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Ciro A. Rodríguez - Faculty


Ciro A. Rodríguez

Profesor investigador

Campus Monterrey, Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Ingeniería industrial
Ingeniería mecánica



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Prof. Ciro Rodríguez holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin (1989) and a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University (1997). He worked in the automotive and machine tool industry. He was Staff Engineer at the Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing in the USA. He is Visiting Scientist at the Osteoengineering Lab of The Ohio State University (2016 to 2018). He is currently Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Advances Materials at Tecnológico de Monterrey. He leads the research group in advanced manufacturing. 

His research interests include additive manufacturing, micromanufacturing, tissue engineering and technology innovation. His academic production includes two books, more than 52 journal articles and 7 issued patents. He has graduated 7 Ph.D. students and 40 M.S. students. He has been Principal Investigator of various research projects with funding from government agencies and industry, with total awards exceeding $ 2.5 million USD. 

Prof. Rodríguez has given invited lectures and courses in Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, USA, Italy, Venezuela and Mexico. He has been visiting scientist and teacher in Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Spain, USA, Italy, and Portugal.

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Teaching Activities

  • Automotive Engineering Project
  • Biomaterials
  • Electromechanical Prototype Simulation and Construction
  • High Performance Machine Tools


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Education and Training

Doctor of Philosophy, The Ohio State University

Master in Science, The Ohio State University

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin


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  • Manufactura Digital Aplicada a la Regeneracio¿n Guiada de Hueso Alveolar. 2017 
  • Design Concepts of Polycarbonate-based Intervertebral Lumbar Cages: Finite Element Analysis and Compression Testing. 2016 
  • Continuous monoclonal antibody production on a chip. 2013 
  • Scaling down the production of biopharmaceuticals to continuous micro-chips. 2013


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Awards and Honors

Focus Group in Advanced Manufacture, conferred by Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2014

Center for Innovation in Design and Technology - Laboratory Infrastructure, conferred by Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2009

Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 2 (Rodríguez-González, Ciro Angel)

Celia Fabiola Vásquez García - Faculty


Celia Fabiola Vásquez García


Business School

Campus Santa Fe 


Business Intelligence


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PhD in Administrative Sciences from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Master in Logistics and Supply Chain from the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla and Industrial and Systems Engineering from Tec de Monterrey. Research fellow of excellence by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) in Master and Doctorate, Scholarship of excellence by the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Bachelor and Doctorate. Graduated with honors.

Fabiola has more than 10 years of consulting experience. She worked as a Digital Transformation Strategist at Capgemini Mexico where she also leads the Salesforce practice for Mexico and LATAM. Prior to this, she built her career in Accenture, PwC and Sintec, collaborating with national and global final consumer companies focused on commercial, marketing and Analytics issues. She is also a professor in the Management program at Accenture University based in St. Charles, Illinois, United States.

Her most important national and international clients include Grupo Bimbo, Mabe, Coca Cola Femsa Mexico, Costa Rica and Colombia, Volkswagen, Renault, Audi Mexico and Latin America, Seat, Porsche, Nacional Monte de Piedad, Barcel, Qualtia, Nutrioli, CFE , National Housing Commission, Soriana, Office Depot, General Electric, Renault and PepsiCo Mexico and Colombia.

Fabiola is also a freelance instructor of business training courses and diplomas, writer of business articles and lecturer in academic and business forums.

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Teaching Activities

  • Integrated Marketing Communication
  • Market Intelligence
  • Market Solutions
  • Marketing Insight to Develop Strategies
  • Quantitative Marketing Research
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Education and Training

  • Doctorate in Administrative Sciences, EGADE Business School
  • Industrial and Systems Engineer, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

Celia Fabiola Vásquez García - Faculty

Celia Vazquez

Celia Fabiola Vásquez García


Escuela de Negocios

Campus Santa Fe 


Investigación de mercados


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PhD in Administrative Sciences from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Master in Logistics and Supply Chain from the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla and Industrial and Systems Engineering from Tec de Monterrey. Research fellow of excellence by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) in Master and Doctorate, Scholarship of excellence by the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Bachelor and Doctorate. Graduated with honors.

Fabiola has more than 10 years of consulting experience. She worked as a Digital Transformation Strategist at Capgemini Mexico where she also leads the Salesforce practice for Mexico and LATAM. Prior to this, she built her career in Accenture, PwC and Sintec, collaborating with national and global final consumer companies focused on commercial, marketing and Analytics issues. She is also a professor in the Management program at Accenture University based in St. Charles, Illinois, United States.

