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Celebramos 79 años de la fundación del Tecnológico de Monterrey

6 de septiembre 2022

Hoy conmemoramos 79 años de la fundación del Tecnológico de Monterrey. La visión de nuestros fundadores - empresarios consolidados liderados por Don Eugenio Garza Sada- de contribuir, a través de la educación, al desarrollo de nuestro país, se hizo realidad en 1943.

Las celebraciones de nuestro aniversario en los últimos dos años, se vieron limitadas por la pandemia. Hoy es un aniversario especial porque lo podemos festejar nuevamente en un ambiente de presencialidad.

El Tec se fundó en un contexto nacional e internacional de incertidumbre. 79 años más tarde, hemos podido demostrar ese mismo espíritu de resiliencia al haber sorteado dificultades y retos en distintos momentos de nuestra historia.

A lo largo del tiempo nos hemos fortalecido como una Institución de la sociedad para la sociedad. Nos distingue la excelencia académica, la innovación educativa, el emprendimiento, la visión global y la vinculación con el sector empresarial.

En 79 años hemos hecho aportaciones de gran valor. Nuestro prestigio se ha forjado gracias a la entrega, trabajo y pasión de nuestros estudiantes, docentes, colaboradores, consejeros y EXATEC:

  • Nuestros estudiantes, con su talento, sus proyectos y sus metas, nos inspiran a esforzarnos por ofrecerles una formación de gran calidad.
  • Nuestros docentes son los actores principales de la calidad educativa de nuestra Institución.
  • Nuestros colaboradores habilitan el entorno para que la vivencia y la calidad académica se hagan realidad.
  • Nuestros consejeros han sido guía para definir el rumbo y fortalecer nuestro compromiso de ser una Institución de la sociedad para la sociedad.
  • Nuestros egresados alrededor del mundo han contribuido al desarrollo económico y social, siendo líderes en distintos ámbitos, generando empleos, empresas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil.

Hemos ampliado nuestra presencia y hemos dado origen a la Universidad Tecmilenio, llevando educación a muchas más personas, y a TecSalud, con una nueva filosofía en el ejercicio de la práctica médica, basada en el modelo de centros médicos académicos. En conjunto, somos el Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Un agradecimiento especial a todas las personas que han caminado con el Tec en las distintas épocas de nuestra historia en diferentes roles y funciones.

En el Tec nos planteamos constantemente grandes aspiraciones y trabajamos de forma comprometida para hacerlas realidad. Somos una comunidad que se entrega todos los días para construir un futuro mejor.

En este aniversario, recordemos de dónde venimos, dónde estamos y hacia dónde vamos. Sigamos visualizando un futuro próspero.

Continuemos con esa pasión y visión de nuestros fundadores. Ahora, nosotros somos responsables de lograr la trascendencia y el impacto del Tecnológico de Monterrey para los próximos años, y no tengo duda que lo conseguiremos.

Felicidades comunidad Tec, por este 79 aniversario.

David Garza Salazar
Rector y Presidente Ejecutivo

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MPS TEC Platform Privacy Notice

"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".

Identity and address of the responsible entity

The entity responsible for the personal information you provide is Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), operating at the address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, C.P. 64700.

Personal data and sensitive personal data processed by ITESM

To comply with the purposes of the treatment indicated in this privacy notice, ITESM will process the following categories of personal data:

  • Identification data (including your personal image);
  • Contact data;
  • Authentication data;
  • Employment data;
  • Data of your academic and professional background;
  • Data related to your interests and skills both vocational and professional that you provide directly or through the performance of activities by ITESM and/or that can be inferred from information in ITESM's possession through the application of various data analysis techniques;

Likewise, we inform you that in order to comply with the purposes stated in this Privacy Notice, ITESM will not collect or process sensitive personal data.

On the other hand, we inform you that ITESM may process personal identification, contact and employment data of third parties that maintain an employment and/or professional relationship with you ("Third Parties") in order to comply with the purposes informed in this Privacy Notice. Thus, by providing personal data related to Third Parties you acknowledge having their consent for ITESM to process their personal data in terms of this Privacy Notice.

