"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".
Identity and address of the responsible entity
The entity responsible for the personal information you provide is Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), operating at the address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, C.P. 64700.
Personal data processed by ITESM
ITESM, in order to comply with the purposes indicated herein, will process personal identification data, personal contact data, family data, employment data, physical characteristics data, academic data, life habits and interests data, immigration data for you and your family (in the case of foreigners or to work abroad), biometric data, technical data about the device(s) of your usage to access our platforms and/or software, proprietary and/or financial data, and data related to your family members. On providing personal data related to your family members, you are acknowledging that you have their consent for ITESM to process such personal data in order to contact them and assign them as insurance beneficiaries.
In addition, we should like to inform you that if necessary, given the nature of the position, and to comply with the purposes set forth herein, the following sensitive personal data that require special protection will be processed: present//long term health and wellness information. Processing such data is necessary to comply with the obligations derived from the legal relationship between you and ITESM, which is why your consent is not required in this case.
Primary purposes
ITESM will process your personal information for the following primary and necessary purposes:
- To compile your employee record;
- To create an employee profile for managing your employment period at ITESM;
- To make a salary proposal;
- To perform medical checkups (directors only);
- To manage physical access to the ITESM facilities;
- To manage electronic access to the ITESM systems and IT infrastructure;
- To manage payroll services, including, but not limited to, salary transactions, overtime payment and other benefits;
- To do authentication and identity validation activities while using our platforms and software and to allow you the belonging access.
- To enroll you and/or your family members in life, health and any other insurance deemed necessary by ITESM, and in voluntary insurance that you request in accordance with the agreements signed by ITESM with the different insurance companies;
- To designate life insurance beneficiaries;
- For accident prevention, nutrition and psychological counseling and medical test programs;
- Provide you medical attention in case of emergency and/or if willingly asked by you in any of our medical facilities. Therefore, ITESM could handle personal data for medical record creation (physical and/or digital), according to needs, in fulfillment according the applicable sanitary normativity.
- To manage and/or operate your savings account, savings funds (including the designation of beneficiaries) and grocery vouchers;
- To provide training;
- To manage performance and personal and professional development tools;
- To create and implement analytical and statistical processes;
- To comply with the provisions of the work contract you signed with ITESM and all those that apply according to the Federal Labor Law, IMSS (Social Security Institute) and INFONAVIT (National Workers’ Housing Fund Institute), among other relevant provisions;
- To evaluate, design and award, manage, collect and procure payroll loans and other benefits in cash and in kind, financial aid, scholarships, and recreational, cultural and sports activities;
- To carry out immigration procedures and/or renew the corresponding immigration permits (for foreigners);
- For comprehensive wellbeing programs;
- To complete all the necessary separation procedures, upon termination of the labor relationship;
- And in case you request it, to issue employment certificates, even once the legal relationship with you has ended. To fulfill the previous purpose, ITESM may keep and process the personal data needed for issuing written records.
- For the investigation, management, attention and follow-up of complaints received through our complaints system that deal with conduct and may be opposite to our code of ethics written in terms established by the Work Federal Law (english for Ley Federal del Trabajo).
- Summarizing: To do all needed managing and administration activities for your job position and addtional labor benefits.
- To fulfill with our legal and current obligations when you decide to be part of magazines, books or national/international publications, which includes doing necessary spreading and disclosure activities.
In addition, ITESM will process and use the personal data of third parties indicated by you, to contact them in an emergency.
We should also like to inform you that you cannot request ITESM to cease from processing your data for the aforementioned primary and necessary purposes, since such processing is necessary to fulfill the obligations derived from the relationship between you and ITESM.
Secondary purposes
In addition, if you do not object, ITESM will process your personal information for the following additional purposes that are not necessary for the employment relationship between you and ITESM, but will enable us to offer you the best possible attention:
- To enhance and foster the best work environment and climate (such as sending out congratulations and disseminating other celebrations and special days).
- To use your personal image (photograph, video, etc.) to generate informative and promotional materials.
- Use your data to send correspondence related to ITESM publications, such as magazines, press releases and Tec Review magazine.
- For the application of surveys and evaluations to improve the quality of the products and services we offer.
