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Julio César Gutiérrez Vega - Faculty

Julio César Gutiérrez Vega

Julio César Gutiérrez Vega

Profesor investigador

Campus Monterrey, Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Ingeniería eléctrica, electrónica y de comunicaciones 
Ciencias ópticas 
Física para la ingeniería



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"I'm drawn towards the possibility of learning a new science every day and of sharing that knowledge with the students that take an interest in it." From the scientific point of view, what interests Julio César Gutiérrez Vega the most is physics in general; however, he inclines toward fields such as optics, mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum physics. He claims he can't explain why, but since his childhood, he has enjoyed abstract mathematics and the way it can apply to model processes both in physics and in other disciplines. 

He earned a Doctorate in Optics after studying for a master's degree in Electrical Engineering. The reason was mostly circumstantial, since his intention was to make fiber optic sensors to predict short circuit for the Comisión Federal de Electricidad; he suddenly realized optics had its own charm and decided to focus his research toward that field. Gutiérrez Vega claims his social responsibility as a university professor is the highly-specialized human capital formation. A real challenge since, even if times and material resources evolve, the matter is still the same after hundreds of years of schooling.

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Teaching Activities

  • Mathematical Physics
  • Physical Engineering Project
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Research Integration
  • Research Internship


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Education and Training

Doctorate in Sciences with Specialty in Optics, Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Optica y Electrónica

Industrial Physical Engineer, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Master of Science with specialization in Electrical Engineering, Tecnológico de Monterrey


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  • Analytic equations to design optical systems with three stigmatic pairs in the meridional plane.  Optical Engineering.  60. 2021 
  • Robertson-Schrödinger uncertainty relation for qubits: A visual approach.  European Journal of Physics.  42. 2021 
  • Exact equations to design a stigmatic singlet that meets the Herschel's condition.  Optics Communications.  485. 2021 
  • Exact equations for stigmatic singlet design meeting the Abbe sine condition.  Optics Communications.  479. 2021 
  • Geometric phase of dielectric multilayers.  Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics.  37:3170-3178. 2020


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Awards and Honors

Senior Member SPIE, conferred by The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2010

Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 3 (Gutiérrez-Vega, Julio César)

María Concepción del Alto - Faculty


María Concepción del Alto

Master in Finance Director

EGADE Business School

EGADE Business School


Valuation and Financing
Financial information
Capital Market
Money market


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Dr. del Alto Hernández is Director of the Master in Finance Program on the EGADE Monterrey Campus. She specializes in the valuation of companies, corporate finance, financial information analysis and money and capital markets, fields in which she has participated in publications, conferences, and workshops. Her intellectual contributions include co-authorship of the book "Finanzas para todos Desde El Financiero", as well as article “Instrumentos Financieros y la Respuesta de la Profesión Contable”, published in the magazine Consultoría de Negocios of the ICPNL. She was also responsible for the technical review of the book "Para Entender la Bolsa".

In addition to her teaching activities at EGADE Business School, Dr. del Alto serves as Director of Research of the Program Burkenroad Mexico, a program of the University of Tulane, which won a prize at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (USA) as one of the most innovative in education. She has been responsible for the management of the Financial Management Degree Program at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus and has collaborated with consulting firms and companies. 

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Teaching Activities

  • Corporate Finance
  • Finance Seminar
  • Money and Capital Market
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Education and Training

  • Ph.D. in Finance, A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University
  • Master of Administration, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Public Accountant, Tecnológico de Monterrey

María Concepción del Alto - Faculty

Conchita del Alto

María Concepción del Alto

Directora de la Maestría en Finanzas

EGADE Business School

EGADE Monterrey


Valuación y Financiamientos
Información Financiera
Mercado de Capitales
Mercado Monetario


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Dr. del Alto Hernández is Director of the Master in Finance Program on the EGADE Monterrey Campus. She specializes in the valuation of companies, corporate finance, financial information analysis and money and capital markets, fields in which she has participated in publications, conferences, and workshops. Her intellectual contributions include co-authorship of the book "Finanzas para todos Desde El Financiero", as well as article “Instrumentos Financieros y la Respuesta de la Profesión Contable”, published in the magazine Consultoría de Negocios of the ICPNL. She was also responsible for the technical review of the book "Para Entender la Bolsa".