Her most important national and international clients include Grupo Bimbo, Mabe, Coca Cola Femsa Mexico, Costa Rica and Colombia, Volkswagen, Renault, Audi Mexico and Latin America, Seat, Porsche, Nacional Monte de Piedad, Barcel, Qualtia, Nutrioli, CFE , National Housing Commission, Soriana, Office Depot, General Electric, Renault and PepsiCo Mexico and Colombia.

Fabiola is also a freelance instructor of business training courses and diplomas, writer of business articles and lecturer in academic and business forums.

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Teaching Activities

  • Integrated Marketing Communication
  • Market Intelligence
  • Market Solutions
  • Marketing Insight to Develop Strategies
  • Quantitative Marketing Research
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Education and Training

  • Doctorate in Administrative Sciences, EGADE Business School
  • Industrial and Systems Engineer, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

Grissel Trujillo de Santiago - Faculty

Grissel Trujillo de Santiago

Grissel Trujillo de Santiago

Professor Researcher 

Campus Monterrey, School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey.





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Grissel Trujillo received her PhD degree in Biotechnology from Tecnológico de Monterrey, México in May 2014. During her doctoral studies, she conducted a significant part of her experimental work at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Naples, Italy), were she was trained for eight months in Material Sciences at the laboratory of Professor Ernesto Di Maio and Professor Salvatore Iannace. 

She has 15 papers in Indexed International Journals, one book chapter, one granted Mexican patent, one patent application submitted and multiple participations in National and International Conferences. Her main area of interest and expertise is the design and fabrication of biomaterials suitable for high added value applications (i.e. biopharmaceutical engineering and tissue engineering). 

She has worked as a Research and Development Engineer at the Protein Research and Development Center at Tecnológico de Monterrey (Monterrey, México). Her master’s-degree research project was related to the development of a high-value probiotic product using sweet milk whey, a neglected by-product from cheese manufacturing. Her project resulted in the publication of a research paper in a high-reputation Journal, a book chapter and a Mexican patent (granted).

She recently made a Postdoctoral Research stay at Dr. Khademhosseini’s Lab (Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology) collaborating in several projects related with biomaterials, tissue engineering and point-of-care applications. 

In summary, during the recent years she has actively conducted research and technology development activities, and has published her work in international journals. Her immediate goal is to continue her training as a scientist in the fields of design of biomaterials for tissue engineering applications. She wants to significantly contribute to the development of fundamental knowledge and cutting-edge technology.

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Education and Training

Biologist Pharmaceutical Chemist, UANL

Master of Science, Tecnológico de Monterrey

PhD in Science, Tecnológico de Monterrey

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Awards and Honors

Prize "For Women in Science", conferred by L’Oréal-UNESCO-AMC-CONACyT. 2019

"Distinguished Citizen", conferred by the municipality of Matamoros, Mexico.

Circle of Distinguished Professors, conferred by the Tecnológico de Monterrey. 2018

Grissel Trujillo de Santiago - Faculty

Grissel Trujillo de Santiago

Grissel Trujillo de Santiago

Profesora investigadora

Campus Monterrey, Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Tecnológico de Monterrey.





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Grissel Trujillo received her PhD degree in Biotechnology from Tecnológico de Monterrey, México in May 2014. During her doctoral studies, she conducted a significant part of her experimental work at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Naples, Italy), were she was trained for eight months in Material Sciences at the laboratory of Professor Ernesto Di Maio and Professor Salvatore Iannace. 

She has 15 papers in Indexed International Journals, one book chapter, one granted Mexican patent, one patent application submitted and multiple participations in National and International Conferences. Her main area of interest and expertise is the design and fabrication of biomaterials suitable for high added value applications (i.e. biopharmaceutical engineering and tissue engineering). 

She has worked as a Research and Development Engineer at the Protein Research and Development Center at Tecnológico de Monterrey (Monterrey, México). Her master’s-degree research project was related to the development of a high-value probiotic product using sweet milk whey, a neglected by-product from cheese manufacturing. Her project resulted in the publication of a research paper in a high-reputation Journal, a book chapter and a Mexican patent (granted).

She recently made a Postdoctoral Research stay at Dr. Khademhosseini’s Lab (Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology) collaborating in several projects related with biomaterials, tissue engineering and point-of-care applications. 

In summary, during the recent years she has actively conducted research and technology development activities, and has published her work in international journals. Her immediate goal is to continue her training as a scientist in the fields of design of biomaterials for tissue engineering applications. She wants to significantly contribute to the development of fundamental knowledge and cutting-edge technology.

