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Public Entrepreneurship and Innovation

About the Project

We generate research that provides solutions to the following questions: What can we do to have a better impact: build, rebuild and promote efficient communication and cooperation between the public servants, politicians and citizens as well as between various organization? What role can and should have the predictable technological and anthropological changes? And, how can the public enterprise generate the necessary enthusiasm and participation?

We try to solve these questions by studying entrepreneurship and public productivity, the models of participation and construction of public policy solutions and the technological impact within the public policy. To reach these goals, we study economics, law, political science, demography, sociology and technological innovation.

Research lines

  • Entrepreneurship and public productivity
  • Models for participation in and construction of solutions for public policy
  • Technological impact and public policy

Core researchers

Alejandro Alfonso Poiré Romero
Carlos Elizondo Mayer Serra
Edgar Arturo Barroso Merino
Edmundo Molina Pérez

Researchers and Students

Doctoral student

Andrea Soledad Murgan Eguilior

Recent Publications
Poiré, A. (2012). Mexico’s Fight for Security: Actions and Achievements, en George Philip y Susana Berruecos (eds.), Mexico’s Struggle for Public Security: Organized Crime and State Responses. Studies of the Americas. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 13-28.
Elizondo, C. (2014). ¿Una nueva Constitución en el 2013? (A new Constitution in 2013?) El capítulo económico. Revista Cuestiones Constitucionales, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM, número 31, julio-diciembre 2014.
Undergrad Research Program

Undergrad Research Program

Access cutting edge Technology focused on impact


Even from the early beginnings of Tecnológico de Monterrey's research initiatives, it has been clear that it is critical to involve undergraduate students in these efforts to provide new knowledge and innovation for the field of science, and for the community.

This program combines all the different institutional structures through which students can impact the current and future research of our university, with the goal of facilitating the integration of a larger number of students into existing and new projects, and to increase multidisciplinary collaboration between them.

The program includes students from the different majors within the TEC21 educational offer, including all programs in Engineering, Health, Business, Social Sciences, Creative Studies and Built Environment.


Through a future-centered analysis of current problems, a growing knowledge of the world's current connectivity technologies, a strong conviction for generating social impact, and the insatiable drive which characterizes our young students, undergraduates in Tecnológico de Monterrey nurture and increase the impact of scientific research within our university's laboratories, all around the country.

This program seeks to identify and channel the research abilities of young students, long before they enroll in graduate studies, to provide early preparation in their path to becoming the Mexican researchers of the future, both within our country and at an international level.

Reach Out

In addition to being part of research projects and programs, students have the chance of undergoing international experiences which will help him increase the impact of his scientific work, and that of Tecnológico de Monterrey, both during his studies and in his future career.

Participation in this program includes:

  • Being part of cutting-edge research projects.
  • National and international projects.
  • Scientific Publication opportunities in both conferences and journals.
  • Professional development focused on scientific and R&D industries.
  • Possibility of obtaining credits with equivalence in the undergraduate curriculum.
  • Possibility of obtaining certifications and diplomas beyond those offered by the undergraduate curriculum.

Study Lines

Autonomous Vehicles
Autonomous Vehicles

The Autonomous Vehicles Research Line focuses on the development and improvement of trajectory-control algorithms for predefined paths and for paths defined in real time through environment analysis. The group’s work involves aerial, terrestrial and subaquatic vehicles, integrating the latest technologies in load-transportation devices (such as drones) and in sensor systems for three-dimensional analysis.

Efforts directed towards entrepreneurship include proposals for application of autonomous vehicles in high-risk industrial analysis tasks as well as in search-and-rescue activities.


The Neurotechnology Research Line focuses on the exploration of the functioning of the human brain, through non-invasive devices, which monitor neural signals. Additionally, efforts include the integration of brain activity within virtual and electromechanical systems, with the goal of allowing environment manipulation through thoughts.

Complementary activities include the development of original neural-signal-acquisition devices, pursuing the exploitation of market opportunities in Latin American regions and promoting scientific research and development with a focus on entrepreneurship.


The Architecture Research Line seeks to develop and implement new proposals in materials and construction methods to create the future of built environment in Mexico, Latin America and the world. Through its research and development projects, the group achieves theoretical advances while promoting practical applications and impact in cities, in the short term.

In order to achieve entrepreneurial significance, professors and students collaborate with architectural firms and construction companies both nationally and internationally to license and commercialize the products of their multiple research proposals.


The Biotechnology Research Line focuses on working directly with micro- and nano-scaled biological units for the design and production of biomaterials and bioprocesses mainly applied in the areas of medicine, pharmaceutics, food, and organic waste. Specific activities include research in biological technologies for early detection of diseases, in bioprocesses for the development of vaccines, in tissue engineering and stem cell cultivation, and in genetic engineering for the production of food with greater added value.

In the area of entrepreneurship, multiple projects led by professors and students have grown into companies which now focus on the development of materials and processes for the food industry, on the development of disposable products with low environmental impact, and on the development of pharmaceutics focused on chronic diseases.


