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Plan 2030, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Visión 2030

Visión 2030 plantea una nueva etapa de la transformación del Tecnológico de Monterrey, retomando la esencia de la Institución y los logros del pasado para enfocarnos en un futuro más humano, innovador y centrado en el bienestar de nuestra comunidad. Una educación que no solo prepare para el trabajo, sino para la vida y de manera continua, será el centro de la nueva visión al 2030 del Tecnológico de Monterrey.



Conoce el folleto


Obra en el Auditorio Luis Elizondo
Theatrical Events

Located in the heart of the Monterrey campus, the Luis Elizondo Auditorium is a scenic complex of great scope in its field, with a capacity of 1,750 seats, it can host world-class theater, fashion and business events.

At Tecnologico de Monterrey we consider theater to be one of the oldest cultural and artistic activities known to mankind. Being one of the performing arts that take place on a stage, and that consists of the recreation of one or several stories of different kinds through actors, speeches, music and scenery.

This format of events has been cultivated throughout history for different purposes, being a versatile way of presenting different states of mind of the different authors and creators of the staging, this of course always understood as a tool to communicate ideas in a way massive. Same tool that led the ancient Greeks to use it as an instrument of religious and civic education, staging their myths, comic stories and their already famous tragedies.

We believe that this makes theater a versatile art form that combines exercise and intellectual exposure with the representation of funny, moving, shocking situations, etc. There are very varied forms of theatrical representation, some of which do not even take place inside a theater, but in the street, and some even require the participation of the public that attends to appreciate the theater as such.

There are different versions about the "origin of theater", and although there are different forms of theatrical or scenic representation, such as shamanic dances, religious dances or ceremonies of all kinds that have taken place in human society since its very primitive times, we know that theater as art form dates back to classical antiquity, specifically ancient Greece.

This does not mean that important antecedents do not exist in previously known cultures, such as the Egyptian. It is a culture where the presence of actors who disguised themselves with masks was common in the Middle Kingdom, telling the founding myths of the death and resurrection of the gods in which they believed.

However, we know that the Greeks were the first to cultivate the art of theater in a more profound way, to the extent that the word "theater" comes from a derivation of the Greek word théatron, which translates "place to contemplate" (from the verb theáomai, "to look", from which "theory" also comes).

Theater as an art form generally has the following characteristics:

It consists of the staging, that is, the live representation, of some story or situations, in which different characters interact. Said representation generally takes place on the stage of a favorable installation (a theater, amphitheater, auditorium, etc.), although it can also take place in other environments, public or private.

It is generally performed before a public or audience, which depending on the type of staging can be more or less involved in the piece, being passive spectators or having some degree of participation (real or simulated) in it.

It requires the performance of trained professionals with a lot of knowledge of the subject in the representation, who embody the different characters of the story and who give them life. Formerly, these actors were only men and used masks that illustrated the character of the character, something that still survives in oriental theatrical variants, such as the theater of the Japanese No.

The represented stories always take place in the presence of the public, that is, in a recreated present. Rarely does a narrator intervene to tell part of the story, although it is also possible.

The theatrical space can contain scenographic material (decoration and setting), as well as props, or it can appeal to the imagination to bring it all to life.


Obra en el Auditorio Luis Elizondo

Located in the heart of the Monterrey campus, the Luis Elizondo Auditorium is a scenic complex of great scope in its field, with a capacity of 1,750 seats, it can host world-class theater, fashion and business events.

At Tecnologico de Monterrey we consider theater to be one of the oldest cultural and artistic activities known to mankind. Being one of the performing arts that take place on a stage, and that consists of the recreation of one or several stories of different kinds through actors, speeches, music and scenery.

This format of events has been cultivated throughout history for different purposes, being a versatile way of presenting different states of mind of the different authors and creators of the staging, this of course always understood as a tool to communicate ideas in a way massive. Same tool that led the ancient Greeks to use it as an instrument of religious and civic education, staging their myths, comic stories and their already famous tragedies.

We believe that this makes theater a versatile art form that combines exercise and intellectual exposure with the representation of funny, moving, shocking situations, etc. There are very varied forms of theatrical representation, some of which do not even take place inside a theater, but in the street, and some even require the participation of the public that attends to appreciate the theater as such.

There are different versions about the "origin of theater", and although there are different forms of theatrical or scenic representation, such as shamanic dances, religious dances or ceremonies of all kinds that have taken place in human society since its very primitive times, we know that theater as art form dates back to classical antiquity, specifically ancient Greece.

This does not mean that important antecedents do not exist in previously known cultures, such as the Egyptian. It is a culture where the presence of actors who disguised themselves with masks was common in the Middle Kingdom, telling the founding myths of the death and resurrection of the gods in which they believed.

However, we know that the Greeks were the first to cultivate the art of theater in a more profound way, to the extent that the word "theater" comes from a derivation of the Greek word théatron, which translates "place to contemplate" (from the verb theáomai, "to look", from which "theory" also comes).