In addition to her teaching activities at EGADE Business School, Dr. del Alto serves as Director of Research of the Program Burkenroad Mexico, a program of the University of Tulane, which won a prize at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (USA) as one of the most innovative in education. She has been responsible for the management of the Financial Management Degree Program at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus and has collaborated with consulting firms and companies. 

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Teaching Activities

  • Corporate Finance
  • Finance Seminar
  • Money and Capital Market
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Education and Training

  • Ph.D. in Finance, A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University
  • Master of Administration, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Public Accountant, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Bryan William Husted Corregan - Faculty


Bryan William Husted Corregan

Professor and researcher

EGADE Business School

EGADE Monterrey


Social Responsibility and Sustainability


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Dr. Husted's extensive research and teaching experience has developed in the areas of business and public policy, business ethics, corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability. He has published widely on business topics and is one of the most prolific authors in the area of business ethics. He has published academic articles in journals such as Organization Science, the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Business Ethics Quarterly, and Business & Society, amongst others. He is a member of the SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), Level III, Conacyt and co-editor of Business & Society magazine.

He has had an outstanding academic career as a professor and researcher at Tecnológico de Monterrey since 1990, as well as foreign institutions such as the IE Business School in Madrid and the Schulich Business School at York University in Toronto.

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Teaching Activities

  • Leadership for Sustainable Development
  • Business Policy, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Governance and Ethics
  • Ethics and Business Environment
  • Doctoral Defense
  • Doctoral Research
  • Guided Research
  • Research Internship
  • Research Proposal
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Education and Training

  • Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley
  • Juris Doctor, Brigham Young University
  • MBA, Brigham Young University
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  • Husted, B.; de Sousa-Filho, M. (2019) "Board structure and environmental, social, and governance disclosure in Latin America". Journal of Business Research, 102, 220-227
  • Mohammad, S., Husted, B.W. (2019) "Law-abiding organizational climates in developing countries: The role of institutional factors and socially responsible organizational practices". Business Ethics, 28 (4) 476-493
  • Bakker,F.; Crane, A.; Henriques, I.; Husted, B. (2019) "Publishing Interdisciplinary Research in Business & Society". Business and Society, 58 (3) 443-452
  • Bapuji, Hari, Husted, B.; Jane Lu, and Raza Mir, (2018) "Value creation, appropriation and distribution: How firms contribute to societal economic inequality". Business and Society, 57 (6) 983-1009
  • Barnett, M., Henriques, I. & Husted, B. (2018) "Governing the void between stakeholder management and sustainability". Advances in Strategic Management, 38, 121-143

More publications

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Awards and Honors

  • Presidente, conferred by Society for Business Ethics, 2013
  • Miembro Regular, conferred by Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, 2012
  • Sumner Marcus Award, conferred by Academy of Management Social Issues in Management Division, 2012
  • Ranking as leading business ethics author (#20), conferred by Journal of Business Ethics, 2010
  • Fellow of the International Association for Business and Society, conferred by International Association for Business and Society, 2009
  • Prolific author in international business (#32 y #99), conferred by Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2008
  • Investigador productivo de 1995 a 1999, conferred by Journal of Business Ethics, 2001
  • Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 3 (Husted-Corregan, Bryan William)

Bryan William Husted Corregan - Faculty

Bryan Husted

Bryan William Husted Corregan

Profesor investigador

EGADE Business School

Sede Monterrey


Responsabilidad social y sostenibilidad 


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Dr. Husted's extensive research and teaching experience has developed in the areas of business and public policy, business ethics, corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability. He has published widely on business topics and is one of the most prolific authors in the area of business ethics. He has published academic articles in journals such as Organization Science, the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Business Ethics Quarterly, and Business & Society, amongst others. He is a member of the SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), Level III, Conacyt and co-editor of Business & Society magazine.