The Finances Research Line seeks to explore and develop economic and financial models supporting the understanding of global-market dynamics and the capital-administration, decision-making process within different business and government levels. Additionally, the group also focuses in tackling economic risk management and investment problems from a social-centered point of view.

In the field of entrepreneurship, the recent increase in the use of digital and mobile platforms has generated new projects focused in offering individuals -in scales of thousands of users at a time- smart, data-driven support in the administration of their capital.


The Chemistry Research Line focuses on exploring the basic properties of substances and mixtures with the goal of augmenting human capacity for material and molecule design in applications for construction, pharmaceutics and other industrial fields. This line’s activities include experimentation and theoretical description of the behavior of matter and its reactions within different contexts.

In the area of entrepreneurship, various projects have focused on the development of materials and processes for printing-media security, on the development of personal-use products with reduced environmental impact, and on the implementation of processes with greater energy efficiency, specifically for industrial infrastructure.


The Optics Research Line focuses on exploring and developing different ways of applying light in micro-manipulation systems as well as in quantum computing and systems for micro- and nano-structured material characterization, for high-quality-production industrial processes and for the development of new, cutting-edge-technology products. Through the understanding and the theoretical analysis of optical processes and phenomena in various controlled environments, the goal is to evaluate and generate physical characteristics and behaviors in materials and processes.

In the area of entrepreneurship, projects have allowed professors as well as students to create their own spin-offs and service companies from technologies developed in the areas of data-transmission through optical media and of quality-assessment for microelectronics.


The Biomechatronics Research Line focuses on the implementation and development of human-use, robotic devices (mainly exoskeletons), primarily focused on allowing people with motion disabilities to recover healthy function and on safeguarding the physical integrity of workers involved in heavy-load activities. Additionally, the group seeks to test each developed device in a clinical environment and with human subjects, in order to characterize its functionality and to evaluate its benefit on the user.

In the area of entrepreneurship, the group works to create short-term ways through which this technology may have an impact in as many people with disabilities as possible, both in Mexico and in Latin America. The focus is on low-cost models taken to limited-resource states and countries through collaborations with clinics and medical centers.


The Design Research Line seeks to generate new paradigms in material design, in production processes and with respect to aesthetic language while focusing on product and user experience. Activities focus on the theoretical exploration of concepts immediately applied to products and experiences in practical ways. Producing and prototyping are fundamental parts of this research line.

In the area of entrepreneurship, contact with industry is significant and direct, allowing a large number of projects to become relevant and accepted proposals for international companies and resulting in the creation of new, advanced-design Mexican studios on the global vanguard.


- News of Tec de Monterrey in Research in Professional Dr. Terashima and the Intelligent Systems Research Group look for students to join their research and development projects. Click Here for more information, 

- The importance of doing research in the early stages of undergraduate college education.

Research is the intellectual activity of creating new knowledge. Skills and competences which are promoted through this cognitive activity cover multiple and diverse dimensions. Critical thinking is one of the most important skills developed through a formation in research. Internalizing and thoroughly understanding concepts written and described by someone else, and how they relate with different topics and subjects of research, is a skill which is critical to an up-and-coming researcher, as well as to professionals in any area of expertise. Questioning the validity of information and sources, their scope and limitations, their universe of applicability, etc; this is key to a better development of scientific and business activities.

Through the application of the scientific method -in which hypotheses are formulated from the beginning and then tested and confirmed- young student-researchers must also develop the creative and intellectual prowess to perform educated guesses and then propose the correct experiments to confirm or reject their conjectures. Working on these abilities and skills during the early stages of college education is an excellent way to mold the student into his best possible professional persona, so that he can face realities which contain more questions than answers. It also prepares him to answer them in data-driven and systematic ways, through an educated understanding of phenomena and basic science.

Laboratory work, experimental design, project planning and management, and analysis of obtained results, as well as proper and formal writing reports that will effectively communicate knowledge and processes to others, are abilities that we actively seek to develop and instill in students within our Undergraduate Research Program, for both their present research activities and their future professional work.

Undergraduate Research Program

Undergraduate Research Program

Accede a Tecnología de Vanguardia enfocada en el impacto


Desde el lanzamiento de las iniciativas de investigación del Tecnológico de Monterrey, ha sido claro que la participación de los estudiantes de pregrado en las distintas líneas científicas de la institución es una pieza crítica para asegurar la generación de nuevo conocimiento con aplicación de impacto en la comunidad.

Este programa combina los diferentes modos a través de los cuales los estudiantes de profesional del Tecnológico de Monterrey pueden impactar en la investigación científica de la institución, con el fin de facilitar la integración de un mayor número de estudiantes en líneas de investigación existentes y la creación de nuevas líneas de impacto.

El Programa incluye a estudiantes de las diferentes carreras de la oferta educativa TEC21 en Ingeniería, Salud, Negocios, Ciencias Sociales, Estudios Creativos y Ambiente Construido.