Primary purposes

ITESM will process your personal information for the following primary and necessary purposes:

  • Identify you as an ITESM prospect and verify that you have the necessary skills, aptitudes and other requirements for the MPS Tec platform.
  • To manage the request(s) you make in connection with your participation as a Training Partner of ITESM.
  • To validate the truthfulness and quality of the information provided by you or that which may be inferred from you or obtained from other lawful sources to which ITESM may have access, including the verification of your data before governmental agencies or third parties with which we have entered into collaboration agreements.
  • To perform information and data analysis activities related to your person through the application of various data analysis techniques and technologies that will allow us to better understand your profile, skills and interests.
  • To comply with and follow up on institutional procedures and activities set forth in applicable internal guidelines, procedures, regulations, standards, codes or policies. ●
  • To invite you and, if applicable, manage your access and participation in the activity(ies) and events related to the MPS Tec platform.
  • To comply with and follow up on the bases, requirements and procedures for the registration, admission and development of the MPS Tec platform.
  • To attend to, record and follow up on any complaints that may be made.
  • To prepare, where applicable, the facility access document.
  • To use your personal image (whether in photographic format, video, or any other similar media) to make internal and external publications about your participation in events or activities, as well as to promote ITESM.
  • To send you communications, notifications and personal notices through different channels and technological communication mechanisms that ITESM considers pertinent in order to inform you of relevant information about the status of your admission process or any matter that may be of interest to you; as well as to know your opinion regarding the attention received and the services we offer.
  • To make statistics and reports for internal control.
  • To comply with the obligations set forth in the applicable regulations.

Secondary Purposes

In addition, ITESM will use your personal information for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but will enable us to offer you the best possible attention:

  • For further contact;
  • To send you information that we believe may be of interest to you and that may be related to the products and services we offer;
  • To send you invitations to events, activities, programs and projects;
  • To promote academic life, research, outreach, cultural, recreational and social sporting events;
  • Dissociation process to treat them anonymously.
  • To send you advertising and communications for marketing or tele-marketing purposes or financial campaigns;

If you do not want ITESM to process your personal data for any of the purposes described in this section, please send an email to You may change your option at any time, following the procedure, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or revocation of consent on our website

It is important that you keep in mind that, in case of granting your consent, it will remain valid even when the legal relationship between you and ITESM has ended, which means that ITESM may continue to process your personal data necessary to fulfill the present secondary purposes.


According to Article 37 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, ITESM may transfer your personal data without requiring your consent in the following cases:

  • To controlling companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of ITESM, or to a parent company or any company of the same group of the responsible party that operates under the same internal processes and policies;
  • Competent authorities in the cases provided for by the applicable regulations, in the event that we receive a mandatory requirement;
  • When it is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of the legal relationship between you and ITESM, such as in the case of individuals or legal entities, national or international with which we have entered into binding legal agreements.

ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent

You or your legal representative can exercise any of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter “ARCO rights”), and revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email and following the procedures, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent of our website

Please note that it is not always possible for us to comply with your request or to terminate use immediately, as we may be required by law to continue processing your personal data.

Limitation and/or Disclosure of your Data

You can limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending your request to: unless the communication you receive you can register directly for the exclusion list.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

ITESM reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Privacy Notice at any time. Derived from legislative developments, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services, this Privacy Notice will be subject to modification or update. In such case, ITESM will publish such modifications on the site: MPS TEC Platform Privacy Notice.

and will indicate the date of the last version of the notice. We recommend that you check this page periodically to see if any changes to the present notice have occurred.


Last update: March 2023

Aviso de Privacidad Plataforma MPS TEC

"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".

Identity and address of the responsible entity

The entity responsible for the personal information you provide is Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), operating at the address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, C.P. 64700.