Theater as an art form generally has the following characteristics:

It consists of the staging, that is, the live representation, of some story or situations, in which different characters interact. Said representation generally takes place on the stage of a favorable installation (a theater, amphitheater, auditorium, etc.), although it can also take place in other environments, public or private.

It is generally performed before a public or audience, which depending on the type of staging can be more or less involved in the piece, being passive spectators or having some degree of participation (real or simulated) in it.

It requires the performance of trained professionals with a lot of knowledge of the subject in the representation, who embody the different characters of the story and who give them life. Formerly, these actors were only men and used masks that illustrated the character of the character, something that still survives in oriental theatrical variants, such as the theater of the Japanese No.

The represented stories always take place in the presence of the public, that is, in a recreated present. Rarely does a narrator intervene to tell part of the story, although it is also possible.

The theatrical space can contain scenographic material (decoration and setting), as well as props, or it can appeal to the imagination to bring it all to life.



Evento en Sala Borregos
Corporate Events

In Borregos Room you can carry out your company's corporate events as part of the organization's communication strategy. Each corporate event of this type has a unique and different motivation, a routine meeting is not conceived in the same way.

It is important to keep in mind that work meetings are the constant and daily expressions of protocol in the company. In all companies there are different meeting configurations: those that are generated and proposed within the department among the same colleagues, those that involve different departments within the company, work meetings with managers and superiors, with unions, with suppliers, with clients etc Meetings are part of the work methodology of all companies in the world, whatever their sector.

Work meetings are generally held in the business center itself, the Borregos Room seeks to promote a different way of working and offer a modality of work lunch or breakfast to get out of the everyday, currently senior managers to optimize their time, They are increasingly resorting to this formula of meeting in restaurants to close deals, which can result in higher expenses than expected.

In the most frequent meetings in which we participate every day, unless we so require for some circumstance, we generally do not protocolize the seats, equipment and others. Today in company meetings the premise is going to be to maintain flexibility; and it is so, basically because the work groups and the way in which we are operating are the elements that will prevail over the different arrangements.

Not only can we use the Borregos Room to have work meetings or events in which certain company personnel participate, we can also celebrate the signing of agreements in companies which are one of the traditional acts that have been repeated over the years. These agreements are generally signed to regulate collaborative activities between our entity and other companies or institutions (local, regional, national and international). The companies that celebrate these agreements do not necessarily have to dedicate themselves or work within the same production or service sector, moreover, it is common for companies that operate in different fields to come together to achieve the same goal that leads them to get more benefit from the services and/or products they handle.

What is sought in the signing of agreements is to have a social impact, so that the participation of the media in this regard is more than necessary and fundamental. The agreements generally have some type of social or business purpose and the agreements have a certain impact on the environment in which they are developed. The dissemination of these acts seek to improve the image of the institution, the company, the manager and hence, that the media are our main target audience in this type of event, whom we want to address.

When we have a signing of agreements, the main actors are senior representatives of the companies that sign, which are understood to be directors, investors, managers or people who have responsibility and full power to sign documents that link them to the company. Generally, there are two or more companies or entities that participate in this signing, and therefore, we will have as many representatives at the chairman's table as companies that are part of the agreement.

It is very important that we have a host, who will be the representative of the company from which the idea starts as hostess (or the authority with which our company signs an agreement). It is important that those who accompany you are those designated in positions "2 and 3" or those who are believed to be necessary.


Evento en Sala Borregos

In Borregos Room you can carry out your company's corporate events as part of the organization's communication strategy. Each corporate event of this type has a unique and different motivation, a routine meeting is not conceived in the same way.

It is important to keep in mind that work meetings are the constant and daily expressions of protocol in the company. In all companies there are different meeting configurations: those that are generated and proposed within the department among the same colleagues, those that involve different departments within the company, work meetings with managers and superiors, with unions, with suppliers, with clients etc Meetings are part of the work methodology of all companies in the world, whatever their sector.

Work meetings are generally held in the business center itself, the Borregos Room seeks to promote a different way of working and offer a modality of work lunch or breakfast to get out of the everyday, currently senior managers to optimize their time, They are increasingly resorting to this formula of meeting in restaurants to close deals, which can result in higher expenses than expected.

In the most frequent meetings in which we participate every day, unless we so require for some circumstance, we generally do not protocolize the seats, equipment and others. Today in company meetings the premise is going to be to maintain flexibility; and it is so, basically because the work groups and the way in which we are operating are the elements that will prevail over the different arrangements.

Not only can we use the Borregos Room to have work meetings or events in which certain company personnel participate, we can also celebrate the signing of agreements in companies which are one of the traditional acts that have been repeated over the years. These agreements are generally signed to regulate collaborative activities between our entity and other companies or institutions (local, regional, national and international). The companies that celebrate these agreements do not necessarily have to dedicate themselves or work within the same production or service sector, moreover, it is common for companies that operate in different fields to come together to achieve the same goal that leads them to get more benefit from the services and/or products they handle.

