Principles, Values and Vision
The principles underlying the vision, educational philosophy, identity, and unity of all campuses and academic units pertaining to Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, or Tecnológico de Monterrey, are based on the ideals of our founders and serve as an ethical reference point for the rules that directly govern our institutional and academic decisions and behaviors.
Core Values
Principle 1
Tecnológico de Monterrey is committed to core values and promotes ethical behavior. The members of our university community are committed to honesty, respect for personal dignity, justice, equality, responsibility, trust, solidarity, hard work, fulfillment of duty, and self-realization.
Freedom of expression
Principle 2
Tecnológico de Monterrey respects freedom of expression, which means the right of our students, employees, professors, and executives to express their thoughts on any issue, provided they do so on behalf of themselves and not the university as a whole.
Freedom of association
Principle 3
Tecnológico de Monterrey respects the right of individuals to freely associate, provided their activities and goals do not conflict with our principles, vision, or operations.
Respect for intellectual property
Principle 4
Tecnológico de Monterrey respects intellectual property rights. Therefore, we recognize the right of ownership necessary for stimulating creative activity, avoiding plagiarism, and fostering economic development grounded in knowledge.
Diversity of thought and academic freedom
Principle 5
Tecnológico de Monterrey is committed to diversity of thought and cultural diversity. We respect the academic freedom of our professors, provided their activities and goals do not conflict with our principles, vision, or operations. Academic freedom includes a professor’s responsibility to respect his or her students’ intellectual freedom and values and involves refraining from proselytizing on behalf of any one political, religious, or ideological group.
Equal opportunity
Principle 6
Tecnológico de Monterrey operates under the principle of equal opportunity. For this reason, we do not discriminate based on age, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, social status, medical condition, religion, political affiliation, or disability status.
Social movility
Principle 7
We foster social movility through scholarship funds and financial aids disposed to students with overstanding academical development, leadership cualities and proved economical needs.
Sustainable development
Principle 8
Tecnológico de Monterrey is committed to sustainable development. This can be seen in the research, teaching, and operations we carry out. For Tecnológico de Monterrey, sustainability means thinking about a future where environmental, social, and economic considerations are balanced in the search for a better quality of life.
Creating and developing socially responsible companies
Principle 9
Tecnológico de Monterrey is committed to creating and developing socially responsible companies in a market economy. We promote innovation, creativity, the use of technology, and an entrepreneurial spirit in all our community members.
Citizenship and state of rights
Principle 10
We promote in our educational community citizen´s involvement and state of rights through academical and student activities.
Enduring professor and employee development
Principle 11
Tecnológico de Monterrey is committed to the long-lasting development of its employees and provides them with a range of resources for this purpose.
Opening to important topic debates
Principle 11
We arouse opening to discuss great topics of political, social and cultural environment, nationals and globals.For that purpose, we foster scientific, intellectual and political leaders to expose and debate their point of view, with the objective of contributing to the educational community formation as persons, citizens and professionals.
The principles in which our Vision, our educational philosophy, our identity and all of our Campus and academic entities unity, are based in the Tecnológico de Monterrey founders´ ideals. Also, they are an ethical reference for the group of norms and reglaments that determine, in a direct way, institutional and academic decisions and their behavior.

Innovation: We are passionate about the disruption that generates value.
- We break paradigms creating new opportunities for our public.
- We are entrepreneurs, we generate ideas oriented to the public we serve and make them a reality.
- We support and recognize people, so they can generate changes, take risks and learn from their mistakes.