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Mini-books Passion for reading

Portada feminista


 Emilia Pardo Bazán

Satire against men and women inequality towards domestic chores.

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El Don Juan

Benito Pérez Galdós

In this comical version, "the conqueror" doesn´t always get what´s wanted.

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El Don Juan
La Paloma

La Paloma

Emilia Pardo Bazán

This tale shows a king´s adversities he goes through after dropping out of war.

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El almohadón de plumas

Horacio Quiroga

One of the first latinamerica´s mistery tales.

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El almohadón de plumas
La chachalaca

La chachalaca

Rafael Delgado

Tale´s young protagonist should face consecuences for his way of treating animals.

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El canto de la sirena

Miguel Cané

A tale where genius and madness match.

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El canto de la sirena

Minilibros Pasión por la lectura

Portada feminista


 Emilia Pardo Bazán

Sátira contra la desigualdad del hombre y la mujer en el papel doméstico.

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El Don Juan

Benito Pérez Galdós

En esta versión cómica, el "conquistador" no siempre consigue lo que quiere. 

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El Don Juan
La Paloma

La Paloma

Emilia Pardo Bazán

Esta obra muestra las dificultades por las que pasa un rey al decidir abandonar la guerra.

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El almohadón de plumas

Horacio Quiroga

Uno de los primeros cuentos de misterio de la literatura latinoamericana. 

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El almohadón de plumas
La chachalaca

La chachalaca

Rafael Delgado

El joven protagonista de esta obra deberá afrontar las consecuencias de su trato hacia los animales. 

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El canto de la sirena

Miguel Cané

Un cuento donde coinciden el genio y la locura. 

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El canto de la sirena

Experiences i with a Humanistic Outlook

Experiences i with a Humanistic Outlook
Experiences i with a Humanistic Outlook
Allows you to live a challenging experience and develop disciplinary, ethic and citizen competences while fulfilling a social need.

Experiences i with a Humanistic Outlook

A semester length academic activity (can be summer or week) that intentionally fosters competencies for the development of ethical and citizen commitment, allowing the accreditation of hours of social service too.

Experiences i with Human Sense propitiate in students:

  • Development of the human sense of future professionals, by putting their personal talent and professional excellence at the service of others.
  • Recognition and Importance of the social function in the exercise of their profession, in a constructive, supportive and sustainable manner.
  • Contribution to the development and social transformation of the country through the link with socio-training organizations.

Distinctive elements

Answer social needs of the country, framed in the UN Sustainable Development Goals to be addressed through disciplinary competencies, the transversal of ethical and citizen commitment and other transversal competences.

Ensure the realization of Social Service formation units, from an ethical and citizen perspective.

To have a training partner organization bond, with neighborhood associations, public entities, civil society organizations, companies (as long as the training unit is aligned to meet some of the needs contemplated in the Objectives UN Sustainable Development); scientific research centers, student groups (with social projects) and programs of the Institution or organized groups of people, in order to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of society.

Deliver a product or service in favor of the organization or the beneficiaries aimed at addressing the social need addressed. This will serve as evidence of the student´s learned and developed skills and will be handled at the end of the activity, project, experience or training unit.

Ethic and Citizen Commitment

Recognition and Empathy
Dignity, rights, contributions and personal circumstances are treated with respect, trying to present constructive and solidarity solutions against foreign situations.

Solves social, professional and academic life, through the accomplishment of laws, norms and ethical principles.

Citizen commitment for social transformation
Builds solidarity, sustainable and committed solutions for social needs and problematics, through strategies that strengthen democracy and common well.

Ethic arguments
Provides solution to problems of several life scopes, with ethic conscience, principles and values.

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Experiencias con Sentido Humano

Experiencias con Sentido Humano
Experiencias con Sentido Humano
Te permite tener una vivencia retadora y desarrollar competencias disciplinares, éticas y ciudadanas al atender una necesidad social.

Experiencia con Sentido Humano

Actividad académica, con duración de un semestre, verano o semana, que fomenta de manera intencionada competencias para el desarrollo del compromiso ético y ciudadano, y que permite la acreditación de horas de servicio social.