- Financial campaigns sending, advertising and marketing communications, advertising and commercial prospecting of its own products and services and / or third parties, through various means of communication, both physical and electronic.
- To provide personal and work references about your performance as an employee to authorized third party companies. Even if the legal relation between ITESM and you were ended, in accordance to the applicable laws, we remind you that this consentment will be labeled as valid, even if you express your negative to this practice in an express way.
- Keep neccessary and relevant information for work references and information about work performance to third party companies authorized by you and/or for your personal interests or benefits, even if the relationship with ITESM is ended according to law.We remind you that ITESM could be able to give work references to third party companies even after the end of your work relationship with ITESM until a consentment revocation expressed by you.
To use your information to send correspondence related to ITESM publications, such as magazines and journals, newsletters and the Tec Review magazine. If you wish to restrict or suppress the processing of your personal data for any or all of the additional purposes, please contact us immediately by email at the following address: datospersonalestyc@itesm.mx.
Refusal to permit the use of your personal information for additional purposes will not constitute a reason to deny you the services requested or to terminate the relationship established with us.
In order to fulfill the aforementioned necessary purpose(s) or any others required by law or the competent authorities, ITESM will transfer the necessary personal data to the following organizations and for the following ends:
If you do not want ITESM to provide your personal data for those transfers for which your consent is necessary, please send an email to datapersonalestyc@itesm.mx, indicating in the body of the email:
- Your full name and email address provided.
- Copy of your current official identification.
- The name of this Privacy Notice.
- The date on which you provided us with your personal data.
- The transfer(s) for which you do not want your data to be transferred.
ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent
You or your legal representative can exercise any of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter “ARCO rights”), and revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email to the Talent and Culture Personal Data Protection Support Desk, at: datospersonalestyc@itesm.mx.
Your petition must be made using the ARCO Rights Application Form, which can be requested from the email address indicated in the previous paragraph. For the Talent and Culture Personal Data Protection Support Desk to follow up on your application, you or your legal representative must prove your identity for any necessary purpose, so please complete all the sections indicated on the ARCO Rights Application Form and enclose a copy of one of the current official identifications specified therein. For further information on the procedures, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO Rights and/or revocation of consent, please contact the Talent and Culture Personal Data Protection Support Desk by email (see previous paragraph).
Our Talent and Culture Personal Data Protection Support Desk Department is at your service to provide any additional information you require or, where appropriate, to solve any questions you might have regarding personal data privacy and protection. You can contact us at the following email: datospersonalestyc@itesm.mx.
Limitation and/or Disclosure of your Data
You can limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending your request to: datospersonalestyc@itesm.mx. If your request is valid, you will be added to ITESM’s exclusion list.
Use of cookies
ITESM uses several technologies to improve the efficiency of the platform, including your user experience (when browsing the site). Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored in the browser used by each user so that the server can remember certain information that can later be used. This information allows you to identify and save your personal preferences to provide you with a better browsing experience. We remind you that you can deactivate, disable or adjust the use of cookies and other technologies by following the procedures of the internet browser you use.
- Select the "settings" option or tools according to your browser.
- Select the option to disable cookies.
- This process will not only disable the cookies of our Platform, but those of your entire browser.
The personal data that can be obtained through the use of these technologies are the following: Identifiers, username and passwords of a session; region in which it is located; browser type; type of operating system; date and time of the beginning and end of a session; visited web pages; searches performed and advertising reviewed. These technologies may be disabled by following the procedures of the internet browser you use. We inform you that on our website we use cookies and other technologies, through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an internet user, as well as provide you with a better service and experience when browsing our page. For more information on the use of these technologies, you can send an email to: datospersonalestyc@itesm.mx.
If considered necessary, you have the right to go to the National Institute of Transparency Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (english for Instituto Nacional de Transparencia Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales, INAI) to assert any disagreement related with your Personal Data treatment by ITESM.
Changes to the Privacy Notice
ITESM reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or delete parts of this Privacy Notice at any time. Derived from legislative changes, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services, this Privacy Notice will be subject to modifications or updates. In such case, ITESM will publish said modifications on the website https://tec.mx/ and will indicate the date of the latest version of the notice. We recommend that you periodically review this page in order to be informed if any change occurs to the present.
Last update: June 2023