A través de una visión enfocada en el futuro frente a retos del presente, de una iniciativa y energía que son características de nuestros jóvenes estudiantes, de un creciente conocimiento en las tecnologías de conectividad del mundo moderno, y de una fuerte convicción por generar impacto social a través de su trabajo, los estudiantes de nivel profesional del Tecnológico de Monterrey alimentan e incrementan el impacto de la investigación científica que se lleva a cabo en los laboratorios de la universidad, en cada uno de sus campus.

Este programa se enfoca en aprovechar las aptitudes de investigación de los estudiantes de nivel profesional, aún incluso de que se integren a un programa de posgrado, y prepararlos para convertirse en los investigadores mexicanos del futuro, tanto en nuestro país como a nivel internacional.


Además de integrarse en programas y proyectos de investigación, el alumno tiene la oportunidad de tener experiencias internacionales que lo ayuden a incrementar el impacto de su trabajo científico y el del Tecnológico de Monterrey, tanto durante sus estudios de profesional, como en su futuro.

La participación en el programa incluye:

  • Participación en proyectos de investigación de vanguardia.
  • Proyectos nacionales e internacionales.
  • Oportunidades de publicaciones científicas en congresos y "journals".
  • Desarrollo profesional enfocado a las industrias científicas y de investigación.
  • Posibilidad de revalidar materias del programa de estudios.
  • Posibilidad de obtener certificaciones y diplomas adicionales al plan de estudios.

Líneas de Estudio Asociadas

Vehículos Autónomos
Autonomous Vehicles

La linea de investigación en Vehículos Autónomos busca desarrollar y perfeccionar algoritmos de control de trayectorias predefinidas y definidas en tiempo real, por medio de análisis del ambiente, para vehículos aéreos, terrestres y subacuáticos. Para estos proyectos, se emplean las últimas tecnologías en dispositivos de movilidad de cargas (como los drones) y en sensores del espacio tridimensional.

Como actividades dirigidas al emprendimiento, se explora la aplicación de los distintos tipos de vehículos autónomos en actividades de análisis industrial con alto riesgo y en actividades de rescate en desastre.

Conoce más >


La línea de investigación en Neurotecnología se enfoca en explorar el funcionamiento del cerebro humano a través de dispositivos de monitoreo de señales cerebrales no-inasivas. Adicionalmente, se trabaja en la integración de la actividad neuronal en aplicaciones virtuales y electromecánicas, en un esfuerzo por permitir la manipulación de ambientes por medio de los pensamientos.

Como actividad complementaria, esta línea de investigación también explora el desarrollo de dispositivos originales para la adquisición de señales cerebrales, buscando aprovechar áreas de oportunidad en mercados latinoamericanos y fomentando el desarrollo científico aplicado al emprendimiento.


La línea de investigación en Arquitectura busca desarrollar e implementar nuevas propuestas en materiales y en métodos de construcción para crear el futuro del ambiente construido en México, Latinoamérica y el mundo. A través de sus proyectos de investigación y desarrollo, el grupo genera avances teóricos mientras que busca y promueve implementaciones e impactos prácticos en las ciudades, en el corto plazo.

Para lograr impacto en el emprendimiento, los profesores y estudiantes colaboran con firmas y empresas de arquitectura y construcción a nivel nacional e internacional, en un esfuerzo por licenciar y comercializar los productos de sus múltiples propuestas de investigación.


La línea de investigación en Biotecnología se enfoca en el trabajo directo con micro y nano unidades biológicas para el diseño y la producción de biomateriales y bioprocesos aplicados en las áreas médicas, farmacéuticas, de alimentos y de desechos orgánicos, principalmente. Las actividades específicas incluyen investigación en tecnologías biológicas para la detección temprana de enfermedades, en bioprocesos para el desarrollo de vacunas, en ingeniería de tejidos y cultura de células madre, y en ingeniería genética para la producción de alimentos de mayor valor agregado.

En el área de emprendimiento, múltiples proyectos de investigación liderados por profesores y estudiantes se han convertido en empresas desarrolladoras de materiales y procesos para la industria alimentaria, para la industria de productos desechables de bajo impacto ambiental y para la industria farmacológica enfocada en enfermedades crónicas.


La línea de investigación en Finanzas busca explorar y generar modelos económico-financieros que apoyen en el entendimiento de la dinámica del mercado global y en la toma de decisiones de administración de capital en distintos niveles empresariales y gubernamentales. Además, el grupo se enfoca en abordar problemas económicos de gestión de riesgo e inversión desde un punto de vista social y ciudadano.

En el ambiente del emprendimiento, el reciente incremento en el uso de plataformas digitales y móviles ha generado nuevos proyectos enfocados en ofrecer al individuo, en escalas de miles de usuarios a la vez, apoyo en la administración inteligente de su capital por medio de datos reales procesados por sistemas computacionales.


La línea de investigación en Química explora las propiedades básicas de las sustancias y de las mezclas con el fin de aumentar la capacidad de diseño de materiales y moléculas para la construcción, para la producción de medicamentos y para otras aplicaciones industriales. Esta línea se enfoca en la experimentación y descripción teórica del comportamiento de la materia y de sus reacciones en distintos contextos.

