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Marion Emilie Genevieve Brunck - Faculty

Marion Emilie Genevieve Brunck

Marion Emilie Genevieve Brunck

Profesora investigadora

Campus Monterrey, Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Tecnológico de Monterrey.





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Marion E. G. Brunck received her PhD in Immunology and Systems Biology from the University of Queensland (Australia) in 2015, and her post-doctoral training from the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane, Australia (2016). She joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as faculty in 2018, and is currently an investigator at the Biotechnology Center-FEMSA. 

Marion Brunck's research focuses on mechanisms that regulate immune cell functions. Her laboratory (, currently hosts 4 MSc. students, 2 Ph.D students, and counts with the suite of necessary equipment to undertake successfully immunology and synthetic biology research (BD FACSCelesta flow cytometer, culture biosafety hoods, incubators, microbiology and molecular equipment). As a team, the lab is interested in understanding endogenous and exogenous triggers that modify the phenotype of immune cell and their progenitors, to provide insights into possible applications of immunomodulation for therapeutic purposes. 

Marion received a competitive research scholarship from Stem Cells Australia to complete her doctoral studies, where she applied OMICS methodologies including Next-Generation DNA and RNA sequencing and mass spectrometry to study human neutrophils. Marion has extensive experience (>15 years) and expertise in the use of flow cytometry for immunology, obtained during her Honours thesis research in the lab of Prof. Ian Frazer (inventor of the cervical cancer vaccine), and during her PhD and post-doctoral studies, as evidenced by multiple high impact research article publications (Marion authored 18 highly cited peer-reviewed research articles, h-index: 11). 

Marion is an active member of the Mexican Society of Immunology, the Mexican Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering and the American Association of Blood Banks. Through these associations, TEC's School of Engineering postgraduate society (Rho Factor) and the academic group SACBE STEM, which supports and promotes the involvement of women in science, Marion regularly participates in mentoring activities and public interventions to democratize access to cutting-edge knowledge and contribute to shaping a healthier and better-informed future generation.

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Teaching Activities

  • Applied Immunology for the Health Industry
  • Doctoral Defense
  • Doctoral Research
  • Guided Research
  • Molecular Biology
  • Research Proposal
  • Research and Innovation Methods
  • Science Communication
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Education and Training

PhD in Immunology and Systems Biology, The University of Queensland

Bachelor of Science, The University of Queensland


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  • Partial recovery of mrjp1 protein expressed in pichia pastoris using chromatographic technique. Recuperación parcial de la proteína mrjp1 expresada en pichia pastoris utilizando técnicas cromatográficas.  Revista Mexicana de Ingeniera Quimica.  20:147-160. 2021 
  • The role of B cells in heart failure and implications for future immunomodulatory treatment strategies.  ESC heart failure.  7:1387-1399. 2020
  • Immobilization of Growth Factors for Cell Therapy Manufacturing.Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.  8. 2020 
  • Ex vivo manufactured neutrophils for treatment of neutropenia-A process economic evaluation.  Frontiers in Medicine.  6. 2019 
  • Universal Alternative Splicing of Noncoding Exons.  Cell Systems.  6:245-255.e5. 2018


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Awards and Honors

COURSERA Understanding Research Methods, conferred by University of London, 2021

COURSERA Influencing People, conferred by University of Michigan, 2021

COURSERA Leading Teams completion, conferred by University of Michigan, 2021

COURSERA Inspiring and motivating individuals, conferred by University of Michigan, 2021

Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 1 (Brunck,Marion Emilie Genevieve)

Marianela Adriaenséns - Faculty


Marianela Adriaenséns

Regional Management and Leadership Department Director

Business School

Campus Monterrey


Collaborative learning
Collaborative work
Organizational Learning
Administration with emphasis on Human Resources
Strategic management
Organizational Communication


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Marianela has a Master's Degree in Administration from EGADE, and a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences from Tecnológico de Monterrey. Her areas of specialty are Collaborative Learning, Teamwork, Collaborative Work, Organizational Learning, Administration with an emphasis on Human Resources and Strategic Administration, Use of Technology for Business, Communication with an emphasis on Organizational Communication and Leadership. She teaches administration and group dynamics classes and has taught classes in Tec Virtual at the master's level as a tutor.