What is sought in the signing of agreements is to have a social impact, so that the participation of the media in this regard is more than necessary and fundamental. The agreements generally have some type of social or business purpose and the agreements have a certain impact on the environment in which they are developed. The dissemination of these acts seek to improve the image of the institution, the company, the manager and hence, that the media are our main target audience in this type of event, whom we want to address.

When we have a signing of agreements, the main actors are senior representatives of the companies that sign, which are understood to be directors, investors, managers or people who have responsibility and full power to sign documents that link them to the company. Generally, there are two or more companies or entities that participate in this signing, and therefore, we will have as many representatives at the chairman's table as companies that are part of the agreement.

It is very important that we have a host, who will be the representative of the company from which the idea starts as hostess (or the authority with which our company signs an agreement). It is important that those who accompany you are those designated in positions "2 and 3" or those who are believed to be necessary.


Privacy Notice for alumni

"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".

Identity and address of the responsible entity

The entity responsible for the personal information you provide is Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), operating at the address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, C.P. 64700.

Personal data and personal sensitive data processed by ITESM

In order to comply with the purposes of processing indicated in this Privacy Notice, it is necessary for ITESM to process the following categories of personal data:

  • Identification data (including your personal image through photographs and/or videos);
  • Contact data;
  • Location data;
  • Authentication data;
  • Data that you provide and/or that are generated from mitec|EXATEC portal use;
  • Employment data;
  • Academic data;
  • Financial and property data;

Likewise, we inform you that in order to comply with the purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice ITESM will process sensitive personal data related to your present and/or future health condition.

On the other hand, we inform you that ITESM may process personal data of third parties that you designate as contact persons, personal references or as beneficiaries, in order to fulfill the purposes informed in this Privacy Notice. Thus, by providing them, you acknowledge having their consent for ITESM to process their personal data in terms of this Privacy Notice and the applicable regulations.

Primary purposes

Your personal data will be processed for the following primary and necessary purposes:

  • To attend, register and follow up on the request(s) you make for the use of our services.
  • To evaluate, improve, administer, procure and provide all services we offer (including the design and development of new services) and to perform all activities necessary to do so.
  • To perform activities of analysis of information and data related to your person through the application of automated processes and various techniques and data analysis technologies that allow us to better understand your profile, skills and interests. In connection with this treatment you may exercise, if so desired, the Rights of access and rectification of your personal information in accordance with the procedure provided in the ARCO Rights and revocation of consent section of this Privacy Notice.
  • To keep you informed of the products and services available to you or third parties related to you, as well as those that we consider relevant according to your status as EXATEC.
  • To validate the accuracy and quality of the information provided by you.
  • To manage your participation in the activities in which you register or enroll and to know your opinion regarding the attention received and your participation (example: events, clubs, associations, etc.).
  • To comply with and follow up on the terms and conditions, guidelines or regulations applicable to the service you receive or activity in which you participate.
  • When you request it, to provide you with your EXATEC email account and allow you access to said platform.
  • To manage electronic access to ITESM's systems and technological infrastructure.
  • To share your information, through the “Directorio de Generación”, with the members of your generation, as well as to allow them to contact you.
  • If applicable, to keep a record of events and vacancies published by ITESM.
  • If requested and applicable, to manage your profile in our “Bolsa de Trabajo” (Job board).
  • If applicable, for the elaboration of the credential that identifies you as EXATEC.
  • If applicable, for the corresponding billing and collection processes.
  • In the applicable cases, to keep a record of your credit history and behavior.
  • In cases where required, to send to the credit bureau database in case you fail to comply with the payment obligation arising from the legal relationship with ITESM, in which case, the use of your information will be governed in accordance with the provisions of the “Ley para Regular las Sociedades de Información Crediticia” (Law).
  • To identify you when the events or activities in which you participate, either in person or online, are transmitted live (streaming) through social networks, digital tools and platforms that allow it, including those that allow its conservation and subsequent reproduction online.
  • When you request it, to manage your participation in recognition activities or to encourage you to participate in activities organized by the Institution (example: awards, contests, trivia, etc.). Also, when the participation requirements establish it, to make public knowledge, as the case may be, that you have been the winner or have been recognized.
  • To publicly recognize you when you have been nominated by another member of the community in the contests and awards that we organize or in which we participate.
  • In case you nominate a member of the EXATEC community, to inform the nominee.
  • To comply with the obligations set forth in the applicable regulations.

We inform you that the refusal to process your data for the above-mentioned primary purposes would imply the impossibility to comply with the requested services and to comply with the legal relationship with you.

Secondary purposes

If you consent, we will use your personal data for the following secondary purposes:

  • To send financial campaigns, advertising and marketing communications, and commercial prospecting of products and services of our own and/or from third parties, through various media channels, both physical and electronic.
  • To use and disclosed your personal image (whether photo, video, etc.) in the preparation of informational and promotional material.
  • To disseminate congratulations and other celebrations and special days, as well as recognition for outstanding achievements.
  • For the application of surveys and evaluations to improve the quality of the products and services we offer.
  • To promote ITESM's academic, research, extension, sports, cultural, recreational and social events.
  • To invite you to meetings, events, forums and associations with alumni.
  • For the application of surveys, evaluations, references and necessary information regarding ITESM, the above for the valuation of companies dedicated to classify, evaluate and / or position various educational institutions.