He has had an outstanding academic career as a professor and researcher at Tecnológico de Monterrey since 1990, as well as foreign institutions such as the IE Business School in Madrid and the Schulich Business School at York University in Toronto.

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Teaching Activities

  • Leadership for Sustainable Development
  • Business Policy, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Governance and Ethics
  • Ethics and Business Environment
  • Doctoral Defense
  • Doctoral Research
  • Guided Research
  • Research Internship
  • Research Proposal
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Education and Training

  • Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley
  • Juris Doctor, Brigham Young University
  • MBA, Brigham Young University
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  • Husted, B.; de Sousa-Filho, M. (2019) "Board structure and environmental, social, and governance disclosure in Latin America". Journal of Business Research, 102, 220-227
  • Mohammad, S., Husted, B.W. (2019) "Law-abiding organizational climates in developing countries: The role of institutional factors and socially responsible organizational practices". Business Ethics, 28 (4) 476-493
  • Bakker,F.; Crane, A.; Henriques, I.; Husted, B. (2019) "Publishing Interdisciplinary Research in Business & Society". Business and Society, 58 (3) 443-452
  • Bapuji, Hari, Husted, B.; Jane Lu, and Raza Mir, (2018) "Value creation, appropriation and distribution: How firms contribute to societal economic inequality". Business and Society, 57 (6) 983-1009
  • Barnett, M., Henriques, I. & Husted, B. (2018) "Governing the void between stakeholder management and sustainability". Advances in Strategic Management, 38, 121-143

More publications

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Awards and Honors

  • Presidente, conferred by Society for Business Ethics, 2013
  • Miembro Regular, conferred by Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, 2012
  • Sumner Marcus Award, conferred by Academy of Management Social Issues in Management Division, 2012
  • Ranking as leading business ethics author (#20), conferred by Journal of Business Ethics, 2010
  • Fellow of the International Association for Business and Society, conferred by International Association for Business and Society, 2009
  • Prolific author in international business (#32 y #99), conferred by Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2008
  • Investigador productivo de 1995 a 1999, conferred by Journal of Business Ethics, 2001
  • Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 3 (Husted-Corregan, Bryan William)

Joel Carlos Huegel-West - Faculty

Joel Carlos Huegel-West, Professor Researcher

Joel Carlos Huegel-West

Professor Researcher

Campus Guadalajara, School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Artificial Intelligence
Mechanical Engineering



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Dr. Joel C. Huegel is tenured professor of mechanical and mechatronics engineering at the Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara in Mexico. He became a member of the prestigious National System of Researchers (S.N.I. Level 1) In 2016. Also in 2016 he received the "Inspiring Professor" award at Campus Guadalajara and was a finalist in the national award. 

Huegel completed his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering in 2009 at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Previous to both Rice and four years of teaching experience at the Tecnológico, Huegel obtained a M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Washington. The topic of his Ph.D. thesis was human-robot interaction for training and rehabilitation in challenging dynamic motor skill tasks. 

Now, as researcher at the Tec de Monterrey, Huegel develops technology for underprivileged communities and basic industrial biomechatronic applications. One project of particular interest is the design and testing of an ultra low-cost, high activity prosthetic foot. In 2014 he was granted the Pauchon Foundation annual award $6,500 USD with which he founded Tecnologias para la Comunidad, a NGO to deliver prosthesis. The organization won the 2016 Talloires Network MacJannet Award in recongnition of its student civic engagement program. 

For this and other projects, Huegel has obtained slightly over 2 million pesos (120,000USD) in government grants, industry funding, and university seed funding. Under his leadership, his team of undergradute and graduate students have published over 30 journal and conference publications including 7 Patents pending. Huegel's passion for teaching engineering with excellence in the developing world has taken him to live and travel in countries across the americas, Asia United States and Mexico.