Las experiencias con Sentido Humano propician en los estudiantes:

  • El desarrollo del sentido humano de los futuros profesionistas, al poner su talento personal y excelencia profesional al servicio de los demás.
  • El reconocimiento e importancia de la función social en el ejercicio de su profesión, de manera constructiva, solidaria y sostenible.
  • La contribución al desarrollo y transformación social del país a través de la vinculación con organizaciones socio formadoras.

Elementos distintivos

Responder a alguna necesidad social en el país, enmarcada en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU para ser abordada mediante competencias disciplinares, la transversal de compromiso ético y ciudadano y otras competencias transversales.

Asegurar que el diseño y abordaje de las unidades de formación relacionadas con el servicio social, se realice desde una perspectiva de la ética y la ciudadanía.

Contar con la vinculación de una organización socio formadora, entre las que se encuentran: asociaciones de vecinos, entidades públicas, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, empresas (siempre y cuando la unidad de formación esté alineada a resolver alguna de las necesidades contempladas en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU); centros de investigación científica, grupos estudiantiles (con proyectos sociales) y programas propios de la Institución o grupos de personas organizadas, con el fin de contribuir al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de la sociedad.

Entregar un producto o servicio en favor de la organización o los beneficiados dirigido a atender la necesidad social abordada. Esta entrega servirá como evidencia de las competencias de aprendizaje desarrolladas por el alumno y se entregará al final de la actividad, proyecto, experiencia o unidad de formación.

Compromiso Ético y Ciudadano

Recognition and Empathy
Dignity, rights, contributions and personal circumstances are treated with respect, trying to present constructive and solidarity solutions against foreign situations.

Solves social, professional and academic life, through the accomplishment of laws, norms and ethical principles.

Citizen commitment for social transformation
Builds solidarity, sustainable and committed solutions for social needs and problematics, through strategies that strengthen democracy and common well.

Ethic arguments
Provides solution to problems of several life scopes, with ethic conscience, principles and values.

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Entrega de Premio al Mérito EXATEC a Juan Carlos Zuazua

Sala de Congresos Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación Pública, Sede San Pedro
Dirigido a
Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación Pública

Asiste a la Entrega de Premio al Mérito EXATEC a Juan Carlos Zuazua

Fecha: 2 de mayo 2024
Horario: 19:00 h

Lugar: Sala de Congresos Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación Pública, Sede San Pedro

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Ulises Perezcano Ramírez

Un día como Mentor EXATEC


Campus Toluca

Campus Toluca. Av. Eduardo Monroy Cárdenas 2000, San Antonio Buenavista, 50110 Toluca de Lerdo, Méx.
Dirigido a
EXATEC Egresados Campus Toluca y/o residentes Toluca.
Relación con Egresados Toluca

"Un día como Mentor EXATEC para alumnos candidatos a graduar" 

Fecha: 25 de abril 2024
Horario: 18:30 h

Lugar: Campus Toluca

¡No te la pierdas! Regístrate aquí.


Ixchel Alondra León Villegas

Stuart Candy - Faculty

Stuart Candy

Stuart Candy

Distinguished Visiting Professor

in Critical Futures

School of Architecture, Art and Design


Strategic and dialogic foresight
Experiential and participatory futures
Worldbuilding and transmedia storytelling

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Dr. Stuart Candy is a futurist, artist, facilitator, and educator, dedicated to fostering collective capacity to think ahead via inclusive, interactive, and radically imaginative engagement with alternative futures.

Best known for bringing foresight/futures into fuller dialogue with media, games, and design, his contributions include the first Ph.D. dissertation on the intersections of the design and foresight fields, “The Futures of Everyday Life”, card game “The Thing from the Future”, edited collection “Design and Futures”, and open access toolkit “The Futures Bazaar”, which has been used around the world, including for a participatory futures event staged last year across six Tec campuses.

Stuart Candy’s extensive consulting, speaking and advisory experience spans multilateral institutions, governments, Fortune 500 companies, and organizations such as the Smithsonian Institution, Dubai Museum of the Future, Oxford University, International Red Cross, the BBC, The New York Times, Danish Design Center, Arup, TED, and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

He is the first Fellow of The Long Now Foundation, Chair of the Center for PostNatural History, and director of Situation Lab. He has held fellowships with the Museum of Tomorrow (Brazil), INK (India), the Berggruen Institute, and the World Economic Forum, as well as academic appointments at leading design schools, most recently the inaugural professorship in Social Foresight at Parsons School of Design, New York.

