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Leadership and Effective and Efficient Organizations


This group proposes new leadership models, organizational structures, and work dynamics that promote flexible and agile organizations which can transform and adapt to environmental changes.


Research lines

• Leadership with purpose
• Leadership and inclusion
• Women's leadership
• Education and leadership development
• Organizational design and culture
• The future of work and talent in Mexico and Latin America
• Talent training and the future of work
• Flexibility, agility, and change
• Talent management processes


Ajnesh Prasad -

Members of the Leadership thematic area

Elliott Tyler Kruse (Leader)
Ajnesh Prasad
Ana Lissette Segovia Philip
Bárbara Isabel Mojarro Durán
Christian Yarid Ayala Millán
Katia Villafuerte Cardona

Members of the Structural Design and Organizational Culture thematic area

Sergio Manuel Madero Gómez (Leader)
Olivia del Roble Hernández Pozas
Oscar Eliud Ortíz Mendoza

Cadena de suministro y logística inteligente

Sobre el Grupo

Las cadenas de suministro tradicionales se vuelven cada vez más complejas dado que se le integran elementos de tecnologías de información, inteligencia artificial, ciencia de datos que permiten mejorar la rastreabilidad, calidad, eficiencia y reducción de costos. El objetivo del grupo de investigación es generar modelos de toma de decisiones y de optimización tanto para la planeación como para la operación en tiempo real.

En el grupo atacamos las problemáticas de los campos de la logística, la planeación de tareas, la distribución de productos, el transporte de personal, la gestión de almacenes, la operación de puertos, entre otros. Para eso, realizamos modelos matemáticos y proponemos algoritmos de resolución de manera eficiente para obtener soluciones de buena calidad en el menor tiempo posible.

Líneas de investigación

• Análisis, modelación y optimización de Cadenas de suministro.
• Ciencia de datos para la toma de decisiones.
• Logística y transporte inteligentes, sustentables y humanitarios.
• Manufacturing and service operations management.


Yasmín Ríos Solís -


Eva Selene Hernández G. -


Cipriano Santos Borbolla, Profesor de excelencia
David Coit (Profesor visitante - Rutgers University)
Jonathan Montalvo Urquizo
José Andrés García González
Leopoldo Eduardo Cárdenas Barrón
Luisa Fernanda Chaparro Sierra
Martín Flégl
Marzieh Khakifirooz
Mostafa Hajiaghaeikeshteli
Neale Ricardo Smith Cornejo
Omar Ibarra Rojas -
Roberto Wolfler Calvo (Profesor visitante - Universidad Sorbona Norte, Francia)
Víctor Gustavo Tercero Gómez

Investigador posdoctoral

Amirhossein Nobil

Publicaciones más relevantes

Vehicle and reliable driver scheduling for public bus transportation systems
A Andrade-Michel, YA Ríos-Solís, V Boyer
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 145, 290-301

Quantifying Perception of Security Through Social Media and Its Relationship With Crime
Chaparro, Luisa Fernanda; Pulido, Cristian ;Rudas, Jorge ;Victorino, Jorge;Reyes, Ana María; Estrada, Camilo ;Narvaez, Luz Angela ; Gómez, Francisco
IEEE Access, vol. 9 139201-139213

Minimax optimization for recipe management in high-mixed semiconductor lithography process
M Khakifirooz, CF Chien, M Fathi, PM Pardalos
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (8), 4975-4985

Production planning of a furniture manufacturing company with random demand and production capacity using stochastic programming
Gómez-Rocha JE, Hernández-Gress ES, Rivera-Gómez H
PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252801.

Extended formulation and valid inequalities for the multi-item inventory lot-sizing problem with supplier selection
Cárdenas-Barrón, L.E., Melo, R. A., Santos, M. C.
Computers & Operations Research, 130, 105234, 1-12 (2021).

• Gholian-Jouybari, F., Hashemi-Amiri, O., Mosallanezhad, B., & Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, M. (2022). Metaheuristic Algorithms for a Sustainable Agri-food Supply Chain Considering Marketing Practices under Uncertainty. Expert Systems with Applications, 118880.