Personal data and sensitive personal data processed by ITESM

To comply with the purposes of the treatment indicated in this privacy notice, ITESM will process the following categories of personal data:

  • Identification data (including your personal image);
  • Contact data;
  • Authentication data;
  • Employment data;
  • Data of your academic and professional background;
  • Data related to your interests and skills both vocational and professional that you provide directly or through the performance of activities by ITESM and/or that can be inferred from information in ITESM's possession through the application of various data analysis techniques;

Likewise, we inform you that in order to comply with the purposes stated in this Privacy Notice, ITESM will not collect or process sensitive personal data.

On the other hand, we inform you that ITESM may process personal identification, contact and employment data of third parties that maintain an employment and/or professional relationship with you ("Third Parties") in order to comply with the purposes informed in this Privacy Notice. Thus, by providing personal data related to Third Parties you acknowledge having their consent for ITESM to process their personal data in terms of this Privacy Notice.

Primary purposes

ITESM will process your personal information for the following primary and necessary purposes:

  • Identify you as an ITESM prospect and verify that you have the necessary skills, aptitudes and other requirements for the MPS Tec platform.
  • To manage the request(s) you make in connection with your participation as a Training Partner of ITESM.
  • To validate the truthfulness and quality of the information provided by you or that which may be inferred from you or obtained from other lawful sources to which ITESM may have access, including the verification of your data before governmental agencies or third parties with which we have entered into collaboration agreements.
  • To perform information and data analysis activities related to your person through the application of various data analysis techniques and technologies that will allow us to better understand your profile, skills and interests.
  • To comply with and follow up on institutional procedures and activities set forth in applicable internal guidelines, procedures, regulations, standards, codes or policies. ●
  • To invite you and, if applicable, manage your access and participation in the activity(ies) and events related to the MPS Tec platform.
  • To comply with and follow up on the bases, requirements and procedures for the registration, admission and development of the MPS Tec platform.
  • To attend to, record and follow up on any complaints that may be made.
  • To prepare, where applicable, the facility access document.
  • To use your personal image (whether in photographic format, video, or any other similar media) to make internal and external publications about your participation in events or activities, as well as to promote ITESM.
  • To send you communications, notifications and personal notices through different channels and technological communication mechanisms that ITESM considers pertinent in order to inform you of relevant information about the status of your admission process or any matter that may be of interest to you; as well as to know your opinion regarding the attention received and the services we offer.
  • To make statistics and reports for internal control.
  • To comply with the obligations set forth in the applicable regulations.

Secondary Purposes

In addition, ITESM will use your personal information for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but will enable us to offer you the best possible attention:

  • For further contact;
  • To send you information that we believe may be of interest to you and that may be related to the products and services we offer;
  • To send you invitations to events, activities, programs and projects;
  • To promote academic life, research, outreach, cultural, recreational and social sporting events;
  • Dissociation process to treat them anonymously.
  • To send you advertising and communications for marketing or tele-marketing purposes or financial campaigns;

If you do not want ITESM to process your personal data for any of the purposes described in this section, please send an email to You may change your option at any time, following the procedure, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or revocation of consent on our website

It is important that you keep in mind that, in case of granting your consent, it will remain valid even when the legal relationship between you and ITESM has ended, which means that ITESM may continue to process your personal data necessary to fulfill the present secondary purposes.


According to Article 37 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, ITESM may transfer your personal data without requiring your consent in the following cases:

  • To controlling companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of ITESM, or to a parent company or any company of the same group of the responsible party that operates under the same internal processes and policies;
  • Competent authorities in the cases provided for by the applicable regulations, in the event that we receive a mandatory requirement;
  • When it is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of the legal relationship between you and ITESM, such as in the case of individuals or legal entities, national or international with which we have entered into binding legal agreements.

ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent

You or your legal representative can exercise any of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter “ARCO rights”), and revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email and following the procedures, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent of our website

Please note that it is not always possible for us to comply with your request or to terminate use immediately, as we may be required by law to continue processing your personal data.

