Agustina Giraudy - Faculty

Agustina Giraudy
Distinguished Visiting Professor in Democracy
and Populism
School of Social Sciences and Government
School of Government and Public Transformation
Subnational politics
Subnational and national governments
Democratic and semi-authoritarian regimes
Dr. Agustina Giraudy is a full professor (tenured) of Political Science in the School of International Service at the American University (AU). She was previously an academy scholar at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies at Harvard University and a lecturer at the Torcuato Di Tella University and the San Andrés University, in Argentina.
She also worked as a consultant for organizations such as the World Bank, the Ford Foundation, and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).
Currently, her work focuses on the analysis of subnational and national democracies and semi-authoritarian regimes, unequal access to public goods, and institutional accountability. Her research explores the causes and consequences of unequal territorial access in LATAM and the U.S., and how this affects citizens’ rights in all spheres: civil, political, economic, and social.
She is the author of multiple articles in peer-reviewed journals and two books, including Democrats and Autocrats. Pathways of Subnational Undemocratic Regime Continuity within Democratic Countries (Oxford University Press, 2015).
She has been recognized with several awards, including the Dean’s Summer Research Award (AU, 2022) and the Best Journal Article of Regional and Federal Studies published in 2019 (2020), among many others.
Agustina Giraudy joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Democracy and Populism for the School of Social Sciences and Government and for the School of Government and Public Transformation.
Education and Training
- Ph.D., Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- M.A., Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- B.A., Political Science, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
Alcañiz, I., & Giraudy, A. (2022). From international organizations to local governments: how foreign environmental aid reaches subnational beneficiaries in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. Environmental Politics, 32(4), 663–683.
Giraudy, A., & Niedzwiecki, S. (2021). Multi-level governance and subnational research: Similarities, differences, and knowledge accumulation in the study of territorial politics. Regional & Federal Studies, 32(3), 393–411.
Diaz-Rioseco, D. and Giraudy, A. (2021), Unconditional Transfers Are Not Oil: The Economic Foundations of Subnational Undemocratic Regime Reproduction. Bull Lat Am Res, 40: 730-749.
Cyril Bennouna, Agustina Giraudy, Eduardo Moncada, Eva Rios, Richard Snyder, Paul Testa, Pandemic Policymaking in Presidential Federations: Explaining Subnational Responses to Covid-19 in Brazil, Mexico, and the United States, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Volume 51, Issue 4, Fall 2021, Pages 570–600,
Benton, A. (2021). Inside Countries: Subnational Research in Comparative Politics. Edited by Agustina Giraudy, Eduardo Moncada, and Richard Snyder. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Perspectives on Politics, 19(1), 295–297. doi:10.1017/S1537592720004326