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Teaching Activities

  • Computer Drawing
  • Doctoral Research
  • Dynamics
  • Guided Research
  • Machine Design and Development


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Education and Training

Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, Rice University

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington

Mechanical engineer, Le Tourneau University


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  • Pseudo Fatigue Test of Passive Energy-Returning Prosthetic Foot 2017 
  • Corrosion and wear resistance in Simulated Body Fluid for TiAlPtN/TiAlN/TiAl multilayer films deposited over a CoCrMo substrate by means of Plasma Enhanced Magnetron Sputtering 2016 
  • Aerodynamic Principles of Golf Balls: An Alternative to the Exterior Design of Heavy Vehicles 2013 
  • Tee-R: Platform for the study of virtual task-oriented motion and its correlation to surface biopotentials 2013 


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Awards and Honors

Premio Jalisco - Categoría Cientifica, conferred by Gobierno de Jalisco, 2018

Member, conferred by Asoc Mexicana de Ciencia y Tecnologia e Inovacion, 2014

Senior Member, conferred by IEEE, 2014

Annual Award - Betterment of Mankind, conferred by Pauchon Foundation, 2013

Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 1 (Huegel-West, Joel Carlos)

Joel Carlos Huegel-West - Faculty

Joel Carlos Huegel-West

Joel Carlos Huegel-West

Profesor investigador

Campus Guadalajara, Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Inteligencia artificial
Ingeniería mecánica



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Dr. Joel C. Huegel is tenured professor of mechanical and mechatronics engineering at the Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara in Mexico. He became a member of the prestigious National System of Researchers (S.N.I. Level 1) In 2016. Also in 2016 he received the "Inspiring Professor" award at Campus Guadalajara and was a finalist in the national award. 

Huegel completed his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering in 2009 at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Previous to both Rice and four years of teaching experience at the Tecnológico, Huegel obtained a M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Washington. The topic of his Ph.D. thesis was human-robot interaction for training and rehabilitation in challenging dynamic motor skill tasks. 

Now, as researcher at the Tec de Monterrey, Huegel develops technology for underprivileged communities and basic industrial biomechatronic applications. One project of particular interest is the design and testing of an ultra low-cost, high activity prosthetic foot. In 2014 he was granted the Pauchon Foundation annual award $6,500 USD with which he founded Tecnologias para la Comunidad, a NGO to deliver prosthesis. The organization won the 2016 Talloires Network MacJannet Award in recongnition of its student civic engagement program. 

For this and other projects, Huegel has obtained slightly over 2 million pesos (120,000USD) in government grants, industry funding, and university seed funding. Under his leadership, his team of undergradute and graduate students have published over 30 journal and conference publications including 7 Patents pending. Huegel's passion for teaching engineering with excellence in the developing world has taken him to live and travel in countries across the americas, Asia United States and Mexico.

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Teaching Activities

  • Computer Drawing
  • Doctoral Research
  • Dynamics
  • Guided Research
  • Machine Design and Development


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Education and Training

Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, Rice University

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington

Mechanical engineer, Le Tourneau University


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  • Pseudo Fatigue Test of Passive Energy-Returning Prosthetic Foot 2017 
  • Corrosion and wear resistance in Simulated Body Fluid for TiAlPtN/TiAlN/TiAl multilayer films deposited over a CoCrMo substrate by means of Plasma Enhanced Magnetron Sputtering 2016 
  • Aerodynamic Principles of Golf Balls: An Alternative to the Exterior Design of Heavy Vehicles 2013 
  • Tee-R: Platform for the study of virtual task-oriented motion and its correlation to surface biopotentials 2013 


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Awards and Honors

Premio Jalisco - Categoría Cientifica, conferred by Gobierno de Jalisco, 2018

Member, conferred by Asoc Mexicana de Ciencia y Tecnologia e Inovacion, 2014

Senior Member, conferred by IEEE, 2014

Annual Award - Betterment of Mankind, conferred by Pauchon Foundation, 2013

Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 1 (Huegel-West, Joel Carlos)

