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Academic Integrity

Teacher with students
Academic Integrity

Our Purpose

To strengthen the culture of academic integrity at Tec de Monterrey, through a set of actions oriented to raise awareness and educate about integrity, as well as provide an effective management of breaches of academic integrity, according to the Academic Regulations of our Institution. 


Activities and communication campaigns aimed at the Tec community to promote ethics and responsibility. 


Courses and modules designed to prevent and educate in academic integrity, aimed at students, faculty, collaborators, and members of the Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC). 

Management of breaches of Academic Integrity

Attention and follow-up to students who commit breaches of academic integrity, ensuring compliance with Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations. 





Our Program 

In 2017, the Academic Dishonesty (DA) Program evolved to become the Academic Integrity Program. 

The purpose of this program is to strengthen the academic integrity at Tecnológico de Monterrey, through a set of actions oriented to raise awareness and educate the community about integrity, to contribute to responsible action in all contexts of institutional life. 

Our mission is to promote a positive approach to issues related to academic honesty and strengthen our commitment to academic excellence. 

Our Values

Source: International Center for Academic Integrity [ICAI]. (2021). The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity. (3rd ed.). of-academic-integrity 

Our Structure
The program is structured into two dimensions: one aimed at education and prevention, and the other one at managing breaches of integrity. Two very important roles intervene in each dimension for the operation of the program:

Dimension of Education in Integrity

It is in charge of carrying out activities aimed at educating and raising awareness about academic integrity.

The role that supports these activities is the Ambassador of Academic Integrity.

Academic Integrity Ambassadors.

They are professors who serve as spokespersons and advisors for the program on campus. They carry out activities aimed to raise awareness about the importance of integrity and prevent breaches of academic integrity. They work together with the Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC) to provide guidance to students who have committed breaches of academic integrity. We currently have 22 Academic Integrity Ambassadors. 

Dimension for Managing Breaches of Academic Integrity

It defines the operating standards of the program, addresses, and provides follow-up on breaches of academic integrity (FIA, by its acronym in Spanish) committed by students.

The faculty who carries out this activity is part of the Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC, by its acronym in Spanish) and the National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN, by its acronym in Spanish).

Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC)

They are groups of teachers and collaborators responsible for analyzing and deliberating on cases of breaches of academic integrity. They are in charge of determining the consequences applicable to students who commit breaches of academic integrity, ensuring at all times that these are formative rather than punitive. We currently have 220 professors who are part of 32 Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC).

National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN)

It is the group of teachers and collaborators in charge of analyzing and resolving appeal cases presented by students who have committed breaches of academic integrity and who have been sanctioned with a temporary suspension or permanent withdrawal from the Institution.

Integridad Académica

Profesor con alumnos
Integridad Académica

Nuestro Propósito

To strengthen the culture of academic integrity at Tec de Monterrey, through a set of actions oriented to raise awareness and educate about integrity, as well as provide an effective management of breaches of academic integrity, according to the Academic Regulations of our Institution. 


Activities and communication campaigns aimed at the Tec community to promote ethics and responsibility. 


Courses and modules designed to prevent and educate in academic integrity, aimed at students, faculty, collaborators, and members of the Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC). 

Management of breaches of Academic Integrity

Attention and follow-up to students who commit breaches of academic integrity, ensuring compliance with Chapter IX of the Academic Regulations. 





Our Program 

In 2017, the Academic Dishonesty (DA) Program evolved to become the Academic Integrity Program. 

The purpose of this program is to strengthen the academic integrity at Tecnológico de Monterrey, through a set of actions oriented to raise awareness and educate the community about integrity, to contribute to responsible action in all contexts of institutional life. 

Our mission is to promote a positive approach to issues related to academic honesty and strengthen our commitment to academic excellence. 