Limitation and/or Disclosure of your Data

You can limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending your request to: unless the communication you receive you can register directly for the exclusion list.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

ITESM reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Privacy Notice at any time. Derived from legislative developments, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services, this Privacy Notice will be subject to modification or update. In such case, ITESM will publish such modifications on the site: MPS TEC Platform Privacy Notice.

and will indicate the date of the last version of the notice. We recommend that you check this page periodically to see if any changes to the present notice have occurred.


Last update: March 2023


MUNMX - Región Occidente - Morelia 2023










Alto comando y equipo organizador
Conoce al Secretariado y al equipo encargado de la organización de MUNMX RO23, compuesto por la Secretaria General, Vicesecretaria General, Vicesecretarios y Faculties.
Comités y Tópicos
Proceso de Inscripción

1. Realiza tu inscripción de TecMUN Morelia 2023 a través de MarketTeckeyboard_arrow_right

Los costos para este evento serán:
(Elige la opción de acuerdo a tu participación)

MESAS Y DELEGADOS: $600.00 (pesos mexicanos)

PAJES: $230.00 (pesos mexicanos)

Incluye:  Materiales y coffee breaks

2. Envía tu comprobante de pago a más tardar el 30 de septiembre por medio del Formulario de Registro:

3. Dudas o preguntas a través del correo electrónico:

  Agradecemos a nuestros patrocinadores:

Comités y Tópicos

Asamblea general


General Assembly
Nivel 4
Vicesecretaria: Mónica Elaine Gómez Ramos 


A. Disputes of natural resources among nations derived from a threat of consumerism

B. Cross-border cooperation to stop transnational crime and synthetic drugs in the Southeast Asia region: The Golden Triangle



Guide: General Assembly.pdf

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Nivel 3
Vicesecretaria: Mónica Elaine Gómez Ramos 


A. Ensuring job opportunities and financial aid for refugees

B. Democratic Republic of the Congo: dire living conditions faced by internally displaced people as a result of armed groups



Guide: UNHCR_1.pdf

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Nivel 3
Vicesecretaria: Mónica Elaine Gómez Ramos 


A. Addressing women trafficking in Central America  

B. Unrelenting violence towards women's rights due to Female Genital Mutilation practices



Guide: UN WOMEN.pdf


Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente
Nivel 2
Vicesecretaria: Alejandra Hernández Carreón


A. Consecuencias de la megaminería en el mundo

B. Refortalecimiento de políticas para inhibir el incremento de países en los cuales se presenta la escasez de agua



Guía: Guía PNUMA.pdf

Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia
Nivel 2
Vicesecretaria: Alejandra Hernández Carreón


A. Retención ilegal de niños Ucranianos en Rusia

B. Analfabetismo infantil por falta de acceso a la educación en el mundo como consecuencia de las crisis humanitarias



Guía: UNICEF_1.pdf

Asamblea General
Nivel 4
Vicesecretaria: Alejandra Hernández Carreón


A. Sequías extremas y crisis alimenticia en el Cuerno de África

B. Medios de protección a civiles en conflictos armados del siglo XXI



Guía:Asamblea General_0.pdf

Security Council (SC)

Security Council
Inglés / Nivel 4
Vicesecretaria: Simone Patricia De la Cruz González


A. Israeli-Palestinian conflict

B. Reform of the UN Security Council



Guide: Security Council_1.pdf

International Atomic Energy Agency
Inglés / Nivel 4
Vicesecretaria: Simone Patricia De la Cruz González


A. Strengthening international cooperation in nuclear emergency preparedness and response

B. New ways to manage the waste of byproducts safely and economically



Guide: IAEA_5.pdf

International Criminal Police Organization
Inglés / Nivel 4
Vicesecretaria: Simone Patricia De la Cruz González


A. Addressing Latin American organized crime

B. International cooperation for the prevention of bioterrorism




Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Consejo Económico y Social
Español / Nivel 4
Vicesecretaria: Brenda Vianney Mora Rangel