The above secondary purposes are based on your consent. This means that you can object to these purposes at any time or revoke your consent.

If you do not want ITESM to process your personal data for any of the purposes described in this section, please send an email to You may change your option at any time, following the procedure, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or revocation of consent on our website:


Based on the provisions of article 37 of the LFPDPPP, ITESM may transfer your personal data without requiring your consent in the following cases:

- To controlling companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under common control of the responsible party (ITESM), or to a parent company or any company of the same group of the responsible party that operates under the same internal processes and policies; - Competent authorities in the cases foreseen by the applicable regulations, in the event that we receive a mandatory requirement.

- When it is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of the legal relationship between you and ITESM, such as the case of individuals or legal entities, national or international, with which we have entered into binding legal agreements:


Educational and non-educational institutions To validate the authenticity of certificates, diplomas, degree certificates and degrees issued in your favor
Competent Authorities In legal cases
Credit Bureaus To feed credit bureau databases, in accordance with the provisions of “Ley para Regular las Sociedades de Información Crediticia”
Firms that rank and / or evaluate educational institutions To administer surveys or use information to assess our educational services
Third Party Service Providers To fulfill the obligations arising from the legal relationship with you and the purposes stated in this privacy notice

If you do not object, we will share your personal data with the following organizations for the following purposes:

Employers and / or companies related to recruitment processes To corroborate and / or confirm academic background evidence
Sorteos TEC To promote and offer its products and services
EXATEC Associations, Clubs and Organizations To make contact and collaboration arrangements among the EXATEC community
Third Party Companies that have entered into collaboration agreements with ITESM To promote and offer its products and services
Third Party Companies that are part of ITESM´s “Bolsa de Trabajo” (Job board) To recommend you and offer you job opportunities for which you are a candidate according to your profile

If you do not want ITESM to transfer your personal data for those transfers for which your consent is required, please send an email to: and following the procedure, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent from our website:

ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent

You or your legal representative can exercise any of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter “ARCO rights”), and revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email to: and following the procedures, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent of our website

It is important to note that not in all cases we will be able to fulfill your request or terminate the use immediately, since it is possible that due to some legal obligation we required to continue processing your personal data.

Choices and means to limit the use or disclosure of your Personal Data

You may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data in events or activities that are carried out through digital tools and platforms, by not activating the camera, not using your personal image in the account with which you connect and/or not registering with your profile (it will depend on the platform used to carry out the event or activity).

In e-mail communications, by subscribing to the unsubscribe list, when it is available in the communication itself.

In all other cases, you may limit the use or disclosure of your personal information by email us your request to:

The requirements for proving your identity, as well as the procedure for dealing with your request, will be governed by the same criteria indicated on our website: If applicable, you will be registered on ITESM's own exclusion list.

Use of Cookies

ITESM uses several technologies to improve the efficiency of the Platform including your experience when navigating the site. Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored in the browser used by each user so that the server remembers certain information that can be used later. This information allows us to identify you and save your personal preferences to provide you with a better browsing experience.

We remind you that you can deactivate, disable or adjust the use of cookies and other technologies by following the procedures of the internet browser you use.

  • Select the "settings" or tools option, according to your browser.
  • Select the option to disable cookies.
  • This process will not only disable cookies from our Platform, but from your entire browser.

The personal data that can be obtained through the use of these technologies are as follows: Identifiers, user names and passwords for a session; region in which you are; type of browser; type of operating system; date and time of the start and end of a session; web pages visited; searches carried out and advertising reviewed. These technologies may be disabled by following the procedures of the internet browser you are using.

ITESM Personal Data Department

It is important to inform you that ITESM has a Personal Data Department which, as part of its functions, is responsible to attend any questions you may have regarding the use of your information. Likewise, the Personal Data Department will follow up on any complaint or claim you may have related to the treatment of your personal information.

You may contact the ITESM Personal Data Department by sending an e-mail to the following address:


If deemed necessary, we inform you that you have the right to go before the “Instituto Nacional de Transparencia Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI)” to assert any disagreement related to the processing of your personal data by ITESM.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

ITESM reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Privacy Notice at any time. Derived from legislative developments, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services, this Privacy Notice will be subject to modification or update. In such case, ITESM will publish such modifications on the site: and will indicate the date of the last version of the notice. We recommend you periodically check this page to see if any changes to the present notice have occurred.

Last update: May 2021

Aviso de privacidad EXATEC

Identidad y domicilio del Responsable

El Responsable de los datos personales que usted proporciona es el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (en lo sucesivo “ITESM”) con domicilio ubicado en Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, colonia Tecnológico en Monterrey, Nuevo León. C.P. 64700.

Datos personales y datos personales sensibles tratados por el ITESM

Para cumplir con las finalidades del tratamiento señaladas en el presente Aviso de Privacidad es necesario que el ITESM trate las siguientes categorías de datos personales:

  • Datos de identificación (incluyendo su imagen personal a través de fotografías y/o videos);
  • Datos de contacto;
  • Datos de ubicación;
  • Datos de autenticación;
  • Datos que usted proporcione y/o que se generen a partir del uso del portal mitec|EXATEC;
  • Datos laborales;
  • Datos académicos;
  • Datos patrimoniales y/o financieros.

Asimismo, le informamos que para cumplir con las finalidades previstas en este Aviso de Privacidad ITESM dará tratamiento a datos personales sensibles relativos a su estado de salud presente y/o futuro.

Por otro lado, le informamos que el ITESM podrá dar tratamiento a datos personales de terceros que usted designe como personas de contacto, referencias personales o como beneficiarios, con el propósito de cumplir las finalidades informadas en el presente Aviso de Privacidad. De este modo, al proporcionarlos, Usted reconoce tener el consentimiento de esos para que el ITESM trate sus datos personales en términos del presente Aviso de Privacidad y la normatividad aplicable.

Finalidades primarias

Sus datos personales serán tratados para las finalidades primarias y necesarias siguientes:

  • Para atender, registrar y dar seguimiento a la(s) solicitud(es) que realice para uso de nuestros servicios.
  • Para la evaluación, mejoramiento, administración, procuración y otorgamiento de todos los servicios que ofrecemos (incluyendo el diseño y desarrollo de nuevos servicios) y realizar todas las actividades que resulten necesarias para ello.
  • Para realizar actividades de análisis de la información y datos relacionados con su persona mediante la aplicación de procesos automatizados y diversas técnicas y tecnologías de análisis de datos que nos permitan conocer mejor su perfil, aptitudes e intereses. En relación con este tratamiento usted podrá ejercer, en caso de así de desearlo, los Derechos de acceso y rectificación de su información personal de acuerdo con el procedimiento previsto en la sección de Derechos ARCO y revocación de consentimiento de este Aviso de Privacidad.
  • Para mantenerle informado de los productos y servicios disponibles para Usted o de terceros con Usted relacionados, así como de aquellos que consideramos resultan relevantes de acuerdo a su calidad de EXATEC.
  • Para validar la veracidad y calidad de la información proporcionada por Usted.
  • Para gestionar su participación en las actividades en las que usted se registre o inscriba y conocer su opinión respecto a la atención recibida y a su participación (ejemplo: eventos, clubes, asociaciones, etc.).
  • Para dar cumplimiento y seguimiento a los términos y condiciones, lineamientos o reglamentación aplicable al servicio que recibe o actividad en la que participa.
  • Cuando Usted lo solicite, para proporcionarle su cuenta de correo EXATEC y permitirle acceso a dicha plataforma.
  • Para gestionar el acceso electrónico a los sistemas e infraestructura tecnológica del ITESM.
  • Para compartir su información, a través del Directorio de Generación, con los miembros de su generación, así como permitir que le contacten.
  • En su caso, para llevar registro de las publicaciones de eventos y vacantes que realice.
  • En caso de solicitarlo y que aplique, para gestionar su perfil en nuestra bolsa de trabajo.
  • En los casos que aplique, para la elaboración de la credencial que lo identifique como EXATEC.
  • En los casos que aplique, para las gestiones de facturación y procesos de cobranza correspondientes.
  • En los casos que aplique, para llevar un registro de su historial y comportamiento crediticio.
  • En los casos que lo requiera, para enviar a la base de datos del buró de crédito en caso de que usted incumpla con la obligación de pago derivada de la relación jurídica con ITESM, en cuyo caso, el uso de su información se regirá de conformidad con lo establecido por la Ley para Regular las Sociedades de Información Crediticia.
  • Para identificarle cuando los eventos o actividades en las que participe, ya sea de forma presencial o en línea, sean transmitidos en vivo (streaming) a través de redes sociales, herramientas digitales y plataformas que así lo permitan, incluidos aquellos que permiten su conservación y reproducción posterior en línea.
  • Cuando Usted lo solicite, para gestionar su participación en actividades de reconocimiento o que le incentiven a participar en actividades organizadas por la Institución (ejemplo: premios, concursos, trivias, etc.). Asimismo, cuando los requisitos de participación así lo establezcan, para hacer del conocimiento público, según el caso, que Usted ha sido el ganador o ha sido reconocido.
  • Para reconocerle públicamente cuando usted ha sido postulado por otro miembro de la comunidad en las convocatorias y premios que organizamos o en las que participamos.
  • En caso de que Usted postule a algún miembro de la comunidad EXATEC, para informarlo al postulado.
  • Dar cumplimiento a las obligaciones previstas en la normatividad aplicable.