Nuestros valores

Source: International Center for Academic Integrity [ICAI]. (2021). The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity. (3rd ed.). of-academic-integrity 

Nuestra estructura
El programa está estructurado en dos dimensiones: una orientada a la formación y prevención y otra a la gestión de faltas a la integridad. En cada una de ellas intervienen dos roles muy importantes para la operación del programa:

Dimension of Education in Integrity

It is in charge of carrying out activities aimed at educating and raising awareness about academic integrity.

The role that supports these activities is the Ambassador of Academic Integrity.

Academic Integrity Ambassadors.

They are professors who serve as spokespersons and advisors for the program on campus. They carry out activities aimed to raise awareness about the importance of integrity and prevent breaches of academic integrity. They work together with the Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC) to provide guidance to students who have committed breaches of academic integrity. We currently have 22 Academic Integrity Ambassadors. 

Dimension for Managing Breaches of Academic Integrity

It defines the operating standards of the program, addresses, and provides follow-up on breaches of academic integrity (FIA, by its acronym in Spanish) committed by students.

The faculty who carries out this activity is part of the Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC, by its acronym in Spanish) and the National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN, by its acronym in Spanish).

Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC)

They are groups of teachers and collaborators responsible for analyzing and deliberating on cases of breaches of academic integrity. They are in charge of determining the consequences applicable to students who commit breaches of academic integrity, ensuring at all times that these are formative rather than punitive. We currently have 220 professors who are part of 32 Campus Academic Integrity Committees (CIAC).

National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN)

It is the group of teachers and collaborators in charge of analyzing and resolving appeal cases presented by students who have committed breaches of academic integrity and who have been sanctioned with a temporary suspension or permanent withdrawal from the Institution.

Conferencia en línea "Explorando el territorio de los datos: el rol del analista, el científico y más"

En línea.
Vía Zoom.
Dirigido a
Posgrados y Educación Continua.

¡Únete a esta conferencia para conocer el panorama de los datos en el contexto empresarial y tecnológico!


En la actualidad, los datos se han convertido en el activo más valioso para las organizaciones en la era digital, impulsando la toma de decisiones estratégicas, la innovación y la competitividad.

En esta conferencia se analizan los desafíos y oportunidades asociados con el creciente volumen, variedad y velocidad de los datos. Además, de destacar la necesidad de contar con profesionales capacitados para gestionar, analizar e interpretar estos datos de manera efectiva.

¡No te la pierdas! Regístrate aquí.


Karen Rodríguez


Intervene the future

Tec de Monterrey’s comprehensive campaign.

This is an invaluable opportunity to significantly change the 2030 horizon. Through concrete actions, we can generate great change. Here’s how.

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Education and Social Mobility

We’re convinced that through education, we can change Mexico. That’s why work to attract the most inspiring professors, with expertise and lived experience, so that they can accelerate our students’ transformative potential. 

Help extend the reach of our educational scholarships and grants: 

Líderes del Mañanakeyboard_arrow_right
Extraordinary academic talentkeyboard_arrow_right

radio_button_unchecked radio_button_checked

Research, innovation & entrepreneurship

Through research, innovation, integrated education, and human development, we work towards a fairer society. 

Learn about our projects of impact: 

Institute for Obesity Researchkeyboard_arrow_right
Institute for the Future of Educationkeyboard_arrow_right
Conscious Enterprise Centerkeyboard_arrow_right
Institute of Business Familieskeyboard_arrow_right

radio_button_unchecked radio_button_checked

Facilities and community

We create spaces and conditions that enrich learning, research, and innovation, to enhance our community’s and our society’s growth and well-being. 

Join our community: 

Innovation Hubkeyboard_arrow_right
Campus Buldingskeyboard_arrow_right

Our stories
Read testimonials and articles about our giving culture initiatives on our blog.


Intervenir el futuro

La campaña comprensiva del Tec de Monterrey.

Estamos ante una oportunidad invaluable de cambiar significativamente el panorama hacia el 2030. A través de acciones concretas podremos generar grandes cambios. Conoce los ejes estratégicos de la campaña.