En la línea del emprendimiento, distintos proyectos se han enfocado a la generación de materiales y procesos de seguridad en medios impresos, al desarrollo de productos de uso personal con menor impacto ecológico y a la implementación de procesos de mayor eficiencia energética, en la industria.


La línea de investigación en Óptica busca explorar y desarrollar distintas formas de aplicación de luz en sistemas de micro-manipulación, de cómputo cuántico y de caracterización de materiales micro- y nano-estructurados para aplicaciones en la industria avanzada de producción de alta calidad y desarrollo de nuevos productos de vanguardia tecnológica. A través del conocimiento y la fundamentación teórica de los procesos y los fenómenos ópticos en distintos ambientes controlados, el enfoque es la evaluación y la generación de características y comportamientos físicos en materiales y procesos.

En la línea del emprendimiento, los proyectos han permitido que tanto profesores como estudiantes generen sus propias spin-offs y empresas de servicios a raíz del desarrollo de tecnologías de transmisión de información por medios ópticos y de producción y evaluación de calidad de microelectrónica.


La línea de investigación en Biomecatrónica se enfoca en la implementación y el desarrollo de dispositivos robóticos de uso con humanos (mayormente exoesqueletos), principalmente enfocados en permitir que personas con limitaciones en su capacidad motriz recuperen movilidad sana y en cuidar la integridad física de trabajadores en ambientes de carga pesada. Adicionalmente, se busca probar cada dispositivo desarrollado en ambientes clínicos y con sujetos humanos, para caracterizar su funcionamiento y evaluar su beneficio en el usuario.

En el área de emprendimiento, el grupo trabaja para crear los medios a través de los cuales la tecnología pueda impactar al mayor número de personas con discapacidad en México y Latinoamérica en el corto plazo, formando colaboraciones con clínicas y centro médicos para llevar modelos de bajo costo a estados y países con recursos limitados.


La línea de investigación en Diseño busca generar nuevas propuestas en diseño de materiales, en procesos de producción y con respecto a lenguaje estético desde un punto de vista enfocado en producto y experiencia de usuario. Las actividades se enfocan en la exploración teórica de conceptos inmediatamente aplicados de manera práctica en productos y experiencias. La producción y el prototipado son partes fundamentales de esta línea de investigación.

En el contexto del emprendimiento, el contacto con la industria es significativo y directo, llevando a un gran número de proyectos a convertirse en propuestas relevantes y adoptadas por empresas internacionales; permitiendo la generación de nuevos estudios mexicanos de diseño avanzado, de vanguardia mundial.


Noticias del Tecnológico en Investigación en Profesional

- El Dr. Terashima y el Grupo de Investigación en Sistemas Inteligentes buscan estudiantes para unirse a sus proyectos de investigación y desarrollo. Oprime aquí para mayor información.

- La importancia de hacer investigación en etapas tempranas de una formación universitaria (nivel profesional)

La investigación es la actividad intelectual de crear nuevo conocimiento, las habilidades y competencias que se promueven mediante esta activación cognitiva contiene dimensiones diversas, por ejemplo el pensamiento crítico que permite al investigador en formación de interiorizar y profundizar en los conceptos que alguien mas ha escrito relacionado con el tema sujeto de investigación, hacerse preguntas sobre su validez, alcance, limitaciones, universo de aplicabilidad, etc.

La aplicación del método científico, en donde se formulan las hipótesis de comienzo y estas se van probando a medida que el joven investigador va planteando experimentos, pruebas o desarrollos que le permiten confirmar o validar éstas. La investigación en etapas tempranas de una formación universitaria es una excelente actividad formativa que moldea al estudiante de licenciatura (nivel profesional) para enfrentar realidades en donde hay mas preguntas que respuestas y que estas respuestas deberán ser contestadas en base a la búsqueda sistemática de la comprensión de fenómenos usando las ciencias básicas por ejemplo.

El trabajo de laboratorio, el diseño de experimentos, la planeación y el análisis de los resultados así como la escritura de documentos formales son habilidades y competencias que en la Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias deseamos promover desde nivel profesional.

Our History, Tec de Monterrey, 80th anniversary

Our History


Tecnológico de Monterrey was founded in 1943 thanks to the vision of Don Eugenio Garza Sada and a group of entrepreneurs who formed a non-profit association called Enseñanza e Investigación Superior, A. C.

Tecnológico de Monterrey is a private, non-profit, independent institution with no political and religious affiliations.

The work of Tecnológico de Monterrey and all its campuses is supported by civil associations made up of a numerous group of outstanding leaders from all over the country who are committed to quality in higher education.

Every year, the board members of these civil associations meet to define the goals that will guide the major decisions which will help Tecnológico de Monterrey to meet its objective of driving the development of communities and the nation.

Tecnológico de Monterrey enjoys the support of the national community, which participates in the raffles organized by the institution itself to expand its scholarship program and investment in infrastructure.

Tecnológico de Monterrey enjoys the status of Free University School, which enables it to function as an educational institution.