Raúl Monroy Borja - Faculty

Raúl Monroy Borja, Professor Researcher

Raúl Monroy Borja

Professor Researcher

Campus Estado de México, School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Electronics and Communications Engineering



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"There are three abilities I like the most about my profession: the first one is to transform lives; the second one, to generate and share knowledge; the third one, to solve problems." Currently, Raúl Monroy Borja does research on the creation and application of machine learning models. With over 30 years of experience, he has specialized in different areas, the most recent being artificial intelligence, automated theorem proving and automated techniques for software verification. 

The main motivation behind his specialization is the software industry's need for the development of programs that meet every specification, which becomes particularly critical when healthcare, the environment, economic resources and even the image of those behind the development can be damaged. A popular application in his research focuses on the context of cybersecurity, as is the case for bot detection, both in social network traffic as well as in e-commerce views. He has also been involved in personal integrity security and in the inspection and control of electromechanical devices. 

Committed to the dissemination and training of good research practices, principles, and methodologies, Monroy Borja has been an active participant in the creation and development of scientific societies. He points out that the main challenge of his profession is to inspire the students to do research in an appropriate and relevant manner, the government and industries to provided the permits, funds and human resources needed for research, and his colleagues to join him in the search for solutions.

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Teaching Activities

  • • Quantitative methods and simulation
  • • Research and innovation methods
  • • Operating systems
  • • Workshop for research
  • • Computational machine learning techniques


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Education and Training

  • Electronics Engineer, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa
  • M. en C. and Técn. of the Inform., University of Edimburgh
  • Master of Science with a specialty in Computational Systems, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Phd. in Philosophy, University of Edimburgh


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  • WebMC for Browser Based Protocol Verification 2016 
  • A Social Structure Model to Detect Anomalies in DNS Traffic 2015 
  • FInding Friendships is Hard: the Phase Transition of Social Group Commonalities 2015 
  • Hacia la construcción de una herramienta para la creación de bitácoras para Android 2015 
  • Hacia la detección de impostores mediante un modelo basado en tareas 2013 


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Awards and Honors

  • Network Security, Summer Course, conferred by University of Bremen, 2014
  • Formal Verification of Web Applications, conferred by Google Faculty Research, 2013
  • Member of the External Examination Committee to the National Research Centre for Mathematics, conferred by CIMAT, 2012
  • Member of IBERAMIA, conferred by Inteligencia Artificial Journal Editorial Board, 2012
  • NATO Scholarship to participate in the 1994 International Marktoberdorf Summer School, in Germany, conferred by NATO, 1993
  • Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 3 (Monroy-Borja, Raúl)

Raúl Monroy Borja - Faculty

Raúl Monroy Borja

Raúl Monroy Borja

Profesor investigador

Campus Estado de México, Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Inteligencia artificial
Ingeniería electrónica y de comunicaciones



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"There are three abilities I like the most about my profession: the first one is to transform lives; the second one, to generate and share knowledge; the third one, to solve problems." Currently, Raúl Monroy Borja does research on the creation and application of machine learning models. With over 30 years of experience, he has specialized in different areas, the most recent being artificial intelligence, automated theorem proving and automated techniques for software verification. 

The main motivation behind his specialization is the software industry's need for the development of programs that meet every specification, which becomes particularly critical when healthcare, the environment, economic resources and even the image of those behind the development can be damaged. A popular application in his research focuses on the context of cybersecurity, as is the case for bot detection, both in social network traffic as well as in e-commerce views. He has also been involved in personal integrity security and in the inspection and control of electromechanical devices. 

Committed to the dissemination and training of good research practices, principles, and methodologies, Monroy Borja has been an active participant in the creation and development of scientific societies. He points out that the main challenge of his profession is to inspire the students to do research in an appropriate and relevant manner, the government and industries to provided the permits, funds and human resources needed for research, and his colleagues to join him in the search for solutions.