• Esteban Ogazón, Neale R. Smith, Angel Ruiz (2022) Reconfiguration of foodbank network logistics to cope with a sudden disaster. Mathematics, DOI: 10.3390/math10091420

Proyectos más relevantes

• “Optimizing urban transportation planning for developing countries”, FOP05-2020-01,  Yasmín Ríos Solís, 2021

Vinculación empresarial


Account of a tragedy

A night that marked the history of our institution

The tragic date of March 19, 2010, will forever be in the hearts of everyone at Tecnológico de Monterrey, since the death of our students, Jorge Antonio Mercado Alonso and Javier Francisco Arredondo Verdugo, on our Campus Monterrey, at the hands of members of the Mexican Army, violated our institution and profoundly wounded its community.

Since that terrible moment, at Tecnológico de Monterrey we have implemented actions seeking respect for the dignity and memory of our students and fought for justice and truth. We have endeavored to accompany their family members during the most difficult moments and, together with the community, have publicly and repeatedly condemned the violence and defamation of Jorge and Javier. The following is a brief account of the institution’s main actions in relation to this deplorable, distressing event.


In the first few hours after the events of the 19th, the Nuevo León State Attorney General’s Office informed us that the deceased were two criminals who had been killed in a confrontation with the military. Based on this information, we issued a statement to the community. A few hours later, the institution received evidence that the victims were students from our community. We immediately focused on accompanying and supporting their families in the difficult events that followed, sparing no effort and providing them with psychological and logistical support.
On March 20, once the identity of our students had been confirmed, the then rector of the Tec, Dr. Rafael Rangel Sostmann, apologized publicly for having repeated the initial version given by the authorities during the first hours of the previous day.
The next day, March 21, we published a notice in the principal local newspapers, relating the events and clarifying that the Institution had reported the information shared by the authorities, which was later found to be false.
On Tuesday 23, we held a memorial ceremony with the presence of the deceased students’ families and the attendance of more than 2,500 people.
In the following days, the Tec, through communiqués, notices, interviews and press conferences, protested against the violence and clamored for the vindication of the students’ dignity and memory, condemning the versions that the deceased were criminals and demanding the full truth and that justice be done.
A few weeks later, the Tec promoted the march “Movement for Change”, held on April 11 with the participation of over 2,000 people. Seeking positive action and to contribute to the pressing need to put an end to the climate of insecurity prevailing in the country and, in particular, the city of Monterrey, the Institution presented the “Pronouncement and Proposals to Improve Security in Mexico”, the outcome of a community-wide consultation process, which included five specific claims and proposals.
On April 22, Dr. Rangel went before the Senate of the Republic to present a proposal for the National Security Law in which any members of the armed forces who violate human rights should be tried in civil rather than military courts.
On May 3, posthumous awards for Jorge and Javier were given to their families, and a plaque was placed to represent their legacy and history.
Since then, we have remained in contact with their families and attended follow-up meetings with diverse authorities. In addition, every year the Tec community has paid tribute to Jorge and Javier, with the participation of faculty, students and directors, insisting on clearing their names, the truth being made known and justice being done.
On the nineth anniversary of our students’ death, March 19, 2019, Olga María Sánchez Cordero Dávila, Minister of the Interior, took part in a solemn act at Campus Monterrey, offering a public apology to the parents of the deceased students and to the institution for the actions of the members of the Mexican Army, and the errors and omissions of the authorities in the criminal justice process.

The institution is confident that the authorities will clarify this case in full and take it to its ultimate conclusion. This is what we continue to ask for today.

We will carry on accompanying the families of our students, Jorge and Javier, whose memory will endure in the hearts of each and every member of our community, inspiring us to continue to fight for justice and peace in Mexico. They will be remembered exactly as they were:

“Excellent students, extraordinary students, who, apart from having been awarded scholarships for academic excellence, displayed an exemplary academic performance and an intensive participation in student life.”

Relatoría de una Tragedia

Una noche que marcó a nuestra institución

El 19 de marzo de 2010 es una fecha dolorosa que sigue presente en el corazón de todos en el Tecnológico de Monterrey, pues la muerte de nuestros estudiantes Jorge Antonio Mercado Alonso y Javier Francisco Arredondo Verdugo en nuestro Campus Monterrey a manos de elementos del Ejército Mexicano, vulneró a nuestra institución e hirió profundamente a su comunidad.