These are some of the main events that distinguish our Institution 80 years after the foundation of Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Evolution by decades

Find out about Eugenio Garza Sada's Life

More information navigate_next
Find out about Eugenio Garza Sada's Life
Nuestra Historia, Tec de Monterrey, 80 aniversario

Nuestra historia


El Tecnológico de Monterrey fue fundado en 1943 gracias a la visión de don Eugenio Garza Sada y de un grupo de empresarios, quienes constituyeron una asociación civil denominada Enseñanza e Investigación Superior, A. C.

El Tec es una institución de carácter privado, sin fines de lucro, independiente y ajena a partidarismos políticos y religiosos.

La labor del Tec de Monterrey y de todos sus campus es apoyada por asociaciones civiles, integradas por un numeroso grupo de destacados líderes de todo el país comprometido con la calidad de la educación superior.

Cada año, los consejeros de estas asociaciones civiles se reúnen para establecer las metas que deben orientar las grandes decisiones, dirigidas a que el Tecnológico de Monterrey cumpla con su objetivo de convertirse en motor de desarrollo de las comunidades y del país.

El Tec de Monterrey cuenta con el apoyo de la comunidad nacional, que participa en los sorteos que la propia institución organiza para ampliar el programa de becas y la inversión en infraestructura.

Para su funcionamiento como institución educativa, el Tec de Monterrey goza del estatuto de Escuela Libre Universitaria.

A 80 años de la fundación del Tec de Monterrey, estos son algunos de los principales acontecimientos históricos que distinguen a nuestra Institución.

Evolución por décadas

Conoce la vida de Eugenio Garza Sada

Más información navigate_next
Conoce la vida de Eugenio Garza Sada

Campus North Sonora's Trustees


Associates / Active

Jorge Horacio Mazón Rubio (President)
José Germán Coppel Luken (Vicepresident)
Alan Ricardo Aguirre Ibarra
Benjamín Aguilar García
Cecilia Bours de Aguayo
Delfín Alberto Ruibal Zaragoza
Eduardo Javier Tapia Camou
Félix Tonella Platt
Gilberto Armando Robles Bustamante
Hormes Saúl Rojo Valenzuela

Associates / Active

Javier Martín Freig Carrillo
Jorge Cons Figueroa
José Antonio Díaz Quintanar
Juan Carlos Mazón Salazar
Julio Luebbert Mazón
Luis Roberto Mazón Rubio
Margot Molina Elías
Norma Dolores Castelo Vera
Roberto Mazón Caballero
Servando Carbajal Ruiz
Susana Coppel García
Lucía Guadalupe Canseco Campoy (Secretary)

Honorary Associates

Alfonso Reina Villegas
Alvaro Obregón Luken
Arturo Eleuterio Ortega Molina
Carlos Martin Espriu Murillo
Fernando Gutiérrez Cohen
Francisco Burruel Martinez
Francisco Díaz Brown Olea
Guadalupe Gutiérrez Luken
Hevelio Villegas Aguilar
Marco Antonio Molina Rodríguez
Miguel Ángel Castellanos Araujo
Óscar Cuéllar Rosas
Ricardo Platt García
Roberto Kitazawa Armendáriz

Benefactor Associates

Félix Tonella Luken
Francisco Salazar Serrano
Héctor Rubén Mazón Lizárraga
Javier Gutiérrez Luken
José Santos Gutiérrez Luken
Juan de la Puente Bay
Juan Fernando Healy Loera
Raymundo García de León
Samuel Fraijo Flores
Sergio Mazón Rubio

Consejo de Campus Sonora Norte


Asociados Activos/Consejeros

Jorge Horacio Mazón Rubio (Presidente)
José Germán Coppel Luken (Vicepresidente)
Alan Ricardo Aguirre Ibarra
Benjamín Aguilar García
Cecilia Bours de Aguayo
Delfín Alberto Ruibal Zaragoza
Eduardo Javier Tapia Camou
Félix Tonella Platt
Gilberto Armando Robles Bustamante
Hormes Saúl Rojo Valenzuela

Asociados Activos/Consejeros

Javier Martín Freig Carrillo
Jorge Cons Figueroa
José Antonio Díaz Quintanar
Juan Carlos Mazón Salazar
Julio Luebbert Mazón
Luis Roberto Mazón Rubio
Margot Molina Elías
Norma Dolores Castelo Vera
Roberto Mazón Caballero
Servando Carbajal Ruiz
Susana Coppel García
Lucía Guadalupe Canseco Campoy (Secretaria)

Asociados Honorarios

Alfonso Reina Villegas
Alvaro Obregón Luken
Arturo Eleuterio Ortega Molina
Carlos Martin Espriu Murillo
Fernando Gutiérrez Cohen
Francisco Burruel Martinez
Francisco Díaz Brown Olea
Guadalupe Gutiérrez Luken
Hevelio Villegas Aguilar
Marco Antonio Molina Rodríguez
Miguel Ángel Castellanos Araujo
Óscar Cuéllar Rosas
Ricardo Platt García
Roberto Kitazawa Armendáriz

