on Democracy)”. Veritas 2018 

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Awards and Honors

  • Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 1 (Palifka,Bonnie J.)