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Alumno en laboratorio de Campus Guadalajara

Admisiones y Oferta educativa

En el Tec de Monterrey innovamos continuamente nuestra oferta académica para que siempre responda a los cambios sociales, económicos, laborales, científicos y tecnológicos.

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If your interest is to deepen your knowledge, strengthen your vision of the world, if you want to acquire or strengthen English as a second language, PrepaTec is your best option.

Build your future TODAY

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Your Professors will continually and deliberately challenge you to pose and solve problems. No more subjects as you knew them, with knowledge not necessarily connected to each other. Continuous challenges in several environments to forge in yourself the person you are called to be.

Experience Tec

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Graduate Programs

Get specialized with the highest academic level and become a leader. We offer you Master and Doctorate programs in different areas and invite you to discover the ideal program for you.

Plan your future

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Our continuing education programs are designed to prepare you for the challenges of today's market. We invite you to learn about the admission process and find the ideal program for you.

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An educational model that challenges you

Your teachers will continuously and deliberately challenge you to go forward and solve problems.

No more courses as you knew them, with knowledge that is not necessarily connected. Yes, to continuous challenges in real, diverse environments to forge within you the person you are destined to become.

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Vida en campus

¡Nuestros estudiantes son lo más importante! Por ello contamos con amplia variedad de espacios disponibles que te acompañaran durante toda vida estudiantil: variedad de opciones para comer en campus, residencias que cambian por completo el concepto de tu vida como estudiante, artículos personalizados exclusivos del Tecnológico de Monterrey, un centro de alto rendimiento para todos los amantes del deporte y mucho más.

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Vista Panorámica Wallness Center
Pasión por la lectura

Pasión por la lectura es el programa de fomento a la lectura y formación de lectores del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Como parte de este programa se llevan a cabo diversas actividades en todos los campus de la institución"

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Pasión por la lectura

Conoce nuestros Campus

Dale un vistazo a las instalaciones
Ciudad de México
Ciudad Juárez
Ciudad Obregón
Estado de México
San Luis Potosí
Santa Fe
Sonora Norte

La ciencia busca crear impacto

Buscamos las soluciones a las grandes problemáticas del mundo. Así nace Science in Action. Conoce el área de investigación y su nuevo enfoque.

Profesores Investigadores

Bienvenidos a la plataforma que te ofrece la información más destacada sobre nuestros profesores investigadores, su experiencia y principales proyectos y publicaciones.

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Profesores Investigadores
La ciencia con soluciones accionables

Conoce el nuevo enfoque de investigación en el Tecnológico de Monterrey. Descubre los tres institutos y los diferentes Core Labs que cambiarán la forma de realizar investigación en México.

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Investigadores en el SNI
Human Flourishing

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Human Dignity Center

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Social Service

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Diversity and Inclusion

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Ruta Azul

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Sitios de interés
Alumno en laboratorio de Campus Guadalajara

Admissions and Educational Offer

At Tecnológico de Monterrey we continuously update our academic offer so that it is able to respond to social, economic, work-related, scientific and technological changes.

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If your interest is to deepen your knowledge, strengthen your vision of the world, if you want to acquire or strengthen English as a second language, PrepaTec is your best option.

Build your future TODAY

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Your Professors will continually and deliberately challenge you to pose and solve problems. No more subjects as you knew them, with knowledge not necessarily connected to each other. Continuous challenges in several environments to forge in yourself the person you are called to be.

Experience Tec

recent_actors Admissionskeyboard_arrow_right

account_balance_wallet Scholarships and Educational loanskeyboard_arrow_right

vertical_split Educational Offerkeyboard_arrow_right

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Graduate Programs

Get specialized with the highest academic level and become a leader. We offer you Master and Doctorate programs in different areas and invite you to discover the ideal program for you.

Plan your future

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vertical_split Graduate Programs keyboard_arrow_right

Our continuing education programs are designed to prepare you for the challenges of today's market. We invite you to learn about the admission process and find the ideal program for you.

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An educational model that challenges you

Your teachers will continuously and deliberately challenge you to go forward and solve problems.