She is co-author of the books: Introduction to Business, and Organizational Learning; both from the McGrawHill Publishing House and is about to publish a chapter on university social responsibility in the Academic Social Responsibility - Sine Qua Non for Corporate Social Performance, by Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, USA. She was in charge of the redesign project in the Academic Department of Administration and has designed courses for the Tecnológico de Monterrey, the Virtual University and for Tec Milenio. Her research area is focused on Collaborative Work, Teamwork; Technology in Business and Professional Skills, mainly focused on teamwork skills.

She has training at the University of Texas at Austin, United States, in the Collaborative Learning Technique. She has received training in the Case Technique. She is certified in Redesign; as well as in Ethics by Tec de Monterrey. She is an accredited facilitator of the Collaborative Learning strategy. She has given consulting to companies in the administration area. As a foreign professor, she taught the Project Team Management, Leadership, Organizational Communication and Competency Performance Evaluation Courses for UNITEC Honduras, as well as lectures in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

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Teaching Activities

  • Group administration and dynamics 


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Education and Training

  • MBA, EGADE Business School
  • Bachelor of Communication Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey
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Awards and Honors

  • Best case presented in the 5th. ALAC Conference, 2010

Marianela Adriaenséns - Faculty

Marianela Adriaenséns

Marianela Adriaenséns

Director Regional de Departamento Gestión y Liderazgo 

Escuela de Negocios

Campus Monterrey


Aprendizaje Colaborativo
Trabajo Colaborativo
Aprendizaje Organizacional
Administración con énfasis en Recursos Humanos
Administración Estratégica 
Comunicación Organizacional


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Marianela has a Master's Degree in Administration from EGADE, and a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences from Tecnológico de Monterrey. Her areas of specialty are Collaborative Learning, Teamwork, Collaborative Work, Organizational Learning, Administration with an emphasis on Human Resources and Strategic Administration, Use of Technology for Business, Communication with an emphasis on Organizational Communication and Leadership. She teaches administration and group dynamics classes and has taught classes in Tec Virtual at the master's level as a tutor.

She is co-author of the books: Introduction to Business, and Organizational Learning; both from the McGrawHill Publishing House and is about to publish a chapter on university social responsibility in the Academic Social Responsibility - Sine Qua Non for Corporate Social Performance, by Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, USA. She was in charge of the redesign project in the Academic Department of Administration and has designed courses for the Tecnológico de Monterrey, the Virtual University and for Tec Milenio. Her research area is focused on Collaborative Work, Teamwork; Technology in Business and Professional Skills, mainly focused on teamwork skills.

She has training at the University of Texas at Austin, United States, in the Collaborative Learning Technique. She has received training in the Case Technique. She is certified in Redesign; as well as in Ethics by Tec de Monterrey. She is an accredited facilitator of the Collaborative Learning strategy. She has given consulting to companies in the administration area. As a foreign professor, she taught the Project Team Management, Leadership, Organizational Communication and Competency Performance Evaluation Courses for UNITEC Honduras, as well as lectures in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

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Teaching Activities

  • Group administration and dynamics 


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Education and Training

  • MBA, EGADE Business School
  • Bachelor of Communication Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey
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Awards and Honors

  • Best case presented in the 5th. ALAC Conference, 2010

Mariana Alfaro Cendejas - Faculty

Mariana Alfaro Cendejas

Mariana Alfaro Cendejas

Regional Marketing and Analysis Department Director

Business School

Campus Querétaro


Market intelligence


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"Marketing changes every day; it has renovated: it has stopped being operational with the traditional 4 P's (Price, Product, Promotion, and Place)¿ to become more strategic."

Since value propositions from cutting-edge companies tend to have a different market approach, that is, to a strategic understanding of innovation, Mariana Alfaro Cendejas decided to specialize in marketing management. This has allowed her to better understand the nature of service and how it unfolds, demystifying the triviality around it. Globally, 70% of the GDP is generated by services. 

She enjoys being able to listen to the needs, desires, and dissatisfactions of the market so that she can design and operate a value chain that generates products and services that react to what people and companies require. She is passionate about discovering insights and turning them into actions that bring companies closer to their clients. 

