Mariana Gabarrot - Faculty

Mariana Gabarrot
School of Humanities and Education
Campus Monterrey.
Ethics and Peace Studies
Life strategies and family structures in contexts of poverty
Dr. Gabarrot coordinates the group of studies on corporeality and gender, which comprises students, teachers and researchers from different humanistic and social disciplines who consider the body and corporeality as the axis to reflect on complex contemporary violence from a critical feminist perspective.
Her line of research is Human Geography, since 1998 she has been working on the analysis of the links between the global and the local through the qualitative study of migration with a gender perspective. Since 2016 she has focused on studying the spaces of female corporality.
Currently, she teaches Sociology and Geopolitics classes at the undergraduate level, as well as the Seminar on Feminisms and Gender Perspective at the master's and doctorate levels at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. In July 2019, she taught the Space, Migrations and Gender summer course to undergraduate and graduate students at the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
Since 2017, she has been part of the work team that developed and monitors the protocol to prevent and address gender violence at Tec de Monterrey. Part of its activities in this regard is the training of teachers as well as collaborators, on gender issues at the national level.
She has a PhD degree by the School of Geography and Environment of the University of Oxford, England, with a specialty in Human Geography. Master's Degree in Social Sciences from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), Mexico headquarters. Bachelor's Degree in International Studies from the Universidad de Monterrey.
Teaching Activities
- Anthropology of the body
- Sociology
- Geopolitics
- Feminism and Gender Perspective Seminar
Education and Training
- PhD, School of Geography and Environment of the University of Oxford, England.
- Master's Degree in Social Sciences, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO),
- Mexico headquarters Bachelor 's Degree in International Studies, Universidad de Monterrey.
- Gabarrot Arenas, M., (2018), "La comunidad de origen y los desafíos de la política social: Familia y migración en un municipio rural del sur de Nuevo León", en S. Arzaluz & E. Sandoval (Eds.), Cruces y retornos en la región del noreste mexicano en el alba del siglo XXI, Monterrey, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte.
- Gabarrot, M. (2016). Familias transnacionales y política social en las comunidades de origen: una visión cualitativa de la relación entre migración y desarrollo. Migración y desarrollo, 14(27), 139-165.
- Gabarrot, M. (2016), "Migration and Development: Thinking from the Communities of Origin", Practicing Anthropology, vol.38, no.1.
- Portales, L., & Gabarrot, M. (2015), "Alternativas para la comprensión de la pobreza: hogares y capital social en México ", Perfiles Latinoamericanos, vol.23, no.45.