No more courses as you knew them, with knowledge that is not necessarily connected. Yes, to continuous challenges in real, diverse environments to forge within you the person you are destined to become.

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Life at Campus

Our students are priority! Therefore, we have a wide variety of available spaces that will accompany you throughout your student life: a variety of options to eat on campus, student´s life-changing residences, exclusive customized items from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, a high-performance center for all sports lovers and more.

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Alumnos en gimnasio Campus Monterrey
Passion for Reading

Passion for Readingis Tecnológico de Monterrey’s reading promotion and reader development program. As part of this program, diverse activities are held on all the institution’s campuses

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Passion for Reading

Get to know our Campuses

take a look of our facillities

Science seeks to create impact

We seek solutions to the world's major problems. This is how Science in Action was born. Learn about the research area and its new approach.

Research Professors

Welcome to the platform that provides you with the most prominent information about our research professors, their experience, and main projects and publications.

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Research Professors
Science with actionable solutions

Learn about the new approach to research at Tecnológico de Monterrey. Discover the three institutes and the different Core Labs that will change the way research is done in Mexico.

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Investigadores en el SNI
Human Flourishing

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Human Dignity Center

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Social Service

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Diversity and Inclusion

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Ruta Azul

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How can we help you?

Contact TECservices
How can we help you?
How can we help you?
Contact TECservices
TEC Services


Do you need information about our services or processes or have any other inquiries about your experience at Tecnológico de Monterrey? We are pleased to assist you and offer different ways to respond to your requests.​

TECservices is your dedicated team at Tecnológico de Monterrey, committed to providing you with the best care and expert services. We strive to make every process and service work efficiently with the support of our leaders in each area. Rest assured, we are ready to handle any particularity that comes your way.

At TECservices, we strive to provide you with the best possible experience. Our pillars are trust, empathy, and understanding so you always feel heard and supported. Furthermore, we guarantee precise, prompt, and timely responses to address your questions or problems efficiently. We want access to our services to be easy and fast, so we have highly trained and dedicated staff. Your satisfaction is our priority!

Get to know the different services we have for you:

and more...

¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?

Contacta a TECservices
Tecservices Tec de Monterrey
¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?
Contacta a TECservices
TEC Services


Do you need information about our services or processes or have any other inquiries about your experience at Tecnológico de Monterrey? We are pleased to assist you and offer different ways to respond to your requests.​

TECservices is your dedicated team at Tecnológico de Monterrey, committed to providing you with the best care and expert services. We strive to make every process and service work efficiently with the support of our leaders in each area. Rest assured, we are ready to handle any particularity that comes your way.

At TECservices, we strive to provide you with the best possible experience. Our pillars are trust, empathy, and understanding so you always feel heard and supported. Furthermore, we guarantee precise, prompt, and timely responses to address your questions or problems efficiently. We want access to our services to be easy and fast, so we have highly trained and dedicated staff. Your satisfaction is our priority!

Conoce los diferentes servicios que tenemos para ti:

and more...

SHARED EXPERIENCES: Ruta estratégica para proyectos de inversión

En línea.
Vía Zoom.
Dirigido a
Posgrados y Educación Continua.

¡Únete a esta conferencia para descubrir las etapas clave en la formulación y evaluación de proyectos de inversión que impulsan el crecimiento financiero personal y empresarial!

En el panorama actual, la formulación y evaluación de proyectos de inversión se ha convertido en una habilidad esencial tanto para individuos como para organizaciones. Este proceso es clave para lograr un crecimiento financiero sostenible y maximizar el potencial de las oportunidades disponibles.

En esta conferencia, se analizarán las etapas fundamentales de un proceso natural para desarrollar proyectos de inversión, y ofrecer herramientas prácticas que te permitirán visualizar, planificar y ejecutar con éxito tus objetivos financieros.

¡No te la pierdas! Regístrate aquí.


Karen Rodríguez

Business development


We offer comprehensive programs to support and guide entrepreneurs. They will find advisory services, mentorship, and connections with key players in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, all designed to provide support at every step of their business development journey.