Con el apoyo de nuestra comunidad de donantes conformada por más de 14,000 personas buscamos.

radio_button_unchecked radio_button_checked

Education and Social Mobility

We’re convinced that through education, we can change Mexico. That’s why work to attract the most inspiring professors, with expertise and lived experience, so that they can accelerate our students’ transformative potential. 

Help extend the reach of our educational scholarships and grants: 

Líderes del Mañanakeyboard_arrow_right
Extraordinary academic talentkeyboard_arrow_right

radio_button_unchecked radio_button_checked

Research, innovation & entrepreneurship

Through research, innovation, integrated education, and human development, we work towards a fairer society. 

Learn about our projects of impact: 

Institute for Obesity Researchkeyboard_arrow_right
Institute for the Future of Educationkeyboard_arrow_right
Conscious Enterprise Centerkeyboard_arrow_right
Institute of Business Familieskeyboard_arrow_right

radio_button_unchecked radio_button_checked

Facilities and community

We create spaces and conditions that enrich learning, research, and innovation, to enhance our community’s and our society’s growth and well-being. 

Join our community: 

Innovation Hubkeyboard_arrow_right
Campus Buldingskeyboard_arrow_right

Historias de generosidad
Conoce los testimonios de nuestras causas de excelencia en nuestro blog.

Tec Food

Tec's Cafeteria and Concessions
Tec Food
Tec Food
Tec's Cafeteria and Concessions

In our dining halls, local restaurants and events we accompany you during your student life. Through these dining services you will be able to live together, meet and create community through a wide variety of food that adapt to your preference.

Our goal is to create extraordinary experiences in alliance with different national and international brands.


"Tec Food really cares about the quality of its products and services. Students often receive satisfaction surveys that are heard and implemented. The vegetarian and vegan community are incredibly grateful for adapting the menus according their requirements in dining halls and local restaurants as well."


7th semester Biotechnology Engineering (IBT)


"When I collaborated with Tec Food, I realized that they have very good hygiene and food quality protocols to provide the best service to the Tec community".


5th semester Business and Technology Engineering (INT)

"Tec not only has an educational commitment but also a social, where they train us as a professional but also as responsible citizens. Through Tec Food we had an activity that made us aware that although we have access to quality food, it is wasted daily in various cafeterias on campus. It was a strong experience for many of us to see the amount of food that we did not consume, but at the same time, this activity made us conscious consumers and only to order what are you going to eat".


8th semester Graduate in International Relations (LRI)

Tec Food

Cafeterías y Concesiones del Tec
Tec Food
Tec Food
Cafeterías y Concesiones del Tec

En nuestras cafeterías, concesiones y eventos te acompañamos durante tu vida estudiantil, tenemos una gran variedad de alimentos que se adaptan a tu preferencia.

Buscamos generar experiencias extraordinarias en alianza con diversas marcas a nivel nacional e internacional.


"Tec Food realmente se preocupa por la calidad de sus productos y servicios. Los estudiantes frecuentemente recibimos encuestas de satisfacción que realmente son escuchadas y puestas en práctica. La comunidad vegetariana y vegana estamos muy agradecidos por la adaptación del menú en todas las cafeterías y concesiones."


7mo. semestre Ingeniería en Biotecnología (IBT)


"Cuando colaboré con ellos me di cuenta que tienen muy buenos protocolos de higiene y calidad en alimentos para brindar el mejor servicio a la comunidad Tec."


5to. semestre Ingeniería en Negocios y Tecnologías (INT)

"El Tec no solo tiene un compromiso educativo sino social, donde nos forman no solo como profesionistas sino como ciudadanos responsables. Por medio de Tec Food tuvimos una actividad que nos concientizo de que si bien tenemos acceso a comida de calidad, esta misma se desperdicia diariamente en diversas cafeterías del campus. Fue una experiencia fuerte para muchos el ver la cantidad de comida que no consumimos pero al mismo tiempo, esta actividad logro que seamos consumidores conscientes, solo pedir lo que te vas a comer."