A. Generación de medidas para la protección de los sectores vulnerables de la sociedad, durante una recesión económica

B. Reforzamiento y creación de los planes de protección civil para la disminución del impacto negativo, en el ámbito económico y social, a causa del desempleo




Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura
Español / Nivel 3
Vicesecretaria: Brenda Vianney Mora Rangel


A. El uso de los programas de inteligencia artificial y el abuso de la tecnología como amenaza para el desarrollo en la educación de jóvenes

B. Salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural y natural en áreas afectadas por conflictos armados dentro de Medio Oriente



Guía: UNESCO_4.pdf

Organización Internacional del Trabajo
Español / Nivel 4
Vicesecretaria: Brenda Vianney Mora Rangel


A. Estrategias para promover la inclusión en el empleo de todos los sectores, involucrando a las minorías étnicas, los adultos mayores y las personas con discapacidades

B. Impulsar el sector empresarial de países en desarrollo, para fomentar que las pequeñas y medianas empresas sean motores de crecimiento económico



Guía: OIT_2.pdf

Secretaría General

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Inglés / Nivel 4
Vicesecretaria: Sofía Lira Becerra


A. The impact of the Taliban's rise to power on the human rights of Afghan women

B. Employment of indigenous people in Latin America, focusing on equal pay and informal jobs



Guide: OHCHR.pdf

Oficina de Asuntos de Desarme
Español / Nivel 4
Vicesecretaria: Sofía Lira Becerra


A. La amenaza que representa la Inteligencia artificial en los conflictos armados y la ventaja que otorga

B. Ratificación y seguimiento a tratados internacionales sobre el comercio de armas



Guía: OAD.pdf

Banco Mundial
Español / Nivel 3
Vicesecretaria: Sofía Lira Becerra


A. Transformación de los sistemas alimentarios mundiales para mitigar la hambruna mundial.

B. Creación de medidas preventivas para aminorar el impacto que la escasez de agua va a tener en la economía.



Guía: Banco Mundial.pdf

Organización de los Estados Americanos
Español / Nivel 4
Vicesecretaria: Celina Medina


A. Abordar la violencia del Pacífico de Colombia: poder y control del narcotráfico, masas de desplazados

B. Seguimiento al cumplimiento de la ODS 16, con énfasis a las desapariciones forzadas en latinoamérica



Guía: OEA_2.pdf




Marvel Cinematic Universe 
Inglés / Nivel 3
Vicesecretaria: Fátima Rodríguez Fonz 


A. The extraction of the vibranium and its use for energy and weapons

B. Skrulls leak into the heads of international governments



Guide: Guía MCU.pdf

Comission on Science and Technology for Development 
Inglés / Nivel 3
Vicesecretaria: Fátima Rodríguez Fonz


A. Regulation of use and purposes of Artificial intelligence

B. The use of false online identities in order to carry out kidnappings or extortions



Guide: Guia CSTD.pdf

Liga Árabe 
Español / Nivel 2
Vicesecretaria: Fátima Rodríguez Fonz


A. Abordar las consecuencias sociales del tráfico de Captagón en el Medio Oriente: Promover la cooperación regional para combatir el uso y la distribución lícita

B. Efectos políticos-sociales de la guerra en Yemen en los países miembros de la líga árabe



Guía:Liga Arabe_1.pdf


Español / Nivel 5
Vicesecretario: Edgar Eduardo León López



Guía: Crisis - Contexto General.pdf

Guía de Países: Crisis - Países.pdf

Memoria Histórica - Francés

Comité de Memoria Histórica - Francés 
Francés / F4
Vicesecretaria: Ana Jolie Muñozledo Godines


A. Le colonialisme européen dans la répartition des terres africaines (Colonialismo europeo en la repartición de tierras Africanas)



Guide: Memoria Histórica Francés.pdf






Memoria Histórica - Alemán

Comité de Memoria Histórica Alemán
Alemán / A4
Vicesecretaria: Celina Medina Bucio


A. Die neue globale Perspektive nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung und dem Untergang der UdSSR (La nueva perspectiva global tras la reunificación alemana y la caída de la URSS)