Among Alfaro Cendejas's areas of interest, is customer service from the Marketing 4.0 approach; that is, from the processes and data analytics for better decision-making, as well as the advances in artificial intelligence, the overabundance of data (Big Data), additive manufacturing (3D and 4D printing) and virtual and augmented reality. She also concentrates on market intelligence, which allows her to improve return on investment, and on commercial intelligence, understood as the knowledge management a company applies in order to exceed its goals. 

Finally, she studies Industry 4.0 because this allows her to fulfill the premises of the new century: to design a product or service that suits each person flawlessly.

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Teaching Activities

  • Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies
  • Digital Commerce and Sales
  • Global Brands and Product Development
  • Integrated Marketing Communication
  • International Business Intelligence


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Education and Training

  • Doctorate in Management and Marketing, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
  • Master of Administrative Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Master's Degree in International Business
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
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  • Service recovery model based on the fulfillment of the value promise.  Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 77-85. 2018
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Awards and Honors

  • National Export Award, conferred by  Secretaría de Economía de la Federación, 2004

Mariana Alfaro Cendejas - Faculty

Mariana Alfaro Cendejas

Mariana Alfaro Cendejas

Director Regional de Departamento Mercadotecnia y Análisis

Escuela de Negocios

Campus Querétaro


Inteligencia de mercados


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"Marketing changes every day; it has renovated: it has stopped being operational with the traditional 4 P's (Price, Product, Promotion, and Place)¿ to become more strategic."

Since value propositions from cutting-edge companies tend to have a different market approach, that is, to a strategic understanding of innovation, Mariana Alfaro Cendejas decided to specialize in marketing management. This has allowed her to better understand the nature of service and how it unfolds, demystifying the triviality around it. Globally, 70% of the GDP is generated by services. 

She enjoys being able to listen to the needs, desires, and dissatisfactions of the market so that she can design and operate a value chain that generates products and services that react to what people and companies require. She is passionate about discovering insights and turning them into actions that bring companies closer to their clients. 

Among Alfaro Cendejas's areas of interest, is customer service from the Marketing 4.0 approach; that is, from the processes and data analytics for better decision-making, as well as the advances in artificial intelligence, the overabundance of data (Big Data), additive manufacturing (3D and 4D printing) and virtual and augmented reality. She also concentrates on market intelligence, which allows her to improve return on investment, and on commercial intelligence, understood as the knowledge management a company applies in order to exceed its goals. 

Finally, she studies Industry 4.0 because this allows her to fulfill the premises of the new century: to design a product or service that suits each person flawlessly.

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Teaching Activities

  • Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies
  • Digital Commerce and Sales
  • Global Brands and Product Development
  • Integrated Marketing Communication
  • International Business Intelligence


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Education and Training

  • Doctorate in Management and Marketing, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
  • Master of Administrative Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Master's Degree in International Business
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
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  • Service recovery model based on the fulfillment of the value promise.  Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 77-85. 2018
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Awards and Honors

  • National Export Award, conferred by  Secretaría de Economía de la Federación, 2004

Azael Jesús Cortés Capetillo - Faculty

Azael Jesús Cortés Capetillo, National Director of the Engineering in Innovation and Development Program

Azael Jesús Cortés Capetillo

National Director of the Engineering in Innovation and Development Program

Campus Monterrey, School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Environmental Engineering / Environmental Health
Manufacturing Engineering
Mechanical Engineering



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2018 to date, joined Monterrey TEC (ITESM) as Research Professor on topics of Innovation and Technology Management, and Product Development. I also hold the position of Director of the Innovaction GYM, a pre-incubator space to accelerate the development of early technology entrepreneurs whose projects maturity range from TRL1 to TRL 5. 

2017 to date, Nuevo Leon 4.0, an strategic technology program for Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Dealing with open innovation, collaborative frameworks, public policy and grants. 2015-2017, Innovation leader for Katcon, a mexican company for the design/manufacturing of automotive exhaust systems. Working in the development of new technologies, collaborative research with universities/research centres, grants and the development of an innovation management framework. 

2007-2010, Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) by the UK government. Working with UVGI Systems, Ltd and the University of Leeds, UK on the development of a novel UV air sterilisation system and its commercialisation. In charge of design, product quality, and performance testing. Science advisor solving technical questions from clients. The project successfully finished in March 2010 with the development of a family of air sterilisation products for Health Care. 

2004 - 2006, Product Development Engineer in Metalsa S.A. de C.V. Heavy truck division in charge of engineering accounts for Mack/Volvo, Oshkosh, and GM.