Le informamos que Usted no puede oponerse para que el ITESM cese el tratamiento de sus datos para las presentes finalidades en virtud de que el tratamiento es necesario para prestarle los servicios solicitados y dar cumplimiento a la relación jurídica con usted.

Finalidades secundarias

En caso de que Usted lo consienta, utilizaremos sus datos personales para las siguientes finalidades:

  • Realizar el envío de campañas financieras, publicidad y comunicaciones de mercadotecnia, publicidad y prospección comercial de productos y servicios propios y/o de terceros, a través de diversos medios canales de comunicación tanto físicos como electrónicos.
  • Para que su imagen personal (ya sea foto, video, etc.) sea utilizada y divulgada en la elaboración de material informativo y promocional.
  • Para realizar difusión de felicitaciones y demás celebraciones y días especiales, así como de reconocimientos por logros destacados.
  • Para la aplicación de encuestas y evaluaciones para mejorar la calidad de los productos y servicios que ofrecemos.
  • Para promocionar la vida académica, de investigación, de extensión, los eventos deportivos, culturales, recreativos y sociales que realiza ITESM.
  • Para invitarle a reuniones, eventos, foros y asociaciones con egresados.
  • Para la aplicación de encuestas, evaluaciones, referencias e información necesaria con respecto de ITESM, lo anterior para la valoración de las empresas dedicadas a clasificador, evaluar y/o posicionar a diversas instituciones educativas.

Las anteriores finalidades secundarias tienen como base de legitimación su consentimiento. Lo anterior quiere decir que en cualquier momento puede oponerse a estas, o bien revocar su consentimiento.

En caso de que no desee que sus datos personales sean tratados para alguna o todas las finalidades adicionales desde este momento nos puede comunicar lo anterior al correo electrónico


Con base en lo establecido en el artículo 37 de la LFPDPPP, el ITESM podrá transferir sus datos personales sin requerir de su consentimiento en los siguientes supuestos:

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Última actualización: Mayo 2021


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Señor de Papantla

Monthly showcase

The collections that the Tecnológico de Monterrey safeguards include works of art and documents from different periods and origins, mostly related to Mexican history and culture. In this section we present the featured object of the month, that is, a work from our collection selected to spread among our students and the community in general. For more information regarding the works included as the featured object of the month and their availability for consultation, please write to:


June 2024

Manuel Álvarez Bravo (1902-2002), The Man from Papantla, 1977. Gelatin silver print, 39 x 46.2 cm. Campus Estado de México. Cultural Heritage of Tecnológico de Monterrey©.

Manuel Álvarez Bravo is one of Mexico's most important photographers and a pioneer of modern photography in Latin America. His career spanned much of the 20th century, and his work is know for capturing the essence of Mexican life through his poetic and symbolic images.

The picture shows a man in rural attire posing in front of a rustic wall. The central composition is broken by the diagonals of light and shadow, which highlight the details of the surroundings and the character. The title refers to Papantla, a city in the state of Veracruz, famous for its cultural traditions, such as the Voladores de Papantla, a ritual dance of this indigenous community.

This photographer's work has been fundamental to the understanding and appreciation of imagery in Mexico due to this ability to combine photographic technique with a deep sensitivity to the cultural surroundings. Photographs like this are not only visual representations, but also a testament to the cultural roots and identity of México.

This work is also available for consultation in the Institutional Repository of the Tecnológico de Monterrey through the following link:


May 2024

"Why do you like your job?" Interview with Rosaura Barahona published in Panorama, 1977. Memoria Tec Fund. Monterrey. "Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra" Special Collections Library. Cultural Heritage of Tecnológico de Monterrey©.

Panorama (1966-2017) was a weekly publication of the Monterrey Campus that reported important news to the entire community.

Interview with Rosaura Barahona Aguayo (1942-2017), journalist, writer and academic, published in the magazine Panorama (1966-2017), where she talks about the enjoyment of the work as a teacher and director of the Departament of Humanities at Tec de Monterrey.

Barahona was a promoter of gender equality at the institution, where she is renowned for her drive for Tec to be the first institution in Latin America to issue academic degrees in feminine.


April 2024

Autographed Picture of Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957). Monterrey. Agustín Basave Fund. Photolibrary of Tecnológico de Monterrey. "Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra" Special Collections Library. Cultural Heritage of Tecnológico de Monterrey©.

The profile portrait of the poet Gabriela Mistral, 1945 Nobel Prize in Literature, is a meaningful testimony of her worldwide importance, as the first Latin-American woman poet to obtain such Prize.

The photograph was signed and dedicated to the director of the newspaper El Norte, who made up the documentary collection that includes autographs, photographs and portraits of prominent protagonists in world history of the 20th century. Agustín Basave donated this fund to the Tecnológico de Monterrey in 1955.

Lucila de María Godoy Alcayaga, real name of Gabriela Mistral, was born in Chile on April 7th, 1889. In addition to being a diplomat, she worked as a teacher, collaborated with the Government of Mexico in the training of teachers and in the design of what became the Secretariat of Public Education. Her poetic work influenced great writers such as Rosario Castellanos, Pablo Neruda and Octavio Paz.

This work is also available for consultation in the Institutional Repository of the Tecnológico de Monterrey through the following link:


March 2024

The Violet. Biweekly of Literature, Social, Moral and Variety. Monterrey, 1887-1894. Collection donated by Martha Nualart Sánchez, great-granddaughter of Josefa Cornada Eligia Jiménez García (1865-1911), collaborator of "The Violet. Biweekly of literature, social, moral and variety". Exchanges and donations Fund.  "Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra" Special Collections Library. Cultural Heritage of Tecnológico de Monterrey©.

This nineteenth-century magazine is one of the first prints to be managed, written and published by women from Monterrey. So far, only three other Mexican magazines with these same characteristics have been located.

This copy of The Violet is made up of a binding that preserves three volumes of said publication. In total, it contains fifty-nine editions in newspaper paper and ink.

This publication allowed the Porfirian women of Northern Mexico to disseminate their literary writings in varius genres, express their ideas about cultural management, among other topics, which generated the interweaving of female networks of readers with content created and designed for women.

This work is also available for consultation in the Institutional Repository of the Tecnológico de Monterrey through the following link:


February 2024

Summer School Students, 1972. Printed in duotone, 5 x 7 inches. Campus Monterrey. Tec Memory Fund. Photo Library of Tecnologico de Monterrey. "Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra" Special Collections Library. Cultural Heritage of Tecnológico de Monterrey©.

This black and white photograph portrays three schoolgirls during the 70's. The portrait shows the coexistence, recreation and style of dress of those who participated during their stay at the Summer School at Campus Monterrey.

Tec Memory Fund guards historical images that show us a window to the past in order to understand how was the students' experience during that time.

This work is also available for consultation in the Institutional Repository of the Tecnológico de Monterrey through the following link:


January 2024

Letter from Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada to Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta, 1875. Historical Archive Fund of Real Caja de Zacatecas 1576-1936. Collection of the Society of Friends of Zacatecas, A.C. on loan to Tecnologico de Monterrey©. Memory of the World Registry of Mexico, UNESCO, 2021. Cultural Heritage of Tecnológico de Monterrey©.

In this letter, two personalities from the last quarter of the 19th century stand out, Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada and Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta. The first, for assuming the presidency of Mexico after the death of Benito Juarez and the second, for being secretary and later director of the Mexican Academy of Language.

The beauty of this document lies in the initials or acronym of the letterhead with Art Nouveau style floral details in blue, in which Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada responds to Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta, as well as the rubric of the president of Mexico.

This work is also available for consultation in the Institutional Repository of the Tecnológico de Monterrey through the following link:

Past years

Links of interest: Go to Cultural Heritage >

Señor de Papantla

Objeto destacado del mes

Las colecciones que resguarda el Tecnológico de Monterrey incluyen obras de arte y documentos de épocas y orígenes diversos, en su mayoría relacionados con la historia y la cultura mexicanas. En esta sección presentamos el objeto destacado del mes, es decir, una obra de nuestro acervo seleccionada para difundirse entre nuestros estudiantes y la comunidad en general. Para mayor información con respecto a las obras incluidas como objeto destacado del mes y su disponibilidad para consulta favor de escribir a:  


Junio 2024

Manuel Álvarez Bravo (1902-2002), Señor de Papantla, 1977. Impresión plata sobre gelatina, 39 x 46.2 cm. Campus Estado de México. Patrimonio Cultural del Tecnológico de Monterrey®.

Manuel Álvarez Bravo es uno de los fotógrafos más importantes de México y un pionero en la fotografía moderna en América Latina. Su carrera abarcó gran parte del siglo XX, y su obra es conocida por capturar la esencia de la vida mexicana a través de sus imágenes poéticas y simbólicas.

La imagen muestra en primer plano a un hombre con vestimenta rural posando frente a un muro rústico. La composición central se rompe con las diagonales de las luces y sombras, que hacen destacar los detalles del entorno y del personaje. El título hace referencia a Papantla, una ciudad en el estado de Veracruz, famosa por sus tradiciones culturales, cómo los voladores de Papantla, danza ritual propia de este pueblo originario.

La obra de este fotógrafo ha sido fundamental para la comprensión y apreciación de la imagen en México por su capacidad para combinar la técnica fotográfica con una profunda sensibilidad hacia su entorno cultural. Fotografías como esta no sólo son representaciones visuales, son también testimonio de las raíces culturales y la identidad del pueblo mexicano.

Este documento también está disponible para su consulta en el Repositorio Institucional del Tecnológico de Monterrey a través del siguiente enlace:


Mayo 2024

 "¿Por qué le gusta su trabajo" Entrevista a Rosaura Barahona publicada en Panorama, 1977. Monterrey. Fondo Memoria Tec. Biblioteca de Colecciones Especiales "Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra". Patrimonio Cultural del Tecnológico de Monterrey®.

Panorama (1966-2017) fue el semanario de comunicación oficial del Campus Monterrey donde se informaban noticias importantes para toda la comunidad.