Desde ese terrible momento, en el Tecnológico de Monterrey hemos realizado acciones buscando el respeto a la dignidad y la memoria de nuestros estudiantes y hemos pugnado por la búsqueda de la justicia y la verdad. En los momentos más difíciles hemos procurado acompañar a los familiares y junto con la comunidad, hemos manifestado públicamente y en repetidas ocasiones el rechazo a la violencia y a la difamación de Jorge y Javier. A continuación, presentamos una breve relatoría de las principales acciones de la institución en relación con este lamentable y triste suceso.

En las primeras horas después de los hechos del día 19, la Procuraduría del Estado de Nuevo León nos informó que los fallecidos eran dos criminales que murieron en un enfrentamiento con militares. Con esta información, emitimos un comunicado a la comunidad. Algunas horas después, la institución tuvo indicios de que las víctimas eran estudiantes de nuestra comunidad. Desde ese momento, nos abocamos a acompañar y apoyar a sus familias en los duros eventos que siguieron, sin escatimar esfuerzos y facilitándoles apoyo sicológico y logístico.

El 20 de marzo, una vez que se confirmó la identidad de nuestros estudiantes, el entonces rector del Tec, "el Dr. Rafael Rangel Sostmann", se disculpó públicamente por haber hecho eco a las versiones iniciales de las autoridades durante las primeras horas del día anterior. 

Al día siguiente, 21 de marzo, publicamos un desplegado en el principal medio local, donde relatamos los hechos y aclaramos que se había difundido la información compartida por las autoridades, que posteriormente supimos no era correcta. 

El martes 23 de marzo llevamos a cabo un homenaje luctuoso con la presencia de las familias de los alumnos fallecidos y la asistencia de más de 2, 500 personas. 

En los días que siguieron, el Tec se manifestó mediante comunicados, desplegados, entrevistas y conferencias de prensa contra la violencia y por la reivindicación de la dignidad y su memoria, en rechazo de las versiones que afirmaban que se trataba de criminales y exigiendo que se conociera la verdad completa y se hiciera justicia.

Unas semanas después, el Tec promovió la marcha “Movimiento por el Cambio” que se realizó el 11 de abril y a la que asistieron más de 2,000 personas. Buscando ser propositivos y aportar a la imperiosa necesidad de terminar con el clima de inseguridad que imperaba en el país y en especial en la ciudad de Monterrey, se presentó el “Pronunciamiento y propuestas para mejorar la seguridad en México”, producto de un proceso de consulta entre la comunidad, que incluía cinco reclamos y propuestas específicas.

El 22 de abril, el Dr. Rangel asistió al Senado de la República para presentar una propuesta de Ley de Seguridad Nacional para que los militares que violaran derechos humanos sean juzgados por el fuero civil y no por la justicia castrense. 

El 3 de mayo se entregaron reconocimientos póstumos a Jorge y Javier a sus familiares, y se colocó una placa para mostrar su legado y trayectoria. 

Desde entonces, seguimos en contacto con los familiares y hemos tenido reuniones de seguimiento con diversas autoridades. Así mismo, cada año la comunidad del Tec realiza homenajes para recordar a Jorge y Javier, con la participación de profesores, alumnos y directivos, en donde se ha insistido en limpiar su memoria, conocer la verdad y que se haga justicia. 

En la fecha del noveno aniversario de la muerte de nuestros estudiantes, el pasado 19 de marzo de 2019, la Lic. Olga María Sánchez Cordero Dávila, Secretaria de Gobernación, participó en un acto solemne en nuestro campus Monterrey, para entregar una disculpa pública a los padres de los alumnos fallecidos y a la institución, por los actos realizados por elementos del Ejército Mexicano y los errores y omisiones de las autoridades en el proceso de procuración de justicia.

En la institución confiamos en las autoridades para que este caso se aclare por completo y llegue hasta las últimas consecuencias; hoy seguimos pidiendo que esto suceda. 

Seguiremos acompañando a las familias de nuestros alumnos, Jorge y Javier, cuyo recuerdo permanecerá en nuestra comunidad y nos inspira a seguir luchando por un México con justicia y paz. Ellos serán recordados como lo que fueron: 

“Estudiantes de excelencia, alumnos extraordinarios que además de haberse hecho acredores a una beca de excelencia, tenían un desempeño académico ejemplar y su participación en la vida estudiantil era intensa”.