Führung: Memoria Histórica Alemán.pdf







Estadio BBVA, Monterrey, Nuevo León.
Festum, evento del 80 aniversario del Tec de Monterrey

A momentous event to celebrate our eight decades. The entire Tec community will gather together in this show: Students, collaborators, professors, EXATEC (alumni and alumnae), parents, board members, education partners, strategic allies and the extended community to celebrate and commemorate our past, present and future in a space filled with lights, music, art and color. 

location_on Estadio BBVA, Monterrey, Nuevo León.
calendar_month Wednesday, September 6, 2023
schedule 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m
event_seat Limited capacity, registration required
how_to_reg Register herechevron_right
duo In-person and virtual
live_tv Event streamed live on live.tec.mxchevron_right



Estadio BBVA, Monterrey, Nuevo León.
Festum, evento del 80 aniversario del Tec de Monterrey

Un magno evento para celebrar nuestras ocho décadas. En este espectáculo reuniremos a toda la comunidad del Tec: Estudiantes, colaboradores, profesores, EXATEC, madres y padres de familia, consejeros, socios formadores, aliados estratégicos y comunidad extendida para celebrar y conmemorar nuestro pasado, presente y futuro en un espacio lleno de luces, música, arte y color.

location_on Estadio BBVA, Monterrey, Nuevo León.
calendar_month Miércoles 6 de septiembre 2023
schedule 8:00 p.m. a 10:00 p.m.
event_seat Cupo limitado, se requiere registro
how_to_reg Regístrate aquíchevron_right
duo Evento presencial y virtual
live_tv Evento transmitido en live.tec.mxchevron_right

80th Anniversary Ceremony


TEC Campus Monterrey

Auditorio Luis Elizondo, Campus Monterrey
Ceremonia 80 Aniversario Tec de Monterrey

In this ceremony we will be celebrating, accompanied by our academic and student community, Tecnológico de Monterrey’s 80 years. On a journey through our decades, we will reflect on our past and our achievements, delving into our present and embarking on the construction of a better future in order to continue to build transcending legacies.

location_onAuditorio Luis Elizondo, Campus Monterrey
calendar_month Wednesday, September 6, 2023
schedule 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
event_seat Limited capacity, registration required
how_to_reg Register herechevron_right
duo In-person and virtual
live_tv Event streamed live on live.tec.mxchevron_right

Ceremonia 80 Aniversario


TEC Campus Monterrey

Auditorio Luis Elizondo, Campus Monterrey
Ceremonia 80 Aniversario Tec de Monterrey

En esta ceremonia celebraremos, acompañados de nuestra comunidad académica y estudiantil, los 80 años del Tecnológico de Monterrey. En un recorrido por nuestras décadas reflexionaremos sobre nuestro pasado y los logros alcanzados, profundizaremos en el presente y daremos frente a la construcción de un mejor futuro para seguir construyendo legados que trascienden.

location_onAuditorio Luis Elizondo, Campus Monterrey
calendar_month Miércoles 6 de septiembre 2023
schedule 11:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m.
event_seat Cupo limitado, se requiere registro
how_to_reg Regístrate aquíchevron_right
duo Presencial y virtual
live_tv Evento transmitido en live.tec.mxchevron_right

American football derby

Athletics and sports
Houston, TX time zone

NRG Stadium, Houston, Texas
American football derby  80 Anniversary

Tec’s American football student team, Borregos Monterrey, will be facing UANL’s Auténticos Tigres in the first Mexican College Football Showcase, participating in an official ONEFA (National Student American Football Organization) game. The game will be played on September 8 in the home of the Houston Texans and form part of the 80th and 90th anniversary celebrations of Tecnológico de Monterrey and Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, respectively.

location_on NRG Stadium, Houston, Texas
calendar_month Friday, September 8, 2023
schedule 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. (Houston, TX time zone)
event_seat Open to the general public, tickets for sale
local_activity Ticketmasterchevron_right
person In-person event