Asociados Benefactores

Félix Tonella Luken
Francisco Salazar Serrano
Héctor Rubén Mazón Lizárraga
Javier Gutiérrez Luken
José Santos Gutiérrez Luken
Juan de la Puente Bay
Juan Fernando Healy Loera
Raymundo García de León
Samuel Fraijo Flores
Sergio Mazón Rubio

Imagen principal

Eugenio Garza Sada

Don Eugenio
Don Eugenio

To talk of Don Eugenio Garza Sada, is to describe a tireless worker, a man of few words and with a precise manner of speaking. Don Eugenio was renowned not only as a successful businessman, but also as an active promoter of the development of his community, constantly acting congruently, with enormous simplicity and a deep sense of humanity, focused on the improvement of all those who surrounded him, without distinction.





Don Eugenio Garza Sada was born on January 11, 1892. His childhood coincided with the first stage of Mexico’s industrialization, during the period in which Porfirio Díaz was in office, known as the Porfiriato (1876 - 1910), and when foreign investors introduced the latest technologies of that time.

As a child, through his father’s example, he received lessons that would later become fundamental to his professional career. He learned to live side by side with risk and problems. He assimilated his father’s patriotism, community service, rectitude, modesty, high standards and severity, forging definitively the personality that would touch so many people and attain so many achievements.

He studied primary school in the Colegio de San Juan, in Saltillo, Coahuila, and then came to Monterrey to study in the Colegio Hidalgo, run by the Marist Brothers, followed by high school in a military institution, Western Academy, in the United States. He stayed in the US to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering, in 1916.

While in the United States, he became aware that education is the most effective means of achieving the industrialization and development of a country, and of the connection existing between research and science, between science and technology, and between these three components and development, wellbeing and freedom. This formed the basis for building his life project.

In 1917, he began working at the Cuauhtémoc Brewery. Upon his death, almost 56 years later, in 1973, he was President of Grupo Valores Industriales, S. A., (VISA), which brought together several companies and was created around Cuauhtémoc Brewery.

He always had a clear idea of what work is. Behind each machine, each desk, each service window, he saw the human being working there. As a result, he always treated his collaborators and employees with kindness and closeness, and maintained the austere, simple lifestyle that marked his youth.

It was once said about him: "For Don Eugenio, every task is important enough to be granted all his drive and capacity to achieve a perfect result. He lived every matter intensely and encapsulated all his experience and talent in each and every activity."

Don Eugenio Garza Sada was a devote advocate of education. He firmly believed that human development would drive Mexico to become a better country. Therefore, through Sociedad Cuauhtémoc y Famosa, he channeled highly significant resources to offer courses and, above all, grant scholarships for the children of those who worked in the affiliated companies.

After 26 years at the Cuauhtémoc Brewery, Don Eugenio considered that the preparation of Mexican technicians was long overdue, driving him to undertake his most important work: Tecnológico de Monterrey, sponsored by Enseñanza e Investigación Superior, A.C.

To this end, he met with a group of Monterrey businessmen and crystallized the idea of creating an institution that would prepare men and women comprehensively–and not just as well-qualified professionals. This institution, conceived in Don Eugenio’s mind, it is said, since 1917, began modestly in a house in Monterrey’s downtown area in 1943, with 350 students and a handful of professors.

Don Eugenio devoted a large part of his time to this institution, as Chairman of the Tecnológico Board of Directors from 1943 until his death.

Don Eugenio is an enduring example. His concern for human development through education and work, as well as for enhancing the standard of living and cultural level of his compatriots, is still alive in the numerous works he undertook, whose benefits multiply to this day since Don Eugenio knew how to transmit to so many people the values that guided his life.


To talk of Don Eugenio Garza Sada, is to describe a tireless worker, a man of few words and with a precise manner of speaking. Don Eugenio was renowned not only as a successful businessman, but also as an active promoter of the development of his community, constantly acting congruently, with enormous simplicity and a deep sense of humanity, focused on the improvement of all those who surrounded him, without distinction.

Don Eugenio defined the Cuauhtémoc Ideology -also known as the "Don Eugenio Garza Sada Ideology"- long before companies talked about codes of ethics or mission statements. This document contains 17 personal principles and concepts, and was distributed among his colleagues, with the request to keep it in a visible place in their offices; he was the first to set an example. The Ideology remains to date as a life example for the new generations.

I. Recognize the merit of others.

For the role they may have played in the success of the company, mentioning it spontaneously, promptly and publicly. To take credit for that, to attribute to oneself the merit that belongs to those who work through their own self-motivation, would be an ignoble act, it would cut off a source of affection and would not allow the executive to behave appropriately.

II. Control one´s temper.

One should have the ability to resolve any problem or situation peacefully and reasonably, regardless of how irritating the provocations may be that must be tolerated. Those who are not capable of controlling their own impulses and expressions, cannot act as leaders of a corporation. The true executive abdicates the right to anger.

III. Never mock others.

Do not make fun of anyone or anything. Avoid hurtful jokes or those with double meanings. Keep in mind the damage that sarcasm causes; it never heals.