Stuart Candy joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Critical Futures for the School of Architecture, Art and Design. 

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Political Science, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
  • M.A., Political Science (Alternative Futures), University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
  • LL.B. (Hons), University of Melbourne
  • B.A., History & Philosophy of Science, University of Melbourne
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  • Cuttica, Filippo & Candy, Stuart. (2022). The Futures Bazaar: A Public Imagination Toolkit.
  • Luria, Michal & Candy, Stuart. (2022). Letters from the Future: Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in the Design of Social Agents. 10.1145/3491102.3517536. 
  • Candy, Stuart & Kornet Weber, Kelly. (2019). Turning Foresight Inside Out: An Introduction to Ethnographic Experiential Futures. Journal of Futures Studies. 23. 3-22. 10.6531/JFS.201903_23(3).0002. 
  • Hayward, Peter & Candy, Stuart. (2017). The Polak Game, or: Where do you stand?. Journal of Futures Studies. 22. 5-14. 10.6531/JFS.2017.22(2).A5. 
  • Candy, Stuart. (2010). The Futures of Everyday Life: Politics and the Design of Experiential Scenarios. 10.13140/RG.2.1.1840.0248.  

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Stuart Candy - Faculty

Stuart Candy

Stuart Candy

Profesor Visitante Distinguido en Futuros Críticos

Escuela de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño


Prospectiva estratégica y dialogada
Futuros experienciales y participativos
Construcción del mundo y narración transmedia

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Dr. Stuart Candy is a futurist, artist, facilitator, and educator, dedicated to fostering collective capacity to think ahead via inclusive, interactive, and radically imaginative engagement with alternative futures.

Best known for bringing foresight/futures into fuller dialogue with media, games, and design, his contributions include the first Ph.D. dissertation on the intersections of the design and foresight fields, “The Futures of Everyday Life”, card game “The Thing from the Future”, edited collection “Design and Futures”, and open access toolkit “The Futures Bazaar”, which has been used around the world, including for a participatory futures event staged last year across six Tec campuses.

Stuart Candy’s extensive consulting, speaking and advisory experience spans multilateral institutions, governments, Fortune 500 companies, and organizations such as the Smithsonian Institution, Dubai Museum of the Future, Oxford University, International Red Cross, the BBC, The New York Times, Danish Design Center, Arup, TED, and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

He is the first Fellow of The Long Now Foundation, Chair of the Center for PostNatural History, and director of Situation Lab. He has held fellowships with the Museum of Tomorrow (Brazil), INK (India), the Berggruen Institute, and the World Economic Forum, as well as academic appointments at leading design schools, most recently the inaugural professorship in Social Foresight at Parsons School of Design, New York.

Stuart Candy joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Critical Futures for the School of Architecture, Art and Design. 

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Political Science, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
  • M.A., Political Science (Alternative Futures), University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
  • LL.B. (Hons), University of Melbourne
  • B.A., History & Philosophy of Science, University of Melbourne
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  • Cuttica, Filippo & Candy, Stuart. (2022). The Futures Bazaar: A Public Imagination Toolkit.
  • Luria, Michal & Candy, Stuart. (2022). Letters from the Future: Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in the Design of Social Agents. 10.1145/3491102.3517536. 
  • Candy, Stuart & Kornet Weber, Kelly. (2019). Turning Foresight Inside Out: An Introduction to Ethnographic Experiential Futures. Journal of Futures Studies. 23. 3-22. 10.6531/JFS.201903_23(3).0002. 
  • Hayward, Peter & Candy, Stuart. (2017). The Polak Game, or: Where do you stand?. Journal of Futures Studies. 22. 5-14. 10.6531/JFS.2017.22(2).A5. 
  • Candy, Stuart. (2010). The Futures of Everyday Life: Politics and the Design of Experiential Scenarios. 10.13140/RG.2.1.1840.0248.  

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Ernesto Stein - Faculty

Ernesto Stein

Ernesto Stein

Distinguished University

Professor in Public Policy

School of Social Sciences and Government

School of Government and Public Transformation


Economic development
International trade
Productive development policies
Political economy of policy making

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Dr. Ernesto Stein was the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) representative in Mexico, where he guided all the activities of the IDB Group (public and private side) in the country with a focus on reducing regional gaps and fostering economic development. With a career spanning almost 30 years at the IDB, Ernesto Stein has served different roles, including principal economist at the Research Department and regional economic advisor for Central America, Mexico, Panama, and the Dominican Republic.