Textos de Shows, Tec de Monterrey

Tec Sounds

What is it?

It is the new audio platform of Tecnológico de Monterrey.


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Textos de Shows, Tec de Monterrey

Tec Sounds

¿Qué es?

Es la nueva plataforma de audio del Tecnológico de Monterrey.


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Amazon Music®


Decarbonization , Climate Change and Circular Economy

About the Group

The balance of the planet has been broken by population growth and voracious consumption, surpassing the speed with which the planet can cope. Therefore, it is necessary to develop technologies that allow the creation of strategies directed towards sustainability.

Research lines

• Development of scalable clean technologies as solutions to the decarbonization of the energy sector. Substitute energy sources/raw materials with low carbon sources.
• Circular economy, migration to net zero and positive effect on emissions.
• Equity and social perspective in technology projects.
• Capture of greenhouse gases and suspended solids.
• Application of data science and AI tools.


Alejandro Montesinos Castellanos -


Carlos Alberto Huerta Aguilar
Jorge Antonio Ascencio Gutiérrez
José Ignacio Huertas Cardozo
Juan Carlos Prince Avelino
Luis Ismael Minchala Avila
Miguel Ángel Gijón Rivera
Oliver Matthias Probst Oleszewski
Rafael Laurenti

Economía circular, descarbonización y cambio climático

Sobre el Grupo

El equilibrio del planeta se rompió con el crecimiento poblacional y la voracidad en el consumo sobrepasando la velocidad con la que el planeta se sobrepone. Por lo cual es necesario desarrollar tecnologías que permitan crear estrategias dirigidas hacia la sostenibilidad.

Líneas de investigación

• Desarrollo de tecnologías limpias escalables como soluciones a la descarbonización del sector energético. Sustituir fuentes de energía/materias primas con fuentes de bajo contenido de carbono.
• Economía circular, migración a net zero y a efecto positivo en emisiones.
• Equidad y perspectiva social en proyectos tecnológicos.
• Captura de gases de efecto invernadero y sólidos suspendidos.
• Aplicación de ciencia de datos y herramientas de IA.


Alejandro Montesinos Castellanos -


Carlos Alberto Huerta Aguilar
Jorge Antonio Ascencio Gutiérrez
José Ignacio Huertas Cardozo
Juan Carlos Prince Avelino
Luis Ismael Minchala Avila
Miguel Ángel Gijón Rivera
Oliver Matthias Probst Oleszewski
Rafael Laurenti

Calendario de eventos

Conoce la variedad de actividades de las que puedes ser parte

Abre el menú desplegable de cada evento y haz clic en "Más información": contacta a los responsables de cada iniciativa y conoce las acciones necesarias para tu asistencia a nuestros eventos en campus y sedes.


Eventos destacados

Toma de Protesta Asociación EXATEC Contaduría Pública Querétaro

Campamentos Tec 2024
Distintos Campus

Regreso a Casa 2024 | Campus Monterrey 40 años y más
Regreso a Casa

Regreso a Casa 2024 | Campus Monterrey 20 a 35 años
Regreso a Casa


Todos los eventos

No se encontraron resultados.

Advanced Artificial Intelligence

About the Group

The research group conducts basic and applied research in all aspects of artificial intelligence. In particular, it contributes to general knowledge in the following sub-disciplines: machine learning, computer vision, image processing, computational intelligence, hyper-heuristics, data visualization, and applies them to problem solving within contexts such as health, business, public safety, computer security, among others.

Because of its intersection with these areas, the group also influences the development and application of data science.

Research lines

• Machine learning    
• Computational intelligence and hyper-heuristics  
• Data science and applied mathematics
• Biomedical engineering


Raúl Monroy Borja -


Juana Julieta Noguez Monroy -


César Torres Huitzil
Edgar Covantes Osuna
Gilberto Ochoa Ruiz
Gildardo Sánchez Ante
Hugo Terashima Marín
Iván Mauricio Amaya Contreras
Jesús Guillermo Falcón Cardona
Jorge Mario Cruz Duarte
José Antonio Cantoral Ceballos
José Carlos Ortíz Bayliss
Luciano García Bañuelos
Luis Ángel Trejo Rodríguez
Miguel González Mendoza
Rajesh Roshan Biswal
Salvador Miguel Hinojosa Cervantes
Santiago Enrique Conant Pablos