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Teaching Activities

  • Engineering Innovation Design Project
  • Innovation and Creativity Workshop
  • Innovation, Design, and Business Context Workshop
  • Methodologies for Innovation
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Education and Training

Doctor of Philosophy, Environmental Engineering, University of Leeds

Master in Science, University of Leeds

Mechanical engineer, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


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  • FabLabs in vulnerable communities: STEM education opportunities for everyone.  International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing.  
  • Collaborative learning for innovation education.  IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON.  2020-April:630-637. 2020 
  • Engineering for inclusive STEM education. An interdisciplinary collaboration project for the design and creation of accessible and inclusive learning materials 2019 
  • Thermal analysis of a thermoelectric generator for light-duty diesel engines.  Applied Energy.  226:690-702. 2018 Article has an altmetric score of 3 


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Awards and Honors

SIAT 2017: Best Conference Paper on Simulation and Modeling, conferred by ARAI, 2020

Reconocimiento a la Excelencia en el Desarrollo Profesional 2018, conferred by UANL, 2018

MSc. Scholarship, conferred by University of Leeds, 2008

KTP scholarship, conferred by UK Government, 2007

Mexican Researcher Certification - Candidate (Cortes-Capetillo, Azael Jesus)

Azael Jesús Cortés Capetillo - Faculty

Azael Jesús Cortés Capetillo

Azael Jesús Cortés Capetillo

Director Nacional de Programa Ingeniero en Innovación y Desarrollo

Campus Monterrey, Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Ingeniería ambiental
lngeniería de fabricación
Ingeniería mecánica



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2018 to date, joined Monterrey TEC (ITESM) as Research Professor on topics of Innovation and Technology Management, and Product Development. I also hold the position of Director of the Innovaction GYM, a pre-incubator space to accelerate the development of early technology entrepreneurs whose projects maturity range from TRL1 to TRL 5. 

2017 to date, Nuevo Leon 4.0, an strategic technology program for Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Dealing with open innovation, collaborative frameworks, public policy and grants. 2015-2017, Innovation leader for Katcon, a mexican company for the design/manufacturing of automotive exhaust systems. Working in the development of new technologies, collaborative research with universities/research centres, grants and the development of an innovation management framework. 

2007-2010, Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) by the UK government. Working with UVGI Systems, Ltd and the University of Leeds, UK on the development of a novel UV air sterilisation system and its commercialisation. In charge of design, product quality, and performance testing. Science advisor solving technical questions from clients. The project successfully finished in March 2010 with the development of a family of air sterilisation products for Health Care. 

2004 - 2006, Product Development Engineer in Metalsa S.A. de C.V. Heavy truck division in charge of engineering accounts for Mack/Volvo, Oshkosh, and GM.

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Teaching Activities

  • Engineering Innovation Design Project
  • Innovation and Creativity Workshop
  • Innovation, Design, and Business Context Workshop
  • Methodologies for Innovation
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Education and Training

Doctor of Philosophy, Environmental Engineering, University of Leeds

Master in Science, University of Leeds

Mechanical engineer, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


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  • FabLabs in vulnerable communities: STEM education opportunities for everyone.  International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing.  
  • Collaborative learning for innovation education.  IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON.  2020-April:630-637. 2020 
  • Engineering for inclusive STEM education. An interdisciplinary collaboration project for the design and creation of accessible and inclusive learning materials 2019 
  • Thermal analysis of a thermoelectric generator for light-duty diesel engines.  Applied Energy.  226:690-702. 2018 Article has an altmetric score of 3 


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Awards and Honors

SIAT 2017: Best Conference Paper on Simulation and Modeling, conferred by ARAI, 2020

Reconocimiento a la Excelencia en el Desarrollo Profesional 2018, conferred by UANL, 2018

MSc. Scholarship, conferred by University of Leeds, 2008

KTP scholarship, conferred by UK Government, 2007

Mexican Researcher Certification - Candidate (Cortes-Capetillo, Azael Jesus)

Janet Alejandra Gutiérrez Uribe - Faculty

Janet Alejandra Gutiérrez Uribe

Janet Alejandra Gutiérrez Uribe

Regional Department Head of Bioengineering and Science

Campus Puebla, School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Molecular biology
Technology and Food Processing