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Teaching Activities

  • • Quantitative methods and simulation
  • • Research and innovation methods
  • • Operating systems
  • • Workshop for research
  • • Computational machine learning techniques


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Education and Training

  • Electronics Engineer, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa
  • M. en C. and Técn. of the Inform., University of Edimburgh
  • Master of Science with a specialty in Computational Systems, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Phd. in Philosophy, University of Edimburgh


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  • WebMC for Browser Based Protocol Verification 2016 
  • A Social Structure Model to Detect Anomalies in DNS Traffic 2015 
  • FInding Friendships is Hard: the Phase Transition of Social Group Commonalities 2015 
  • Hacia la construcción de una herramienta para la creación de bitácoras para Android 2015 
  • Hacia la detección de impostores mediante un modelo basado en tareas 2013 


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Awards and Honors

  • Network Security, Summer Course, conferred by University of Bremen, 2014
  • Formal Verification of Web Applications, conferred by Google Faculty Research, 2013
  • Member of the External Examination Committee to the National Research Centre for Mathematics, conferred by CIMAT, 2012
  • Member of IBERAMIA, conferred by Inteligencia Artificial Journal Editorial Board, 2012
  • NATO Scholarship to participate in the 1994 International Marktoberdorf Summer School, in Germany, conferred by NATO, 1993
  • Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 3 (Monroy-Borja, Raúl)

Elliott Tyler Kruse


Elliott Tyler Kruse

Professor researcher 

EGADE Business School

Campus Santa Fe 


Organizational Behaviour


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Dr. Kruse’s research focuses on how values shape leadership. His interests include the fields of ethics, motivation and decision making. He is particularly interested in the implications of problem resolution, negotiation and social innovation. 

He has co-authored a number of articles, amongst which are "Boosting State Humility Via Gratitude, Self-Affirmation, and Awe: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives", "The Relationship Between Physician Humility, Physician-Patient Communication, and Patient Health", "An upward spiral between gratitude and humility" and "People claim objectivity after knowingly using biased strategies". In 2011, he received the award for the best article, from the Department of Organizational Behavior , Academy of Management of San Antonio (Texas, United States.)

Dr. Kruse was a postdoctoral researcher at the Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, and a postdoctoral research associate (2013-2015) at the University of Princeton (USA.)

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Teaching Activities

  • Building Entrepreneurial Team, Values & Culture
  • Leadership and Managing People in Organizations
  • Negotiation and Conflict
  • Strategy and Negotiations in Multicultural
  • Research Methods
  • Doctoral Research
  • Guided Research
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  • Kruse, E. T., & Sweeny, K (2018) "Comment: Well-Being Can Improve Health by Shaping Stress Appraisals". Emotion Review, 10 (1) 63-65
  • Kruse, E. T., Chancellor, J., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2017). State humility: Measurement, conceptual validation, and intrapersonal processes. Self and Identity, 16(4), 399-438.
  • Ruberton, P., Huynh, H., Miller, T., Kruse, E. T., Chancellor, J., Sweeny, K., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2016). The Relationship Between Physician Humility, Physician-Patient Communication, and Patient Health. Patient Education and Counseling, 99(7), 1138-1145. 
  • Kruse, E. T., Chancellor, J., Ruberton, P., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2014). An upward spiral between gratitude and humility. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5(7), 805-814. 
  • Hansen, K., Gerbasi, M., Todorov, A., Kruse, E. T., & Pronin, E. (2014). People claim objectivity after knowingly using biased strategies. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40(6), 691-699. 
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Education and Training:

  • Ph.D. in Psychology, University of California,  UC Riverside
  • M.A. in Psychology, California State University, Long Beach
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Awards and Honors

  • Mexican Researcher Certification - Candidate (Kruse,Elliott Tyler)
  • Prize for Best Article, Department of Organizational Behavior, Academy of Management. San Antonio, Texas (2011)