Postdoctoral researchers

Mariano Vargas Santiago
Bárbara Cervantes González
Víctor Adrián Sosa Hernández
Octavio Loyola González
Joanna Alvarado Uribe
Nestor Velasco Bermeo
José Benito Camiña Prado
Ari Yair Barrera Animas
Iván Mauricio Amaya Contreras
Alejandro Rosales Pérez
Andrés Eduardo Gutiérrez Rodríguez
Frumencio Olivas Álvarez
Jorge Mario Cruz Duarte

Most relevant publications

• Cruz-Duarte, J. M., Amaya, I., Ortiz-Bayliss, J. C., Conant-Pablos, S. E., Terashima-Marín, H., & Shi, Y. Hyper-heuristics to customise metaheuristics for continuous optimisation. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 66. 2021.

• Diaz-Ramos, R.E.; Gomez-Cravioto, D.A.; Trejo, L.A.; Figueroa López, C.; Medina-Pérez, M.A. Towards a Resilience to Stress Index Based on Physiological Response: A Machine Learning Approach. Sensors, 21, 8293. Special Issue: Sensors and Digital Solutions for Human Health and Health Risk Monitoring. 2021.

• Hinojosa, S., Oliva, D., Cuevas, E. et al. Reducing overlapped pixels: a multi-objective color thresholding approach. Soft Comput 24, 6787–6807 (2020).

• Pérez-Torres, R., Torres-Huitzil, C. and Galeana-Zapién, H.: An On-Device Cognitive Dynamic Systems Inspired Sensing Framework for the IoT. IEEE Commun. Mag. 56(9): 154-161. 2018

• Ortiz-Bayliss, J.-C., Amaya, I. and Cruz-Duarte, J.-M., Gutierrez-Rodriguez, A.-E., Conant Pablos, S.-E. and Terashima-Marin, H. A General Framework based on Machine Learning for Algorithm Selection in Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Applied Sciences, 11(6), pp. 1-16. 2021.

• Martínez-Díaz, Y., Nicolás-Díaz, M., Méndez-Vázquez, H., Luevano, L. S., Chang, L., Gonzalez-Mendoza, M., Sucar, L. E. Benchmarking lightweight face architectures on specific face recognition scenarios. Artif Intell Rev 54, 6201–6244. 2021.

• Oliva, D., Hinojosa, S., Osuna-Enciso, V., Cuevas, E., Pérez-Cisneros, M., & Sanchez-Ante, G. Image segmentation by minimum cross entropy using evolutionary methods. Soft Computing, 23(2), 431-450. 2019.

• Falcón-Cardona, J.-G., Ishibuchi, H., Coello Coello, C.-A. and Michael Emmerich. Título del artículo: On the Effect of the Cooperation of Indicator-Based Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms. Revista: IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 25(4): 681-695. 2021.

• Angeles-Ceron, J.-C., Ochoa-Ruiz, G., Chang, L. and Ali, S. Real-time Instance Segmentation of Surgical Instruments using Attention and Multi-scale Feature Fusion, Under review at Medical Image Analysis, 2021.

• J. Rodríguez, J.-I. Mata-Sánchez, R. Monroy, O. Loyola-González, A. López-Cuevas. A one-class classification approach for bot detection on Twitter. Computers and Security 91, April 2020, article 101715 © Elsevier, 2020 ** 2021 Rómulo Garza's best paper award **


Most relevant projects

Intelligence Artificielle pour la generation de microfictions littéraires (GenMicFic).
Raúl Monroy Borja (co-principal investigator). SEP - CONACYT - ANUIES - ECOS NORD Francia. Generación de microficciones, un género literario, mediante el uso de aprendizaje profundo, en particular transformadores (GPT-3) y SBERT. El mecanismo considera los elementos de un relato (inicio, desarrollo y conclusión), así como una variedad  de condiciones, tales como coherencia y narrativa en tercera persona.