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Education and Training

Biologist Pharmaceutical Chemist, UANL

Master of Science, Tecnológico de Monterrey

PhD in Science, Tecnológico de Monterrey

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Awards and Honors

Prize "For Women in Science", conferred by L’Oréal-UNESCO-AMC-CONACyT. 2019

"Distinguished Citizen", conferred by the municipality of Matamoros, Mexico.

Circle of Distinguished Professors, conferred by the Tecnológico de Monterrey. 2018

María de Alva Levy - Faculty

Cynthia Villareal - Faculty

María de Alva Levy


School of Humanities and Education

Campus Monterrey.


Literature, speach and culture 
Women, budy and writing 
Promotion of reading practices
Educational innovation 




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María de Alva has a degree in Spanish Letters from Tec de Monterrey and a doctorate in Humanistic Studies with a specialty in Literature. She also holds two master's degrees, one in Latin American Studies with a specialty in literature and history from the University of California, Los Angeles (1993) and another from the Tec de Monterrey in Education with a specialty in Humanities (2000). Between 1993 and 1995, she worked as a reporter for the newspapers Reforma and El Norte.

She held the position of director of the Spanish Department of the Eugenio Garza Sada del Tec High School (1998 to 2008) where she coordinated the National Academy of Spanish for the Tec system, the OBI Higher Level Spanish program within the Tec System and participated in study plans on two occasions. Since 2008 to date, she is an associate professor of various subjects of Literature in the Department of Humanistic Studies. In 2015 she was appointed director of the Hispanic Literature career. She es currently the leader of the Passion for Reading Prorgram in Montrrey REgion and editorial director of Campus Cultural Magazine.

She has also participated in various academic congresses at institutions such as Cornell University, the Colegio de México, UNAM, Brown University, University of Texas, El Paso, among others, and has research publications in the Mexican Literature Magazine of the University of Texas and Providence College's INTI Journal of Hispanic Literature.

She has three published novels, Through the window (Planeta 2005), Before oblivion (Conarte NL; 2011) and What the river keeps (Planeta 2016). The first two were finalists for the Fernando Lara Prize in Spain. She has given literary creation workshops at the Casa de la Cultura de Nuevo León and helped at the Writers' Meetings of CONARTE, N.L. and in 2020 obtained the scholarship from the N.L. Creators System that this institution gives.


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Teaching Activities

  • Literary Criticism Seminar I
  • Modern and contemporary Spanish literature
  • Cinema, Literature and culture
  • Introduction to the LLE career
  • Introduction to professional life
  • Literature and power in Latin America
  • Cultural imaginaries of Mexico
  • The myths that inhabit us: from Prometheus to Marvel
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Education and Training

  • PhD in Humanistic Studies, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Master in Latin American Studies, UCLA
  • Master in Education, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Bachelor of Spanish Letters, Tecnológico de Monterrey
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  • Silence writing: Memory and resistance in Sylvia Molloy's novel, In prison brief. Journal of Hispanic Literature Inti. University of Connecticut (2012).
  • Diario del Dolor de María Luisa Puga: pain threshold and temporal rupture in the Mexican Journal of Contemporary Literature, University of Texas, El Paso. July- September 2011.
  • The boredom and violence in the destruction of space and society in three Mexican storytellers: Fabio Morábito, Luis Humberto Crosthwaite and Juan Villoro in Mexican Journal of Contemporary Literature, University of Texas, El Paso. July- September 2009.
  • Narrating in front of the camera: reconstruction of historical relativity through a narration in the present in Bitter Wind by Beatriz Rivas in the Mexican Journal of Contemporary Literature, University of Texas, El Paso. July- September 2007.
  • Memory and city: Reconstruction of identity through space and neo-baroque structure in And the land tremble at its centers by Gonzalo Celorio in Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contemporánea, University of Texas, El Paso. July- September 2004.
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Awards and Honors

Two times Finalist in the Fernando Lara Novel Award in Spain (2004 and 2009).

María de Alva Levy - Faculty

María de Alva Levy

María de Alva Levy


Escuela de Humanidades y Educación

Campus Monterrey.


Literatura, discurso y cultura 
Mujeres, cuerpo y escritura
Promoción de prácticas lectoras 
Innovación educativa



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María de Alva has a degree in Spanish Letters from Tec de Monterrey and a doctorate in Humanistic Studies with a specialty in Literature. She also holds two master's degrees, one in Latin American Studies with a specialty in literature and history from the University of California, Los Angeles (1993) and another from the Tec de Monterrey in Education with a specialty in Humanities (2000). Between 1993 and 1995, she worked as a reporter for the newspapers Reforma and El Norte.