Additionally, we have created an innovative model for creating experiences that promotes participation at the national, regional, and local levels. By engaging our Centers of Excellence in Entrepreneurship, we tailor our approach based on the type and stage of your venture, ensuring holistic and personalized support for the success of your project.

Entrepreneurial Experiences

A framework for creating experiences that encourages national, regional, and/or local participation, while engaging the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. With programs tailored to various entrepreneur profiles, our objective is to enable participants to strengthen and expand their ideas, progressing from the initial stages of concept development to high-level ventures. 

Campus-based support and services

Campus-based support and services

Through the "Entrepreneurial Circle" model, we offer comprehensive support and guidance to entrepreneurs, grounded in the provision of advisory services, mentorship, and connections with key players in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This approach ensures individualized attention for each entrepreneur, fostering the growth of their ventures with the support of the team at the Eugenio Garza Lagüera Entrepreneurship Institute across the different Tec campuses. 

Zona SHERO 2019
1. Zona SHERO

Zona SHERO emerges from INCmty women’s entrepreneurial community and is included in Tecnológico de Monterrey’s nine HeforShe commitments - UN Women.

2. FundHer4Change

Call for women entrepreneurs, 80 registrations: training workshops, Pitch round, and contact with angel investors propelled by ZONA SHERO, IEEGL, together with INIXAR, INCmty and CRDH.

3. Mentor network 

Creation of the network to enhance the path of female entrepreneurs, based on the experience and knowledge of women role models.

4. INCmty Zona SHERO

Agenda 24 conferences, 3 panels, silence disco, 2 meet up, SpeakHer Night and Demo Day FundHer4Change.

5. Workshops

“Gafas moradas” on the entrepreneurial ecosystem, for IEEGL directors, educators and businesspersons and 30 women entrepreneurs.

6. Start-up

Weekend Women In 54 hours, experiencing the ups and downs, fun, and pressure that comprise the life of a startup, with female and male mentors.

7. Academia Zona SHERO

Group of educators and researchers generating knowledge on women’s entrepreneurship from the perspective of gender.

Impact Accomplished 2019



Foreign Activites


Pitch Round


Women expositors





women assistant



men assistant


(more than 2000)



  • 1st. edition of Zona SHERO at INCmty.
  • 1 Round of pitches to close the FundHer4Change Program.
  • 2 International Panels: Female Entrepreneurship in the Quebec Ecosystem / The Franco-Mexican View of Female Entrepreneurship.
  • 2 Featured panels: Women in renewable energy / We all contribute in the digital age // Women in sustainable entrepreneurship.
  • Leadership of the entrepreneurial community of women.
  • Strengthening of The community of entrepreneurs has new members from other national and foreign cities.
Emprendimiento, Zona Shero, Highlights
Strategic projects 2020
  • FundHer4Change – 2da. Generación

  • Speedy Connections

  • Angel4Her


Program for female entrepreneurs to know more about their business, crowdfunding and prepare their pitch in front of investors.


Five sessions with the aim of promoting the creation and strengthening of a network of connections and contacts among university students at Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Program that promotes the development of future female angel investors for the injection of capital into early-stage startups.


Zona Shero

¿Cuáles son nuestras prioridades?

Empoderamiento: Autonomía para emprender #WOMANPOWER.

Igualdad de género: Acceso, uso y beneficios de los recursos e igualdad de oportunidades en el ecosistema #GENDEREQUALITY.

Comunidades/Sororidad: Cómo se relacionan mujeres con otras mujeres en los negocios #SISTERHOOD.

Sustentabilidad: Eje económico, eje social y eje ecológico #ODS.


Zona SHERO inicia desde la comunidad de emprendedoras de INCmty.Es un programa impulsado por Centro de Dignidad Humana y del IEEGL para fortalecer el avance y desarrollo de las emprendedoras y de sus emprendimientos en el ecosistema mundial.

Asimismo, se une a los 9 compromisos de HeforShe del Tec de Monterrey.

Emprendimiento, Zona Shero, Antecedentes
Emprendimiento, Zona Shero, Acerca

Acerca de

Zona SHERO forma parte de los programas del Instituto de Emprendimiento Eugenio Garza Lagüera, cuyo objetivo es lograr que las emprendedoras lleguen, avancen y permanezcan con sus empresas en el ecosistema emprendedor mundial.