Entrevista realizada a Rosaura Barahona Aguayo (1942-2017), periodista, escritora y académica, publicada en la revista Panorama (1966-2017), donde habla del gusto por su trabajo como profesora y directora del Departamento de Humanidades del Tec de Monterrey.

Barahona fue una importante promotora de la equidad de género en la institución, donde destacó su impulso para que el Tec fuera la primera institución en Latinoamérica en expedir grados académicos en femenino.


Abril 2024

 Foto autografiada de Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957). Monterrey. Fondo Agustín Basave. Fototeca del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Biblioteca de Colecciones Especiales "Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra". Patrimonio Cultural del Tecnológico de Monterrey®.

El retrato de perfil de la poeta Gabriela Mistral, ganadora del Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1945, es un testimonio significativo de su importancia a nivel mundial, como primera mujer poeta latinoamericana en obtener dicho galardón.

La fotografía fue firmada y dedicada al director del periódico El Norte, quien conformó el fondo documental que lleva su nombre y que incluye autógrafos, fotografías y semblanzas de destacados protagonistas de la historia mundial del siglo XX. Agustín Basave donó este fondo al Tecnológico de Monterrey en 1955.

Lucila de María Godoy Alcayaga, nombre real de Gabriela Mistral, nació en Chile el 7 de abril de 1889. Además de ser diplomática, ejerció el magisterio, colaboró con el Gobierno de México en la formación de maestros y en el diseño de lo que se convirtió en la Secretaría de Educación Pública. Su obra poética influyó en grandes escritoras como Rosario Castellanos y escritores como Pablo Neruda y Octavio Paz.

Este documento también está disponible para su consulta en el Repositorio Institucional del Tecnológico de Monterrey a través del siguiente enlace:


Marzo 2024

 La Violeta. Quincenal de Literatura, Social, Moral y de Variedades. Monterrey, 1887-1894. Colección donada por Martha Nualart Sánchez, bisnieta de Josefa Cornada Eligia Jiménez García (1865-1911), colaboradora de "La Violeta. Quincenal de literatura, social, moral y de variedades". Fondo Intercambio y donaciones. Biblioteca de Colecciones Especiales "Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra". Patrimonio Cultural del Tecnológico de Monterrey®.

Esta revista decimonónica es una de las primeras en ser gestionada, escrita y publicada por mujeres regiomontanas. Hasta ahora, solo se han localizado otras tres revistas mexicanas con estas mismas características.

Este ejemplar de La Violeta se compone de un encuadernado que conserva tres tomos de dicha publicación. En total, contiene cincuenta y nueve ediciones en papel y tinta de periódico.

Esta publicación permitió que las mujeres porfirianas del norte de México divulgaran sus escritos literarios en diversos géneros, expresaran sus ideas sobre la gestión cultural, entre otros temas, lo cual generó que se entretejieran redes femeninas de lectoras con contenido creado y pensado para mujeres. 

Este documento también está disponible para su consulta en el Repositorio Institucional del Tecnológico de Monterrey a través del siguiente enlace:


Febrero 2024

 Alumnas de la Escuela de Verano, 1972. Impresión a duotono, 5 x 7 pulgadas. Campus Monterrey. Fondo Memoria Tec. Fototeca del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Biblioteca de Colecciones Especiales "Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra". Patrimonio Cultural del Tecnológico de Monterrey®.

Esta fotografía en blanco y negro retrata a tres alumnas durante los años setenta. El retrato muestra la convivencia, recreación y estilo de vestir de quienes participaban durante su estancia en la Escuela de Verano en Campus Monterrey.

El Fondo Memoria Tec resguarda imágenes históricas que permiten tener una ventana al pasado para comprender cómo era la vivencia de los alumnos y las alumnas en la institución durante esa época. 

Este documento también está disponible para su consulta en el Repositorio Institucional del Tecnológico de Monterrey a través del siguiente enlace: 


Enero 2024

Carta de Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada a Joaquín García Icazbalceta, 1875. Fondo Archivo Histórico de la Real Caja de Zacatecas 1576-1936, Colección Sociedad de Amigos de Zacatecas, A.C. en comodato al Tecnológico de Monterrey®. Registro Memoria del Mundo de México, UNESCO, 2021. Patrimonio Cultural del Tecnológico de Monterrey®.

En esta carta destacan dos personalidades del último cuarto del siglo XIX, Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada y Joaquín García Icazbalceta. El primero por asumir la presidencia de México tras la muerte de Benito Juárez y el segundo, por ser secretario y posteriormente director de la Academia Mexicana de la Lengua.

La belleza de este documento radica en las siglas o acrónimo de la hoja membretada con detalles flores estilo Art Nouveau en color azul, en la que da respuesta Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada a Joaquín García Icazbalceta, así como la rúbrica del presidente de México.

Este documento también está disponible para su consulta en el Repositorio Institucional del Tecnológico de Monterrey a través del siguiente enlace:

Por año

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