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Dr. Janet Gutiérrez is an associate professor in the NutriOmics research group at the School of Engineering and Sciences from Tecnológico de Monterrey, and Director of the Department of Bioengineering and Science from the South Region of Tecnológico de Monterrey. She is a food engineer with graduate studies in biotechnology. For over 15 years, she has been working on the phytochemistry and nutritional biochemistry of phenolic compounds and other nutraceuticals. Particularly, her research is focused on Mexican foods such as black bean, cacti, agave and maize. She has published more than 90 papers in different prestigious journals and is the inventor of more than 10 patents and applications in Mexico and abroad. She has graduated more than 25 graduate students and her teaching skills go beyond lectures. Working with industry and social services are her main drivers in the development of challenges related to biochemistry, molecular biology, cell culture and nutraceutical discovery and characterization. In 2017, the State of Nuevo Leon awarded her with the medal for the Civic Merit due to her research career.

She is a member of the National Researchers Council, currently as Level 2 (3 of 4). Member of the technical committee of the National Network for Research on functional foods and nutraceuticals (AlfaNutra) and participant in CYTED Network for Foods with Probiotic functionality for malnourished children (PROINFANT). Additionally, since 2018, she is a part of the Young Scientists selected by the World Economic Forum. Dr. Gutiérrez has collaboration with different universities and research centers in Mexico and abroad. Nanyang Technological University, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, CSIC, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Johns Hopkins University, Purdue University are some examples of the institutions where she has collaborations. Additionally, she has worked in research projects with PEPSICO, Kellogs, Griffith Foods, Agmel, Fundación FEMSA, Fondo ZH and CONACyT.

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Teaching Activities

  • Advanced Topics in Nutrigenomics and Food Science
  • Analytical Biotechnology
  • Biochemistry
  • Integration Project in Chemistry and Nanotechnology
  • Material Balances
  • Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Biotechnology


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Education and Training

Doctorate in Engineering Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Food Industries Engineer, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Master of Science with specialty in Biotechnology, Tecnológico de Monterrey


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  • Effects of phlorotannin and polysaccharide fractions of brown seaweed Silvetia compressa on human gut microbiota composition using an in vitro colonic model.  Journal of Functional Foods.  84. 2021 
  • Polysaccharides from Agave salmiana bagasse improves the storage stability and the cellular uptake of indomethacin nanoemulsions.  Food and Bioproducts Processing.  127:114-127. 2021 
  • Impact of viscoelastic and structural properties from starch-mango and starch-arabinoxylans hydrocolloids in 3D food printing.  Additive Manufacturing.  39. 2021 
  • Assessment of the bacterial diversity of agave sap concentrate, resistance to in vitro gastrointestinal conditions and short-chain fatty acids production.  Food Research International.  140. 2021 
  • Recovery of Capsaicinoids and Other Phytochemicals Involved With TRPV-1 Receptor to Re-valorize Chili Pepper Waste and Produce Nutraceuticals.  Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.  4. 2021


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Awards and Honors

Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 3 (Gutiérrez-Uribe, Janet Alejandra)

Janet Alejandra Gutiérrez Uribe - Faculty

Janet Alejandra Gutiérrez Uribe

Janet Alejandra Gutiérrez Uribe

Directora Regional del Departamento de Bioingeniería y Ciencias

Campus Puebla, Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Biología Molecular 
Tecnología y Procesamiento de Alimentos



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Dr. Janet Gutiérrez is an associate professor in the NutriOmics research group at the School of Engineering and Sciences from Tecnológico de Monterrey, and Director of the Department of Bioengineering and Science from the South Region of Tecnológico de Monterrey. She is a food engineer with graduate studies in biotechnology. For over 15 years, she has been working on the phytochemistry and nutritional biochemistry of phenolic compounds and other nutraceuticals. Particularly, her research is focused on Mexican foods such as black bean, cacti, agave and maize. She has published more than 90 papers in different prestigious journals and is the inventor of more than 10 patents and applications in Mexico and abroad. She has graduated more than 25 graduate students and her teaching skills go beyond lectures. Working with industry and social services are her main drivers in the development of challenges related to biochemistry, molecular biology, cell culture and nutraceutical discovery and characterization. In 2017, the State of Nuevo Leon awarded her with the medal for the Civic Merit due to her research career.

She is a member of the National Researchers Council, currently as Level 2 (3 of 4). Member of the technical committee of the National Network for Research on functional foods and nutraceuticals (AlfaNutra) and participant in CYTED Network for Foods with Probiotic functionality for malnourished children (PROINFANT). Additionally, since 2018, she is a part of the Young Scientists selected by the World Economic Forum. Dr. Gutiérrez has collaboration with different universities and research centers in Mexico and abroad. Nanyang Technological University, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, CSIC, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Johns Hopkins University, Purdue University are some examples of the institutions where she has collaborations. Additionally, she has worked in research projects with PEPSICO, Kellogs, Griffith Foods, Agmel, Fundación FEMSA, Fondo ZH and CONACyT.

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Teaching Activities

  • Advanced Topics in Nutrigenomics and Food Science
  • Analytical Biotechnology
  • Biochemistry
  • Integration Project in Chemistry and Nanotechnology
  • Material Balances
  • Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Biotechnology


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Education and Training

Doctorate in Engineering Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Food Industries Engineer, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Master of Science with specialty in Biotechnology, Tecnológico de Monterrey


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  • Effects of phlorotannin and polysaccharide fractions of brown seaweed Silvetia compressa on human gut microbiota composition using an in vitro colonic model.  Journal of Functional Foods.  84. 2021 
  • Polysaccharides from Agave salmiana bagasse improves the storage stability and the cellular uptake of indomethacin nanoemulsions.  Food and Bioproducts Processing.  127:114-127. 2021 
  • Impact of viscoelastic and structural properties from starch-mango and starch-arabinoxylans hydrocolloids in 3D food printing.  Additive Manufacturing.  39. 2021 
  • Assessment of the bacterial diversity of agave sap concentrate, resistance to in vitro gastrointestinal conditions and short-chain fatty acids production.  Food Research International.  140. 2021 
  • Recovery of Capsaicinoids and Other Phytochemicals Involved With TRPV-1 Receptor to Re-valorize Chili Pepper Waste and Produce Nutraceuticals.  Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.  4. 2021


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Awards and Honors

Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 3 (Gutiérrez-Uribe, Janet Alejandra)

Julio César Gutiérrez Vega - Faculty

Julio César Gutiérrez Vega

Julio César Gutiérrez Vega

Professor Researcher 

Campus Monterrey, School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
Optics / Optical Sciences
Physics for Engineering



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"I'm drawn towards the possibility of learning a new science every day and of sharing that knowledge with the students that take an interest in it." From the scientific point of view, what interests Julio César Gutiérrez Vega the most is physics in general; however, he inclines toward fields such as optics, mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum physics. He claims he can't explain why, but since his childhood, he has enjoyed abstract mathematics and the way it can apply to model processes both in physics and in other disciplines. 

He earned a Doctorate in Optics after studying for a master's degree in Electrical Engineering. The reason was mostly circumstantial, since his intention was to make fiber optic sensors to predict short circuit for the Comisión Federal de Electricidad; he suddenly realized optics had its own charm and decided to focus his research toward that field. Gutiérrez Vega claims his social responsibility as a university professor is the highly-specialized human capital formation. A real challenge since, even if times and material resources evolve, the matter is still the same after hundreds of years of schooling.

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Teaching Activities

  • Mathematical Physics
  • Physical Engineering Project
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Research Integration
  • Research Internship


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Education and Training

Doctorate in Sciences with Specialty in Optics, Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Optica y Electrónica

Industrial Physical Engineer, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Master of Science with specialization in Electrical Engineering, Tecnológico de Monterrey


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  • Analytic equations to design optical systems with three stigmatic pairs in the meridional plane.  Optical Engineering.  60. 2021 
  • Robertson-Schrödinger uncertainty relation for qubits: A visual approach.  European Journal of Physics.  42. 2021 
  • Exact equations to design a stigmatic singlet that meets the Herschel's condition.  Optics Communications.  485. 2021 
  • Exact equations for stigmatic singlet design meeting the Abbe sine condition.  Optics Communications.  479. 2021 
  • Geometric phase of dielectric multilayers.  Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics.  37:3170-3178. 2020


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Awards and Honors

Senior Member SPIE, conferred by The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2010

Mexican Researcher Certification - Level 3 (Gutiérrez-Vega, Julio César)