She held the position of director of the Spanish Department of the Eugenio Garza Sada del Tec High School (1998 to 2008) where she coordinated the National Academy of Spanish for the Tec system, the OBI Higher Level Spanish program within the Tec System and participated in study plans on two occasions. Since 2008 to date, she is an associate professor of various subjects of Literature in the Department of Humanistic Studies. In 2015 she was appointed director of the Hispanic Literature career. She es currently the leader of the Passion for Reading Prorgram in Montrrey REgion and editorial director of Campus Cultural Magazine.

She has also participated in various academic congresses at institutions such as Cornell University, the Colegio de México, UNAM, Brown University, University of Texas, El Paso, among others, and has research publications in the Mexican Literature Magazine of the University of Texas and Providence College's INTI Journal of Hispanic Literature.

She has three published novels, Through the window (Planeta 2005), Before oblivion (Conarte NL; 2011) and What the river keeps (Planeta 2016). The first two were finalists for the Fernando Lara Prize in Spain. She has given literary creation workshops at the Casa de la Cultura de Nuevo León and helped at the Writers' Meetings of CONARTE, N.L. and in 2020 obtained the scholarship from the N.L. Creators System that this institution gives.


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Teaching Activities

  • Literary Criticism Seminar I
  • Modern and contemporary Spanish literature
  • Cinema, Literature and culture
  • Introduction to the LLE career
  • Introduction to professional life
  • Literature and power in Latin America
  • Cultural imaginaries of Mexico
  • The myths that inhabit us: from Prometheus to Marvel
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Education and Training

  • PhD in Humanistic Studies, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Master in Latin American Studies, UCLA
  • Master in Education, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Bachelor of Spanish Letters, Tecnológico de Monterrey
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  • Silence writing: Memory and resistance in Sylvia Molloy's novel, In prison brief. Journal of Hispanic Literature Inti. University of Connecticut (2012).
  • Diario del Dolor de María Luisa Puga: pain threshold and temporal rupture in the Mexican Journal of Contemporary Literature, University of Texas, El Paso. July- September 2011.
  • The boredom and violence in the destruction of space and society in three Mexican storytellers: Fabio Morábito, Luis Humberto Crosthwaite and Juan Villoro in Mexican Journal of Contemporary Literature, University of Texas, El Paso. July- September 2009.
  • Narrating in front of the camera: reconstruction of historical relativity through a narration in the present in Bitter Wind by Beatriz Rivas in the Mexican Journal of Contemporary Literature, University of Texas, El Paso. July- September 2007.
  • Memory and city: Reconstruction of identity through space and neo-baroque structure in And the land tremble at its centers by Gonzalo Celorio in Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contemporánea, University of Texas, El Paso. July- September 2004.
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Awards and Honors

Two times Finalist in the Fernando Lara Novel Award in Spain (2004 and 2009).

Luis Ricardo Fernández Carril - Faculty

Cynthia Villareal - Faculty

Luis Ricardo Fernández Carril

Professor and Sustainability Coordinator

School of Humanities and Education

Campus Puebla.


Climate Change
Philosophy Science




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Dr. Luis Fernández Carril served as technical secretary in the Special Committee on Climate Change of the Senate of the Republic. He is also a researcher on international climate policy in the Climate Change Research Program of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. In addition, he is a professor of Environmental Philosophy and Ethics at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Puebla Campus.

He obtained a doctorate in Philosophy of Science in May 2014 from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus with an honorable mention of excellence. He has published articles and lectured nationally and internationally at renowned venues such as Oxford University and UNESCO in Paris. His main lines of research are: International environmental governance, international climate negotiations, and the ethics of climate change.

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Teaching Activities

  • Communication, Signs, and Signification
  • Ethics, Profession and Citizenship
  • Ethics, Self and Society
  • Ethics, sustainability and social responsibility
  • Humanities in the Anthropocene
  • Mexican Identity and Culture
  • Philosophy and Contemporary Thought
  • Philosophy of Science
  • Social Responsibility and Citizenship
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Education and Training

  • Doctorate in Humanistic Studies, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Bachelor of Language Science
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  • The performance of innovation systems for the cases of Mexico and Korea in the context of knowledge societes. 2016
  • Whose voices, whose choices? Pursuing climate resilient trajectories for the poor. Environmental Science and Policy. 121:18-23. 2021
  • Turbulent transformation: abrupt societal disruption and climate resilient development. Climate and Development. 13:467-474. 2021

Luis Ricardo Fernández Carril - Faculty

Luis Ricardo Fernández Carril

Luis Ricardo Fernández Carril

Profesor y Coordinador de Sostenibilidad

Escuela de Humanidades y Educación

Campus Puebla.