Proyecto Context-Aware Video Detection and Interpretation of Suspicious Behavior Using Distributed Robust Deep Learning
In collaboration with Dr. Paul Rad and Dr. David Han of the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Principal Investigator: Hugo Terashima Marín. Fondo Tec-UTSA $40000USD.
The proposed intelligent image/video analytics technology will allow users to: Search for images/videos by identifying not only objects but also structured relationships and attributes involving these objects, like: “find an image or video in which a man is carrying a bomb in the airport”; Understand the consistency between textual features and visual contents; Recognize all of the connections and effects between deep extracted features and retrieve images by considering all the dependencies of features; Identify and tag meaningful high-level situation descriptions presented in the retrieved video, like a person threatening another with a weapon, a person playing with a pet, etc.; and Based on results of previous objectives, work along a methodology for searching for meaningful features in order to detect suspicious behavior in video for a particular context.

One Step closer to mental health: promptly detection of depression with wearables technology and voice analysis.
Principal Investigator: Luis Angel Trejo Rodríguez.
Symptoms of depression can be detected with machine learning algorithms techniques, using heart rate variability, sleeping patterns, type of personality and physical activity as attributes. The main objective is to develop an intelligent system to detect in time, through wearables, voice analysis, and machine learning, levels of depression of high risk in the final user.

Space-time laminar computing: event-based spike neuromorphic processors for sensory computation.
Principal Investigator: César Torres Huitzil.
Computing in its diverse forms has become essential to most aspects of modern life, but it still fails in some of the basic tasks that biological systems (humans) perform easily and efficiently, such as perception, motor control, language processing, etc. Far beyond “intelligence”, computing based on current single-processor architectures and the associated semiconductor technology are facing fundamental physical limits (scalability, power consumption, process variations, noise margins, and fault tolerance, etc.) that prevent them achieving better performances only through improved processor technologies. The aim of this project is to provide the knowledge to develop a new class of event-driven spike neuroprocessors aimed at power efficient sensory computation under a neuro-inspired space-time laminar computational framework.

Feature transformation for improving characterization of combinatorial optimization problems. Sectoral research fund for general education (CONACyT).
José Carlos Ortiz Bayliss, Research Associate.
The project seeks to improve the descriptive capabilities of hyper-heuristics by transforming the characterization of the problems they solve.

Robust Surgical Tool Segmentation, Tracking and Depth Perception.
Gilberto Ochoa Ruiz in collaboration with Dr. Sharib Ali, from the University of Leeds (United Kingdom).
To develop new datasets, schemes and models for implement robust and real-time computer vision methods for Computer Integrated Surgery (CIS) applications and procedural quality assessment purposes. Students: Mansoor Ali Teevno.

RECONDITE: Deep learning and image analysis methods for improving the endoscopic identification of kidney stones composition.
Gilberto Ochoa Ruiz in collaboration with Prof. Christian Daul the Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy, CRAN (France) and the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM).
To investigate deep learning algorithms for automatically classifying in vivo kidney stones from endoscopy images. Students: Francisco Lopez Tiro, Daniel Florez Araiza.

ISOLATE: SegmentatIon and claSsification Of vascuLar pATtern symmEtries on cerebral vessels using DL.
Gilberto Ochoa Ruiz in collaboration with Dr. Christian Mata Miquel and Prof. Enrique Benitez from the Biomedical Engineering Research Center (CREB, Barcelona) of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain) and the Hospital Sant Joan de Deu (Barcelona).
To develop novel CADx tools for aiding physicians in the diagnosis of CP. Various algorithms for vessel segmentation and skeletonization have been explored and tested. The results of these preprocessing methods are to be used for classifying vascular pattern asymmetries.

Business relationship

Arca Continental, Santiago E. Conant Pablos (investigador principal), IDEA: Innovación Mediante Ciencia de Datos e Inteligencia Artificial para Mejorar los Indicadores Clave de Negocio en Clientes del Canal Tradicional, 2019 - 2020.
Google Inc. - APRU, Raúl Monroy Borja (experto) AI for all, 2017 - 2018.
Google Inc., Raúl Monroy Borja (investigador principal) Formal Verification of Web Applications, 2015 - 2016.
NIC - México, Raúl Monroy Borja (investigador principal) Dynamic Networks and Metrics for Ad Efficiency Ratings, 2017 - 2019.
NIC - México, Raúl Monroy Borja (investigador principal) Countermeasures for DDoS Attacks Targeting the Domain Name System, 2017 - 2019.