IV. Be polite.

Don’t be overly formal, but do make sure that others find being in your company enjoyable.

V. Be tolerant.

Of the diversities that may be found in race, color, manners, education or in the idiosyncrasies of others.

VI. Be punctual.

Those who cannot keep their appointments will soon become an encumbrance.

VII. If you are vain, you must hide it.

As if it were the most intimate secret. An executive cannot show arrogance or self-complacency. Often the failures of famous men confirm the adage, “pride comes before a fall”. If you begin to say that other employees are incompetent, or that clients are miserly and foolish, you are looking for trouble.

VIII. Do not alter the truth.

You must think before speaking and keep your promises. Half-truths may hide mistakes, but only for a short time. Lies are like a boomerang.

IX. Let others speak.

Especially collaborators, until they reach the true crux of the problem, even if you have to listen to them patiently for an hour. You would make a poor director, if you dominate the conversation instead of limiting yourself to guiding it.

X. Express yourself concisely.

With clarity and completeness, especially when giving instructions. It is always helpful to have a dictionary close by.

XI. Refine your vocabulary.

Eliminate interjections. Vulgarity and familiarity weaken expressions and create misunderstandings. Great parliamentarians never used a single vulgar expression to destroy their enemies verbally.

XII. Be sure to enjoy your job.

Having hobbies and interests in other things is positive, but if going to work on Saturdays or working overtime becomes a sacrifice, you need a vacation and a job somewhere else.

XIII. Recognize the enormous value of the manual worker.

Whose productivity makes the management position possible and affirms the future of both.

XIV. Think on the benefit of the business over your own.

This is a good tactic. Fidelity to the firm promotes self-benefit.

XV. Analyse over and above the inspiration or intuition.

This should be the prerequisite of action.

XVI. Dedication to work.

This benefits the individual, the firm and society as a whole, being similar to the priesthood.

XVII. Be modest.

It must be understood that they have nothing to do with a person’s worth - the size of a car or home, or the number of friends or clubs that one belongs to, luxuries, or the sign on the office door - and if these things mean more than a job well and quietly done, and the knowledge and spiritual refinement to acquire them, then a change of attitude or job is called for.

Campus Tec de Monterrey

Eugenio Garza Sada

Eugenio Garza Sada
Don Eugenio

Hablar de don Eugenio Garza Sada, es referirnos a un trabajador incansable, un hombre de pocas palabras y muy preciso en su decir. Don Eugenio se caracterizó por ser tanto un empresario de éxito, como un activo promotor del desarrollo de su comunidad, actuando siempre de manera congruente, con gran sencillez y enorme calidad humana, enfocado hacia la superación de quienes lo rodearon, sin distinción alguna.





Don Eugenio Garza Sada was born on January 11, 1892. His childhood coincided with the first stage of Mexico’s industrialization, during the period in which Porfirio Díaz was in office, known as the Porfiriato (1876 - 1910), and when foreign investors introduced the latest technologies of that time.

As a child, through his father’s example, he received lessons that would later become fundamental to his professional career. He learned to live side by side with risk and problems. He assimilated his father’s patriotism, community service, rectitude, modesty, high standards and severity, forging definitively the personality that would touch so many people and attain so many achievements.

He studied primary school in the Colegio de San Juan, in Saltillo, Coahuila, and then came to Monterrey to study in the Colegio Hidalgo, run by the Marist Brothers, followed by high school in a military institution, Western Academy, in the United States. He stayed in the US to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering, in 1916.

While in the United States, he became aware that education is the most effective means of achieving the industrialization and development of a country, and of the connection existing between research and science, between science and technology, and between these three components and development, wellbeing and freedom. This formed the basis for building his life project.

In 1917, he began working at the Cuauhtémoc Brewery. Upon his death, almost 56 years later, in 1973, he was President of Grupo Valores Industriales, S. A., (VISA), which brought together several companies and was created around Cuauhtémoc Brewery.

He always had a clear idea of what work is. Behind each machine, each desk, each service window, he saw the human being working there. As a result, he always treated his collaborators and employees with kindness and closeness, and maintained the austere, simple lifestyle that marked his youth.

It was once said about him: "For Don Eugenio, every task is important enough to be granted all his drive and capacity to achieve a perfect result. He lived every matter intensely and encapsulated all his experience and talent in each and every activity."

Don Eugenio Garza Sada was a devote advocate of education. He firmly believed that human development would drive Mexico to become a better country. Therefore, through Sociedad Cuauhtémoc y Famosa, he channeled highly significant resources to offer courses and, above all, grant scholarships for the children of those who worked in the affiliated companies.

After 26 years at the Cuauhtémoc Brewery, Don Eugenio considered that the preparation of Mexican technicians was long overdue, driving him to undertake his most important work: Tecnológico de Monterrey, sponsored by Enseñanza e Investigación Superior, A.C.