Cambio climático
Filosofía de la Ciencia




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Dr. Luis Fernández Carril served as technical secretary in the Special Committee on Climate Change of the Senate of the Republic. He is also a researcher on international climate policy in the Climate Change Research Program of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. In addition, he is a professor of Environmental Philosophy and Ethics at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Puebla Campus.

He obtained a doctorate in Philosophy of Science in May 2014 from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus with an honorable mention of excellence. He has published articles and lectured nationally and internationally at renowned venues such as Oxford University and UNESCO in Paris. His main lines of research are: International environmental governance, international climate negotiations, and the ethics of climate change.

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Teaching Activities

  • Communication, Signs, and Signification
  • Ethics, Profession and Citizenship
  • Ethics, Self and Society
  • Ethics, sustainability and social responsibility
  • Humanities in the Anthropocene
  • Mexican Identity and Culture
  • Philosophy and Contemporary Thought
  • Philosophy of Science
  • Social Responsibility and Citizenship
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Education and Training

  • Doctorate in Humanistic Studies, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Bachelor of Language Science
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  • The performance of innovation systems for the cases of Mexico and Korea in the context of knowledge societes. 2016
  • Whose voices, whose choices? Pursuing climate resilient trajectories for the poor. Environmental Science and Policy. 121:18-23. 2021
  • Turbulent transformation: abrupt societal disruption and climate resilient development. Climate and Development. 13:467-474. 2021

Mariana Gabarrot - Faculty

Cynthia Villareal - Faculty

Mariana Gabarrot


School of Humanities and Education

Campus Monterrey.


Ethics and Peace Studies
Life strategies and family structures in contexts of poverty



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Dr. Gabarrot coordinates the group of studies on corporeality and gender, which comprises students, teachers and researchers from different humanistic and social disciplines who consider the body and corporeality as the axis to reflect on complex contemporary violence from a critical feminist perspective.

Her line of research is Human Geography, since 1998 she has been working on the analysis of the links between the global and the local through the qualitative study of migration with a gender perspective. Since 2016 she has focused on studying the spaces of female corporality.

Currently, she teaches Sociology and Geopolitics classes at the undergraduate level, as well as the Seminar on Feminisms and Gender Perspective at the master's and doctorate levels at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. In July 2019, she taught the Space, Migrations and Gender summer course to undergraduate and graduate students at the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.

Since 2017, she has been part of the work team that developed and monitors the protocol to prevent and address gender violence at Tec de Monterrey. Part of its activities in this regard is the training of teachers as well as collaborators, on gender issues at the national level.

She has a PhD degree by the School of Geography and Environment of the University of Oxford, England, with a specialty in Human Geography. Master's Degree in Social Sciences from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), Mexico headquarters. Bachelor's Degree in International Studies from the Universidad de Monterrey.

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Teaching Activities

  • Anthropology of the body
  • Sociology
  • Geopolitics
  • Feminism and Gender Perspective Seminar
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Education and Training

  • PhD, School of Geography and Environment of the University of Oxford, England.
  • Master's Degree in Social Sciences, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO),
  • Mexico headquarters Bachelor 's Degree in International Studies, Universidad de Monterrey.
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  • Gabarrot Arenas, M., (2018), "La comunidad de origen y los desafíos de la política social: Familia y migración en un municipio rural del sur de Nuevo León", en S. Arzaluz & E. Sandoval (Eds.), Cruces y retornos en la región del noreste mexicano en el alba del siglo XXI, Monterrey, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte.
  • Gabarrot, M. (2016). Familias transnacionales y política social en las comunidades de origen: una visión cualitativa de la relación entre migración y desarrollo. Migración y desarrollo, 14(27), 139-165.
  • Gabarrot, M. (2016), "Migration and Development: Thinking from the Communities of Origin", Practicing Anthropology, vol.38, no.1.
  • Portales, L., & Gabarrot, M. (2015), "Alternativas para la comprensión de la pobreza: hogares y capital social en México ", Perfiles Latinoamericanos, vol.23, no.45.