He has also been a Growth Fellow at Harvard University’s Center for International Development.

His research primarily focuses on areas critical to economic development and policy. These include international trade and integration, foreign direct investment, productive development policies, institutional economics, and political economy.

He has authored or edited over 12 books and contributed to more than 40 articles in edited volumes and refereed journals such as the Journal of International Economics, the Journal of Development Economics, Economic Policy, Economics and Politics, and the American Economic Review (papers and proceedings), among others.

Ernesto Stein joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished University Professor in Public Policy for the School of Social Sciences and Government and the School of Government and Public Transformation.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Economics, University of California, Berkeley
  • B.A., Economics, University of Buenos Aires
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  • Ghezzi, P., Hallak, JC., Stein, E, Ordoñez, R. and Salazar, L., 2022, Competing in Agribusiness: Corporate Strategies and Public Policies for the Challenges of the 21st Century, Inter-American Development Bank

  • Rodriguez Chatruc, M., Stein, E. and Vlaicu, R., 2021, “How Issue Framing Shapes Trade Attitudes”: Evidence from a multi-country survey experiment”, Journal of International Economics 129.

  • Crespi, G., Fernández-Arias, E., and Stein, E., eds., 2014. Rethinking Productive Development: Sound Policies and Institutions for Economic Transformation. Inter-American Development Bank.

  • Daude, C. and Stein, E., 2007. The quality of institutions and foreign direct investment. Economics & Politics, 19(3), pp.317-344.

  • Alesina, A., Hausmann, R., Hommes, R. and Stein, E., 1999. Budget institutions and fiscal performance in Latin America. Journal of Development Economics, 59(2), pp.253-273.

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Ernesto Stein - Faculty

Ernesto Stein

Ernesto Stein

Profesor Universitario

Distinguido de Políticas Públicas

Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno

Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación Pública


Desarrollo económico
Comercio internacional
Políticas de desarrollo productivo
Economía política de la elaboración de políticas

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Dr. Ernesto Stein was the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) representative in Mexico, where he guided all the activities of the IDB Group (public and private side) in the country with a focus on reducing regional gaps and fostering economic development. With a career spanning almost 30 years at the IDB, Ernesto Stein has served different roles, including principal economist at the Research Department and regional economic advisor for Central America, Mexico, Panama, and the Dominican Republic.

He has also been a Growth Fellow at Harvard University’s Center for International Development.

His research primarily focuses on areas critical to economic development and policy. These include international trade and integration, foreign direct investment, productive development policies, institutional economics, and political economy.

He has authored or edited over 12 books and contributed to more than 40 articles in edited volumes and refereed journals such as the Journal of International Economics, the Journal of Development Economics, Economic Policy, Economics and Politics, and the American Economic Review (papers and proceedings), among others.

Ernesto Stein joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished University Professor in Public Policy for the School of Social Sciences and Government and the School of Government and Public Transformation.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Economics, University of California, Berkeley
  • B.A., Economics, University of Buenos Aires
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  • Ghezzi, P., Hallak, JC., Stein, E, Ordoñez, R. and Salazar, L., 2022, Competing in Agribusiness: Corporate Strategies and Public Policies for the Challenges of the 21st Century, Inter-American Development Bank

  • Rodriguez Chatruc, M., Stein, E. and Vlaicu, R., 2021, “How Issue Framing Shapes Trade Attitudes”: Evidence from a multi-country survey experiment”, Journal of International Economics 129.

  • Crespi, G., Fernández-Arias, E., and Stein, E., eds., 2014. Rethinking Productive Development: Sound Policies and Institutions for Economic Transformation. Inter-American Development Bank.

  • Daude, C. and Stein, E., 2007. The quality of institutions and foreign direct investment. Economics & Politics, 19(3), pp.317-344.

  • Alesina, A., Hausmann, R., Hommes, R. and Stein, E., 1999. Budget institutions and fiscal performance in Latin America. Journal of Development Economics, 59(2), pp.253-273.

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