To this end, he met with a group of Monterrey businessmen and crystallized the idea of creating an institution that would prepare men and women comprehensively–and not just as well-qualified professionals. This institution, conceived in Don Eugenio’s mind, it is said, since 1917, began modestly in a house in Monterrey’s downtown area in 1943, with 350 students and a handful of professors.

Don Eugenio devoted a large part of his time to this institution, as Chairman of the Tecnológico Board of Directors from 1943 until his death.

Don Eugenio is an enduring example. His concern for human development through education and work, as well as for enhancing the standard of living and cultural level of his compatriots, is still alive in the numerous works he undertook, whose benefits multiply to this day since Don Eugenio knew how to transmit to so many people the values that guided his life.


Don Eugenio definió el Ideario Cuauhtémoc -conocido también como "Ideario de don Eugenio Garza Sada"- mucho antes de que en las empresas se hablara de códigos de ética o de enunciados de la misión. Este documento contiene 17 normas y conceptos personales, y fue distribuido entre sus compañeros de trabajo, con la petición de tenerlo en un lugar visible en sus oficinas, siendo él mismo el primero en poner el ejemplo. El Ideario permanece al día de hoy como un ejemplo de vida para las nuevas generaciones.

I. Reconocer el mérito de los demás.

Por la parte que hayan tomado en el éxito de la empresa y señalarlo de manera espontánea, pronta y pública. Usurpar ese crédito, atribuirse a sí mismo méritos que corresponden a quienes trabajan a las órdenes propias, sería un acto innoble, segaría una fuente de afecto e incapacitaría para comportarse como corresponde a un ejecutivo.

II. Controlar el temperamento.

Debe tenerse capacidad para dirimir pacífica y razonablemente cualquier problema o situación, por irritantes que sean las provocaciones que haya que tolerar. Quien sea incapaz de dominar sus propios impulsos y expresiones, no puede actuar como director de una empresa. El verdadero ejecutivo abdica el derecho a la ira.

III. Nunca hacer burla

De nadie ni de nada. Evitar las bromas hirientes o de doble sentido. Tener en cuenta que la herida que asesta un sarcasmo, nunca cicatriza.

IV. Ser cortés.

No protocolario, pero sí atento a que los demás encuentren gratos los momentos de la propia compañía.

V. Ser tolerante.

De las faltas que puedan encontrarse en la raza, color, modales, educación, o idiosincrasia de los demas.

VI. Ser puntual.

Quien no puede guardar sus citas, muy pronto se constituirá en un estorbo.

VII. Si uno es vanidoso, hay que ocultarlo.

Como el secreto más íntimo. Un ejecutivo no puede exhibir arrogancia ni autocomplacencia. Cuántas veces los fracasos de hombres bien conocidos confirman el adagio de "el orgullo antecede a la caída". Cuando uno empiece a decir que otros empleados son torpes, o que los clientes son mezquinos o necios, habrá empezado a meterse en embrollos.

VIII. No alterar la verdad.

Lo que uno afirme, debe hacerlo reflexionando; y lo que prometa, debe cumplirlo. Las verdades a medias pueden ocultar errores, pero por poco tiempo. La mentira opera como un bumerang.

IX. Dejar que los demás se explayen.

Especialmente los colaboradores, hasta que lleguen al verdadero fondo del problema, aunque tenga que escuchárseles con paciencia durante una hora. Haría uno un pobre papel como director, si dominara una conversación en vez de limitarse a encauzarla.

X. Expresarse concisamente.

Con claridad y completamente, sobre todo al dar instrucciones. Nunca estorba un buen diccionario a mano.

XI. Depurar el vocabulario.

Eliminar las interjecciones. Las voces vulgares y los giros familiares debilitan la expresión y crean malentendidos. Para demoler verbalmente a sus enemigos, los grandes parlamentarios nunca emplearon una sola expresión vulgar.

XII. Asegurarse de disfrutar el trabajo.

Es muy legítimo tener pasatiempos predilectos e intereses en otras cosas, pero si se estima como un sacrificio venir los sábados o quedarse en la oficina más allá del horario en caso preciso, entonces lo que se necesita es un descanso y otra compañía en donde trabajar.

XIII. Reconocer el enorme valor del trabajador manual.

Cuya productividad hace posible la posición directiva y afirma el futuro de ambos.

XIV. Pensar en el interés del negocio más que en el propio.

Es buena táctica. La fidelidad a la empresa promueve el propio beneficio.

XV. Análisis por encima de la inspiración o de la intuición.

Este debe ser el antecedente para actuar.

XVI. La dedicación al trabajo.

Beneficia al individuo, a la empresa y a la sociedad entera. En esto se asemeja a un sacerdocio.

XVII. Ser modesto

Si no se comprende que nada tienen que ver con el valor de la persona -el tamaño del automóvil o de la casa, o el número de amigos y de los clubes a que se pertenece, o el precio del abrigo de pieles de la esposa y el rótulo de la puerta del despacho- y si estas cosas significan para uno más que la tarea bien y calladamente cumplida y los conocimientos y el refinamiento espiritual para adquirirlos, entonces se precisa un cambio de actitud o de trabajo.