8vo. semestre Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales (LRI)

Campus Ciudad de México's Trustees



Eduardo Osuna Osuna (President)
Bárbara Garza Lagüera Gonda (Vicepresident)
Antonio Cosío Pando
Bertha Paula Michel González
Carlos Labarthe Costas


Ernesto Torres Cantú
Fernando Estrada Aguirre
Gina Lorenza Diez Barroso Azcárraga
Herminio Alonso Blanco Mendoza
Jaime Chico Pardo


José Arturo Zapata Guizar
Marcela Florina Velasco Cámara
Marcos Alejandro Martínez Gavica
Marcus Federico Baur Neuburger
Moisés Romano Jafif
Rashid Abella Yunes (Secretary)


Antonio Cosio Ariño
Francisco Benjamín Hill Avendaño
Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal
Manuel Avelino Martínez Domínguez

Consejo de Campus Ciudad de México


Consejeros Activos

Eduardo Osuna Osuna (Presidente)
Bárbara Garza Lagüera Gonda (Vicepresidente)
Antonio Cosío Pando
Bertha Paula Michel González
Carlos Labarthe Costas

Consejeros Activos

Ernesto Torres Cantú
Fernando Estrada Aguirre
Gina Lorenza Diez Barroso Azcárraga
Herminio Alonso Blanco Mendoza
Jaime Chico Pardo

Consejeros Activos

José Arturo Zapata Guizar
Marcela Florina Velasco Cámara
Marcos Alejandro Martínez Gavica
Marcus Federico Baur Neuburger
Moisés Romano Jafif
Rashid Abella Yunes (Secretario)

Consejeros Honorarios

Antonio Cosio Ariño
Francisco Benjamín Hill Avendaño
Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal
Manuel Avelino Martínez Domínguez

Privacy Notice for campus access

"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".

Identity and address of the responsible entity

The entity responsible for the personal information you provide is Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), operating at the address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, C.P. 64700.

About the information we will collect

In order to comply with the purposes informed in this Privacy Notice, ITESM will process Personal Identification Data including the photograph of your personal image, biometric data related to the characteristics of your face and the one contained in the ID that you provide to prove your identity. 

We also inform you that ITESM may process the aforementioned personal data of third parties when you previously designate them as persons authorized to enter the campus on your behalf and/or representation. By providing the Personal Data of such third parties, you recognize that you have their consent for ITESM to process their Personal Data according to this Privacy Notice terms.

Likewise, we inform you that to fulfill the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, ITESM will not collect or process any sensitive Personal Data.

If you do not wish to provide your information, we reserve the right to deny your access to the campus. 

Finally, we inform you that you are being recorded by our security cameras and that by entering our facilities, you give your consent for such images to be used for the purposes informed on this Privacy Notice. 

For what purposes do we use your information?

ITESM will process your Personal Data to perform the following primary and necessary purposes:

  • To register you as a visitor of our facilities;
  • To prove your identity and verify the authenticity of the information that you provide us;
  • To give you access to our facilities and refer you to the appropriate area or personnel;
  • To keep an internal registry of access and exit of visitors to our facilities; 
  • To ensure the safety of visitors or workers in our facilities;
  • To take care of legal, sanitary and emergency emergencies.
  • To fulfill the legal requirements established in the applicable regulations.

We inform you that ITESM will cancel your personal data once they are no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes mentioned above.


In order to fulfill the necessary purpose(s) described above or other those required by law or by the competent authorities, only the necessary data will be transferred in the cases legally foreseen.

ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent

You or your legal representative can exercise any of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter “ARCO rights”), and revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email to: and following the procedures, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent of our website:

Limitation and/or Disclosure of your data

You may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending your request to ITESM at direcció If your request is accepted, you will be registered in ITESM's own exclusion list.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

ITESM will notify you of any changes to your privacy notice through the link and subsequently accessing your privacy notice.

Last Updated: August 2021.