Zona SHERO 2019
1. Zona SHERO

Zona SHERO emerges from INCmty women’s entrepreneurial community and is included in Tecnológico de Monterrey’s nine HeforShe commitments - UN Women.

2. FundHer4Change

Call for women entrepreneurs, 80 registrations: training workshops, Pitch round, and contact with angel investors propelled by ZONA SHERO, IEEGL, together with INIXAR, INCmty and CRDH.

3. Mentor network 

Creation of the network to enhance the path of female entrepreneurs, based on the experience and knowledge of women role models.

4. INCmty Zona SHERO

Agenda 24 conferences, 3 panels, silence disco, 2 meet up, SpeakHer Night and Demo Day FundHer4Change.

5. Workshops

“Gafas moradas” on the entrepreneurial ecosystem, for IEEGL directors, educators and businesspersons and 30 women entrepreneurs.

6. Start-up

Weekend Women In 54 hours, experiencing the ups and downs, fun, and pressure that comprise the life of a startup, with female and male mentors.

7. Academia Zona SHERO

Group of educators and researchers generating knowledge on women’s entrepreneurship from the perspective of gender.

Impacto logrado en 2019



Foreign Activites


Pitch Round


Women expositors





women assistant



men assistant


(more than 2000)



  • 1era. edición de Zona SHERO en INCmty.
  • 1 Ronda de pitches como cierre del Programa FundHer4Change.
  • 2 Paneles internacionales: Emprendimiento femenino en el ecosistema de Quebec / La mirada franco-mexicana sobre el emprendimiento femenino.
  • 2 Paneles destacados: Mujeres en energía renovable / Tod@s aportamos en la era digital// Mujeres en emprendimiento sustentable.
  • Liderazgo de la comunidad emprendedora de mujeres.
  • Fortalecimiento de La comunidad de emprendedoras tiene nuevas integrantes de otras ciudades nacionales y extranjeras.
Emprendimiento, Zona Shero, Highlights
Proyectos estratégicos 2020
  • FundHer4Change – 2da. Generación

  • Speedy Connections

  • Angel4Her


Program for female entrepreneurs to know more about their business, crowdfunding and prepare their pitch in front of investors.


Five sessions with the aim of promoting the creation and strengthening of a network of connections and contacts among university students at Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Program that promotes the development of future female angel investors for the injection of capital into early-stage startups.



Ranking 2024 Tec de Monterrey Emprendimiento

Our northstar

Becoming one of the most sought-after entrepreneurship ecosystems in the world through connecting Students, Faculty, Founders, Innovators / Inventors and Investors; dedicated to create a long-lasting positive impact.

Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Vision





Nuestra visión

Queremos ser uno de los ecosistemas emprendedores más importantes del mundo, conectando a estudiantes, docentes, fundadores, innovadores e inversores; dedicados a crear un impacto positivo y duradero.

Ecosistema Emprendimiento Visión



San Luis Potosí

 El Parque de Emprendimiento e Innovación establecido en San Luis Potosí se encuentra situado en el centro del país, con una creciente industria automotriz que lo ha llevado a posicionarse como un actor relevante en la innovación de este sector. 

Casos de éxito

El Parque de Emprendimiento e Innovación ha sido un catalizador de historias de éxito tanto para la comunidad académica como para emprendedores externos. Entre los casos destacados se encuentran: 

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Mike Ortiz:

fundador de Kool Toons. Director ganador del Premio Iberoamericano de cine.

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Compañía china especializada en IoT e Industria 4.0.

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Líder en simulación y entrenamiento para industria. El EXATEC Ramiro Fidalgo es su fundador.





El Parque de Emprendimiento e Innovación cuenta con una infraestructura moderna y en constante crecimiento para satisfacer las necesidades de empresas y emprendedores.


  •  Espacios corporativos
  • Oficinas
  • Espacios dedicados
  • Coworking
  • Espacios comunes
  • Salas de juntas
  • Salones para eventos
  • Terrazas
  • Cocinetas

Parque Tecnológico San Luis Potosí:
